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 Ezra - Spacer's Row                                                 =>Ezra<=

The street here is a dusty narrow track, that leads straight down through the centre of town. Both sides of the main drag are lined with buildings built of rough hewn lumber, with wide porches raised up from the ground, and awnings to provide some shade when the sun is high. The windows set into the storefronts are square casement affairs, sometimes painted with the names of businesses, or curtained on the inside to lend some rustic warmth. Hitching posts for horses, wagons and MULEs are sunk into the ground, fashioned of stripped posts and cross-members, and water troughs are fed by rain gutters from the awnings and roofs above. The mile long stretch of Spacer's Row, as it is called, is lit most times of the day and night from strands of bulbs, and gaslights along the street. The tinny sounds of music and reverie echo out from the various businesses, with the shouts and laughter of folk having a good time. Saloons serving all manner of drink from the cheapest rotgut to fairly expensive liquors can be found here, and from the smells filling the area, all sorts of food as well. Women, sometimes with male companions, often alone call down to passers by, offering their services and proclaiming the wares of their establishments. The quieter places along the avenue are inns and hotels, ranging in quality from run-down coffin hotels, to a variety of middle to upper scale lodgings. There is little sense of law here, though there are plenty of people with guns on the streets, leaning in doorways, and rocking in chairs on the porches.

Leutrim                                Reilly                                 
Baltimore                              Dale <idle>                            
Fess Higgins                           Lee <idle>                            
<SP>     Spaceport                    

Current Serenity MUSH time: [ Tue Oct 28 20:42:11 2008 ]

IC Time: Sep 27, 2523 - 03:59:00


This man is slightly above average in height at about 6'2". Lean but fit from an active outdoor lifestyle, his fair skin is sun tanned and his face clean shaven. Leu's hair is brown-black and long enough on top to feather by finger combing but cropped short and neat around the sides and back. Pale grey eyes watch his world warily or with humor, depending on his mood.

Clothing for the moment consissts of a plain black T-shirt tucked into black cargo-pocket pants and secured with a black leather belt. Scuffed black leather boots suitable for hiking about in back country shod his feet. Over the T-shirt is full torso body armor in deep navy blue, almost black.

.--[Carrying]-- | - Leu's Rifle Case | `(Backpack - 17728) |--[Armor]----- | * Impax 'Defender' Tactical Armour - 12615 |--[Weapons]--- | - L1A1 Self Loading Rifle - 18060 | - Bersa Thunder 45UC - 15515 |--[Ammo]------ | 2 .45ACP Ammo (14343 17595) | - 7.62mm Ammo - 9548 '--------------

Xander arrives from Ezra -- Spaceport. Xander has arrived.

Xander This young white man looks on the good side of his twenties. The main feature of his face would be his high forehead topped by thick dark brown hair; this seems to add height to his five foot nine. Eyes of blue-green complexion and fair skin hint to celtic or british origins. The straight eyebrows add a touch of severity to his allure, with a faint scar cutting the left one in half, while the generous lips ink him a romantic, a trait his hard-looking three days beard cancels. The thin jawline goes with the rest: narrow neck, limber cat frame with a certain lack of muscular tonus, let alone fat, which must put him around 140 pound, 150 if wet. Not a trace of worriness, nor sadness on his face; he seems not to be preoccupied by the burden of life, yet his gaze remains charged with a mysterious intensity.

All he wears has had some history. The black stretchy jeans show worn loose threads at the cuffs and are patched by army green fabric at the butt and right knee. Over a faded red 'Blue Sun' t-shirt, a second-hand armored jacket awaits to be zipped close, granting a laid-back soldier poseur air. There's this one combat boot on the left which must have lost her twin, beacause the other foot is wrapped in black plastic. Or maybe, that right foot is busted somehow, says the black cane with the hande covered with black tape Xander uses to ease his walking.

Picture: XanderCromwel2.jpg

.--[Carrying]-- | - iComm - 17959 |--[Armor]----- | * Flak Jacket - 17547 |--[Weapons]--- | - Cane '--------------

Well, who the hell knows what time it is dirtside local on Ezra... it's not quite light out, but almost dawn maybe. Somebody's mucking about in the hall, then a muffled low voice says, "This one" or something like. Louder, says, "It's Leu." before opening the door and just coming on in. Incase anyone in the motel room is actually awake and armed, and might be trigger happy. Leutrim enters looking about the same as he left except that he's carrying more gear. Extra rifle and side arm anyway. His voice still low he peers around to see who is about and asks, "Gene?" <English>

Reilly isn't stupid, he hasn't survived as long as he has being stupid. Reckless, but not stupid. He follows along with Leutrim, but lets the other man enter first. If anyone is trigger happy, they'd be more so at the sight of an unfamiliar face entering first. The first thing he does is take in his surroundings and note the position of anyone else in the room. The second thing he does is... take in his surroundings and note the position of anyone else in the room. Third? He checks to see if any of those faces are familiar to him. <English>

Airport motelrooms on Ezra are primarily good for one of two things: bumping uglies or listening in on the folks do so. Considering Balt and Dale are in the main room, and a seventeen year old boy is tied to the bed in the other, Balt gratefully partakes in options three: making a few notes on a PDA and keeping roach alert. He sits in one of the 'office' chairs the motel has to offer, his feet kicked up on his suitcase. He looks up as Leu slips into the door, all geared to the teeth. "Jesus, Leu, the lot of that fall off a truck or you shack up with an heiress?" Then someone else follows Leu in. It takes Balt a moment to recognize the face. "Captain Kelly?" <English>

Leutrim leans over towards Reilly and mock whispers loudly, "You an heiress?" <English>

Twenty yards behind Leutrim and friends, a limping figure approaches. If Leu doesn't spot him, Xander already did, for a good reason: he's knocking at the makeshift HQ's door. He hastens his pace, to catch on. Whoever Leutrim is with can't be an enemy. Xander is closing. <English>

Walking in like the place is ... well, not familiar but he's been here before, Leutrim nods to Baltimore and laughs, "Blue light special sale at the Red Deuce." And then a gesture towards the man who has come in with him, "Aye, Reilly Kelly, fella I mentioned from Life Line Inc." And looking back to Reilly, Leu introduces, "This is Baltimore Flannigan, a fellow Irishman tae ye." He drawls, "My former ALPD Captain." Then a gesture to indicate Dale, "And that is Dale Lambsey, tech ... among other things." <English>

Reilly is pretty geared up himself, but it looks even more obvious on his slighter frame. "Aye, I be leavin' me silk gown and tiara at 'ome. Forgot tae shave me legs," he quips in return to Leu's stage whisper. His name being spoken didn't slip by his attentions, he just needed to explain why an heiress wasn't wearing a silk gown! He turns his attention to Balitmore. "Aye, so...looks like t'at job interview will be put on 'old fer a wee bit." He winks, "...or maybe we can be considerin' t'is an 'on the job' interview?" He takes a step closer to Baltimore, hand extended for a proper introduction. "Captain Reilly Kelly, but Reilly be doin' just fine, it be a pleasure...maybe...really couldnae be tellin' ye 'onestly yet..." His expression is, for the most part, unreadable. He slaps the satchel hanging from his shoulder. "I be bringin' sodium pentat'ol, if ye t'ink it mig't be speedin' t'is up a wee bit?" <English>

