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IC Time: Mar 11, 2522 - 22:39:34

Eavesdown Docks - Persephone

This lesser kept portion of Persephone's port city is home to legions of disenfranchised entrepreneurs, each tent or stall vying with the next in line. Vendors shout their own particular brand of advertisements or allow the pyres of smoke from their grills to do the advertising for them. Practitioners of every walk of life fill the dirt-covered roads, buying and selling goods of every imaginable value. There are cargo containers stacked in high hills throughout the area creating a set of walls for the outdoor market with exits and entrances to each of the landing platforms that circumnavigate the area outside of the Market. Eavesdown is not well kept, as is a common Spaceport, and the lack of tarmac proves a disruptive force whenever a ship engages its powerful engines: kicking up the red dirt of the port relentlessly. To the Northeast, a section between two landing platforms begins the road to the Spacer's District, where those who are less restricted to Eavesdown may find additional business options.

Ashlyn is lounging in the almost comfortable climate of springtime in the Eavesdown Docks. At least as much as one can lounge on a slightly damaged packing crate huddled in the dry dust before the Chaos Theory that looks like it's fallen off at least one MULE. One side is busted open and the contents have been long since looted. This however has done nothing to render it useless as a chair. The mug dangling from one of her fingers is empty and largely forgotten as she scans the crowd around the ship. <English>

Zora comes timidly onto the Docks, a disposable cup of what appears to be coffee gripped in her hand tightly as she looks around with an untrusting eye at those who pass too closely to her pesonal space. She's holding a PDA in her hand, flipping through articles on the Cortex with her stylus as she navigates towards Ashlyn perks up as someone begins heading her way, sitting up a little from her slouch and popping shoulders that may have been stuck in one position for some time. Setting her coffee mug to one side, she draws her feet up under her, checking once what looks like out of habbit to see if the cargo bay door is shut before turning her eyes back to the newcomer. <English>

Matty disembarks from the Chaos Theory. Matty has arrived.

Zora, who is carrying a disposable cup of dark liquid and passing out wary glances to people near her, is making her way towards an empty cargo crate near the Chaos Theory, with her free arm wrapped around herself. Ashlyn, who is sitting on a busted cargo crate in front of the Theory, is holding an empty mug and looking at Zora.

Zora finally makes it through the crowd to a crate near Ashlyn, which she hops up onto and stares into her cup for a few seconds before draining it and setting it next to her. A few moments of silence go by as she peers around, before she looks over at Ashlyn and offers an awkward, "Hi." She bites her lip after doing so, and then takes a deep breath, continuing. "Is it always this crowded here?" <English>

A man in a wide-brim hate and long priestly robes makes his way along the docks, a small collection of suitcases in tow. His gaze moves from boat to boat as he passed them by, nothing remotely interesting to sail in. Frustrated with his never-ending search, he finally finds himself coming accross a pair of women sitting in front of a Firefly. Ah, finally a half-way decent ship. He alters his course and begins heading toward them. <English>

Ashlyn just nods once. If she's at all bothered by someone hopping up randomly on the crate beside her, it really doesn't show. She looks around at the crowd at Zora's prompting. "Yeah, usually," she says. "Dusy place the Docks on average. Ya just get here or somethin'?" she asks, giving the other woman an apraising look that seems more curious than anything else. <English>

Kitty has arrived.

The Chaos Theory starts making noises. And there are some thumps and clicks and clanks from the area comprising the ramp and hatch. A few moments later the ramp itself lowers and down it - while it still moves to the dusty ground - comes a tall woman with a hat shoved down her forehead. She waits at the middle of the ramp until it has reached the ground, then gives a look around the crowds before getting off with a wave to Ashlyn. "Hey Ash," says and takes a step or two away from the ramp, then jabs a thumb back toward it. "Need me to close 'er up again?" <English>

Zora ducks her head in a nod when Ashlyn asks her about getting here recently, laughing in a low voice before responding, "Yeah, you could say that. Been on Bellerophon for a little while now. You know, the vacation spot for the rich. It's not exactly this..." She trails off, searching for the right word before deciding on, "...populated." She might have said more, but a man in priest-like robes walks up, which causes a very uncomfortable expression to cross her face, and she wraps her arms around herself once more. The noises from the Theory grab her attention next, and she watches the new tall woman walking out with far more interest than the priest. "This is your ship, then?" she asks of Ashlyn. <English>

The man halts nearby, listening in and observing the goings-on of this particular group of sentients. At least these folks aren't drunk... like the last group he bumped into. He reaches into his pocket and produces a small box, holding onto it with both hands while he waits for someone, anyone, to notice and invite him to the conversation. Until then, he remains quietly vigilant. <English>

Ashlyn looks between the woman sitting beside her, Matty, and the hatch. "Actually..." she says a bit apologetically and mostly to Zora, "I were just `bout ta head in. Got stuff what needs doin'." She extends one hand to the other girl. "But I'm usually around. Name's Ashlyn, an' yeah, she's my ship. I'm sure I'll see ya `round if'n yer gonna haunt the Docks at all." Provided that the hand is taken and shook, or even if it isn't, once the transaction of pleasantries is over, Ashlyn hops to the ground and heads up into the open ramp do go do that stuff what needs taken care of. <English>

Grey disembarks from the Redemption. Grey has arrived.

Matty's right hand shifts to one of the sidearms on her belt as Alexi's hand goes into a pocket. Even when it comes out with nothing but a box, she keeps it there, her eyes locked on the man now. "Cya, Ash..." she says to the captain and moves half a step toward the preacher, nodding toward him. "Anything I can help ya with?" If Zora is noticed, the XO doesn't seem to acknowledge the woman's precense at the moment. <English>

Durandal has arrived.

The preacher smiles and opens the box, the box contains six of the brightest red strawberries one ahs ever seen. "I'm lookin' for work... or passage... " He adds quickly, "I don't have much in the way of money, but I do have a fair share of fresh vegetables and fruit I'd be willing to share with you and yours, providing that you grant me passage... or position." He shrugs and closes the box, seemingly ignoring the fact that the man had his hand on the grip of a weapon. <English>

Zora shakes Ashlyn's hand firmly, blinking a bit when Ashlyn claims the Theory in a manner that makes it sound like the ship is /hers/, and not just the ship she happens to work on. She's ignored by the new woman who focuses on the preacher, and since the preacher makes Zora rather uncomfortable judging by her reaction when he showed up, she simply peers at her empty coffee sup sadly and wiggles her feet in the air from on the crate she sits on. <English>

Ashlyn has left. Ashlyn boards the Chaos Theory.

Syna disembarks from the Redemption. Syna has arrived.

