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Persephone Gardens - Persephone =>Persephone<=


Placed within 12 acres of gated land, the Persephone Gardens, located just to the east of the higher class Residential District, can be described as a manicured land with a look of Earth-that-was. Mounds of bushes, flowers, and large stands of trees can be found everywhere you look. Coursing through the area is a pathway that leads to the farthest end of the garden and back again.

Tucked away in a quiet corner of the gardens is a tea house. The shingled roof rises up into a peak and there is a short set of stairs leading up to a balcony running along the front of the house. The door inside is a sliding screen, painted with a delicate floral design of nightshade spiraling upward.

Ree                                    Leutrim                               
<PT>     Persephone Towers             <TR>     Nightshade Tea Room           
<South>  House Daska                   <East>   Residential District         

Current Serenity MUSH time: [ Tue Nov 25 20:47:35 2008 ]

IC Time: Nov 22, 2523 - 05:09:50

It's fairly early in the morning on this crisp, late November day. The gardens have shed most of their leaves in a blaze of autumnal glory, and only a few leaves remain upon those tress that are not evergreen. Here and there a few late flowers struggle to bloom but first frosts have taken their toll. Sunny and bright, a man is out walking in this landscape. And not alone. For beside him frolics a fairly happy, moderately large German Shepherd dog. The man carefully leans back his right arm and then throws a ball fairly good and hard up the path towards the Tea House. Like a shot, the dog goes after it, off leash and handsome in his sienna and black coat. <English>

You drop Aelfred.

Ree is walking along the path in garden, she's dressed warmly and snuggles into her coat...When the dog is spotted she stops and watches, smiling as it plays with it's owner. She looks back to where Leutrim is and walks along the path until she reaches him. "You have a beautiful dog." she says. <English>

Aelfred runs after the ball but as he finally catches up to it, slows to a trot and then jumps on it, grabbing it with his teeth and thrashing it. Only, there is someone else he notices. The dog stops and stands there for a moment, ears up and golden-brown eyes in a blackish face watching Ree. Then, the German Shepherd turns and lopes back towards the man with the ball. Once Aelfred comes back to him and drops the ball, Leutrim squats down a little stiffly to pick it up - with as little bending over as he can manage. As Ree comes up towards him and comments upon the Shepherd, Leu straightens and offers her a bit of a smile, "Thank you, ma'am." There are two small embroidered patches on his jacket, including one for Winchester Repeating Arms of Hera. Standing next to Leu's left side and watching the stranger wearily, it may be seen that the dog has been injured. Hair on Aelfred's right shoulder has been shaved off and stitches are still in place for a small wound of some kind, now dried up and scabbed with perhaps a couple of weeks of healing. <English>


The woman before can only be said to be a blond bombshell. She's 5'10, and weight a little under 145lbs. She has bright, thick, blond hair which frames a face that's wide at the top then narrows down, the hair falls down around her shoulders and has a natural wave in it. Her eyes are a light blue with long lashes and light orange eyebrows paused above. Her lips are full and red. Her slightly tanned face has high cheek bones and a fine delicate jawline and chin which is sometimes stuck out when the woman is being stubborn. At a closer inspection someone would spot a few faded scars on her face, one down her left cheek and the other across the bridge of her nose neat the bridge of it. Her neck is slender leading down to average shoulder more wide then some but that doesn't seem to hinder her feminine look Her body is well built yet there's no extra flesh to be seen anywhere. Her torso has an ample chest firm and perky, with a powerful light muscled belly leading down into a narrow waist and large hips, giving her the modern day look of a woman who's got curves in all the right places. Her long legs start under her armpits and go on forever until they finish at her feet which are short and narrow. Ree is dressed in a tailored gray suit, made out of course cotton material. The jacket fits to her upper body perfectly, it curves in at her waist and hips, outlining her feminine figure before it settles over her hips ending in an upwards cut over her thighs leaving a leaf shape button up front with large round buttons. The neck line is a v-shape with a square shape near her breasts, outlining them before going flat down her front covering her belly. The sleeves are long, fitting her arms and doing slightly over her hands finishing where her fingers starts. The trousers are boot leg fitting her flat thighs at the tops then streaming down her long legs to go over a pair of black heeled ankle boots. The trousers are the same course gray as her jacket buttoned up at the front with smaller buttons then the jacket. Her long wavy blond hair has been bulled back and tied at the nape of her neck, the front part smoothed back to expose her face. Black sunglasses cover her icy blue eyes. A weapon will be exposed somewhere on her person, the bump perhaps near her right hip. A wire leads from her neck to her ear, where a small ear piece can be seen the microphone on the flip of her

Ree keen eyes spot the badges and she nods towards them. "You work for Winchester?" She asks bending down and nodding at the dog. "May I?" She says reaching out a hand to go pet him if the onwer allows her. The looks up briefly at the man, taking in his face his build commiting him perhaps to memory. <English>

The dog edges back from the woman, but just out of her reach. The nose comes up to sniff warily but without touching.