Dale is actually dressed up a bit comparatively to the previous night. He hasn't bothered to change yet. He gives Reilly a friendly sort of nod and finds a place to lean against. "Captain, huh? Nice to meet ya." He tips an imaginairy hat. His customary cowboy hat is sitting on top of his duffle bag, it didn't quite go with the digs he's currently wearing. <English>


He is a lean, muscular man just under six feet with piercing blue eyes. He has a distinct, angular face with high cheek bones and full lips that have a tendency to twist into a sardonic smile most of the time. His chin is speckled with the start of a thin goatee, and his upper lip sports a faint moustache. It's more stubble really than actual facial hair as though he can't yet decide whether or not he wants it. His shoulder length hair is a rich chestnut brown with golden highlights. The thick brown locks frame a boyish face. His physique is rugged, tightly muscled and wiry; there is no part of him left to careless maintenance. Overall, he is a portrait of casual confidence, secure in his identity. He appears to be in his early twenties. Dale wears a pair of nice slacks, a white button down shirt, a grey vest and a black knee length coat. He also has a sturdy pair of black boots and an over the shoulder holster for his gun. He's not looking too badly today, dressed all spiff. His clothing fits the nature of his piercing eyes.

.--[Carrying]-- | - Backpack - 16848 | - PDA - 17798 | - iComm - 8499 | - APKC License |--[Armor]----- | * Armored Duster - 18289 |--[Weapons]--- | - Kriss Super V - 8638 | - Lightfoot 42 - 16899 |--[Ammo]------ | - .45ACP Ammo - 17847 '--------------

Knock knock. Closed door or not, Xander remains civilized. Or is it careful. He peers inside. "Hello, hello.", he greets to the room. This time, he looks much less out of place; he even stopped shaving, for his return to Ezra. "Xander.", he introduces himself to Reilley, before working his way further in. "Whassup, guys?" <English>

"Well then." Balt lifts himself out of his chair and walks over to Reilly to offer the man a hand. "Mister Kelly, good too see the flesh of your face. Happy to have the chance of working with you, but won't be no job interview. Do that right and proper later. Interview presumes my doing things to impress you, and got no interest lighting fireworks for you, if you follow my meaning. Might not refuse your syringes, though." Balt's suit coat off and laying on the bed, and his shoulder holdster's exposed and dangling. He turns back to Leu. "You give Mister Reilly what you know of the plan? And you got any more folks coming?" People have been coming in and out so much Balt stopped down to the front desk and requested a revolving door. Be peeks out the window as Xander knocks. "Ought to be mister Marc now," he announces, incorrectly. <English>

Leutrim has stepped out of the way so that Baltimore and Reilly can mutually speak their courtesies. There was a chuckle at Reilly's flippant remark about his gown and tiarra, but Xander's entry gets Leu's attention. Not really happy to see Xander maybe, judging by the slight frown. Turning his head to speak to Dale, Leutrim asks, "Where's Eugene?" <English>

Well, what timing, just as Baltimore asks his question, Reilly's iComm crackles a little. He murmurs quietly into it, likely offering directions, before he returns his attention to Baltimore. "Aye, looks like me engineer be on 'is way from me ship," he offers. So, that's one more coming. "We really 'avenae discussed tae much, just t'at t'is young man ...mig't be 'avin' useful information. Mentioned someone tryin' tae get an inside perspective. T'at be an area I mig't be able tae 'elp out wit'. I be doin' a share of disguise and conquer meself." He tosses the satchel in Baltimore's direction. "Take what ye need, aye?" The bag is filled with medical supplies, including the mentioned Sodium Pentathol. His attention finally shifts to Dale and he offers the other man a wink and a dimpled grin that the devil himself would envy. "Likewise, and...really...it just be Reilly." <English>

Gerry arrives from Ezra -- Spaceport. Gerry has arrived.

Of course, Leutrim's frown isn't lost. "Nice to see you too, Leutrim.", Xander replies verbally, though his face remains bland. What the new guy tosses at Baltimore catches his attention; Xander eyes the mysterious snatchel, in silence, like his gaze alone could x-ray through it. <English>

Dale checks his icomm and turns it on. "I'll find out." he says to Leutrim as he starts to speak into it. "Genie? Come in. It's Dale." He speaks into it. "We're setting up ready to wake up our guest." The self proclaimed engineer shifts in his present location and smirks as he talks about their 'guest'. He nods at Reilly, "Sure thing." The man is calm and cool and quite annoyingly comfortable, not a single nerve jangling about really. <English>

Balt walks back to his PDA and powers it down. "Ma use to tell me I ought to give folks their proper politeness until I earned myself free of it. Figure that applies here, Mister Kelly. But seems you got the what's of the plan down, just not the hows. Been explaining and re-explaining this plan every night this week, so it seems. Rather just do it once more, if I can." More people means more sitting room, so he returns to the bed and scoops his jacket up and into his arms, hanging it on the back of the chair. "Mister Xander," he finally acknowledges Xander without looking at him. "Any news off of Osiris?" <English>

Gerry's arrival is announced by a quiet knock on the door. He can follow directions apparently. He expects to be expected so waits patiently for someone to allow him in, seeking out Reilly immediately if it's not, in fact, Reilly that lets him in. <English>

"You could say that. All mundane and non-related to here, alas.", Xander answers to Baltimore. "Good to see you again, Sir. As for askin' Carmichael 'bout high society stuff, no luck either. He's still recoverin' from a knife in the ribs accident." He remains where he stands, not looking for a seat. The bad news don't seem to alarm him overly. <English>

The knock on the door catches Reilly's attention. "T'at would probably be me engineer," he offers up, but he makes no move toward the door. This isn't his show and he really doesn't know if there's the possibility of someone unwanted comin' a knockin' or not. "Tellin' a story more'n once can be a wee bit tiresome, aye?" he agrees. "And, if ye insist, but I really be preferrin' Reilly. Me grandad be Mr. Kelly." Not even his dad! <English>

Well... he's not really engaged with speaking to anyone while Dale tries to locate Eugene via the iComm, so Leutrim slips back to the door. Without opening it, he asks through it, "Who is it?" When he hears Gerry's voice, he opens it and lets the other man enter. "Welcome." <English>