Whistling a tune from Earth-that-Was' 'Old West', the bumpkin Kitty strolls casually into the Docks, looking like she doesn't have a gorram care in the 'verse, which would pretty much sum it up pretty well as she just doesn't seem to be worried about anything. In fact, she currently have a big grin upon her face when she is between bouts of whistling. She pauses and looks over towards the ships, her head tilted slightly while she stands there, thinking. <English>

When the box turns out to contain strawberries, Matty takes her hand off her weapon and stuffs it in her pocket instead, the left one stuffed in a pocket as well. She gives a short laugh at the berries and shakes her head a little, giving a glance at Zora finally, giving her a slight nod before her attention turns back to the preacher. "Well, strawberries are nice 'n all, but they ain't gonna buy no engine parts or ammo, y'know. As fer open positions.." She gives a glance back over her shoulder at the cargo bay where Ashlyn has disappeared, then turns back to the preacher. "We're pretty full up. Could use 'n extra medic, but other than that.." She gives a shrug and smiles crookedly at him. "'sides, ya wouldn't find many people ta preach to on the Theory." Seems she's not exactly too keen on preachers either. <English>

Shrugging, he places a hand on his suitcase cart. "Wasn't my intent to preach to anyone aboard your vessel young lady... was just asking for a spot." He shakes his head as he begins to walk off slowly, the cart dragging behind him. "You shouldn't fear the word... " He says just loud enough for her to hear as he looks over his shoulder, "Which is what I detect from you." He quickly rounds a bend and disappears into the crowds of the docks. <English>

Grey comes down the ramp of the Redemption, his right hand resting lightly on his revolver, his left hand holding a cigarette. Calmly walking down to the dirt and casting a gaze about, he looks like some badass soldier right out of space, with his armor and weaponry. Of course, that's until he opens his mouth and yells to Matty: "MATTY! You got any friggin' fuel injector replacements?" He waves one arm wildly at the familiar woman. "I NEED FUEL INJECTOR REPLACEMENTS!" <English>

Coming down the ramp from the Redemption on the heels of Grey, Syna watches him with a slightly crooked grin. She shakes her head and looks around as she pauses on the edge of the ramp, stretching. Yawning a bit, she turns and looks at the satchel she wears, digging through it and hmming quietly to herself. "need three more.." <English>

Zora nods back in greeting when Matty acknowledges her, and she shudders involuntarily when Alexi finishes the conversation and leaves. "Awfully creepy," she says to Matty conversationally, watching the Preacher go. "Are fruits and vegetables really so rare here that they'd be barted for ship's passage? And - " Anything else she would say is lost when the loud man disembarks from the Redemption yelling frantically about ships' parts, which causes Zora to crack up laughing. "Friend of yours?" she asks Matty, clearly amused. <English>

Matty snorts at Alexi and would probably answer him something if not for the yell coming from over by the Redemption. She stares at him for a moment, with a kind of blank expression, then gives an elaborate shrug. "I ain't the one to ask 'bout that, Grey. 'sides, do you notice a /difference/ 'tween our ships?" she says and draws a hand out of a pocket to point at the Theory, then the Redemption in turn. Size would be one thing. Class would be another. And probably a whole host of other things that it would take an engineer to explain. "By the way.. Love that name ya gave 'er." She gives Grey a wide grin and winks at him, then turns back to Zora with a shrug. "Ya jus' gotta know where ta look 's all. But I ain't about ta hire a preacer fer this boat, whether or not he promises not ta preach." She gives a nod to the last question and looks back to Grey with a grin. "Ya might say that." <English>

Durandal arrives from Spacers District - Persephone. Durandal has arrived.

'Full injector replacements' gets Kitty's attention and, with a blink, she turns her head quickly in the direction the shout comes from, her eyes narrowed a bit. "Ah wonder.." With a slightly puzzled frown, she begins to make her way over towards the Trans-U, the fact that it is the same ship someone else she met is on dawning on her after a moment. "Fuel injectors ar' some nasty things," she offers to Grey once she's within ear shot, smiling pleasntly towards him and then to the others around. "Fuel quality varies so much from planet to planet that it really makes it 'ard to keep injectors from gettin' clogged. 'Specially when the only fuel to buy is the gorram crap the' sell out on the rim." <English>

Durandal saunters into Eavesdown whistling a jaunty tune from Earth That Was. With each note, smoke escapes his lips, generated by the smoldering cigarette in his mouth. He moves smoothly, the rifle butt on his back bobbing and swaying with each step. His path takes him towards the Berthing Manifest. <English>

"Had not a doubt you would," Grey says to Matty with a grin, nodding to Zora. "Aye, I notice a difference. The difference is, we've got a friggin' genius mechanic who could make a power converter out of a double-headed rubber dildo." He cracks his neck and takes a long drag of the cigarette. "Preacher, yeah? I got me one. I hain't heard him preach a single word on my boat so far, though he's done just 'bout everythin' else from cookin' ta shootin'." He chuckles, turning to the origin of the new voice as Kitty approaches. "Right you are, miss," he says with a nod. "We usually work our voodoo on the fuel 'fore we take off ta make it as consistent as possible, but... Usually we end up gettin' humped for the injectors pretty fast. If not the injectors, then the friggin' filter. It's a bitch, flyin' out to the Rim." <English>

Syna's eyes look up over at Matty curiously as she responds to Grey. Absently flipping her medpac closed. She snickers at Grey and says with amusement, "She probably has already, she seems to have a fondness for sexual things." Her attention is grabbed by Kitty as she moves closer towards the Redemption as Syna makes her way down its ramp. <English>

Zora peers closer at the man as he nears when Matty calls him by name. "/You're/ Grey?" she asks, looking him up and down. "I...don't even..." she stammers, blushing a bit when he mentions a double headed dildo. Finally, her eyes come to rest on the smoke in his hand, and she looks up at him longingly. "Oh, Jesus and Buddha," she whispers, licking her lips. "Can I...do you have an extra cigarette I could buy off of you?" She tosses her empty coffee cup into a nearby dumspter and extends her hand for a shake. "I'm Zora...we spoke through WAVEs, about a medical job?" <English>

"Smokin' is bad for ya... " Syna says matter of factly towards Zora, her attention drawn to her as she as well approaches Grey. Moving over to take a seat on a crate at the bottom of the ramp of the Redemption, she hops on it and crosses her legs, putting her medpac in her lap while she just observes things now. She doesn't have to go anywhere apparently, everyone will just gravitate towards Grey. <English>

Matty chuckles at Grey and tilts her head at his mechanic comment, raising a brow at him. "Then why're ya asking me 'bout fuel injectors?" she asks and waves a hand in dismissal of his talk of the Redemption's preacher. "Yer preacher ain't exactly standard fare, Grey. 'n he's been preachin' to our Del, ya know." She gives a glance at Syna and nods to her, offering a smile to the doctor as her hand is returned to its pocket. She gives a look toward Zora and then back at Grey, tilting her head the other way and finally turns back to Zora with a crooked grin. "Hey, if his manners bug ya, we sure could use a second medic on the Theory," she tells the woman in a low tone, which is still loud enough for Grey to hear if he wants to, and then she adds a wink before turning back to the man in question. "Seems ya got some interviewin' to do, Grey." <English>

