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Latest revision as of 23:28, 21 January 2009

It's early evening and the commons is quiet and empty save Adila. The gun hand is making a sandwich. A stiff drink sitting in a glass not far from the fixings. She doesn't look happy at the same time, she doesn't exactly look sad either. A carefully neutral look is chosen instead. Meat, cheese, bread. Between times, she takes a healthy sip of the whiskey in that nearby glass.

Tehani emerges from the gym, looking slightly out of breath and sweaty, a towel around her neck. "Hello Miss Adila.", she greets the other woman with a little smile when she spots her and grabs some water from the fridge.

Ethan enters the room clad in his normal attire, only without the coat. And his pistol is strapped to his right thigh. He offers Tehani and Adila a nod and a slight smile. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a smoke, then lights it. He moves to find himself a stiff drink as well before moving towards a table.

Out of the four, Remus is the only one to not even bother entering the lounge. Still wearing his jacket, he makes his way up the stairs from the cargo bay (albeit rather unsteadily) and just passes by the door. Sure, he peers in for a moment, but that's about it.

"Evenin' Tehani." Finishing the sandwich building off with a slice of bread, pressing the contents down into a manageable mouthful carefully. Taking food in hand, drink in the other she heads to the table and sits across from Ethan. Before her mouth is full, "Evenin'." To the man, falling quiet after that. Swallowing a mouthful, she catches Remus' form as he passes, "Ya alright, Remus?" She calls, not truly expecting an answer.

"Hello Ethan.", Tehani greets the man and gulps down some water before she sets the tea kettle on. She doesn't notice Remus until she hears Adila call him and looks around for the man, offering him a little wave.

Ethan replies to Adila. "Evening, Adila." He then looks over towards Tehani and greets her as well, "Hey, Tehani." When Adila calls out to Remus, he shifts in his seat to peer around, but he doesn't say anything to him, yet. His expression changes to one of contemplation as he stares at his drink for a moment or two. He takes a drag from the smoke and exhales through his nose before ashing in a nearby tray.

All that eminates from the doorway is an audible grunt. It's probably one of satisfaction, but it's completely impossible to tell. After a short while, the sounds of a weight set being used give a general idea of what the slightly inebriated pilot is distracting hismelf with.

Uncouth thing that she is, Adila's elbows are on the table. Watching Remus beneath dark lashes, she's awfully still as her eyes follow the unsteady pilot. "He's drunk and we need to get to Persephone for repairs. Just shiny." Muttering half under her breath as she takes a bite of her sandwich like it did her some ill will. Swallowing her food, she calls out to Remus, loud enough that she knows she can be heard. "Sober up, flyboy, we need to get to Persephone for repairs!"

Tehani arches a brow when she hears Adila's words to Remus. She doesn't say a word while she goes about brewing some herbal tea, but casts a meaningful glance at Adila's whiskey glass and at the drink Ethan is holding. Harrrumph.

Ethan grumps. "Great. Persephone." He then finally takes a large drink from his glass before taking another drag on his smoke. He manages to catch Tehani's look out of the corner of his eye. He turns to the oriental woman and asks, "Something wrong?"

Only one noise comes from outside of the room, those weights still going. Clank. Clank. Then, finally: "You don't get to tell me what to do. Ever. Get Frenchie to fly!"

Adila's eyes flicker to Ethan, "Hopefully just long enough for repairs and to pick up some work. None of us want to stay there long." It's an attempt an assurance, even if she is in a sour mood herself, no use of spreading it around like a disease. At mention of something wrong, she too glances too Tehani. As Remus calls back, Adila can be seen growing taunt, like someone pulled those strings in her shoulders until they quiver. Exhaling, slowly, she sets the sandwich down with a rather sloppy slap, downs her whiskey and stands up. Walking to the doorway, "What the gorram hell crawled up your ass and died?" She calls back.

Tehani sighs a little at the question and tries to get her English together. "Mr Remmie drunk-addict, he should no have... temptation. But you all... drink." She nods accusingly towards their drinks, then turns to her own tea cup. "You drink tea, much better!" There.

