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When: Nov 09, 2523

Where: Evesdown Docks, Persephone and later The Dregs Bar and Grill

Who: Nikki, Remus, Tehani and Dakota

Dakota is wondering Evesdown, hands tucked into her back pockets. Eyes flicker from ship to ship, taking in the details of each as if she has a special appreciation for the boats found here. A hand reaches to brush a strand of hair behind her ear, digits lingering in the length of auburn hair. <English>

Nikki is quite the contrast to the wholesome looking young woman traversing the docks. Her hair is inky, and wayward, with a slight amount of curl, and no definite direction or part. Her lashes are thick and black, and her eyes lined with kohl, and she is perhaps, a little too pale to be considered quite healthy, although mostly it is just an illusion of contrast cast by her dark hair. She is a pretty girl, though her eyes are hard, and her expression firm, as if she is not a woman who gives much away for free. Her iris' are the pale green of oxidized copper, and her clothing is ratty and worn. She glances at the woman, looking her over. She's fairly intelligent, and so it isn't hard for her to guess what's going on. She approaches the other woman, who is a good deal taller than her, at least half a foot, and lord knows she's a skinny thing, so she wouldn't be taken as imposing unless one was excessively paranoid. She pats Dakota's arm, and points toward something in the background, tugging gently on her arm as if to bring her along in that direction. "......................................" She says gently. It is a board that contains notices for availability aboard ships. Job offers. <Russian>

Dakota isn't the jumpy sort, so when the slim girl approaches and pats her arm, there isn't a single sign of violence or even a tensing up. Instead, dark hair falls over her face as she has to look down at Nikki, furrowing her brows briefly as she speaks in a language that doesn't quite process. None the less, she allows herself to be pulled along. When she realizes it's only an effort to help her, a genuine smile spreads on the woman's lips. When she speaks, there is the smallest accent that might be pinpointed as French. "Why thank you." Reaching to pat the fingers that tugged her along. "You're very helpful." <English>

Remus disembarks from the Redemption.

Remus has arrived.

Nikki didn't understand a word of it, but she smiled, because you'd be surprised how much of human communication is enacted through gesture and tone and expression. The bony fingers of her free hand, as they approached the board, reached out, and touched the surface. "................................" She only knew that this was the right place because she'd been shown herself, but unfortunately didn't read a lot of English. And by a lot, I mean any. <Russian>

Dakota is standing near the employment board, Nikki standing near by. Hands still tucked loose into her pockets, she takes her PDA off her hip and takes a few notes. "I don't speak Russian, unfortunately, which is what it sounds like you speak. I must apologize." The smallest whisper of a French accent is there when she speaks. A few notes finished, she clips the thing back on her hips and smiles warmly to Nikki. "You work on one of these ships?" She motions to the girl, then to the few ships parked here. <English>

Nikki shakes her head. "Find speaking person. For job." she explains with her limited vocabulary, looking at the collection of ships with a sort of fondness that only those intimate with some part of them probably posess. "Fly." she tells Dakota. She would love to work on a ship, even if she never got to see a pilot's chair, just so that she could be in the air. She gets a mite tetchy on the ground. <English>

While the ramp has been down ever since the Redemption landed a few days ago, the heavy airlocked door at the peak has only opened when needed. Now is one of those times, as Remus smacks a button somewhere in the interior of the ship, causing a hefty amount of noise that could only come from a few tons of steel moving against steel. While it's opening... Still opening... Still opening, Remus can't help but think they really need to get a faster door. <English>

Dakota's eyes light up, with that single word, fly. It's like the magic word for Dakota, eyes twinkling as she smiles broadly. "I want to fly too." She says with a grin, putting hands together to make that easy to understand 'flying' motion. The game of charades is cut short, by the sound of one ship's door coming to a slow, grinding open. Putting hand to shield her eyes, she looks to Redemption. <English>

Nikki nods at Dakota's charades, although communicating in this place is starting to make her feel excessively stupid. Not that that's anyone's fault, just a fact. When the noise starts, she looks over at the Trans-U, cocking her head to one side, and pursing her lips. It's like a fairy tale castle to her (Really, the girl would love to find her way on such a big ship), lowering the draw bridge to show just a peek of what lays inside, before shutting again like a clam who keeps its secrets. <English>