The subject of marital aids has Kitty blushing and she falls quiet for a bit but then Zora mentions her having spoken to Grey about a job and her blush fades a bit and then she moves a little closer while trying not to be too bothered by how Syna looks at her. "Not to talk ov'r the lady," she says while angling her head towards Zora, "But Ah'm lookin' fer work as well. Spoke to yer man Passe. He said y'all are looking for a person with mah knowledge." She looks at Matty and then back to Grey while her hands are slid into the pockets of her coveralls. <English>

Grey tilts his head at Zora. "Now, why would I make you buy 'em off me?" he asks, fishing out a pack and tapping it open for the woman. "An' that's right, I'm Grey." He shakes the woman's hand firmly. "This here's my Head Healer, Doctor Syna." He gestures back with an open hand toward the woman sitting on the crate. "She'll be the main one interviewin' ya, as I'm more in the business a puttin' hurts in a man than takin' 'em out." Right, like you need to take a second look at him to guess that. "Because we're fresh outta double-headed rubber dildos, that's why," he snorts back to Matty. "Besides, I don't give half a damn iffen the Good Shepherd preaches every gorram hour he ain't in my sight - as long as I don't hear or see it, I don't much care." He looks up to Kitty with a surprised blink, then back to Matty with a sheepish smile. "I guess I do," he says, scratching the back of his neck a little. "An' what kinna knowledge would that be, miss...?" he asks Kitty. <English>

Durandal wanders over to the berthing manifest, begining to stab at the display with his finger. The terminal cycles though screens for a bit, and it seems Durandal hasn't found what he's looking for, since he shakes his head and pushes the key to put the terminal back into a waiting state. He turns slowly, taking an opportunity to scan the docks before moving forward. "Gorram Space Weasels..." He says simply. His hand comes up, and the tip of his tongue extends. He touches his thumb and forefinger to it to moisten them, then clamps them down on the edge of the cig. With a very slight hiss, the fire is extinguished, and he proceeds to spit the now dormant butt into a trash bin. "Gonna be a long gorram day..." He begins to saunter over towards the vendor carts. <English>

Yvandra weaves her way through the docks... splitting out of the moving crowd and joining the one that seems to be centered around Grey. She stops by the group, offering a silent nod of greeting to Grey first, since he's the one she knows. But she doesn't want to interrupt. She glances around to ther others, taking in what's going on. <English>

Alabaster Smith disembarks from the Redemption. Alabaster Smith has arrived.

Zora grins at Grey and pulls out a smoke from the pack, sighing gratefully. "Well, when I've got them, I never charge for them either," she explains. "But I also never give them out unless the person offers to buy them. Even if they just offer two bits, that's better than nothing, and it gets them a free smoke." She pulls a lighter out of her pocket and lights up quickly, inhaling with a slightly interesting moan to follow. Matty gets a smirk when she mentiones Grey's manners, and she nods at the other woman. "I'll just keep that in mind," she jokes, waving to Syna when Grey points her out. "Smoking is bad for you," she agrees with the doctor. "And I'm not beyond the irony of a member of the medical field who smokes. I've tried to quit a lot of times, but..." She shrugs sheepishly. "Always seem to come back to it. She runs her hands through her blonde hair quickly, trying to keep it from her eyes. "Did you need to see my references or anything?" she asks Syna while her eyes move to note the newcomers to their area. <English>

"Well, I'll get outta yer hair, then," Matty says and gives a glance around the group, looking at Zora with a hint of envy in her eyes, giving her a nod before turning back to Grey with a grin. "Good luck findin' yer fuel injector, Grey." That said, she turns ands heads on back up the Theory's ramp. <English>

The red-head looks at Zora curiously as Grey introduces her and Syna offers her a smile and a bob of her head. She grins and says, "Most of the doctor's I know smoke, and every single one of them know that it's bad for you. But, hell, everybody needs a vice, don't they?" She tilts her head thoughtfully. "Yes, if you have references that would be good. Something that summed up your education and skills, just so I know how much you know -- it's better than me stabbing Cap here and having you treat him to prove your skills." With that, she gets an impish little grin and glances askance at Grey. <English>

"Ah'm an engineer," Kitty drawls out, her face turning a bit red. It's times like this that she has to wonder if that darn 'southern drawl' of hers makes her sound stupid or something and that's one thing she doesn't want Grey to think she is. Nope, not in the least. "Ah can work on engines and stuff and Ah'm learning how to work on electrical systems but am a'most done with that. Figure it shouldn't take me much longer before ya can say Ah got all the bases covered." Single minded, the employment-seeking Kitty lets everyone else do their own thing while she talks with Grey while trying to not interrupt his conversation with the medical-type at the same time. <English>

Alabaster Smith exits the Redemption, clad in his usual white suit and duster, looking around the area as he progresses down the ramp. He spots members of his crew, and changes course to head towards them, looking curious. <English>

Grey nods his head back to Yvandra, not having seen the woman in a little while. "I can't say I've ever offered my bits fer a smoke... But hell, takes all kinds," he snorts. "You sure you don' wanna have an interview too there, Matty?" he asks, tilting his head with a wink. "Been a long time, an' you'd be comin' back aboard the Redemption..." He grins, obviously joking. "Hey, I'll take one for the team if it means we get another good Doctor aboard," he says, grinning back across to Syna. "The question is... Do you think you're fast enough to stab me?" He turns back to Kitty then. "An engineer's rare to come by nowadays, it seems - an' good ones, even rarer!" He tosses away his finished cigarette. "We've got one mechanic aboard, an' one who's more apt with the computers side of things... I certainly wouldn't say no to takin' aboard another. You worked aboard Capital Ships much, miss...?" he asks, trying to get her name yet again. <English>

Yvandra keeps half an ear on both of the interview/recruiting type conversations, trying not to intrude into them too much. Seeing someone else come off the ship, she turns to give Alabaster a smile and nod of greeting. "Hi there... you on this crew? I don't believe we've met yet..." she pauses, waiting to see how he answers before going on. <English>

Durandal passes into the menagerie of vendor carts, making his way to the cart marked "Achmed's Meat Kebabs". Sadly, it seems the cart is closed. He sighs a bit, and shrugs, making his way over towards a different cart, one that sells Noodles. <English>

Matty stops at the top of the Theory's ramp, looking back toward Grey with a grin on her face. She slaps the bulkhead of the firefly, shaking her head. "This here's my home now, Grey," she shouts, in effect rejecting his offer and then turns to head inside, the ramp of the Theory closing after her. <English>

Alabaster Smith offers Yvandra a broad smile. "The name's Smith. Alabaster Smith. First Mate of the Redemption. Ah've been hoping to run into you for a while, ever since Ah heard you were interested in us, madame." He dips his head towards Grey in a greeting to his captain. <English>

"Hmmm? Ah'm sorry. Ah'm not too good with crowds," Kitty says, blushing after having to be prompted for her name...again. "Ah'm Katherine Johnson but Ah usually go by th' name Kitty." She looks over towards Alabaster and smiles a bit, his accent sounding..remarkably like hers. She'll have to ask him about that sometime. <English>

