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First encounter with the crew of the Dark Embrace

Also known as Fael is shocked by the new guy

Setting: Dark Embrace - Cargo Bay - Deck 3 This is a rather large area in the Patrol Craft class, a cavernous huge room. The reinforced metal floor littered with quick release clamps to easily attach or detach standard cargo containers. To the front the huge cargo ramp opens out of the ship, broad enough for the mule, parked on it to head out and in to load cargo. To free space the mule is usually parked on the ramp, causing it to be halfway outside the ship when it opens. Though there's enough space left to park it fully inside when the ships bay isn't all that full.

Overhead, a gantry crane spans the width of the bay, and moves along heavily reinforced track so that it can service the entire length of the bay. Along the bulkheads and overhead, grated metal walkways have been lifted out of the way and secured, ready to be lowered into place to provide access to materiele above the main deck. The walls and floor is fitted with recessed cargo management tiedowns, but the steel plate shows the scuffs and dents of many years of hard use. Nothing in this bay is new, yet it all is carefully maintained and in good working order.

"Yeah, I'm kinda the same way. I keep my nose out of there if possible." She laughs at the last and nods. "Aye. I was born en-route to Ariel. Can't say I really feel at home dirtside, either. I get an itch if I sit still too long." She grins and motions to the lift. "This.. I'm not sure if you're firmiliar with the class. But we've got three decks. This is Three. Deck Two is quarters. Officers and regular crew. We've got one main commons which is.. heh. Its impressive. Haven't seen one like iti n a long time. Deck One is the Bridge and where the three head honchos have their berthings. Salin Fawzy is our main operator." He would recognize Fawzy as the former commanding general of Alliance Ground Forces and the recently retired Lord Marshall. "Baroness Kennedy Sinclair is also one of our operators. And Ysara D'Artanion has her quarters there as well. She's our negotiator and a recently retired Companion. I'm on Deck Two with the likes of ya'll." Itzal and Alina are standing somewhat near the lift talking quietly. <English>

Fael strides out of the elevator and points at the new guy. "Never play cards with Lochlan!" Yes, this is the tech's way of saying hello. "Oh, he'll wile you in, right, making it sound like a good idea," because Fael definitely didn't have a hand in getting the gambling going, of course, "But it's not! He just took my fiscal history, my suit, and my /dignity/ in three rounds. Bloody hell!" Despite the words, there's a certain respect for his adversary showing through. "It'd a bad damn idea and someone remind me that I'm a real bloody sack of hammers if I ever decide to do that again." He extends a hand to Itzal, "Hello, by the way. I'm Fael." <English>

Kerwyn is the second one to come out of the lift, the petite redhead waddling a touch in her pregnancy. Holding back her giggles at Fael's words, she but nods, "Indeed... he skunked us horribly. I have to wear silks, and give him 24hrs.." A sigh, and she looks to the new guy, and offers a smile, "Good day, I'm Kerwyn." One might remark that her clothing is expensive, and she speaks with a Core World accent that is soft and cultured with just a hint of a brogue thrown in to make it unique. <English>

Itzal's dark blue eyes regard fael with a sort of ammusment within them. His eyes moving over the mans suit slowly as he tells the tale of the great poker adventure. His brow arching slightly in question as fael mentions the loss of his suit. "Ahh hello, I am Itzal..or some just call me shadow..Either works.." His right hand moving out to grab faels and giving it a firm shake as he though if it was the suit he was wearing right now it couldnt have been that high stakes of a game. His lower lip sucked in for a moment as he bit back the comment before turning his attention to Kerwyn. His head slowly nodding to her. "Ahh I have hear much about you. And the fact that if I go near your maintenance area I may just end up going out into the black without the kindness of a ship..or eva suit.." A chuckle leaving him as faels hand is released. "And I will do my best to not get involved in a card game with Lochlan.." His head slowly nodding. "Besides, cards arent really my game.." <English>