"Shoulda used the other door." Remus is grumbling to himself as he slips through the gap once it is finally wide enough to escape from. Blinking a little to get used to the change in lighting from the interior of the ship, he just spends a moment looking over the docks. As nothing immediately catches his eye, he settles on making sure the door closes behind him before on heading down the ramp at a slightly less-than-leaisurely pace, heading straight for the eavesdown repair terminal. "Too much to ask for them to start work on it yet? probably. Gah." He's just rambling and ranting to himself as he goes. <English>

Dakota is much like Nikki, a little smitten with the huge ship. "Come on..." She urges the girl with a gentle pat. "Let's go talk to him." She watches Remus head towards the repair terminal, which makes her take a second longer look at the ship. Looking for damage, most likely. Lowering her hands, again they are tucked away as she strolls slowly in the direction of Remus. Seeing no internal damage, she calls out, "Quite a ship you got there." Core, to the...well, core, despite her neat but second hand clothing. <English>

Nikki 's expression brightens; she knows the man, and doesn't hesitate to continue forward, offering a bright smile to the man. "Remus." she says, because...that is his name, and waves a little, stopping right next to him, and peering down at his escapades with the repair terminal. "Broken?" she asks, pointing to the Redemption. <English>

Gah! Accosted at the docks! Remus reaches the terminal at about the same time the words come flowing into his ears. "No, thanks. We're not looking fo-OH!" The pilot's attention slips away from the screen when he realises they're not trying to sell something. "Thanks, she gets us from A to-Nikki!" It's amazing his brain can process something like this so soon after waking up. That and he refrains from stepping away when Nikki gets so close. "A little." That same thumb-forefinger movement from the last time the two met. "She's old. Things fall apart." <English>

Dakota shows surprise as Nikki seems to be familiar with the man. Lingering a polite distance, as she's not yet on familiar terms with either of the pair she is intently watching. A tilt of her head, glancing now and again at the big Trans-U. "A classic." Dakota breathes out. "Are you taking passengers currently? I would be quite wonderful to check out such a ship from the inside." Finally, tearing herself from the ship, she takes a longer look at Remus. "Do you fly this beauty, Monsieur?" <English>

Nikki considered her words very carefully, pressing her lips together. "Yhu...nut huv feexir?" she asked, like she was unsure if this was the case. Then again, she'd grown up on a firefly. Things will run forever if you have a mechanic that's even half awake. And with the diligence her sister had had toward the ship, theirs hadn't had very many things go bad. She mimics his finger motion, holding it up from one eye. "Leetle beet." Horrid accent. She looked up at the ship, and put one of her slender hands to her chest. "Doos shi luk so gud on zhe insiyde?" Excitement makes her accent explode. <English>

"Wouldn't know about passengers. You'd have to ask the Cap'n, N'I think he's out in town on some business." Remus goes back to smacking a few things on the terminal. Makes it work faster, dontchaknow. "Fly 'er sometimes. Got.." He counts off on his fingers for a moment, leaving the terminal alone. "Three? four people who can fly 'er. S'just usually me." The fact that Nikki's accent has become so pronounced actually gets a smile from the man. No small feat considering his level of tiredness. "We got an engineer. S'just we were in the area and needed to land her anyway. Might as well have her fixed up proper while we're here. And yeah, Nikki. She looks ok on the inside." <English>

Nikki speaks better English when she's plastered, don't you know. It's a curse. It's probably because then she doesn't over think everything. "I ahm...I dunt know wurd." she admitted with a grin, before looking down at the terminal. She really hoped to get on a ship herself soon. Even if she had to mop floors, it wouldn't matter. Being land-locked was starting to make her depressed. <English>

Dakota nods her head, sighing wistfully. "Well, I can run cargo, repair and I'm handy with a gun." She says, without boasting. "I'm also learning to fly but it seems you are quite well off with pilots." She chuckles softly. "Do you think I could have your Captain's wave information, so that I might contact him." Reaching to pull the PDA from her hip. With that in hand, she waits to see if Remus gives her the information. In the meantime, she smiles warmly at Nikki. "You are unemployed?" She offers, with a touch of humor. <English>