The door to the quarters' bathroom opens up, and Lee steps out, shutting the door most of the way behind him. Do NOT go in there for a while! No, really. Most folks who've been here for the past hour or so know that there's a surgical procedure taking place in there. "People," Lee understates, blinking at the new arrivals in the room. He makes his way over to Baltimore, to offer the fruits of his solitary hours of pondering whilst Balt and Dale were off snooping, "I was thinkin', it might not be enough for Lumpy to see Marc break a bottle over your head. He might want to finish the job if the job's not done right, y'know? Wouldn't happen to have any blank rounds or anything? Failin' that, could have Marc shiv you a few times, but not for REAL," he keeps stressing that like it's not obvious, "and you could leak a whole lot of steak sauce." Lee, you Machiavellian devilish genius you. "Also, I was thinkin' one of our marksmen could take a few potshots at their heads as they run, but not for REAL," ...Leeeee... "To get the blood flowin' and the incentives clear for Lumpy an' Marc to stick together." The prisoner is most /definitely/ not tied to either of the beds in this room, by the way. The adjoining motel room has that honour. Only insane idiots would discuss their super secret plans in front of a prisoner, comatose or not. Lee and Co. are one, or the other. But not both. <English>

Xander listens to Lee's speech, trying to get the gist of it. That makes him ponder a few moment. "You guys interogatin'?", he finally asks, to no one especially. "How's the guy's brainpan, now? Can he know his nose from his arse? 'cause, it's no use to make plans, if he can't relate with us on a sane basis. A brain's more a mess than a computer, to make it simpler. You could make use of a shrink." <English>

"Steak sauce, it be smellin' tae much like... steak sauce," Reilly offers up his little two cents. Most of that stuff, even ketchup... smells from a distance. "I be 'avin' a stock of A negative blood on board me ship," he continues. "Ye want tae make it look real, ye use the real t'ing." He just doesn't share the fact that the blood is stocked to keep him alive should his overly bleedin' arse get to... bleeding. He can spare a little, right? <English>

"Thanks," Gerry says to Leutrim, casting a glance about the room to those gathered as he steps to Reilly's side and a little behind like some body guard or the like. He doesn't offer an introduction for himself and doesn't seem particularly interested in getting any in return. <English>

Balt catches the satchel from Reilly (he threw it underhanded resulting in a lot of midair hang time) and sets it on the bed. "Never used that sodium whatnot business before. Leave that to Miss Ivy." Balt and Xander apparently have different definitions of mundane. "Wait, what? Mister Carmichael got stabbed?" This would go on further if Lee didn't exit the bathroom. That boy spends more time in the john than anyone he ever met-and that's doubled since Ivy came around. He waits for the crazed look to pass out of Lee's eye. "Thought a bit of the same thing myself. At least the first part. Might do this: got a Glock RAS, a riot control pistol. Getting shot with that won't make me a happy fella and give me a touch of a gimp for a few days, but would look the most real. Otherwise, don't know much about the costuming of things, and don't believe mister Marc's the type of fella who's much good at fake-stabbing folks." Balt runs a hand down his ribs, where the 'imaginary' stab wounds might go. <English>

Every so often, some random lyrics come from the bathroom. If you know Dale's sister Ivy, you know that's what's happening. It's just like as the sun will always rise so Ivy will think up lyrics for every occasion. In that same event, it's also highly likely they are rudely and earnestly interrupted by grumpy colorful language coming from the resident surly blonde ambition everytime she picks a new godawful song to harrass him with. When Eugene doesn't immediately answer Dale looks up and nods at Xander, then the new arrival. To Leutrim he says, "Guess she'll be here when she gets here." <English>

Leutrim perks up and grins wolfishly over at Lee and Baltimore, "Give me the Glock RAS and I'll shoot Balt in the butt. I'll make it look real." Oh, he might be enjoying that idea a bit too much by the light in his pale eyes, laughing. Only, Dale's answer about Eugene not replying makes Leutrim sober up fast and frown, "Where'd she say she was going? I better go look for her." <English>

"I can be administerin' the drug, if ye need me tae," Reilly also offers up. He turns his attention to Gerry to offer the silent sentry a small smile. "'ey, ye get enough sleep?" he queries, a bit of teasing coloring his tone. His attention returns to the rest of the room. "A fake stab be pretty easy. Just need tae make sure t'at the 'stab-ee' be wearin' loose, t'ick, clot'in'. T'en ye be slippin' the knife intae the material at an angle. The stab-ee just needs tae grip it like anyone would, tae hold it in place. Be sure t'ey be fallin' on t'at side, so when t'ey be goin' 'limp' and lettin' go, it be stayin' in place on its own." Sounds like he's done this sort of thing a time or twelve before? It's all right up his alley. <English>

"Aw well. Carmichael got shived.", Xander confirms. "He'll survive, the hospital patched him and then Jones took over. Carmichael's just not available for remote stuff, is all. Might be worth tryin' to send him a wave, though." Xander let's the conversation evolve, watching others in turn, taking in the information he lacks. He smiles faintly, the faked stabbing seems to be a matter that amuses him more than the real one. <English>

Gerry returns Reilly's small smile with a flicker of his own. He notes quietly, "Ya shoulda woke me up. I woulda come right with ya." Of course he would've. But he leaves it at that and doesn't linger on the thoughts, instead listening and taking in what he's missed. At least that's what it looks like he's doing. <English>

Lee glances curiously at Reilly, then makes a disillusioned face. "I've got a Glock Razz. You mean the beanbags /don't/ make holes in folks?" But the question must have been one of those that don't require an answer, since he turns right around to head back towards the bathroom. What? He's eighteen, he's ready to go again in /minutes/, people. No, he just likes watching operations. Or operating watches. Leutrim. Lee smiles briefly at his friend, offers a wave to Xander, and disappears again to hum countermelody to Ivy's tunes. <English>

There's another knock at the door, and this time the person lets herself in. It's Eugene, nothing like being late! She's dressed in her usual jean/tee ensemble, the pageboy cap set low over her dark eyes as she slips in quietly, hoping no one will notice. "Heya, sorry... " she says breathlessly, closing the door behind her and glancing between the folks already assembled. Her icomm is very uselessly in her hands and not in her ear, "Nearly forgot it.." she explains softly to Leu, then looks around him to offer Dale a sheepish smile before she falls quiet. <English>

Marc has arrived.

Xander tests his Entertain against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (8).

Xander tests his Sleight_of_Hand against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (43).

Xander searches his pockets for something, casually at first, then his eyes grow wider and water. He refrains a cough. A handkerchief is found, he puts it at his mouth. The cough grows stronger, his face redder. His left hand comes to clutch at his chest, as he coughs and cough uncontrollably, his eyes squinting in pain. He takes in a wheezy breathe. The handkerchief he removes to breathe is full of blood and some trickle at the corner of his lips, some more is spread over his chin. He looks at Baltimore, alarmed. "Holy 'Verse on Wheels.", he croaks. "Didn't know false blood could look so real." He then grins. He's okay. <English>

Eugene's arrival and Leutrim has instant relief in his face. He leaves the others and goes over at once to greet her, putting out a hand to slip it around her waist, "Was worried ... why you going out by yourself here?" Leu's got another one of those L1A1 rifles over his shoulder like he used to carry before, as well a Bersa on his hip again, "I rode back on Reilly's ship. Baltimore and the others are filling him and his Engineer in now." A bit of a smile for her, Leutrim keeps his voice down lower, "Missed you." <English>