Lin looks to the lift as it opens. When Fael steps off and begins, she laughs. "I swear, Elrich.. if you lose that suit I got you, I'll have ya ass in a sling and trailing behind the boat all the way to Regina." Sure, shes threatening, but her smile glows with mirth. "But yeah, that's why I don't gamble with him. Hopefully you've learned your lesson." Looking to Keri, she snickers. "Wear silks and give him twenty-four hours? Hon, isn't that how you got to be this way?" She winks, moving to give the redhead a hug. "I've hired Itzal as a pilot so I don't have to spend all my time sitting on the bridge /allllll/ alone." There's a quick leer between them. "But I guess he also knows his beans with the reactor. Keri? That means he's my primary and he's your new backup... if you think he's got the chops for it, anyway. I'll leave the choice up to you." <English>

"Itzal. Shadow." Fael echoes both names thoughtfully, as though saying them aloud will help him decide which to use. "Good to meet you, and that. If cards aren't your vice, what is?" Alina's words spark a rueful smile, and Fael shakes his head. "No, no, don't fret. I didn't lose any actual possessions -- the hell would Loch want with my clothes, after all? Called this a fop suit, he did. I've just got to wear jeans and a t-shirt for a week, that was the bet." Fael considers, "Which I suppose means I've got to go buy jeans." A brow lifts, interested, as Alina describes Itzal's job -- but as it's not his jurisdiction, Fael stays quiet and lets the others handle that. <English>

"A pleasure to meet you, Itzal." Kerwyn is heard to say, before laughing at the man she entered with, "Though, you know, Fael, He does have a 'fop' suit, and he doesn't look bad in it either." With Alian's teasing, the redhead actually blushes a little, "No, I didn't get the silks until afterwards, actually. I think that came after I knocked him in the head with a wrench.. making up is always fun." Bat innocent eyes. When Alina goes on to talk of Itzal's position on the ship, the redhead shows a serious side, and she nods quietly, "Alright..." Of course, the words the man gives, just draws a quiet smile from her, "The ship is my kid. I protect anything that is mine. But, I will need someone to watch over it once I have to leave.. I'll give you the run around soon and see how you hold up." <English>

Itzal's shoulders slowly lift and fall in a shrug. "I guess we will just have to find out?" His brow waggling some before lowering again. "My vices..Vices could be anything depending on each persons interpertation..So It really depends on what you mean by vice.." A smile slowly growing over his lips as he looks to Kerwyn "Yeah I can deffinatly simpathize with those feelings..You take care of the ship she'll take care of you.." His head slowly tilted as he looked towads alina. "I am guessing that most games of chance are not smart to take part in with the amazing suit winner and silk giver?" a soft chuckle leaving him though it was quickly gone. "I am likin this ship more and more every minute.." <English>

The lift chimes once more, the door opening to disgourge another woman. She is neither tall nor short, her clothing a mixture of Core and Rim for she wears a silk blouse over black jeans. The blouse is a near dusky rose and floats gently as she moves. On her feet she wears boots that are also black and harken to images of horses on distant worlds. As they are not scuffed, nor stained, she cannot have done 'real' work in them. Hands tucked in her pockets, she still manages to move with a fair amount of grace. Her manner is a little etherial and distant, as though she watches the world through a thin veil of gauze. When she reaches the group, she pauses, silent and waits for an opening in the conversation. <English>

"A fop suit? Geez. Well maybe if you wore the snazzy one.. But hmm." Lin looks Fael up and down. "I may have to thank Loch for that. Get some jeans on ya and it might be quite a sight. I'll have to get video. And pictures. And hide your suits forever." She casts a sly smile to him and looks to Kerwyn. "Oh, play rough do you? Keri.. the new things I learn about you every day.." There's a light and playful poke to Kerwyn's side before she looks back to Itzal. "Aye. If Loch wants to challenge you to anything that involves bets, don't accept it unless you can afford to lose." She chuckles. "But he's a good guy. Cards are his second love next to this lovely thing next to me. If you're willing to play with him I don't think you'll get any complaints from him ever." To his last she just grins. "I /love/ this crew." When the lift stops, Lin looks back and blinks at seeing Ysara. Yeah, there's a little surprise there. "Uhh.. hello Miss Ysara." Blink. Blink. Recover. "This is our new pilot Itzal Nekane." She motions to the man in turn. "Itzal, this is Ysara." <English>