Nikki blinks at the other woman. She doesn't quite recognize the word. Apparenly she's not as proficient as she'd hoped. Or seemed. Then again, she'd only replied to the questions that she understood. She looked between them, and smiled sheepishly. That was probably why. Not many folk have use for someone they can't talk to. "Needt Someone who speks Russian." she mumbled, wishing that she could say something not filthy in Chinese. <English>

Giving Nikki a pat on the shoulder, Remus just grins. "Eh, you're doing fine. Just need to get drunk again." Checking a few other details on the terminal, he finally considers himself somewhat 'done.' "Eeeeeeeeh. It'll do for now." Oh, hey, people asking for details. It's honestly a miracle the guy is even standing, let alone comprehending. "I ain't sure we're hiring. I know we got two people on testing and probation right now, B'i'don't know if we're going to have space. Give'us your wave details, I'll pass'em along to the captain. Ifn' he knows you're interested, he'll probably invite you along. Preacher's a good man." At the mention of Nikki needing someone to speak Russian, Remmy snickers again. "You. Have contact details?" Yes. He makes the inter...galactical handsignal of 'telephone.' "M'sure if we're hiring -someone- on the ship speaks Russian. Hell. Our engineer knows sign language. I think." He scratches his head a little at that, trying to remember what it is she speaks. <English>

Dakota nods her head, "Of course, of course Monsieur." She assures him. It's only at mention of the Shepard that she pauses. Again, her eyes shift to the big ship and back to Remus. Oh, the sparkle in her eyes. "Your captain is a Shepard? How very charming." She turns her PDA around, offering the man a screen full of her information as well as her skills. "How very peaceful." Another soft, wistful sigh. Being that Remus is done with repairs, Dakota's eyes swing over Evesdown thoughtfully. Once the information is passed, she settles the PDA back on the hip clip. "Would you both like to get something to eat, or perhaps a drink?" Someone did mention getting drunk, after all. <English>

Nikki pipes up. "I am interested. You tell him I will mop floors if he wants. I need to get off this rock, or I'm going to...I don't know word again." Pretend the accent is there. I'm tired of typing like that. Anyway, she looks to Dakota and smiles. She is generally up for drinking, and does not bring up that she's under age. "I would love to. Just no Tequila." Unfortunate things happen when she drinks tequila. <English>

"Yeah, she's more of a Vodka person." Remus almost coughs at the end of that sentence, not to mention almost instictively ducking. "N'the Cap'n's a good man. Although I wouldn't exactly call the ship.... 'Peaceful.'" The pilot pauses for a moment as the activities of the past few days hammer the front of his memory. "Certainly... something, though." <English>

Dakota chuckles softly, "Or you will go crazy?" Dakota offers, when Nikki searches for some sort of translation for stir crazy. "I know the feeling, my friend." Warmly. "The same goes for me, I'm financially sound for the moment, so if he is not currently hiring I would love to take passage until they perhaps have an opening." Brushing back a strand of hair, her hands are tucked loose behind her, thumb hooked in the back pockets of her cargo pants. Reaching, perhaps boldly to pat Remus on the shoulder. "Monsieur, I have been aboard pirate ships, slaver ships and even spent time on an Alliance boat. There can always be peace, if one truly wishes to embrace it." A look to Nikki, "Vodka, hurm?" Yes, she gets the subtle joke. <English>

Tehani disembarks from the Redemption.

Tehani has arrived.