Balt only shivers a little. "Given some of the goings on around here, Leu, rather not wake up with a sore ass at all." There are so many questions Balt wants to ask people about stabbings and other kinds of stabbings, but instead he takes a step back and addresses the room. "Right. If we got everyone here, plan is this. Only saying this once, meaning if anyone else walks in the door, they's got to stand around looking mute and sheepish. If you just ain't listening, same story. We is trying to track down two individuals here: Lady Margaret DuCaski and Tim Finnegan. Need them both alive, and they is both with a group of criminal-types name of Tag Team. Got ourselves one of their Tag Team boys unconscious in the other room. So enough back story, plan is this: Marc poses as another prisoner tied up next to our prisoner. Been calling the prisoner Lumpy. Going to wake Lumpy up. Going to interrogate Lumpy some myself. When Marc hears the code word, he's going to break free and PRETEND to murder me, wither by shooting me with a Glock or by fake stabbing me. Then Marc is going to scamper off with Lumpy and convince Lumpy to take Marc back to their hideout. We track Marc back and get the folks out where we can. Everybody clear?" He crosses his fingers and holds them up for everyone to see. <English>

"I be figurin' ye be needin' yer beauty rest," Reilly quips. He winks at the Engineer, but turns his attention back to the others soon after. He seems about to say something when Xander's little display starts. Before he has a chance to actually react, the display comes to an end. "See, 'e be 'avin' the idea. The stabbin' isnae t'at much different. And t'at be much better t'an steak sauce. And stabbin' be much safer t'an someone takin' pot shots wit' real bullets. Even the best marksmen be 'avin' off days, aye." He lets his thoughts and his words trail off and listens to what Baltimore has to say. His brow furrows slightly. "Well...ye know, if wit' the sodium pentat'ol, we may be able tae just be gettin' the location from the subject wit'out puttin' our own at risk?" It's just a suggestion, really....but a sensible one? <English>

It was nearly zero hour, ohh zero hour how we hate you so, and if it indeed was zero our then that made Marc.. Zero man? Oh boy, this was going to end up being a suicide mission he knew it. His work having finished with Ivy in the bathroom(Gigitty goo!) Marc steps out a new man, with a micro chip under his skin. He allows himself to look around to those present before he moves up to Balt to present him with gun belt and rifle. "Hold this until I fake kill you eh?" <English>

"Sodium pentothal, good stuff. Problem is, it's not a hundred percent.", Xander offers, as he wipes the remainders of the red-brown stuff on his face. "Given we've got a doctor with us, and that I know a thing or two 'bout psychology, we can try. Takes time, could be a big loss of our time. Hey there, Eugene." Yes, he allows to interrupt himself, when it comes to greet a woman. "As for fake blood, I can cook some m'self. Takes an hour to thicken. So, we go for steak sauce. You'd need like half a pint, while I have half a vial left." He shows the plastic vial he used, out of his jeans' pockets: it's not bigger than an aspirin bottle in capacity, closed by a rubber cork. <English>

JOIN: Judge Alpha will be joining this location shortly. Judge Alpha has arrived.

Balt looks around to make sure that moment of yes-I-do-understand-the-plan-Balt passes over everyone's face. Instead, he gets mostly silence. Good enough. He responds to Reilly. "Right. If any single sliver of this plan comes out easier than we expect it too, not only will I birth a solid gold pie from my neithers, but we will take things as we come. Hope was, apparently, to get a fella on the inside," he looks around for whomever it was who actually made the plan to fess up to the intentionality of the whole thing, "try and work this as bloodlessly as possible. Us getting the location of this hideout without a man inside means either sneaking in-which I ain't got reason to trust us in the doing of yet-or shooting in." Pause for the inevitable argument saying these aren't the only two options but there are nuances of gray in between and couldn't we dress up as traveling encyclopedia salesmen and try and beguile them with our marvelous products instead. "If not, lets get this started and het some fake stabbing blood strapped to me." He picks up his suitcoat again, assuming that wilol be part of the fake stabbing process. <English>

"Could be savin' a life, tae. I be 'avin' a degree in psychology meself. I can also be administerin' the medication. Does the ot'er way be any more one 'undred percent?" Reilly can be a little reckless, but he's really all for the less risky avenue when one can be found. "And, I can be sendin' Gerry back tae the ship tae be pickin' up some of the real stuff, as I be mentionin' earlier. I be 'avin' a stock of A negative in me medbay. I would 'ate t'ings tae be goin' wrong because our prisoner be scentin' steak...sauce. If we be findin' out the location wit'out 'avin' an inside man, I be 'avin' flash grenades and smoke grenades on me ship tae." He glances over his shoulder at Gerry. "Could ye run fetch it? The blood? Just tae pints, t'ey be in bagged pints in the color, should be four left?" <English>

Eugene stands next to Leu, her arm draped lazily back around him as she's finally managed to get her icomm settled where it's useful, in her ear. Standing tip-toe a moment, she whispers something to Leutrim, then falls silent, listening to the general plan making chatter. She does look over and wave as Xander calls her name though, "Heya." Genie responds, then her eyes are on Marc, offering him a little nod and the tiniest of grins. <English>

Gerry offers Reilly a nod and waits only a moment for someone to say nay before heading for the door and back to Reilly's ship. Fetching blood isn't something he's had much experience in until he met the Captain of the Red Deuce. But he seems happy to get out of the crowded room. <English>

A smile for Eugene, then Leutrim leans down a little bit to whisper something to her in reply... but his pale eyes are roaming over the room here as the plans seems to be set to go now. Then he speaks up, "What shall the rest of us chaps do, and where?" <English>

Marc scratches his head as he crosses his arms and waits for incoming hog ties and blind folds and the leading to the interrogation room for the fiasco to begin. <English>

Dale has this all ready. He grins at Marc. "You putting this on yerself, or shall Genie and I help?" He wonders as he picks up a bag from near one of the chairs. His eyes twinkle slightly, clearly amused. <English>

The bathroom door remains ajar after Marc departs, and Lee helps Ivy clean up, although he can hear Balt's 'Anyone..? Anyone..? Bueller..?' speech from where he is. Assumedly Balt doesn't need his acknowledgement, since half of the things that are about to go horribly wrong will of be Lee's devising. Eventually he emerges to get settled near the hugely elaborate (not really) GPS set-up from which all things Espionage will be run. He glances up at Leutrim. "I'm still all for some fancy shootin' after Marc an' Lumpy get to runnin'. Who's best at that sort of thing here? I could give it a try maybe. I'll just aim right at them, that way they're guaranteed to make it out alive." <English>

Balt pushes a hand back over his hair. He responds to Leu's question. "Need someone to strap fake blood on myself and mister Dale. Need someone to fake tie up Mister Marc. Need someone so Soduim whatsitsname mister Lumpy. The rest of you is sitting in this room, listening in and making sure the escape goes smoothly and being quite." He looks to Reilly and Gerry, "Suppose that means using that shop blood less Mister Xander's got enough cooked up right now to do the job." He looks down at his lucky tie. He's going to get someone else's blood on it, which somehow seems less lucky than it should. He gives it a consolatory stroke. <English>