Zora notes the look Matty gives her, but isn't able to respond as older woman turns around to board her ship. When Syna asks for references, she picks up the PDA she had set down next to her and taps a few things before reaching out to hand it to the doctor. "Now, I'm not a Doc," she warns, crossing her legs as she inhales once more - though she's sure to exhale in a direction away from Syna. "I'm a licensed RN, and I have my Master's as well, but strictly speaking, I'm just a very qualified nurse. Been working at Bellerophon for...two years now?" She doesn't mention what area she got her Master's in, although Syna can see it on her PDAa file. Grey gets a snicker for the bits comment, but for the most part, she's focused on Syna. <English>

Durandal steps up to the Noodle vendor and begins to order, looking at the menu as if it were written in Chinese. This is appropriate, becuase in fact the menu IS written in Chinese. Over the course of a very brief conversation, Durandal orders the Lo Mein Suprise, a couple boiled dumplings, and a beer. At least, he's pretty sure thats what he ordered. <English>

Grey waves a hand to Alabaster. "Okay, this is gonna be interestin'. Preacher, you speak with Miss Lennox there; Doctor, you've got Miss Zora, an' I'll speak with Miss Johnson here." Hearing Matty's shout, he yells back: "We've got a better dental plan!" And then, an aside to Zora; "You're not a dentist?" He yells to Matty again: "We've got a better... pension!" He coughs into his hand a bit, turning back to Kitty. "Nice ta meet ya, Miss Johnson. I'm Grey, as ya heard; this is Shepherd Alabaster Smith, my First Mate; Doctor Syna Halleck, my Head Healer. This here's the Redemption." He gestures grandly back to the Trans-U just behind him. <English>

Sitting comfortably on the crate, Syna looks over at Alabaster as he comes down the ramp as well and offers him a smile and a nod. Looking back to Grey, she gives him a bright smile, "What, Cap? You wouldn't give a little bit of yer blood to help a crewmate out? I'm so heartbroken!" It's obvious she's teasing and she looks back over at Zora with a smile, leaning forward to take the PDA. Looking down at it, her smile dims a little as she gets a serious expression and those intelligent eyes read over it slowly. Nodding at Zora's words, she presses the PDA and scrolls through the references. "Well, this is pretty good. What made ya stop workin' for that last cushy job ya had?", she asks curiously, looking up at Zora with a smile. "If y'd rather not speak of it, that's fine, I'm just curious as to what yer current goals are, moreso really." <English>

Yvandra's eyebrows lift in mild surprise when Smith seems to recognize her right off. "I guess there aren't too many bald women checking out your ship now, eh?" she jests a bit, then offers a hand to shake if he wants it. "Yvandra Lennox, and it's good to meet you." She glances back toward Grey as he offers some more complete introductions. Looking to Syna, she says "we didn't get a proper introduction the other day. Name's Yvandra Lennox." She waves across the group as she repeats this, and now figure anyone else will have acught it too. Then, turning back to Smith, she asks... "so, you're the ship's Preacher, too? Or just /a/ Preacher, and the ship's First Mate?" <English>

Alabaster Smith chuckles at Grey, and nods. "Ah reckon a division of labor will see this through," he agrees, before looking back to Yvandra. He shakes her head, and replies, "Ah know all, see all, especially when it comes to prospective crew. After all, Ah'm First Mate, ship's preacher, ship's cook, and a whole host of other things, especially when the captain's nowhere to be found." <English>

Zora stammers a bit as she answers Syna. "W-why did I leave? Umm. Well. There was a bit of an...inappropriate situation developing, and I felt it would be better for me to remove myself from it." She doesn't offer any more information, though her skin from the neck up is certainly turning a nice flushed color. "My goal is to save up enough money to get back to medical school," she answers honestly, taking the last drag of her smoke and putting it out on the top of the crate she's sitting on. "I took the entrance exam once...and didn't go. I'd like to try it again, but that's rather expensive and time consuming, so here I am." She glances around at what appears to be the Redemption Job Fair, but once more, she's mostly focused on Syna. <English>

Names are taken in and then, with a nod, Kitty smiles and offers her hand to the Captain, chuckling a bit when she does so. "Ya can call me Kitty," she offers, not the type to go by such formalities as using her last name unless it is absolutely necessary, the engineer truly that much of a country gal at heart. "Ah've been hopin' to run into Passe again but now it looks like Ah don't need to worry so much 'bout it, hmmm?" She looks at Syna and then back to the preacher, that one getting her to actually stare a bit, her expresion baffled. "Ah think Ah might be able to help with your fuel injector issues. Perhaps the others and Ah can see what we can do. Work as a team to fix the problem." <English>

Grey grins back to Syna and raps on his armor with his knuckles. "You find a blade kin pierce this... You be my guest," he says with a wink. "An' now now, Preacher. I'm somewheres ta be found at all times, just not always readily available. An' you don' always wanna fin' out what I'm up to, ta come an' get me." He nods to Kitty, smiling broadly. "Aye, Miss Kitty, that's a fine idea. Pixie's our other Greasemonkey, she's, ah, sometimes, she takes a bit of gettin' used to. I'm sure you'll meet 'er in time." <English>

Durandal takes his meal, two styrofoam cartons stacked on top of each other and a tall paper cup, and moves away from the carts back over towards the spaceport. He finds a nice cement slab to perch on, so he can eat and watch the people. He sits and makes himself comfortable before opening up one of the styrofoam containers. <English>

Yvandra answers Smith with a smirk and an approving nod. "Well... good to know you stay on top of things. I s'pose I don't need to fill you in on who I am or anything. Unless there was something you wanted to know?" She's quite glad to answer a few questions, even if she's been accepted onto the ship already to check things out. That's what getting to know the crew is all about, after all. She glances over toward Grey and Kitty, as fuel injectors get mentioned again. Or maybe it's the talk of a blade that can cut through his armor, as she spends a moment eyeing that. <English>

Syna finishes looking at the PDA and then reaches forward to hand it back to Zora from where she's sitting cross-legged on the crate. She smiles to her and nods, "Well, that's certainly a good goal to have, although I will tell you that I do know some nurses that are a lot more reliable than some doctor's I know. Have you worked on a ship before at all? are you prepared to work in really difficult environments? It's gona be a complete opposite of where you were workin', y'know..." Syna smiles at Zora as she asks this, but her sharp eyes are watching Zora's reactions to see how she responds. Though when Grey teases, she glances askance at him again and grins, "Right right... though I don't think you really need the armor.", she smirks a bit at that. Apparently she missed Yvandra's introduction because she was reading the PDA. <English>

Alabaster Smith smiles at Yvandra. "Well," he allows, "truth is, Ah'm probably not the best to assess the worth of a security type. Ah'm just concerned with crew compatability and emotional stability. Ah hope you're tolerant towards ex-Alliance and ex-Browncoats alike, accepting of the French, and sympathetic towards the mentally unpredictable?" He grins, wryly. "We take all sorts on this ship, so naturally our security folks need to be dependable, and we need to be able to trust them." He pauses, then adds, "And are you okay with extended periods of quiet time? We do manage to go for long periods without any fighting or violence or action, when all is well." <English>

Lucinda arrives from Spacers District - Persephone. Lucinda has arrived.