Clustered around the Repair Terminal is the Multinational conglomerate of Eavesdown docks. Namely, A Remus, who has just finished prodding said terminal, A Dakota, who has just finished prodding said Remus with questions, and last but not least, a Nikki, who has just finished being prodded about drink. Which seems to be the logical continuation of the conversation. Getting a drink. <English>

And emerging from the Redemption is the latest addition to the conglomerate, the oddly blue-eyed oriental Tehani who seems to step onto the planet only reluctantly and heaves a big sigh before she starts to set off. <English>

Dakota is standing beside Nikki and Remus, who is currently at the repair console. Her thumb brushes the gold band on her ring finger thoughtfully, face moving to a thoughtful expression before the clouds clear from her expression and she gives a warm smile. "Please, do tell your Captain, I look forward to hearing from him. I have not had a worthwhile conversation with many since leaving my last ship." She looks down at her hand flexing the fingers and again turning that little gold band. The newest arrival makes Dakota turn, "Another from your ship?" To Remus. <English>

Nikki nods. "Me too." She doesn't want to be forgotten just because she's not eloquent, or fancy. Damnit. She glances over at Tehani, blinking a little, and looking back to Remus. She doesn't know what to say. So she doesn't say anything. Something made excessively easy by the fact that she doesn't speak much english. <English>

Remus would normally be happy to be surrounded by three women, but someone mentioned drink and that's that. When his attention is pointed out to Tehani, he pierces through the usual noise of the docks with a full-finger whistle. "TEHANI! Over here!" <Chinese> That done, he turns back to the two. "Of course I'll tell the captain." A grin to Nikki. "About -both- of you." <English>

Tehani pulls her eyebrows together when she's... whistled at. But walks over to the small group anyway. "I not a dog!", she complains in a dark growl, "You treat women like dog, no wonder they want shoot you!", she points out and eyes his companions curiously. "Your girlfriends?" <English>

Dakota nods her head gently towards Tehani, "Good day, mademoiselle." Her French accent lilting her words. Remus whistles and she looks to Nikki, speaking gently to the other woman. "Don't worry, you are, after all very helpful. I might need you. Perhaps you can teach me some of your native tongue as well." A small wink, an attempt at assuring the other woman. Just because you don't speak the language, doesn't mark you as unintelligent. At Tehani's growling remark, amusement again begins to burn in those hazel eyes. "Goodness, no." She chuckles, again, finger touching the gold band on her finger. "I was merely inquiring about your beautiful ship. I'm hoping to see it from the inside." <English>

Nikki grinned a little. Chinese. The Russians have a pretty special relationship with the Chinese. Either they're trying to strangle eachother, or they're drinking, and acting like best friends. "Not a dog. Women is more like cat." Her accent was horribly, horribly Russian, but she has a good voice for it. Very dark. She offers a hand to Tehani. "Nikita. Is pleasure to meet you." <English>

"Gah!, Woman! I was just trying to get your attention!" Remus almost backpedals into a nearby pile of crates. "Jeez. What crawled up your butt this morning?" Remmy: Ladies man. "Anyway. I think we were going for a drink, and I wondered if you wanted to come along. That's all." His hand raises to scratch the back of his neck. Yeah, He looks a little sheepish. He just got verbally castrated by a probie crewmember. <English>

Tehani smiles warmly at the two women and takes Nikki's hand to shake it. "Pleased to meet you, Miss Nikita. And you, Miss...?" The other one gets a curious look. "My name is Tehani. I work on Redemption ship with Mr Remmie. He no have much manner, so Miss Adela wanted shoot him.", she explains confidentally and gives Remus a warm smile. "Drink sound good!" <English>

Dakota in turn, offers her hand. "Trudeau." She offers, "But Dakota is fine. It's very nice to meet you." At mention of being shot, that single brow does shoot up but that curl of her lips says that she probably doesn't take it seriously. "Wonderful, where shall we go then?" Happy to have another join the group. "After that tongue lashing, it appears as if Mr. Remmie could use a drink." Taking a cue from Tehani on the man's preferred name. <English>

Nikki smiles even wider. "Pleasure is mine, Miss Tehani. And let us hope that if there is shooting, it is only in the knees." Cheerful. Nikita looped one arm in Remus' and one in Tehani's. She wished she had another arm for Dakota, but didn't want to leave the new person out, and figured that Dakota would understand, since she seemed to be relatively understanding of most things of a social nature. She gave the woman a smile just in case. "We go to pirate bar, da?" <English>