Eugene nods back at Leu, then give him a little squeeze "Looks like I'm being called." she says, and lets go to head over toward Dale and Marc. "Don't want this to sound funny, but is he lookin' too good for a prisoner?" she gives Marc an almost apologetic smile, almost. "Or you think that other guy's out of it enough not to notice he ain't a bit roughed up?" <English>

Balt is deadpan: "Good thought. Miss Eugene, beat the hell out of Marc." <English>

Xander raises a hand. "Can do that, Sir. I'll gear you two up, did some stage stuff in the past." He nods for himself, confident. "If you guys have armor you can where under your clothing, I'll fix the pouches over the armor, so there's less chances of nastiness in the heat of the moment. 'nyone has duct tape?" <English>

There's a glance for Lee's comment about not hitting anything. Leutrim clears his throat, "Or, you might hit one of us. No thanks. I'm a fair shot if needed... but probably some here better." The suggestion of roughing up Marc ... AND having Eugene do it, makes Leutrim almost laugh. He was about to suggest something further but it just went out the door of his mind at the new idea. "Brass knuckles, miss?" <English>

"I can be administerin' the drug, and doin' the strappin'..." Reilly is a little less sure of himself on the latter, but he has done it before. When Gerry returns with the two pints, nicely packaged in plastic IV bags that suit the purpose nicely, he's there and ready to take them if no one else steps up to do the strapping. When someone does step up, he seems a little relieved. He waits until everything's in place and someone tells him when and where he needs to be to do his thing. <English>

Marc screws up his face a moment as there's an extra beating he didn't know about, he lifts a hand to stop the income assault of fists and feet. "Wait a gorramn second." He croaks, reaching to his boot to produce his knife and slide it under his bdu sleeve. "Alright, one hit." Marc pleads more than commands, "...And another thing, you hit like a girl." Yeah, tempt the fates Marc, tempt the fates. <English>

Dale smirks at Balt. "Nothing so dramatic, my man." He's already untwined the rope and snickers at Eugene, "Go for it. I'll tie 'em up." Some awfully interesting stuff must have gone down in Ezra lately for there's a heck of a subtext between some of these lines. <English>

Gerry is quite happy to to hand over the blood to whoever takes them when he returns then take up some silent vigil along the wall where he can lean back and watch, arms crossed casually over his chest. <English>

Eugene and Marc get a raised eyebrow from Xander. "Not like a bit of make up...", he begins, then shrugs. It's Marc's face, he the boss. He smiles to Reilly, easing him from the IV bags. "Thank you." He walks to Dale, first. "Show me your back, Dale. Hike that shirt up." Given he finds tape, Xander will be able to fit the both of them in a jiffy. <English>

Leutrim shakes his head negatively, "No makeup for Marc. It has to got be real or they might see through it and kill him. Don't risk it. Want him back." And maybe, he'd like to see Eugene get to wham somebody just to see how well she does. <English>

Eugene just gives both Baltimore and Leutrim a rather horrified look over her shoulder. "Beat the... and NO Leu.. you crazy? I just thought a black eye maybe, not a broken jaw." The hit's like a girl comment does get her though, and she nods, "Yeah, that's why you better worry." Her right hand curling into a fist, she hauls off and aims a punch for his face, it's fast, but she looks like she tried not to hit him too hard. At least, probably not. No brass knuckles at least. <English>

Balt hikes up his shirt, exposing mesh armor underneath, and waits for Xander to finish. "All of that sounds good, and mister Reilly if you'd dope up lumpy I'd be in your debt. The rest of you folks keep an eye out and keep it down in here while he's waking up." When Xander finishes, Balt tucks his shirt back in and straightens himself in the mirror. He slips the glock into his shoulder holster, and drops a bersa out of a concealed holster along the small of his back. "Ready here." He says and starts for the other room. This is just in time to see Marc punched. "Hit him again if you ain't convinced of the look of it." Maybe he shouldn't be rallying for the beating of a man planning to stab him later. <English>

Dale removes his jacket and hikes up his shirt. The tat is visible just peaking out, some kind of celtic knotwork. Who knew? Anyway. He waits for Genie to do her business with Marc and nods at Balt. "Ready in a sec, thanks Xander." <English>

"I'll be needing a red marker, too.", Xander asks around, finishing the IV bag on Balt's flank. Details, details, all of importance nevertheless. "'cause y'know... I like people 'live. Dead people are no good at cheerin' me up." He looks over his shoulder, just in time to see that punch land on Marc's face. He winces. "Gorram it... I love workin' with pros." Someone he doesn't see hands him the marker over his shoulder. He makes a small red dot just over where the IV bag is hidden on Baltimore's coat. "Aim for the red spot, Marc." Xander goes to Dale, to dot him the same way. "The /red spot/." <English>

A nod for Eugene's good point about not using brass knuckles. Leutrim hasn't actually seen her use them, or anyone else for that matter, to know what damage they actually do. If he had... still, her hauling off and whamming him with a bare hand makes him wince a touch. That had to hurt a bit, even so. Leu's esteem for Marc putting up with all this crap certainly keeps going up, "Bastard's the only one earning any pay around here." <English>

Reilly snags the satchel he'd tossed at Baltimore earlier and makes his way into the other room. He's careful and precise in preparing the dosage before administering the sodium pentathol that will, at best, get them a location, and at worst...leave Marc with a drugged young man that's much more easily impressed. When his job is finished, he seems hesitant to leave the room for a moment or two. Finally, he does so, hoping his dosage calculation was correct, that he guessed the lad's body weight correctly and all that. <English>

  • thud* "Mother...fucker.." Marc grunts as he catches it dead on in his right eye, and as physics tells us his body turns some at the transfer of force. "I think we're good Balt." Marc decides hand lifting to rub his eyes some as if it dulls the pain, "Right well...Dale, your up." He rises to his full height clasps his hands behind his back. "Red..sure.." <English>

Dale smirks and gets busy tying Marc up. He might possibly be having too much fun with this. "Ok, come on." he tells his 'prisoner'. "I think we're ready." he winks over at Genie. "Great job." But now it's zero hour and time to sober up and let the con begin. He might tug just a bit too enthusiastically. <English>

Lee swivels in his chair to watch the diverse activities happening at once. Hopefully it's the kind of chair that swivels, or he's going to end up with his own convincing set of bruises. "If we can get this turkey off the ground before the shops open for the day, that'd be nifty," he declares to the room at large. "Less not-so-innocent morons on the street. Less places to run. Marc, there's an alleyway between the strip joint and the casino that connects to the back lots, suggest you 'lose your pursuers' down it. Whoever's doin' the pursuin', make it look and sound good - the Lumpster needs to fall for this or Marc's in the toilet along with his nose neighbour." <English>

"I dunnae be t'inkin' Lumpy will be t'inkin' tae much about whet'er or not the show be good enough," Reilly points out quietly from his position next to Gerry. "'e should be pretty agreeable to anyt'in' Marc be wantin' 'im tae do. And agreein' wit' a smile on 'is face." He has confidence in that drug! <English>

Balt stands at the door connecting rooms. "Mister Dale, Mister Marc, in here with me. Get yourselves set before Miss Ivy rousts the fella." He gives one last look around the room. "Rest of you I is trusting to do what needs to be done. If we is needing your help, one of us will shout out this room number. You follow? A shout of room 202 means we need rescuing." <English>

Dale follows Balt, he attempts to tug Marc along, not that Marc needs tugging, it's just something else he can add to his list of accomplishments in Ezra. Tugged Marc along with a rope. Check. <English>

"Got it, Baltimore, Sir.", Xander confirms. He also readies his own iComm, putting in the ear thingie. "Break a leg, fellas." <English>

Fess Higgins heads through the exit labeled <SP> Spaceport. Fess Higgins heads onto Ezra -- Spaceport. Fess Higgins has left.