Zora nods when Syna gets down to the questions, and looks down at her hands as she answers. "Ma'am, I don't really know how to explain this to you out here in front of all these people, and without knowing you very well. It might seem like I've had a cushy life, working on a planet full of privileged families. But I grew up on the Border, not the Core. And my childhood might as well have been a war zone. And I got that job by the skin of my teeth, and I kept it because I was good at dealing with people with some of the worst attitudes I have ever met." That being said, she looks back up to focus fully on Syna once more, offering a quiet, "I haven't served on a ship, to be honest, no. But something that's the complete opposite of where I was before...is kind of what I'm looking for." She gives Syna a genuine grin at the end of this, complete with deep dimples. "Sorry if I came across as intense. I just really want this opportunity." <English>

Durandal kicks up his feet and settles the styrofoam into his lap. As he opens it, a cloud of steam is released. He looks around and curses. "Shoulda known I'd forget silverware..." He looks around, looks to the cart he just came from, gauging it's distance, and then considers for a long moment. Then his head shakes. "Screw it" He says, and adjusts his position a bit. He suddenly raises and extends his arm, a quick motion. A faint click is heard, and a metallic sliding noise, followd be another click, and the polished metal of a knife hilt comes into view from Durandal's sleeve. He reaches with his other hand and grabs the knife, freeing it with a slight twist. It's a short throwing knife, but today it's a fork, as Durandal spears a dumpling and brings it out of the container. <English>

Kitty grins a tiny bit, looking quite a bit more relieved as it seems she has the job. "Ah think all people take some gettin' used to, sir," Kitty says with a laugh. "Ah look forward to working for you and Ah promise to do a good job. Ah won't let you down." Another look around and this time she notices Durandal and she has to chuckle as she watches him and his small feast for one."Ah don't see how he can pack away all th' food," she mutters to herself. <English>

Grey raises an eyebrow at Syna. "You say that like you've forgotten how you bruised me that one night," he mutters. Turning back to Kitty, he nods. "Aye, that we do. My ship more than most. We hire all kinds, ya see. But, we don' have an officer yet for the Mechanics an' Engineers aboard, so we'll likely be instatin' one soon - seein' how that's so, I'll probably run you through yer first interview, then one a the others - mos' like likely the Firs' Mate - will run you through yer final interview. We always do two interviews, an' see how ya mesh with the crew before comin' to a final decision." <English>

Just another form amongst the crowd of Eavesdown, Lucinda weaves between people and vendors, small ships and under the struts of a larger one. Her head is bent, not in some mock bit of modesty, but rather a hint of self-preservation. Dark eyes dart up, scanning the ships docked here, the people milling around them as they go about their daily business. Tugging on the bottom hem of her sweater to smooth out unseen wrinkles, her footsteps start back up again. <English>

Syna's lips spread into a slow smile as she watches and listens to Zora with an intensity that shows she really is focussing on and only on Zora at this moment. Perhaps it's out of respect due to the personal information she gives, even in public no less. When Zora's finished, Syna gives a slow nod of her head and says with a grin, "Well, all I can say is good. Cuz the desire is what I'm really lookin' fer. Not to mention the ability to adapt. Things change a gorram lot and y' gotta be able to cope." It might be noted that while Syna tries really hard to get her slang accent down, she really isn't all that good at it still, and her Core accent shows through pretty easily. Pausing, she glances over at Alabaster and Grey then, "Well then, I think ya need t' talk to the first mate and Cap now.. unless you have anythin' else you wanna tell me?" The last is said with a glance askance at Zora, and a little grin. Grey's words cause Syna to give him a look, "The way you say that makes it sound awfully bad.. sides I was more bruised.." <English>

Yvandra returns her focus fully to Smith as he brings up some thoughts and questions. She nods along, responding, "I've been told the ship has a mixed crew, and I don't make a quarrel with anyone for holding their own opinion and preference... Alliance or Browncoat. And mentally unpredictable?" She flashes a grin in response, "I think I can manage that okay. As for periods of quiet," she turns a bit more serious again, and says in earnest, "any day we don't have to fight anyone is better than the days that we do fight, even if we win. I'm glad to help out with other things too... cargo hauling, whatever. I'm in this for a place to call home, and the job. Long as I'm still with the ship, I'll do my part, including defend the ship and crew." <English>

Durandal examines the dumpling impaled on the edge of his knife, sniffing at it hesitantly, then shrugging and taking a bite. He chews a bit, otherwise holding still as he determines if the dumplings were a good call. <English>

The mention of how the Redemption's lacking an engineering officer is duly noted by Kitty and then pretty well dismissed as usually such positions are given to those who have seniority in a crew and she's going to pretty much be 'new kid on the ship'. "That makes sense. Always best to make sure everyone gets along. No fun bein' locked in a ship with people who don't get along, Ah reckon." <English>

Zora shakes her head no, though she hesitates for a fraction of a second before doing so. "No. I mean, I'm sure they'll have their own questions to ask. And I'm also assuming anything you need to know, you'll be sure to ask, so." She pockets her PDA and lighter once more, hopping off of the crate lightly to stand by Syna. "Should we go over now, or wait?" she asks, eyeing Grey when Syna teases him about bruises. "You two sweeties?" Her dimples flash once more. "I just figured, with the joking back and forth." <English>

Grey tests his Perception against a 60 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-16).

Alabaster Smith smiles at Yvandra. "Oh, splendid," he states. "Occasionally, we get the gunhand types who go stir-crazy after a quiet week or so. It's always good when they're versatile." He nods, thoughtfully. "Ah reckon Ah don't have any real questions for the moment. It's really up to how you do with the others as a whole." <English>

Grey chuckles quietly, fishing out another smoke - which he offers to Kitty as well. "Anyhow, I'm pretty sure we're still bunkin' one to a room - they're double-sized, an' the ship's Capital, so it's a pretty good go. We've got training facilities, an' the Constellation Lounge... Well, it kicks ass. We have our fun, aye, but I work everyone harder than a slaver, you kin ask any one a these fine crewmen - an' we encounter all sorts a dangers out in the Black." And it's only then that he catches what Zora said - and he chokes on his smoke, and ends up hitting himself in the chest repeatedly to catch his breath. <English>

Lucinda heads towards the most densely populated area, that being the crowd gathered in the shadow of the Redemption. She pauses just on the fringe of conversation, seemingly hesitant for the moment, as if needing to gather courage before continuing head on into the fray. Then, finally, she merely clears her throat to announce her presence to whoever might cant a head in her direction. <English>

"We can bother'm I'm sure." Syna says amiably and waves at Alabaster. "Hey, preach, you ready to talk to another'n?" She's still sitting on top of the crate, cross-legged with her medpac in her lap. When Zora asks her question about being sweeties with Grey, Syna coughs loudly and says with a grin, "Nah, I got another sweetie, we just spar on occassion -- cuz honestly it's worth it to get some trainin' from him s'all." She really tries to just brush it off because otherwise it would be too embarrassing. <English>