Just watching as the introductions go forth, Remus can't help crack a smile at the mention of the gun pointed at him the day prior. "Well, Miss Adila won't be shooting anyone anymore, it seems." He almost seems a little sad at this. "I think she's left the ship." Then he's arm-hooked. Huh. Pilot didn't see that coming. "Ok, Pirate bar it is. I am not paying." Gentleman to the very end. <English>

Tehani gasps a little and the smile she ahd for the other girls vanishes quickly. "Oh she did?", she says, "That sad. She wanted teach me English.", she explains and sighs. Now she won't be able to pick up lots of filthy English words from Miss Adela. Booo. She lets Nikki take her arm and gets dragged along to wherever they want to go, keeping her head low as if she fears being spotted. <English>

Dakota doesn't seem to feel left out, not one bit. Smiling warmly to Nikki as she loops arms with the pair, Dakota claps her hands together and rubs the cool palms as if to warm them. "Stunning." She says happily. "Then we shall drink, mes amis." A toss of hair from her face, smoothing the strands back with a practiced motion of her hand. "Of course, anywhere you would like to go, Nikki. The first round is on me." It was her idea after all, to buy the first set of drinks only seems proper. <English>

Tehani arrives from Spacers District - Persephone.

Tehani has arrived.

Remus arrives from Spacers District - Persephone.

Remus has arrived.

Nikki sort of starts them in that direction, but doesn't really...you know, pull, since she's a grand total of 98 pounds, and probably couldn't body slam a puppy into submission. When they reach the spacer's district, Nikki heads for the smaller bar, since the bigger one makes her a mite nervous. Like there's going to be someone HIDING or something. Don't even mention it to her. <English>

Following behind the littlest Russian, Remus busts into the Dregs like a man that has done it a million times before. In fact, he probably has. "Gus! Drinks!" He's calling as he muscles his way to the bar. "Brown-haired woman in black's payin'! And I'll grab me usual!" If he's not on the ship, this is apparently where Remus is 'home.' <English>

Tehani smiles vaguely to herself when they enter the place which seems a little familiar to her, but apparently she isn't ready to communicate her thoughts. Instead she just follows the little group to wherever they want to sit/stand and says quietly: "I like tea, please." <English>

Dakota knows when to be proper and when to drop to something more Rim. A look to the bar, there is a broad smile as Remus seems to relax and bellies right up to the bar and said bartender, Gus. "That, would be me." She says, chuckling. Taking a few credits from her pocket, she fastens the little flap back with a twist of finger to button. Tehani's order is given a nod, "And some tea, as well please." Ordering a scotch for herself, she waits for drinks to be served. <English>

Nikki nudged Remus with her foot, because...well, she couldn't actually order anything. Not that he knew that. And also, in this circumstance, how exactly do you proceed? I mean you don't want the bar tender to know you're trying to drink underaged, but at the same time you don't want to attract any attention at all since then he might ask to see your ID. Blerg. "Vodka?" She asks Dakota. Quietly. <English>

Ow. Foot! "Hey! Wha-...Oooh. Right." Remus takes a moment to look nervous, a little guilty AND pretend to cower from Gus. Then, he straightens. "Don't you worry, Gus couldn't give a damn. You pay, you're good. ...Or, in this case, She pays." His thumb nudges a point to Dakota before he weaves through people to find a booth. "The horrifying thing he gives you in a large glass would be mine!" He calls back as he flops into one, claiming it for... well. The group. <English>

Tehani chuckles a little at Remmie's antics, clearly amused by him. She goes to take a seat and waits until the girls have settled down before she looks at them: "You work for us too?" <English>

Dakota nods to Nikki, "Yes, and a vodka." She adds. If she has even the smallest clue that Nikki is under age, she keeps it well under wraps. A nod to Remus' mention of 'horrifying thing in a large glass', her curiosity piqued. "What did you order, Monsieur?" Delivering drinks to the claimed booth. Sliding into a seat, she takes a sip of the scotch and exhales with relief. "I haven't had a drink in months." She holds the glass by the bottom, tilting it thoughtfully to watch the brown liquid move. "We are both hoping to." Answering Tehani, looking up from her glass. "Mr. Remmie is going to give our information to your Captain." <English>