"Careful, miss." Leu's baritone warns her, "He's a working dog, not a pet. And you are a stranger." The smile Leutrim offers to her is perhaps faintly apologetic. He looks this gal over a moment before he nods, keeping a slight distance himself, "I do work for Lord Winchester, yes ma'am." The man's dialec speaks of upperclass Londinium mixed with a less refined accent that might be difficult to place. <English>

Ree nods her head and stands back up. "That's fine I wasn't to know. People often assume dogs are pets." She says in pure rimworld, not at all hiding the fact she's as common as they come. "Winchester?" She asks, pointly raising an eyebrow. "I have been meaning to find one of his agents, you couldn't by any chance tell me when it would be possible to see him about a weapon..." She goes to take out a card, telling him shes a blue Sun agent. <English>

Leutrim glances at the card but doesn't take it, "Lord Winchester can be difficult to catch. If you wish to see him personally, I suggest you send him a wave to arrange a day and time, Miss Ree." Yes, he did apparently read at least her name on that card, and there might have been a trace of emphasis on 'Lord' as though Winchester should be addressed accordingly. "I do not know if he is returned to Hera at this time. However, if you wish to make a purchase, Miss Amber Wu is his sales associate who handles most transactions for the company." <English>

The German Shepherd keeps his position as though heeling off of Leu's left leg. Aelfred has now sat down to wait patiently, watching this woman intently. Few others are out and about in the gardens on this crisp morning. <English>

Ree nods her head. "I'm in no rush to be honest." She says simply. "And thank you for your information." She says with a nod of her head. "I believe my Director has already been in contact." She smiles at the dog. "He looks hurt, nothing serious I hope." Her voice sounds soft regretful, eyes looking sympathic at the beast. "I didn't catch you name." <English>

There is a glance to the dog and a hint of a smile, before the man looks back to the woman, "My apology, Miss Ree. Leu Donnchahd - House Bennet Security. That is Lord Winchester's House." The last supplied helpfully if she did not already know. A gesture with his left hand, then Leutrim lightly scratches behind Aelfred's right ear, "This is Aelfred. He and I both got shot a couple of weeks ago by a sniper." Ah, that might explain the damage to Leu's armor that could easily have been caused by a bullet. Tucking his thumbs loosely into his front pants pockets, Leu adds, "You are right though... folk are always thinking he's a pet. But he was my K-9 partner when I was with the ALPD here on Persephone, ma'am." <English>


In perhaps his mid 20's, Leu just stands about 6'2" or 6'3" tall and weighs in a little over 200 lbs. Lean and fit from an active outdoor lifestyle, Leu's fair skin is sun tanned and his face clean shaven. Dark hair is buzzed down short and pale grey eyes watch his world warily or with humor, depending upon his mood.

Clothing is comfortable and rugged. A plain grey T-shirt is tucked into olive drab-cargo pocket pants. A worn black leather belt and scuffed black boots suitable for hiking around in back country shod his feet. Impax armor covers his torso but shows damage where a shot was taken to the right edge of the chest.

If he's outside and it's chilly, Leu is also wearing a dark blue jacket with small embroidered patches on either shoulder - one for Winchester Repeating Arms and the other for House Bennet.


.--[Carrying]-- | - A small ear bud with a discreet clip-on pickup. Controller on his belt. | `(iComm - 12340) | - Leu's Rifle Case | `(Backpack - 17728) |--[Armor]----- | * Impax 'Defender' Tactical Armour - 12615 '--------------

Ree eyes move from the dog to the man and her whole pose changes her body almost becomes ridged before she tells herself to relax. "Really." She says softly. "How did you come to be in the target of a sniper" She asks, folding her arms over her chest. Leaving the rest of the coversation, for later perhaps. <English>

Aelfred continues to wait patiently, but the dog is now dividing his attention between the woman and his handler - or the ball Leu still holds in his right hand even though his thumbs are hooked into his pants pockets. There is a glance for the dog, and then Leutrim says, "Pardon me one moment." Then half turning, Leu says, "Aelf, fetch!" and he pitches that ball hard on up the empty path once more. The dog at once bolts after it, tail up and looking happy as a clam! Refocusing his attention on Ree, Leutrim gives that apologetic smile once more, "Forgive me, but I'm not accustomed to discussing such details with strangers, ma'am." A flicker of his pale grey eyes to see that the dog is heading back without limping or other mishap, Leu then says, "Does your employer happen to be Mr. Yee by chance, Miss Ree? Saw he took a nasty shot to the leg at the Captain's Retreat last night." <English>