Fael quirks a smile at Kerwyn's compliment, and brushes imaginary lint off his sleeves. "Thank you." He grins at Itzal's comment about vice, and Fael snaps his fingers and points at the pilot. "Appreciation of subjectivity in other people's perception of vice and virtue," he approves. "Glad to hear it." To Alina, Fael protests. "I'm not wearing the new one because I don't want to wreck it! Got to have a special occasion, pet. Spilling champagne on silk is alright. Spilling ketchup on silk isn't." And about Lochlan, the tech muses, "He may be absolute shite at dice. It remains to be seen. But it'll be a while before I'm brave enough to find out." Ysara's arrival seems to switch Fael to a more serious demeanour, and he glances briefly at Alina before looking back to the elegant woman with slight concern. <English>

Kerwyn hmms, "I've learned to do so around you wild things." The quip is returned to Alina after the poke in her side, chin lifted just a touch, "And with Lochlan. Sometimes, a girl has to get a bit stronghanded to get through his thick head." A wry grin passes over her lips before she turns back to the new pilot. "Exactly. And with this crew.. I just try to be sure she stays in the air to get us back home." Amusement flickers to life, but as the lift sounds and Ysara arrives, the petite woman gives the arriving woman a quiet smile as introductions are made. <English> Itzal's eyes slowly rise and his head turns towards the lift as the doors open. His dark blue hues watching the woman with a mixture of curiosity and genuine suprise. His lips slowly form a smile as his head lowers and tilts ever so slightly to the right to the woman. His hands slowly moving from his pockets to remain at his sides. His voice sounding out as his head slowly lifted once more. "It is nice to meet you Ms. Ysara.." <English>

Waiting until introductions are made, Ysara takes the time to study the new pilot though she does not overtly do so. An assessment, then rather than something more intimate. Inclining her head, she lifts a hand, offering it should the man wish to shake hands. "The pleasure is mine, Mr. Itzal." Her tone holds warmth and a richness of spirit partially dimmed by whatever keeps her detached, "Welcome aboard. I hope that you find what you seek here. The crew is an exceptional collection of talent and character." It is almost as though they are not standing right there. Almost. Her gaze turns to Alina first and a smile touches her lips. Then to Fael and Kerwyn and finally back to Itzal. "Expect a bit of teasing and a very great deal of support, should it be needed." An odd woman, perhaps touched a bit. <English>

"Touche, Fael. Touche. I catch ya with catsup-" Yes, she says cat-sup "-on that suit.. Ooo." She gives him a mochingly angry look. Pursed lips free of charge! "We'll get out for dinner. Should do that while we're here on Persephone, actually.." She muses the last part and quirks an eyebrow in the direction of the ramp. But Kerwyn brings her back 'round. "Well if ya need help with the stronghand and thick skull, you let me know... Did I ever tell you I bought a cattle prod?" Her last questions comes out completely legit as if it couldn't /possibly/ have anything to do with the previous offer. Nope. Not at all. "But you work magics with her, Meimei. Kickin' reactor butt all over the blackness." She moves to slink an arm around her waist. "But I'm sure you've had a long, Itzal. If you want to put your things down and get settled, you can head to Deck Two and grab one of the unoccupied rooms in the crew quarters. We can get together tomorrow and I'll give you a briefing on what we're all about here on this boat." Ysara's assesment gets another warm expression to her and the nto Itzal. "Yeah, I should probably have told you about that. Were pretty sporting with each other. In a lot of different ways." <English>

"Sure you want to be seen in public with me?" Fael asks Alina, amused. "This is Persephone, right, we could encounter people who know me." And then she mentions that she owns a cattle prod. Oh dear god. He involuntarily backs away from her a step. At Ysara's words, especially the last part, Fael smiles -- the expression is surprised, amused, and sincere, an intriguing cocktail of emotion. "Reckon she's right," he says to Itzal, simply. "Welcome aboard." <English>