Marc heads through the exit labeled <SP> Spaceport. Marc heads onto Ezra -- Spaceport. Marc has left.

Baltimore heads through the exit labeled <SP> Spaceport. Baltimore heads onto Ezra -- Spaceport. Baltimore has left.

Dale heads through the exit labeled <SP> Spaceport. Dale heads onto Ezra -- Spaceport. Dale has left.

Well, there they go. Leutrim has once more come to stand by Eugene, his arm goes out to go around her shoulders and he smiles, "Good job." Then he looks around the room, keeping his voice way down, "Anyone have a deck of cards? If we keep real quiet, we can listen some." It is, after all, going down in the very next room so they need to stay fairly quiet. <English>

Reilly finds a place to settle down rather heavily. He is, after all, the only one that didn't get to nap on the way here! Nooooooo... He had to fly the ship. The lack of sleep is showing in the dark circles around his eyes. "I be needin' anot'er cup of coffee," he laments quietly. "Didnae t'ink tae be grabbin' the cards from the ship." It's been a long night and it's going to be a long day. He seems resigned to the fact. <English>

Does a bear shites in the wood? "Might have.", Xander says to Leutrim, searching inside his flak jacket. Which is totally wrong, flak jackets don't have pockets, inside or outside. All the same, here's a deck of card, in its box. Xander takes the cards out. "What's the name of the game?" <English>

Eugene sighs, just a little, rubbing the knuckles of her right hand, she looks up as Leu's arm falls around her. "Yeah, thanks... well, if I can't go with him, least he's got something to remember me by." she says with a tight little smile, though her eyes just look plain worried. "Could make some coffee if we think we got enough time.." Genie offers to the tired Captain, "..though I almost want to get down on the street, don't like just sittin'." <English>

Ah, Leutrim smiles sweetly at Xander and says very softly, "I don't trust you, or your cards - but anyone can pick the game if we aren't betting anything. Need to keep our ears open, anyway." With a look to Eugene, Leu moves to go find coffee fixings, "Wouldn't mind a cup myself." <English>

Judge Alpha draws his Colt M4A17 - 12521.

Gerry moves to settle down near Reilly. But he doesn't really say anything, though he looks a little guilty about the whole sleeping thing while Reilly flied. He didn't mean to fall asleep! But when you're tired, sometimes you have to take advantage of it. <English>

Xander grins back at Eugene. "Cops are too hard to cheat on, Sir. Straight poker, if we don't hit the street with Eugene. Aces are high, of course." He shifts gaze onto Reilly. "Brew a full pot, if it's not too much, the guys will come back tired?" <English>

Reilly is settled in, probably on the bed, kicked back against the headboard. "Not really a card playin' man, meself," he offers up in regards to the whole name the game thing. He really looks like he might just take advantage of the down time for some shut eye. He even lets his eyes drift shut for a moment or two. <English>

Eugene follows along to help Leutrim with the coffee, way to on edge to sit down or even drink coffee for that matter, but at least it gives her something to do. <English>

Lee adjusts the volume on the receiver set-up after the door closes behind Baltimore, Marc, Ivy, and Dale, then leans back balances a mechanical pencil on his upper lip for an idle moment. He glances down at Reilly after the man sits, and removes the pencil before offering to both the broguish man and his team mate, "You're Leu's Lifeline, yeh? I'm Lee, thanks for coming aboard." For the record, he is manning the GPS/audio bug set-up at the motel's dining table. Just then, the speakers come to life with the first of the audio transmissions: Balt's Growly Voice: "Ain't done talking with you. Ought to be keeping that damn pie hole shut though. Hey there, sweet cakes, mama says you need to wake up." *soft smack smack* Marc: "You'll pay for this...I hope you end up in the graveyard, with the cholera, the rabies, and the genital warts!" *grunt rustle rustle* Dale: "Nice try yeh smartass sonfabitch. You're here for a good long haul so just sit yer ass down and look pretty. How's the momma's boy doing? Pinch him awake yet? My that's some nice blonde hair... Wonder if it's blonde everywhere, guess we might find out." <English>

Leutrim has gone over to ... well, it's not even an excuse for a kitchenet in this dump. But, there's a sink over here and a couple of cabinets with a little bar like counterthing in the corner of the room, across from the door leading into the room. Other door the others went through is behind him. Leutrim turns his head to see where Eugene is as he rummages through things. Voice quite low he asks her, "Want some tea?" He manages to find a ceramic pot to fill with water. <English>

Judge Alpha fires a round at Leutrim with his Colt M4A17 - 12521.

Judge Alpha unsuccessfully attacks Leutrim using a Colt M4A17 - 12521 at a 100 difficulty. (-29) .

[ROLL] Judge Alpha rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is successful (85).

The glass to the window leading to the outside suddenly has a hole gaping through it - the glass beginning to spiderweb outwards from the impact of the bullet that goes charging through. Unfortunately, or fortunately, whomever fired off that single bullet did not take enough time to aim well. The coffee pot within Leutrim's hand suddenly shatters as a nice round hole impacts into the cabinets near him.

The radio voices drone obliviously away. Garble, garble, murmur, murmur from the prisoner. Balt: "Keep his ass quiet. Blondie's the big ticket here, and you know what he did to Jenkins when the fella ain't to paying attention. Just keep your guard up. Hey there sunshine. Time for school. What's your name, honey?" Marc: "You twisted fucks!" *grunt* Dale: "I know he is. He's a pretty payload that's for sure. But no one's gonna care if I have a go with him once he's nice and lucid. Don't worry, won't mark him up more than necessary. That's it sugar. *rustle* Keep buckin', makin' thinks more difficult on yourself. Shake the kid or somethin', little bitch has had it nice in that bed far too long now."