Nikki grins a little sheepishly. "I mop floors if I get to LOOK inside ship." She wished. So badly. A Trans-U? My god, it was like a dream. She put a hand to her chest, and looked at Gus with wide, green eyes. "Vodka, yes?" <English>

"You probably don't want to know." Remus smiles. "beer, liquour, some other crap." Resting back into the booth, he eyes casually over the bar, adjusting his jacket for a moment. "And yeah. I'm going to give the captain their names, see if he can't find a place for 'em." <English>

Tehani nods and looks relieved. "I hope you get job.", she smiles at the girls, "Without Miss Adila, only men. I no want be alone with men.", she admits. She'd be so busy kicking butts, she'd have little time to do anything else. <English>

Dakota chuckles, watching Nikki. She's growing quickly fond of her, that much is clear. "As I explained to Mr. Remmie, currently I am financially stable but, much like Nikki here, I find your beautiful ship enchanting." She speaks softly, not letting her French accent out her amid all the Rim folk. "I would be more than willing to passenger, until there is room for another." Another sip of the scotch. "And if mop floors, I must, I have no problem with that either. I'm adept at cargo, repairs, and weapons. I have learned some to fly but that is not quite something I'm ready to do just yet on my own." Tehani's words make her laugh warmly. her hand reaching to pat the other woman's in a reassuring motion. Any words however, are cut off as Remus reveals the vile concoction in his glass. A look to him, "Are you going to drink, or peel paint with that, Mr. Remmie?" <English>

Nikki looked semi-betrayed at Dakota's assertation. Mopping was her idea. She took a sip of vodka, and made vodkaface, licking her teeth a bit as if that somehow made it better. It was okay though. In Nikki's opinion it wasn't real alcohol unless it hurt as much going down as it did the morning after. "Grew up with 4 brothers. Used to carry taser." she admitted, which was true, but only because they were bigger, and she had a temper. She took another sip of vodka. Vodkaface <3 <English>

"Nah. Clears out the... everything." yes. He really drinks such a thing. He also snickers at Nikki's vodkaface, especially after the last time he saw it. "An' Tehani, we got other women on t'ship. S'just you don't see 'em all that often. Either keep to 'emselves to streak through it. Depends on the day, really." <English>

Tehani hmmms and nods, eyeing the man's drink suspiciously and hangs on to her drink. "I no see women. Only see Mr Passe, Mr Smith, you and Mr Ethan of course.", she replies and sighs. "Mr Ethan such bad Qi. I try explain, he no understand." <English>

Dakota catches that betrayed look, "Of course, Nikki here has first dibs on mop duty." She winks at the other woman. "Since loosing my husband, I have to admit that violence is no longer my favorite past time. Once upon a time, I was quite the ruffian." A rather melancholy expression shadowing her face before she looks down at her glass once more. "I prefer now to seek freedom in the sky. My parents owned a shop, on Evesdown. I have seen quite enough of this place." Her tongue strokes her lip, washing the sadness away with another sip of the scotch. Apparently feeling somewhat like she has spoken too much, she looks at Remmie with a bemused expression. "Including the lining on your stomach, hurm?" <English>

"Damn right. Keeps me.. something." Remus is all about the somethin' tonight. "That'n I have to be sober when Pix comes out drinkin'. Easier to keep an eye on 'er if i'm not seein' in triple." He takes a swig. Face. MELT. "Sorry 'bout your husband." <English>

"Sorry about husband.", Tehani echoes Remus and looks at Dakota: "You married him long?" She sips on her tea, trying to ignore the face-pulling that goes around her. <English>

Dakota is for a moment, gripped by a trickle of grief that threatens to turn into a flood. Her thumb brushes that ring finger again, turning the little gold band to watch it twinkle merrily at her. At last, she raises her eyes, which shine with tears. "We were together for five years, before he finally talked me into marrying him." With the memory, there is a push of happiness. "Two weeks after our honeymoon, he was injured and passed away from complications. That was nearly four years ago." Her tongue presses to her upper lip. "It's quite alright, he is in a better place now, mon amour est la paix." She whispers the last French softly before taking a drink of the scotch. <English>