Ree eyes harden for a few moments and she waves a hand at him clearly not really interesting in his details after all, in fact she's more interested in what happend to her boss. "Yes he is, I was not aware of this." She says concern in her voice. "Can you tell me what happened here, I have not reported in this morning yet. I'm shocked I wasn't called to the scene." She watches the dog out of the corner of her eyes, waiting for it to arrive back perhaps or just making sure he doesn't sneak up on her. <English>

The German Shepherd does indeed return with the ball, prancing about a bit and looking like the shoulder wound isn't bothering him. There are still stitches though the wound be small. The ball is dropped to the left of the man and the dog looks upon Leutrim with expectation. <English>

Leutrim however does not make a move to pick the ball back up this time. Instead, he looks to the dog and says, "Good boy. Aelf, down." That is accompanied by a slight hand gesture with the left hand in a downward motion. The dog lies down on the grass at once, tongue lolling with a few pants from the exertion. Looking back to Ree, Leutrim frowns slightly, "It seems two young women were shot by a marksman. It's in the Cortex news. There isn't much to say. Whomever did it does not seem to have been aprehended. Federals were on sight and apparently on an opporation to capture a drug dealer who was presant. Looks like Mr. Yee was in the wrong place at the wrong moment and accidently got tagged by one of the Feds. Didn't look too serious. But was curious to know how he was doing." <English>

Ree nods her head slowly her eyes glancing towards the dog as it lays down, she smiles a little. "I had not heard, thank you for imforming me. I'm sure Yee will be seeing me as soon as he is recovered." She pauses her lips and smiles. "It seems we're in unsettlings times again, though persphone is rough as it comes I have often dodged bullets and knifes in my years as a rim pilot, and a merchant captain." <English>

A polite nod to the woman, "You are of course most welcome, Miss Ree." says Leutrim. But then he smiles a little in turn, "Persephone isn't all that rough, most of the time. Lived here a while myself. If you stay out of the slums, at least. Nothing as bad as ... oh, Ezra, for example." Nevermind the shooting at the Captain's Retreat, "Don't know if you'll be settling out Hera way or staying at the Blue Sun offices here or elsewhere, but I think you'll like Persephone, ma'am." A glance to the dog, then Leutrim frees his hands up and squats carefully once more to pick up the ball. Straightening and mindful of his mending wound himself, he adds, "If you have any further questions about making purchases through Winchester Repeating Arms, remember to bespeak Miss Amber Wu - she is the sales representative. And she is happy to bring your order to you should it be inconvenient for you to stop by Hera." Though of course, the Blue Sun factory is right there on Hera. <English>

Ree shakes her head. "I have lived here off and on for the best part of seven years." She tells him. "I know the people and the place well, I perfer Paquin I even have a small farm there where my children are with their step father." She glances around a little the wind blowing her wavy blond hair around a little. "And thank you I will need to make a perchance soon though I have to go through the Lord himself I have a credit line, so will not be paying cash or I'd have it by now." She smiles gently at the man. "You have been most kind, are you always this helpfull to strangers?" She teases just a little. <English>

Ree's last and Leutrim is perhaps taken a back slightly, "Eh, yes ma'am. If I am able, I like to treat folk with respect. Especially pretty gals." He offers a smile but it's neither especially shy, nor leering. Merely polite, "Course, I'm a bit less polite to folk who give me reason not to. Espeically those whom I need to shoot." Leutrim's smile is a touch less polite and maybe a little more feral, for just a moment. He did say he was a security man for Lord Winchester, after all. There is no comment about her personal information about Ree's experience or her children, though Leu perhaps takes note of such details. "Pleased to be of assistance, as I am able, Miss Ree." <English>

The dog continues to lie where he was bid, no longer panting since it's a cool morning and Aelfred is resting. Alert canine eyes watch the park-like gardens around them while the two people speak to one another, with occational glances to them from the dog. Then, Aelfred shifts and suddenly there is a jangling noise as he uses a back foot to scratch an itch just above the stitches in his shoulder. Dog tags jingle madly on his collar. <English>

Ree notes the feral grin and returns it with one of her own. "There is nothing like the heat of battle or the challenge of staying alive." She says with experience. "Many times I have fought for my life and that of my ship. Frost use to take speical interest in me for some reason and no amount of bribes or anything else would ever get him off my tail. Even spent a few days is in pleasent company." She shudders slightly. "Breona." She stats. "I wish people wouldn't be so formal, I'm not a formal person." She catches sight of the dog again and laughs as he scratches himself. "I wish I could pet him, my hands are itching to stroke him." <English>