Ethan chuckles slightly. "I don't think tea is what I want right now, Tehani. But thanks for the offer." And with that, he downs his glass and pours himself another. He takes another drag from the smoke and exhales it through his nose again. "I don't know the man, but he doesn't strike me as the alcoholic type. Maybe he's just blowing off some steam. I know I need to sometimes."

Clank Clank. Clank Clank Clank Clank. Cl-No, he's done. Sitting up on the bench, it's likely he cleans up a little and makes his way to the stairwell up. "Aah, stop bein' all high n' mighty. Haven't you got crew to screw?"

Hands braced on the door, she looks over her shoulder towards Tehani with a slightly narrowed gaze. "He ain't a drunk." She mutters, turning back to the hall. Without turning her eyes from where Remus is, "What he said. This whole ship is strung tight right now." Wiping her face with her hand, she exhales and sets her forehead against the frame. With every clank, her fingers grip the frame a little tighter. It's not until that last comment is dropped, that Adila looses her cool. "Huen Dahn!" She shouts, and she's stomping down to the weight room after him.

Tehani mutters something about longnoses and bad habits in Chinese and leans against the counter to sip her tea. Hearing Remus' words and Adila's reaction to it, she frowns and looks at Ethan as if for help. "What he mean?", she asks, hoping for a translation.

Ethan raises both brows when Adila and Remus exchanges words. He suppresses the urge to chuckle, not wanting to bring any wrath down upon himself. He's still the new guy around here, afterall. When Tehani asks him about what he meant, Ethan replies as he rises from the table to go watch the interaction for himself. "He implied that she sleeps around, I think. Whatever he meant, she didn't take it well." He moves towards the gym after that himself.

There's a grumble when Remus realises he's being stomped after. Luckily, instead of starting up a (sure to be hilarious) chase around the ship, he just waits at the doorway to the commons stairs for Adila to catch up, not even bothering to turn around as she approaches.

Remus heads through the exit labeled <Aft> Training Room. Remus has left.

You head through the exit labeled <Aft> Training Room. You are entering Redemption - Training Room - B Deck.

Ethan arrives from Redemption - Constellation Lounge - B Deck. Ethan has arrived.

Tehani arrives from Redemption - Constellation Lounge - B Deck. Tehani has arrived.

Adila draws her Slipshot 44 - 10697.

Having had a, needless to say, rough couple of days, Adila's at the end of her rope. Jerking her weapon out of the holster, "You know what Remus, I've had -enough-! I've been nothin' but nice to you since I stepped on this gorram ship and you treat me like Ung Jeong Jia Ching Jien Soh! It stops NOW!" Her weapon is aimed, right at his back. "Turn around and face me, you forked tongue coward!"

Tehani trails after Ethan curiously, not wanting to miss the fun. Although she makes sure to remain behind the guy's broad back, just in case.

Ethan winces visibly when Adila pulls her gun on Remus. He backs up, giving the two quarreling people plenty of room. Besides, getting hit by a stay bullet should she chose to start shooting would suck. He murmurs back to Tehani. "Captain Smith was right when he said that some of these guys were cranky. Still, I think I'm gonna like it here."

"She is sure angry.", Tehani confirms, sounding almost in awe, "But, you know. Shooting gun is boring. I would kick his balls."

Ever-so-slowly, Remus swivels on the balls of his feet to face Adila and the gun. His eyes take in the sight of both. "Alright. Facing you. Now what? Gonna shoot another crewmember?" He's not even bothering to raise his hands above his head. "Sure, you've been nothing but amicable to me, but that's because all this time i've been on this boat, I haven't done a damn thing wrong. Crow's back for.. what, a week? And already everything is going to hell." He takes almost a tender step forward. "So fine. Shoot me. Have fun explaining it away."