"Well then, here's to him." Remmy takes another swig. He almost promptly regrets it. Good god. "I would say it's good to see another from Eavesdown, but man. I hate this place." Melancholy Remmy with booze. Won't before long his face is hitting the table. <English>

Tehani nods to Dakota and reaches out to give the woman's hand a squeeze. "Must be bad.", she acknowledges and shrugs a little. "I no know what like is, though. No have man. No want man.", she adds quickly just in case Remmie might get ideas in his male brain. "To him!", she agrees though and takes another sip of tea. <English>

Dakota brushes away the tears, and with it, the sadness. "To Douglas." She raises the glass, finishing her own scotch. The empty glass is set aside, she nods in agreement with Remus. "It can be quite trying. This place holds quite a few memories for me." Tehani makes her laugh, warm and pleasant. "Well, good for you my girl, independence does have it's rewards." <English>

"Jeez. Wasn't even thinkin' it, Tehani!" Remus is feeling a little persecuted today! "Everyone's ridin' me like I done somethin' wrong all day. N'anyway, you're lookin' a lil' close with Ethan as is, girl." Swig. Nnnnng. <English>

Tehani blushes a little, she can't help it. And fiercely shakes her head. "No no no!", she protests, "We just... met. Here in place actually. I not know him much", she says quickly, "Just know he has bad Qi. I help him flow. Make good Qi." Her English clearly goes down the drain when she's nervous. <English>

Dakota looks to Remus, shifting to cross her legs beneath the booth and smooth the hem with her hand. "Oh, so prosecuted." She says, dropping her voice, giving it a teasing edge of faux sympathy. Eyes turn to Tehani, "I imagine this one is trouble, hurm?" Smiling. Watching the woman protest, she now glances back to Remus, "I do think perhaps she protests too much. Hopefully I will get to meet your gentleman friend. Ethan was it?" <English>

"Yea'. I'm sure you're gonna help him flow, alright." The pilot can't help but grin. Quite widely. "I jus' got a bad wrap lately, is all. Crew got tetchy 'cause two of 'em was banging one of 'em. So one left, now alls good again. Simple." He doesn't really make eye contact with anyone during the explaination. "Nearly got shot 'cause of it, and I wasn't even t'one humpin' anyone." <English>

"He no is gentleman friend!", Tehani informs Dakota huffily and eyes Remus. "You gross! All that bullshit! Humping and Banging and Bumping! Bah! Men!" She shakes her head and leaps up. "Ethan not like you! Ethan gentleman!" <English>

Dakota's hazel eyes widen, a look of concern there on her freckled face. "My ...goodness." She breathes out at last. "It sounds to me as if your ship could use a bit of a peaceful influence." Yes, she's making herself sound good, hoping to get aboard the beautiful boat. Turning to Tehani, her face drops to a more serious look, "My dear, I did not mean to offend you. I understand that Ethan is not your amour. I was merely teasing you." Yes, she lets all the humping, banging, etc talk roll away like water off a duck's back. <English>

"....." Swig. Pilot doing what he knows best. "Din't mean to offend, Tehani. Really." Hey, he seems honest. "I'm sure he's a real gent." <English>

Tehani smiles and looks satisfied. "Thank you.", she tells them both and looks sheepish, "But I... uh... go back to ship now. Hope see ya on board, Miss Dakota.", she says... and runs for it. <English>

Dakota raises her hand, "Au revoir, mon ami." Watching the woman practically run for the ship. A soft chuckle, "Excuse me." Raising up to get herself another scotch from the bar. Returning, she slides once more into the booth. "She seems like a nice girl, if a touch..." Searching for the right word, "naive?" A sip of her scotch. "How long have you been aboard your ship?" <English>

"She's just wary." Remus nods, softly sipping his drink now as opposed to the contrary. "Can't remember. More'n few months. Maybe half a year?" He settles into the bar, arm finding a place to rest on the table. <English>

Dakota nods her head thoughtfully, "And you are enjoying your time there? It seems entertaining, if nothing else." That, from what she is heard, is perhaps an understatement. Brushing a bit of hair from her shoulder, she relaxes in the booth, holding the glass in her palm by the bottom. <English>