Durandal continues his dinner, a ways away from the Redemption, but watching it and the small crowd with moderate interest. He bites chunks off the impaled dumpling, slowly re-exposing the knife blade. <English>

"Ah don' smoke but thanks anyhow," Kitty says with a polite refusal of Grey's offered smoke. "Never did get into tha' habit, Ah got to confess." The thought of having her own room is one that gets her to pause but then she nods. "Ah don't mind sharin' a room but have to admit that the thought of mah own bunk's rather appealing. So is ever'thing else. Ah think ya got yerself a new engineer, Mister Grey." <English>

Yvandra smiles again to Smith, and nods her agreement, "yeah... I do want to get to know the crew and all. See if it's a good fit. I haven't spotted any problems yet." She catches the question about Grey and Syna, and their reactions, and can't help but chuckle at all of that. She notices Lucinda's arrival, and looks over to Smith, saying "hear that music? Time to all circle round and change chairs..." except we don't have chairs. And is she using a figure of speech, or actually hearing music? Hard to guess. She gives Lucinda another look, and offers a "hello." She doesn't know if she can really help the woman, but maybe she can. <English>

Alabaster Smith just shakes his head, chuckling. "Right, then, pass on the next victim. Ah didn't realize we were holding an impromptu job fair, but might as well get the business out of the way." He smiles at Zora. "You dropped me a message the other day, didn't you? You're a brave one, wanting to sign on with a crew like ours." <English>

Having been unable to bring himself to actually eat any of the cooked dog readily available on the docks, Ehyc wondered away from the ships briefly to find some reasonably palatable food. With his duffle bag slung across his back, the man walks through the crowded avenues of the docks finally bringing himself to a halt outside of the fueling terminal. From there he is able to gain better vantage of the ships currently docked.

While the dust is ever prevalent, Ehyc seems to be coping with it better than before, though still not happy about it. His eyes pierce through the dust to fall upon each of the ships in turn, admiring a particular trait of each. Despite its familiarity, Ehyc's eye is consistently drawn back to the Redemption, an apparent soft spot for dated vessels. Glancing at the group of people gathered before her, Ehyc slowly begins to wonder over. It would be something of a treat to gain passage aboard such a ship. <English>

Grey grins. "An' you mighta jus' found yerself a new boat ta cruise upon," he says. "Why don't ya come with me, an' I kin show ya the systems we got? Even iffen yer used ta workin' on Trans-U's an' the like, we've made a... few modifications, shall we say - might take ya a bit a time ta get used to 'em." He gestures up toward the Redemption, but pauses when he hears the clearing of a throat. He turns to see Lucinda - a familiar face. "Huh," he grunts to himself. "Hain't seen that face in... a long time. Ho, Doctor." <English>

Lucinda nods in greeting to Yvandra as she's first to address her presence, but her eyes lift to Grey, registering his face immediately. A brief hint of a smile pulls at the corner of her mouth, but it doesn't fully crest on her features. <English>

Lucinda nods in greeting to Yvandra as she's first to address her presence, but her eyes lift to Grey, registering his face immediately. A brief hint of a smile pulls at the corner of her mouth, but it doesn't fully crest on her features. "Mine is not the sort of face one wishes to see often, at least when one is in the position I saw you last. Your recovery is good to see, if not expected. I see you are.." A brief glance around, "Busy. So I won't stay you. Will you simply direct me towards the Chaos Theory, if you know where its berthed?" <English>

Zora glances at Syna - who is sitting in the crate still, calling people over /to/ her - and the crate which Zora just abandoned to head over towards said people, and looks sheepish. Hopping back up onto it once more, she crosses her legs and gets comfortable again. "I did send you a message, assuming you are Alabaster Smith," she replies, sticking her hand out for a shake. "But why do you say I'm brave? Are there...I mean. Do many of the women on your ship give birth often?" <English>

Lucas disembarks from the Redemption. Lucas has arrived.

Syna's attention is drawn towards Lucinda curiously as she speaks to Grey. She watches the woman curiously before her attention is drawn to Zora again with a grin. Looking to Alabaster, she looks curiously and then back to Yvandra, going more quiet as she looks over at her curiously without saying a word yet. <English>

Trevor decides to take the next shuttle back.... <English>

Trevor heads through the exit labeled <ZY> Zai Yin. Trevor has left.

Yvandra gives Lucinda a light smile, and takes a half step back, letting Grey talk to her now. For her part, Yvandra looks around the group again, noticing the look from Syna... she sends over a warm smile. And then she spots anotehr person approaching. She gives Ehyc a quick looking over as he steps up to the group. <English>

Ever the one to not impose his conciousness on others without the strictest of needs, Ehyc hangs back a bit. As he understands it, most ships welcoming passangers actively seek for them. Obviously that won't be the case for all, but Ehyc does not wish to interrput anyone either. <English>

Kitty nods but doesn't move as it seems Grey's a bit detained by talking with someone else so she patiently waits to board the ship. <English>

Alabaster Smith stifles a laugh at Zora's words, and instead grins at her. "We haven't had anyone give birth on board for quite some time. Oh, no, it's all the -other- reasons we need medical personnel. We've dealt with snakes, small nuclear weapons, Reavers, assassins, slavers, floods, lightning, pirates, the Alliance, and probably some mad cows, all within the past year or so. There's always someone needing stitching up." <English>

Durandal stabs the other dumpling with his knife, examining it for a long moment. A sound reaches his ears, a high pitched whine, and as he turns his head to the source, he finds a mangy dog looking at him, or more accurately, the dumpling on his knife. Durandal grins. "These things are bad for you, ya know?" The mutt whines a bit again, and Durandal shrugs. "Yeah... you're right... to hell with it." With a smooth motion, he whips his arm towards the dog. The dumpling is carried by inertia, sliding off the knife and sailing over to the dog, who leans back onto it's haunches. Clearly this dog doesn't want dirt in his food. When the dumpling comes in range, he lunges, catching it in his mouth and landing smoothly. He chews on it slowly as he stalks away. Durandal chuckles. "You're welcome!" He calls after the pooch. <English>

"Aw hell, Doc," Grey says, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. "Ya know I'm like a cat. I've got nine lives, and I bury my waste." He waves in the direction that Matty sauntered off to a few minutes before. "The Theory's that way. This here's the Redemption, of course, an' you're welcome whenever you find the time ta come 'board. Been awhile." He waves to her as he starts heading up the ramp, Kitty in tow; he nods to Alabaster and Syna as he goes up. "Why don't ya show Miss Zora there the Infirmary, Preacher - an' I know Miss Lennox knows our boat inside an' out by now. Jeez, for a Trans-U, the Redemption sure does draw a lot of attention..." <English>