"He would probably like that." Adila hisses between her teeth, hearing Tehani behind her. "He knows I can't fight, but yet he keeps PUSHING!" As the man moves forward, her finger never wavers from the trigger. Her mouth twitches, eyes narrowing to dangerous shards of blue eyes. "Remus, I don't know what your problem with Crow is, but you started this. It has /nothing/ to do with him, or what we do or don't do on this ship. You want to be an asshole, then leave me out of. I was telling you that we need repairs. You gotta drag my personal life into it, for shits and giggles. No. More."

Alabaster Smith arrives from Redemption - Crew Commons - A Deck. Alabaster Smith has arrived.

Ethan backs up another step as Adila keeps the gun trained on Remus. He asides to Tehani, who is standing behind him. "Yeah, she's really angry it looks like. I wonder if she's actually gonna shoot him?" Light brown eyes turn back to the scene in front of him slowly. He shoves his hands into his pockets and continues his duty as bystander.

"Who is Crow?", Tehani asks no one in particular when she hears Adila and smirks a little. "I do not think guy likes kick in balls.", she informs Ethan thoughtfully, "When I kick, balls come out of ears." Then she shakes her head. "She no shoot him. He dead, we have no pilot to fly ship."

Standing some distance away from Adila, near the door to the crew commons and with his hands beginning to mimic Ethan by sliding into his pockets, Remus is rather calm with the fact he has a GUN POINTED AT HIS CHEST OH JESUS. "Don't get yourself feelin' so special, Dilly. M'dragging Crow's and Sam's personal life into it, too. And what's all this crap about you not being able to fight? You're good enough, and this is a situation where you HAVE. A. GUN." The hand comes out of his pocket to wipe at his nose a little, then Tehani catches his attention. "Aw. Don't let that last bit get you down. See.. We've got another pilot, n'he can fly this tub better than m-" Oh, right. Gun. Back to Adila! "Sorry, I'm terrible at focusing sometimes. Bad trait. What were we talking about?"

"Passe can fly." Adila says coldly. "So can Lucas. He ain't the only one who can navigate this boat." Her way of saying he's dispensable. "You know, maybe if you had a little personal life if your own, you wouldn't be so gorram jealous, Remus. But I'm telling you /right/ now, that /I/ am not your personal punching bag. If the rest of this crew wants to let you treat them like a whipping dog, that's on them. I won't put up with it. I never /once/ made a snide remark to you. I -thought- you and I could be friends. I was wrong." Her gun never wavers, aimed right for his chest.

Alabaster Smith appears from the direction of the crew commons, here by happenstance or God's will, or maybe just because he's The Captain and Knows All. He moves halfway down the stairs from the commons, before pausing and clearing his throat, loudly. "There'd best be a very good reason why one of mah crew's pointing a gun at a crewmate," he says, projecting his voice across the space with experience born of years of public speaking and preaching. "An extraordinarily good reason why -yet again- mah crew's fighting one another. We're becoming our own worst enemies, and Ah won't stand for it."

Tehani looks a little relieved when the captain appears and turns to him. "Mr Smith, I think crew must drink more tea, less whiskey.", she informs him helpfully. She remains close to Ethan, hoping his broad frame will protect her from potential stray bullets.

Ethan winces visibly when Tehani speaks behind him. "Balls? Why do you women always focus on a man's balls? It's inhumane." Then, he listens to the words of Remus and Adila again as they continue their conversation, but he blinks when the Captain suddenly shows up. He clears his throat. "Captain." He says by way of greeting.

"I had this thing, once." Remus begins in way of explaination to the newly arrived Captain. "Plastic ball. Filled with this dark fluid. Floatin' inside it was one of those crazy dize shape things with a lotta sides, n'each side had somethin' written on it. Y'know, like.. 'Yes' n' 'No.' 'Ask again later.' That kinda thing." A small cough, and he takes his eyes off the gun while mimicing shaking said item. "N'if I still had it, I reckon if I shook it, it'd tell me that she's pointin' a gun at me because yes, 'All signs point to' her shootin' me." Then he shrugs, little mime over with. "T'be fair, Cap'n, I deserve it."