"S'ok. Thought I was gonna die yesterday, which was a lil' bracing, but that's 'bout it." He runs a hand through his own hair, ending up with what can only be called 'Sticky-up-fluff.' <English>

Dakota mmmms softly, nursing that dark liquid. "Death can be...bracing, indeed." Using his word. "But it is hardly to be feared. Was this the gun incident?" She asks, carefully, not wanting to rouse perhaps a sore subject with the man she just met. "Of course, if you wish not to talk about it, I completely understand." A glance at his glass, "Another glass of your poison?" She offers with a grin. "When you get back to the ship, after that drink, you could likely fuel it right into the sky with your breath." <English>

"Prolly' An' I ain't really one to talk about things like that." The pilots settles back into the booth, almost stretching out. At the very least he puts his legs up along the long bench. "n'i'd love one. But I might have to check in with the ship in a bit." <English>

Dakota nods, sliding from the booth to retrieve your drink. Handing the credits to Gus, she returns to set the glass down in front of you. "Of course, of course, don't let me keep your from your duties. Would you mind terribly if I followed you back? I do hope to talk with your Captain." She swallows a mouthful of the scotch, "It would ease my mind to leave memories behind and return to the black once more. I find it very...peaceful. Even if the people your ship seem perhaps, a little less than peaceful." <English>

"Ah could, but I honestly have no idea where the preacherman is. I'll honestly try to get him wide n' awake already, but ifn' you want.." He's getting a little lax now, hurray booze. "Jus' lookim up on the cortex. Alabaster Smith. Send 'im a wave and say you were lookin' for a spot." <English>

Dakota watches the man relax, still nursing her scotch. "That sounds like a plan, Mr. Remmie. I appreciate your help." Looking down into her glass, "My last ship was ..." She presses her lips together, "Exporting human cargo. While I have no problem with many things, as we all have our vices and things that must be done, there are some things I cannot abide by. Slavery is one of them." <English>

"Y'do what you have to to get by, sometimes. Some might hold it against ya, but I don't think I'll be doin' that." New booze! Swigswigswig. Sway. "hhh-anyway. My last ship got eaten by reavers, me msotly included, so eh." <English>

Dakota nods, "Indeed, you do what you have to do." She says rather quietly. "We all have our trials, Mr. Remmie and there is no regret if we come from it stronger and wiser." At mention of Reavers, the pale woman seems to pale a little more. "How terrible." She near whispers, her eyes sweeping you and perhaps seeing something new there. There isn't much one can say after that, now, is there? <English>

Probably not, but Remus is drunk. "T'was. They tortured me for a week. And ate bits. Never forget the eating bits." The rest of this conversation is Remus downing the rest of the glass, and highly regretting it soon after. <English>

Dakota exhales, a shudder working it's way her thin form until it reaches her hand. She downs the scotch, bringing with it a renewed courage in the face of such gruesome conversation. Watching him down the drink, brows furrow with a touch of concern. "Come, Mr. Remmie, I shall walk you back to your ship. It looks as if you could use a rest." She reaches, gently, to loop the man's arm much as Nikki did. <English>

"'Kay. But I've made my peace with it, jus' so you know." His arm is taken, and he nods to the woman. "And it's Remmy. Or Remus. Only Tehani calls me Mister." <English>

Dakota chuckles softly, "That is good to hear, Remmy. It takes a strong man to make peace in the face of such devastation." Gently coaxing you to your feet, she walks at your pace, back to Evesdown Docks. "You can call me Dakota, or Dax if you wish." <English>

"Dax. S'anice name." The pilot smiles, only bouncing off of eight things before he's even left the bar. <English>

Dakota walks you up to the ship, gently unlacing her arm where she was somewhat watching to make sure that you didn't stumble on your way. "I hope that you have a good day, Remmy. I enjoyed your company. If the fates have any grace left in them, I will be hearing from your Captain soon with good news." A long look at your ship, and the woman steps back, watching to make sure you make it aboard before she disappears into the crowd at Evesdown docks. <English>

Remus only stumbles a little up the steps, and it only takes two goes to open up the large door leading in. When it closes behind him, it was like he was never there at all. <English>