In the midst of that, Lee jumps in his seat at the cracking at the window. Ruttin' hell, not again! He glances at the path of destruction of the bullet, then lays hands on the precious tracking set-up to transfer it to the floor. His next move seems to be aimed at overturning the table itself to provide extra cover. <English>

Nothing like the sound of gunfire to rouse a sleepy Captain quickly. Reilly's eyes snap open wide and he actually takes a moment or two to grumble something that has to do with rude individuals interrupting his nap with gunfire before he's moving. He's not the strongest, but he's certainly quick. He latches one hand onto Gerry's shirt and is rolling off the bed to the floor in one smooth, fluid motion. Hopefully he'll pull the engineer to cover with him? Cover first, return fire later. <English>

What the ?!? The tea pot in his hand is jerked right out of his grip before Leu even registers the sound of anything! There is the micro-second shock of wondering what just happened before he's turning himself to grab Eugene and throw them both down onto the kitchenet floor. "Gene!" Gods, deja voo - this suddenly reminds him of a soccor ball incident! Hitting that floor, Leutrim belatedly realizes that there is blood on his hand. His right hand, that was holding the pot that shattered. There's a piece of it right infront of his face on the floor. <English>

Reilly draws his Kriss Super V - 14348.

"Leu!" Eugene shouts, as she was about three steps away by the time the shot reverberates through the room and the coffee pot shatters. Her first instinct is to get down, and with a little help from Leutrim, she does so. Somehow her hat managed to stay on, of all things, and she peers past it's brim to the blood oozing from Leutrim's hand. "You alright?" she asks worriedly, already reaching and drawing the HK at her hip. <English>

Eugene draws her HK VP70M - 18334.

Xander, in a nervous jerk, sends his cards flying in the air. He blinks at the exploded pot that is not anymore, its /gone/. Cards flutter and fall all around him. He's no greased lightning, Xander, yet he's got the right coward reflexes: he drops down. Laying face to the ground, he tries to reach for his backside, to get something from under his flak jacket, hidden under the waist of his jeans. "I'm good!", he cries out, to informs the others he's not hit. <English>

Gerry isn't stupid. He rolls with Reilly and even manages to not fall on top of him. "Gah, Rei, are you okay?" What the hell! is more like what's he's actually trying to say. He didn't sign up for bullets and shit when he came on as Rei's engineer and stuff. <English>

Xander draws his Ruger Mk. III - 13619.

-The sound of glass shattering can be heard faintly from next door.-

Over goes the table, extraneous papers and cups gone flying to the ground heedlessly. Lee crouches down behind it with the receiver, cursing under his breath while he fumbles with the controls. Leave the others to handle the rough stuff. <English>

"I be fine," Reilly offers up. "Leu?!" his next concern is for the man he considers on of his own now. "Ye 'it?" he asks. He's cursing himself for a moment for leaving his satchel on the bed, but too late to worry about it now. He draws his Kriss and flips it from safety to semi and, for now, he just holds his position on the floor, lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling. One breath, two...calm...find it... He knows he's a better shot than his fiance and, in his shoving with his free hand, he's trying to push the engineer toward /under/ the bed. <English>

Leutrim ignores the blood on his hand. It seems to be working so he tries wiping it on his pants and draws the Bersa, "We need to know what's going on next door!" he hisses to Lee. Maybe he has some crazy notion how nice it would be not to botch this, or is it already botched? Was it a random street shot or .. there's the sound of breaking glass in the next room. Leutrim hisses, "Shit." and starts to move for the door leading to where Balt and the others are... <English>

Leutrim draws his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 15515.

Eugene tests her Spot against a 100 difficulty. The result is successful (20).

Marc screams in the next room, "YOU STUPID BASTARDS!"

Xander rolls on his back, putting him closer to Leutrim. He can feel a bit of the broken pot trying to go through his armor, pressing at his back. He aims his small firearm at the ceiling, his left coming to brace his right, like in bad cop movies. Or good cop movies, he wouldn's know. "Watch out.", he warns, before he shoots up once. If anyone has half a notch of wits left, it appears Xander is trying to take that light above out. <English>

Xander tests his Firearms:sidearms against a 30 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-6).

Eugene nods quickly, if Leu seems fine, then he's fine. She's got other things to do. Trusting him to check on the others, Eugene scurries windowward, keeping low, using cover where she can. Sharp eyes peer out from under her cap as she gets a little closer, she freezes then, sorta rolls to the side of one of the beds and sits against it for cover. "We got company. Guy in black on the roof opposite us. Sniper rifle, I think." she announces. <English>

[ROLL] Xander rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is successful (84).

"Gorram it.", Xander curses. His bullet left a hole, a inch beside the light. <English>

Hey. He's not /that/ bad of a shot. But he doesn't try to distract Reilly by arguing and says instead, "I'll stay outta the gorram way, okay? Calm down." That last is meant to be soothing and Gerry adds, "I ain't gonna fit under there!" Besides, he'd probably have no dignity left he hid under the bed while all the big boys didn't. <English>

Judge Alpha fires a round at Leutrim with his Colt M4A17 - 12521.

Judge Alpha successfully attacks Leutrim using a Colt M4A17 - 12521 at a 100 difficulty. (31)

- Leutrim has taken 4 points of stun damage. He is currently Dazed. - Leutrim has taken 4 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Another shot rings out to add another purdy hole to that window. Though, this time it doesn't seem to miss its target as the bullet goes to dive right into Leutrim's thigh.

Lee's face has gone starkly pale as he becomes aware of an ominously similar sound in the adjoining room, without having to hear it over the comm. "Hell... hell'n'gorrammit.." he breathes, finally managing to apply the earbud for close listening, and switching the receiver to private monitoring. "Stay cool, stay cool," he offers that advice to the men who can't possibly hear him at the moment. He turns on his elbow, calling out as loud as he dares, "Tornado's a go still, let it play out!" His eyes go saucer-like briefly as he witnesses Leutrim's leg going bloody before the words have completed their journey from his lips. <English>

Reilly tests his Firearms:sidearms against a 30 difficulty. The result is successful (24).

Laying on his back, staring up at the ceiling, gives Reilly the perfect opportunity to finish what Xander started. He seems to understand that being in the dark might not be such a bad thing right now. All of them are blaring targets in the light. "Get as close tae under t'ere as ye can, Gorramit," he hisses at Gerry. "T'en flip it over tae use it fer cover..." All the while he's hissing out his instructions, he's taking careful aim at the light in the ceiling. "Leu!" he calls out in a strained, loudly whispered voice, "Answer me ye son of a bitch..." Bitch is the word that accompanies his careful pull back of the trigger on his Kriss. A second later, the room goes black, bathing them all in shadows and the cover of darkness. <English>

Eugene lowers her HK VP70M - 18334 and returns it to its unreadied postion. Eugene draws her Colt M4A17 - 17581. Eugene flips her weapon to Semi mode. Eugene fires a round at Judge Alpha with her Colt M4A17 - 17581.

Eugene unsuccessfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Colt M4A17 - 17581 at a 100 difficulty. (-47) .

Well, that's a wee bit of a surprise. Somebody just punched him in the leg, hard. Another of those micro-seconds to register belatedly that he's been hit. Leutrim jerks as his leg about goes out from under him but he sucks a breath and manages not to fall on his face, a hand out to the wall to steady himself. A string of audible profanities and he's doing his best to change his location even if only by a bit as he holsters his Bersa and shrugs that rifle into his hands instead, "Get me a gorram sniper... I'm the sniper here!" Leu hisses. <English>

Leutrim lowers his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 15515 and returns it to its unreadied postion.