A hesitation, then Leutrim says, "Well, just my way to be formal to strangers, Miss ... eh, Breona. Way my folk raised me to be." That Coreworld accent and all. There is an arched dark brow at the mention of Frost, but Leu doesn't chase after that comment with prying questions. Instead, a glance to the dog, Leu now standing with both of his hands tucked loosely inside his pants pockets, "Well, you may pet him briefly, but you need to let him sniff of you for a few moments first. Hasn't ever bitten anyone I didn't order him to, but he's supposed to be wary of strangers, ma'am. Police dogs need to be - folk get in close might mean him or me harm, or offer him poisoned food. So no treats allowed." <English>

The jangling has stopped. The German Shepherd has gone back to lying contentedly, looking out over the gardens with interest. Then Aelfred drops his dark snout to root amid the autumn grass, sniffing whatever scents that interest him, hidden there. <English>

Ree nods her head slowly at the man before approaching the dog. She kneels infront of him and reaches out one hand towards him it's slowly done, she doesn't move farther until he's sniffed at her hand. "He's a good companion then." She says over her shoulder. "Someone you can rely on and know will always have your back." She looks at the dog. "He'll never leave you, just standing wondering why he left." She speaks sadly as if something from her past prompted thoes quiet remarks. <English>

Ree's movement to approach the dog and kneel down before him makes Aelfred instantly focus intently and warily upon her. But he has not been released from his 'down' command, so the dog does not sit up or get to his feet. Her movements are slow, her voice soft, no agression or nervousness detectable by the canine, perhaps. Aelfred puts his nose out and sniffs of the offered hand, eyes watching Ree like a hawk as though prepared to leap up and away should she be untrust-worthy. There is likewise no sigh of agression or fear in the Shepherd, merely caution and interest. <English>

Leutrim shifts his own weight a bit more to his right side. His baritone continues almost softly pitched, low spoken and only loud enough to carry to Ree - as though maybe Leutrim were accustomed to speaking in places with little background noise, "Yes, ma'am. Unless somebody kills him. Almost did." And a frown, "Of course, I'm rather attached to him, as you'd expect." <English>

Ree lets her hand go to touch the dogs muzzle, she smiles softly at him her voice soothing. "Hey boy I hear your a true friend, I'd really like to stroke you. You beautiful guy." She lets her hand go over his muzzle and onto his head down his back. "It's hard to lose something you love, I have buried too many I love." She closes her eyes and lets the soft fur of the dog sooth her, she only stokes for a few moments before stopping. "Thank you friend." She tells the animal as if he could understand. <English>

The dog's ears flatten back a little bit as that hand moves to touch him, but Aelfred doesn't evade the touch. He merely watches Ree warily and lies still. Even so, most dogs loves to be petted and loved on and Aelfred is no exception.

There is only silent observation from Leutrim while Ree speaks and touches his K-9 partner. Ree is a very attractive woman and of course any fella is generally glad to pass a bit of time in such company. Ree's words though are painfilled, and personal. Leutrim turns his head as though to give her privacy for the moment, his own pale grey eyes skimming over the familiar grounds here and anyone else who may be about. <English>

Ree finally stands back and gets up from kneeling and sighs softly and looks back towards the man. "Thank you, he's a beaut. If you walk here often I might see you again. It's nice to see friendly people without guns around. I need to get going." She says. "I'm due in the office in a couple of minutes." She hands him a card not sure if he took one or not. "Contact me I'd like to see you again." She says with a smile. "Both of you." <English>

Without guns? Leutrim's carrying a rifle case across his back, though nothing else is obvious upon his person. He makes no comment about the fact that he's rather armed more than she thinks and merely offers a smile instead, this time accepting the offered card he had not taken before, "You are most welcome, Miss Ree. I get to Persephone from time to time, but I live on Hera now." A flicker of his gaze to the dog, then back to her before he adds, "I hope to have a bitch for breeding to him soon. Pups will be trained and available for sale at some point in the future should you be interested." There is a polite inclination of his head as Leutrim tucks the card into his pants pocket, "Pleasure to meet you, ma'am." To the dog Leu says, "Aelf, heel." And unsurprisingly, at once the German Shepherd hops up and takes his place by Leu's left leg. A last glance to meet Ree's gaze if she hasn't yet turned away herself, then the House Bennet head of Security takes his leave. The dog trots happily beside him. <English>

You take Aelfred.