Alabaster's voice is like a wash of cold water, making Adila's body, all but that gun hand, shudder. She doesn't have to turn around to know the man's voice. "Shepard." She says quietly. "I made the mistake of telling this Sah Gwa that he should sober up, so we could get to Persephone and repair the thrusters. He has to drag my personal life into it." The gun hand is seething but her words have dropped to a cool whisper. "He knows the last few days have been shit for me, but yet he wants to TAP DANCE on my last NERVE! For once, just ruttin' do your job. That's all I wanted. If you wanna be king rat on shit hill, makes no difference to me but when I say that you should sober your ass up, so you can do what Shepard hired you do to, I ain't askin' for a lot." She shoves her weapon back in the holster.

Adila lowers her Slipshot 44 - 10697 and returns it to its unreadied postion.

"There'll be no shooting of anyone here, today," declares Alabaster sternly. "And Ah think Ah'm going to actually have to start laying down some hard and fast rules around here." For once, he's using the Very Disapproving Tone, the fatherly "I'm disappointed" voice that he reserves for special occasions. "Ah don't want to punish anyone, Ah really don't, but this is getting out of hand all around." He glances around at the lot. "For one thing, it's impacting the ship's business. For another, it's making the ship look bad in front of the potential crew."

Tehani gives Ethan's shoulder a light pat as the general tension eases. "Women know what hurt best.", she explains with a little smile, "You know. I must make friend with Miss Adila. Learn lot of new English from her, I think." But she falls silent when Smith launches into his preach and lowers her head, slowly starting to back out of things and up the stairs. FLEE!

Ethan smiles at Tehani. "Yeah, unfortunately, you do." Whether he meant the balls comment or something else, it doesn't show. When Tehani begins to back away, he stands his ground, hand still in his pockets. He listens and then waits to see if it affects the other two. He makes no comment himself on the matter. It was none of his business.

Tehani has disconnected.

There's an immediate change in Remmy's demeanour when Alibaster begins the speaking. His head drops, and he nods throughout. Finally, he speaks. "S'my fault, sir. All of it. I went over the line n'it's affected the rest of the crew. Blame's mine, and mine alone. I kept treading on Adila's nerves, not to mention a few other of the crew."

Adila's hand clench at her side but she never turns from Remus. If looks could kill, they might be one less crew member. Forcing her palms open, she raises her hands up slowly, only to lace them at the back of her head, one of the safest places she can put them right now. Silent as Alabaster speaks, her jaw is so tight that her teeth are making that small squeaking sound where they grind in her mouth. It's only when Remus speaks, that the gunslinger lowers her arms, crossing them over her chest. "Can I go back to my bunk, Shepard?" She manages not to hiss the words.

Alabaster Smith dips his head, briefly. "Ah reckon it would be good if you both retreated to your separate corners until such time as you can act properly. Remus, Ah don't know what's going on with you, but you need to quit pissing off the others before you get yourself hurt even worse. Adila, you need to watch that temper. If Ah see a gun being drawn upon a fellow crew member again, you'll be eating it for dinner. If either of you wish to just -talk- to me about whatever problems you're facing, just let me know and we'll set up a proper time. Ah don't particularly wish to lose anyone."

Ethan still remains silent while the Captain speaks with the other two. He simply rocks back and forth on his heels with his hands still in his pockets.

"Cap'n." It's a general word of acceptance to the preacher's advice from Remus, and he starts to make his way out. He does, however, stop briefly just before leaving entirely. "Hear we need going to Persephone. Acceptable if I get us on the way there now?" He gives a slight pause. "N'maybe take some leave there when we arrive?"

"Yes Sir." Adila says quietly. She knows the Captain ain't jokin' and while she loves her gun, giving it a mouth job ain't her idea of fun. Giving Remus one last warning look, she doesn't need to tell him to stay away, it's obvious in that parting look. "I'm sorry, Sir." This to the Shepard. "Won't happen again." Her voice has dropped from that growl of anger, probably because she has genuine respect for Alabaster. Turning on heel, there is a soft 'scuse me' as she moves past Ethan and Smith both to retreat to her bunk.