Continuing to sit on a crate at the base of the Redemption, legs crossed and a medpac in her lap, Syna smiles in response to Yvandra. "So, yer interested in becomin' crew? What's yer strengths? Or should I ask, what yer good at?" She glances over at Ehyc as he approaches and then hangs back, watching him with a little grin to her features. "Can I help ya?", she asks him then, slowly moving to hop off the crate with grace. The medpac is slung over her shoulder and she adjusts the strap a moment. She then walks slowly towards Yvandra to allow Alabaster to talk to Zora easier though pauses at his words. "Yeh... last one was lightning..", she shakes her head and looks over at Zora. "When yer busy, yer gona be REALLY busy. I am glad it's a quiet time, I could use a vacation." That really does seem heartfelt. <English>

Lucas steps down off the ramp to the Redemption, partially eaten apple in hand. Stopping at the bottom his eyebrows raise as he looks around at the small assembly at the base ship. Eyes survey to the unfamiliar faces, tilting his head in curiousity as he takes another bite of the apple. Shifting his weight slowly on his feet he looks like he is trying to catch up on what is going on. <English>

Yvandra looks like she was debating saying something to Ehyc herself, but looks relieved when Syna steps over to ask each of them a question. For her part, she answers "yeah... I'm looking to work on the security crew. I do best with melee weapons but fight barehand, and handle guns too. So I guess I'll be one of those you patch up more often than others, with all the crazy scrapes the ship gets in." She shrugs a bit, figuring it as part of the job descrioption, then goes quiet and glances over at Ehyc again, giving him a chance to answer. <English>

Lucinda opens her mouth to speak, only to snap it shut again at Grey's offer. Again her lips open and close, unable to find words to say and effectively looking like a guppie fish for a moment. Maybe she's unused to being invited aboard people's ships for social calls. Finally she opts for clearing her throat again, "Until then." She answers stiffly, as politely as possible which takes a good bit of mustering on her part. Shifting now to face the direction Grey indicated, its evident there's a faint tinge of pink rounding at the tops of her cheeks. <English>

Ehyc's attention is snapped up by a voice directed at him though it takes him a ew moments to locate its source. Spotting Syna, he consideres her a moment as he takes a couple of strides towards her. "Possibly," he evntually responds. "I am seeking to barter transit. Looking for a ship headed out of here and yours looks as good as any." He doesn't betray how much he does actually admire the ship preferring not to allow others to strengthen their bargaining position, especially when they already hold the ghigh ground. "Might you be taking on passengers?" <English>

In tow. Good phrase to use as Kitty follows closely behind Grey. Moving when he moves and stopping when he does, looking almost like a little duckling following its momma duck or something equally cute. In fact.."Quack, quack," Kitty says to herself with a grin upon her face. She just couldn't help herself, gorramit. <English>

Kedzie disembarks from the Chong Sheng. Kedzie has arrived.

Zora goes a bit pale as Alabaster rattles off their battle list, and she stammers a bit at the end. "I'm a - uh, I'm a birthing...baby...I'm sorry, did you just say mad cows? /'Probably/ mad cows?" She blinks at him a few times before asking, "How do you not know if you had mad cows on your ship or not?" She nods a bit nervously at Syna as she goes by, likely distracted by the thought of being electrocuted while standing in a flood as a mad cow chews on her hair, and hops off of her crate, too. As she does so, Durandal and the dog/dumpling interaction catches her eye, and she stares. Reavers, snakes, and now people giving away perfectly good food to strays. Things are definitely odd today. <English>

"Ho, Coxswain," Grey says to Lucas on his way up the ramp, with the quacking Kitty just behind him. "This is Kitty, she's comin' aboard ta look at our fuel injection systems amongst other things, plannin' ta come 'board as a Greasemonkey. We got Miss Lennox down there for Guardian, an' Miss Zora fer a Healer. An' iffen I heard right, that man over there ta come 'board as a passenger." He chuckles, tossing away his second cigarette. "Looks like a decent day fer Persephone... I'll be inside, showin' off our upgrades. Unless you wanna take Miss Kitty 'round fer a tour?" <English>

Kedzie has left. Kedzie boards the Chong Sheng.

Alabaster Smith strokes his chin, and glances questioningly to his crewmates, before turning back. "Ah reckon perhaps the cows were an exaggeration," he says with mild apology in his tone. "Though Ah'm fairly certain on just about everything else. It's been a long, busy year. Part of it comes from sticking our noses into the wrong places, out of a genuine desire to help folks, and part just comes from the sheer orneriness of the 'Verse. Ah wanted you to be aware upfront that we do live in interesting times, mah dear." <English>

Lucas blinks blankly a second at the rattling off of information. Eyes dart from each person as he smirks, "What? You get every other department but you can't dig me up one either?" Shaking his head lazily he glances down to his apple then back up to those assembled as he points to Yvandra, "Yea, I knew her." Glancing back to Grey, "I'm fine, just wanted some non-recycled air before we hit the Black to run into planets again." Passing a glance back to the duck he passes a simple nod and lift of his partially eaten apple in acknowledgement, "I'll see you around on board." <English>

Syna nods towards Yvandra as she listens to her. She grins and then says, "Well, s'long as you can avoid the bullets, that's all okay. Maybe I can spar with you sometime as well." Her attention is drawn towards Ehyc then and her green eyes linger on him a long moment before she smiles, "We might be.." Then she hears Grey and looks over at him curiously. Since he was talking to Lucas, her eyes are finally drawn there and her smile brightens. "Hi, so are we takin' passengers?", she asks of him. "I don't think I can answer that question really..." <English>

Grey snickers and pats Lucas once on the shoulder as he continues up the ramp and into the ship. "Surprisingly enough, all Helmsmen lost interest in the job when I told 'em who their direct supervisor'd be," he says as he passes by. "But, between you an' Passe an' Glenn - and myself, when needed - we've got the helm covered fairly well. Syna, on the other hand, needs a break, poor girl." And with that, he's disappeared from the others' view and leading Kitty toward the Engine Room. <English>

Kitty nods hello to Lucas as she's introduced. "Pleasure meetin' ya." She looks about the docks one last time before she begins to feel put in the spotlight for no apparent reason, perhaps her little barnyard animal imitation getting her to feel paranoid and feel like everyone's looking at her. Thankfully Grey's moving on and she is too. Sans quacking, this time. <English>

It is often a curious trait of people to ask if they can help when in most situations they cannot. While there is a pecking order to everything, everyone wants to make it known that their rung is the most important. If Ehyc had bothered to learn this a little sooner, perhaps he'd not be in this position. But rather then beating his head against the subject now, he turns his attention to Grey. While heavily clad, he appears o be in command. Remaining silent, Ehyc waits to here the judgment.<English>

Yvandra is keeping half an ear on the various conversations around her, taking in the different things being said. Lots of interesting stuff happening today, isn't there. She offers Syna a smile and a nod, responding, "well I /hope/ I can avoid them... but I know things like that aren't guaranteed. We'll just have to take it one bullet at a time," she smirks. "And I'd welcome the chance to spar. Once we're out of the world, I'll want to keep up my exercise." She looks over to Lucas offering a nod of greeting, "hi there." <English>

Naiya disembarks from the Chong Sheng. Naiya has arrived.