"Cattleprod? Should we take bets on how high it'd make him jump?" Kerwyn wonders, pondering this thought before mention of where they are gains her attention. Turning to Fael, the pregnant woman grabs one of his sleeves, "Me. You. Pie Floaters." Secret code being used again? Sheesh. But, turning to the new guy, she smiles politely, and with utmost sincerity, "It's a pleasure to meet you, and yes, I'm sure we'll talk later, once you've settled in. Just give a shout on the com, or look for me in the engine room, though I keep getting run out of there when I spend too much time." <English>

Itzal's right hand slowly lifts and moves to wrap his fingers about Ysara's hand gently and shaking it for a moment before releasing it. "I can already see that and honestly it does make me smile.." A chuckle leaving him. His attention slowly turning towards Lin as he nods. "Yes, i think that may be a good idea..I hope you all do not mind my departing for the second deck already..but its been a very long week.." A smile gracing his lips as he grabbed up his duffle and moved to stand beside fael leaning in slightly. His words said under his breath. "Dont worry, Cattleprod doesnt hurt so bad..Besides can be fun.." Another chuckle leaving him as his free hand moved out to pat the man on the shoulder before he turned to the others. "I hope to be able to speak with you all more tomorrow.." <English>

"Ooh," Fael says to Kerwyn, in response to whatever Pie Floaters are. "Definitely..." But then Kerwyn and Itzal (particularly Itzal!) are going on about the cattle prod, and that's enough even to distract him from the wonderfulness that is a meat pie on a plate of pea soup topped with ketchup. "For the love of god!" he recoils, looking uncomfortable in a way that only a man with the mental image of cattleprod-oriented kinky fun can look. (Very Uncomfortable, as it turns out). "That's your vice, mate, that's it right bloody /there/." <English>

Ysara's grip is firm enough, though with an underlying gentleness. She releases the man's hand when he does and steps back a half step. Turning, she catches the looks on the faces of the crew and her lips curve into a slightly lopsided smile. The look in her eyes is one of faint innocense, "Only the truth." Inhaling she turns to smile at the new guy once more, "Help yourself, Mr. Itzal. Sleep well." Again she fades back a step, though when Kerwyn makes a date with Fael for pie floaters, she blinks a few times, looking confused and faintly distressed. The look vanishes in a moment, however, glossed over by that same detachment that has plagued her for a while now. Percephone. Her eyes close for a moment and she turns to look toward the ramp. Fael's exclaimation shakes her out of it briefly and she clears her throat, "One man's vice, Fael, is another man's virtue," says the one who would have a feel for that sort of thing. She winks, lashes lowering ever so slowly, then rising again quickly. <English>

Alina 'pshaws' at Fael. "Good. We can arm you up, lookin' all mean and trot you around the Commons. It'd be hot." She winks at him and chuckles as he backs away. "Love, I won't use the prod on you.." Ahem. Uhm. Cue furtive glance. She'll be over -there-. "But yeah, I can bet you can make Loch jump in whatever direction you want." She grins. But Itzal's comment to Fael gets her to burst out into (nervous) laughter. "Ohmigod.." she deflates and gives a look to Keri. Meep! Then Ysara, bless her heart, forces a firetruck of red into her cheeks. Her eyes just turn up to Fael while she bites her lower lip. <English>

Kerwyn ends up busting out laughing, between the comments offered by Itzal, and those that come from Ysara. And while her cheeks might be showing a hint of pink, she merely smiles quietly, "Pain and pleasure are but two sides of the same coin, after all. What is that saying...." She questions, pondering before grinning, "Don't knock it till you try it?" Let the Core World girl get down and grubby in the slang. "Pleasure and pain, though directly opposite are contrived to be constant companions. The quote is given, before she grabs another from her mind, "Pain and pleasure, like light and darkness, succeed each other." See, she's smart! And innocent, for just look at the way she looks to Fael with that smile. <English>

Itzal's head slowly shakes and he turns back towards Fael. "My vice? Well if that is what would be defined as a vice sure..But wouldnt you agree having a intresting vice is so much better then a boring virtue?" His brow arching slightly as he looked to fael. His lower lip quivering slightly as he tries to keep from laughing. His attention slowly moving to Ysara. "Very well put Ms Ysara.." A bow of his head given to her before he nods to the two others and steps onto the lift. When the door closes his laughter can be heard as the lift slowly moves up to the second deck. <English>