Zora nods, and offers, "Well, I appreciate the warning. And assuming I get the job, I'd let you know if anything was too much. But I'd also like you to know that I have no intention of 'turning tail' when things get rough." Her chin juts out in a stubborn manner, and she remarks confidently, "I am not a quitting woman, you see." She smiles after this moment of serious, dimples flashing once more, and adjusts the PDA in her pocket as she follows Alabaster and Syna, when they go, into the ship. <English>

Grey has left. Grey boards the Redemption.

Kitty has left. Kitty boards the Redemption.

Duncan heads through the exit labeled <Northeast> Spacers District. Duncan has left.

Alabaster Smith beams at Zora. "There's the spirit," he says cheerfully. "That's what Ah like to hear, mah dear. Come and check out the medical facilities, then, like the Captain suggested." He looks thoughtful. "Syna, if you want to give Zora the tour, Ah'll take over on the passenger issue."<English>

Durandal sits quietly on a concrete slab, away from the main group. He has a styrofoam bowl to his lips, and he is using what looks like a throwing knife to shovel Lo Mein noodles out of the bowl and into his mouth. <English>

Lucas smirks to Grey in his passing comments as he turns to look to the more crew that is approaching. Taking another bite of his apple he looks back to the sudden shift of momentum on returning to the ship. Electing to stay stationary Lucas just watches those assembled mill around and pass by. The ramp on the Redemption seems mighty comfortable to shift his weight on as is, no sense in disrupting a good thing. <English>

When Alabaster answers her, Syna smiles over to him brightly. "Thanks!" To Ehyc, she says, "The first mate will speak with you.", gesturing towards Alabaster. Turning then, she looks over at Zora and smiles to her, "Well, come with me then.. may I call you Zora?" She is so polite it seems. Her eyes fall on Lucas again and she smiles towards him as she begins to walk up the ramp, passing by him on purpose it seems. "I'll be in the infirmary.." <English>

Lucinda reaches up a hand to pat at the coil of bun atop her head, as if afraid a single hair might have come out of place in the brief exchange. She takes a few steps, before spotting the hulking form of the Chaos Theory. "If it was a snake it would've bit me." She grumbles under her breath, a hint of Rim taking over her glossy Core Doctor appearance. <English>

Syna has left. Syna boards the Redemption.

The ramp to the Chong Sheng comes down, and out comes her Captain, Naiya. She stops at the top of the ramp and surveys the Docks, picking out the particular flavor of Crazy of the Day. <English>

Redemption - Cargo Bay - C Deck

This cavernous Cargo Bay stretches about two hundred fifty feet long, fifty feet wide and fifty feet tall. The flooring and walls are entirely functional, being reinforced metal, piping, and wiring. The floor is littered with quick-release clamps to easily attach or detach standard cargo containers. A set of winding stairs lead up to the Training Room on the B Deck from the Cargo Bay, and another set of stairs near the end of the bay lead up to a narrow Catwalk near the Engine Room above. The wide ramp opens just below the nose of the boat, with a spot for the MULE to attach right onto the ramp, so that the craft is ready to deploy as soon as the ramp lowers.

Lucas boards the ship from the outside. Lucas has arrived.

Syna enters the ship with Zora in tow. She walks across the HUGE cargo bay and says, "Well this is the cargo bay, obviously. It's huge too. But we have some planters up there..", she points to the catwalk. "It's good for growing food and we have a plant technician on the ship most of the time who takes care of it." She walks towards the stairs and pauses to make sure Zora is following. <English>

Zora looks up where Syna points, and peers. "You have a plant technician?" she asks curiously. "I know that woman from the other ship, the Theory, told me fruits and vegetables were hard to get, but...I suppose I really didn't grasp how serious she was." Bringing her head down from staring up at the catwalk, she belatedly notices that Syna is waiting for her, and scurries over quickly to follow. "Sorry..." <English>

Syna brings up a hand and talks into the com as she waits, "Coming into the ship with some guests. Potential nurse, if you wanna meet her, meet me in the infirmary or on the way there!" She pauses a moment and tilts her head as he speaks into the com, slight concern, "Don't want what?" Frowning then, Syna says, "Well this might be a good opportunity, where you at? Your bunk?" She then looks over at Zora and grins, "Want to take a look at a patient? Seems she's been throwing up since last night.." Turning, she begins heading up the stairs. "This'll at least kill two birds with one stone, you can meet Sam and also show me your skills!" She really does seem pleased even though one of her crew is sick. <English>

Zora looks a bit worried when Syna mentions a patient, but she smiles hesitantly in response to Syna's enthusiasm. As she follows Syna up the stairs, she asks, "What's her history? Does she get sick often? Has she been having unprotected sex lately? Is anyone else on the crew feeling nauseous, or eaten questionable food in your Galley lately?" <English>

"Well, she apparently went out off the ship last night.." Syna says as she ascends. "She has had sex, but she came specifically to borrow some protection so I'm not sure if it was unprotected. You can certainly ask her." She grins over her shoulder at you as she rises. "Well follow me, I'll take you directly to her." A hand rises to her ear and she talks into the com again, "Don't worry about us Sam, I mean if all patients worried about passing on an illness to the doctor, we'd not really be able to do our job, right?" Then she says back to you. "We might want to wear masks, so we'll stop by the infirmary first.." <English>

Yvandra boards the ship from the outside. Yvandra has arrived.

Yvandra heads through the exit labeled <Up> Training Room. Yvandra has left.

Syna heads through the exit labeled <Up> Training Room. Syna has left.


Yvandra heads through the exit labeled <Down> Training Room. Yvandra has left.

Zora nods as Syna shares some of Sam's medical history with her. "But she doesn't seem to get sick often? Perhaps there's a certain food she ate last night which she had a reaction to? I know I, myself, tend to avoid the streetmeat carts. I've had many patients get extremely sick by eating that sort of food. Though, to be fair," she muses, "they were all pregnant. So perhaps that's not such a surprise. Is she not the type of person that would be comfortable talking about sex?" Zora asks as they continue up the stairs into a new room. "I just wondered, because you smiled when you said I could ask. I didn't know if that meant I should expect an interesting response." <English>

Syna walks up the stairs, leading Zora. She has an amused smile on her face, "Well, I think she'll be fine, besides, you're a nurse and she should expect to be able to talk about things such as that to you, especially if she's not feeling well." Turning, she begins to head towards the crew quarters. "Though, I think it may be too early for her to be pregnant... maybe. I really haven't asked about her sex life, we've been a bit busy..." <English>

Redemption - Double Cabin 8 - A Deck

Seems like your average crew quarters but the inside of it is washed with a dark blue over the walls to give a little color to the room. Around the ceiling are some old fashioned Christmas type lights that give the room a very faint illumination. To one side sits a bed that is is a sore sight of disarray, as if the occupant hadn't made it since the first time. At the end of the bed is a storage locker with a lock on it. Hanging on a cord from the ceiling is a rather beat up and mangled gold ring. Across one wall are pages that look to be from a book of Shakespeare's plays and are plastered about to make some kind of wallpaper.