Leutrim draws his L1A1 Self Loading Rifle - 18060.

He can't help himself, Xander winces when he hears the gunshot - most like he did just before firing his own gun. Leutrim is not by his side anymore and his tactical position is less than favorable to see what's going on. "Holy!", he lets out loud, shortening by a good three words his favorit curse string. What else to do? He aims for that bulb again. "Leutrim's hit?" Of course, he doesn't know what Reilly is doing, either. Up there, the light explodes. He covers his eyes with his forearm reflexively. Let there be darkness. "Is Leutrim hit?", he calls out, again. <English>

Sniper...great...her handgun useless now, Eugene shove it roughly back in it's holster, unslings the Colt from around her shoulder. This is about as far as she gets before Leutrim is hit, and she nearly dives across the room toward him. "LEU..." she starts, but then the lights are out and there's a world of confusion now. At least his cursing sounds alright. "You better freaking stay alive over there mister. You know I'm can barely hit the side of a barn with a rifle." she hisses, and then as if to prove it, she gives return fire a shot. Popping up from the side of the bed, she stands to take aim, missing the sniper by a mile or so, but at least managing not to hit anyone else in the process. <English>

Gerry might grumble just a little bit but he tries his damnedest to do as Reilly says, getting himself wedged underneath the bed enough that he can flip it over on it's side without the leverage of standing up. Fortunately he doesn't even need light to accomplish what he wants to do and he reaches a hand out to touch Reilly as though silently making sure he's going to be putting the cover he created to good use. <English>

Judge Alpha fires a round at Eugene with his Colt M4A17 - 12521.

Judge Alpha unsuccessfully attacks Eugene using a Colt M4A17 - 12521 at a 100 difficulty. (-46) .

Through all the chaos, the faint sound of another bullet coming forth only comes to collide with the outside wall of the hotel - not some fleshy bit this time. Whew.

Lee's breath catches in his throat as he continues to stare at Leutrim for an extra moment. Surgery gore is fine and dandy, but this - ...and then the thought naturally occurs. "Ivy," he utters the name involuntarily, gaze flying from Leutrim to the washroom door, where he'd left the woman to finish cleanup of her make-shift surgery. She'd better still be in there. He flounders for a moment at comprehending what he's hearing through the earpiece. "Prisoners are making their escape," he utters to the room at large, "watch your fire..!" <English>

Gerry and his wishful thinking! As if the Captain would stay there when there's someone injured? Keeping low to the ground, hoping the new found darkness will provide the cover he needs, Reilly makes his way, as quickly as possible in that new found darkness, toward the kitchenette and the sound of Leutrim's voice. Along the way he snags the satchel that fell to the floor when the bed was flipped. "Stay t'ere," he hisses in Gerry's direction. He knows enough to know that if Leutrim is hit, someone needs to stop the bleeding before the guy winds up no good to anyone. He knows, first hand, the effects of blood loss. "Leu, would ye just shoot t'at mot'er fucker already?" He still keeps his voice at a hissed whisper, just loud enough to carry to those in the room, intense, but not loud enough to be heard across the street or in the room next to them. <English>

Getting his breath, and that rifle in hand, Leutrim's not waiting for any medical. "I'm fine." He hisses, moving, "Clean through." It's dark but what little light is in here is coming through that window and that's where he's headed. However he has to get there, leg being painful or not, he's focused on getting that sniper his bloody self. Yep, right where Eugene said the guy was. Leu thankfully doesn't have far to go and he's already got his rifle up but there isn't much light even out there. A bare hesitation, careful aim... exhale... soft trigger pull... <English>

Leutrim successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a L1A1 Self Loading Rifle - 18060 at a 120 difficulty. (17)

- Judge Alpha has taken 7 points of stun damage. He is currently Dazed. - Judge Alpha has taken 5 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Eugene winces as she hears the bullet thunk into the side of the building. Hey, her shot might've been crap, but at least so was his. This time. Dropping back along the side of the bed, she crouches, setting the rifle atop it, just to cover Leu in case his shot doesn't bring the guy down. Not that hers will, but hey, she can hope. <English>

Xander rolls again back to where he dropped down in the first place. He shifts his weapon from his right to his left, so he can search the floor for his cane. He feels around himself, finding a stray play card, glass shards, then the table's foot. He curses softly through his teeth, something to do with Gertal's mother and the canine species. There it is, the cane. "How many are they?", he asks to the room. He gets himself ready to move. <English>

Gerry reaches out to catch Reilly and keep him right here with him, but then he curses when Reilly slips out of his fingers and leaves the poor engineer sitting behind cover all by his lonesome. Gerry moves to the edge to try to follow Reilly's movements with his eyes, then shifts back when there's not much for him to see. If it wasn't for Reilly being here, there's no doubt that Gerry probably wishes he was still in bed. <English>

Lee takes a quick assessment of the state of the room, unsure of whether all the return fire is doing a good goddamn. Then he tunes it all out, huddling behind the table with his head down and cocked, straining to assimilate the audio information. "They're out... they're movin' .. Someone check on Balt and Dale," he calls out urgently, looking like he might just tear over and do it himself if no one reacts. <English>

You test your Spot against a 80 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-7).

Reilly hadn't really intended to treat Leu right then and there, but the Lil Irish Captain does plan on sticking close so he /can/ treat him if the other man takes that sniper out. He keeps himself low, moving in a crouch. When he makes it in one piece to the window, he presses himself against the wall to one side of it. "Let me 'ave a look at ye, aye? Ye willnae be doin' anyone any good later if ye be bleedin' all the good out of ye," he points out in that same hissed whisper. But then.... Damn, it sucks to be torn. "Fuck...Gorramit.." He studies Leu, the man is standing and the others could be in worse shape. What do do?! Finally he decides Leu is still standing and will last a while longer. "Gonna go check on the ot'ers, aye..stay 'ere and dunnae get shot again," that's an order! <English>

Leutrim is looking very carefully to see if he can see that other man... no, nothing... but he's sticking close and keeping his rifle ready, "He's out there... I want him." A glance back to Reilly's voice, "Slap something on it. I'm going after him. I can track'm." <English>

Eugene tests her Spot against a 80 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-13).

Reilly tests his Spot against a 80 difficulty. The result is successful (9).

Eugene waits in the dark, trying to barely breath, but it's damn hard. She just wants to cry and run for Leu, and as no further shots ring out, she focuses on trying to see if the man is still lurking somewhere out on the rooftops. It looks clear, at least to her... "I'm coming with you." she mutters to Leutrim, if he plans on going outside like that, she's sticking to him like glue. <English>

"Darn good idea.", Xander agrees to Lee, who appears to be not so far after all. He can make Lee's form, under there. "I say leave this gorram box 'fore they fill it with lead. Dunno how many they can be." On that, he gets on his four and starts toward the common door linking the two rooms, his cane hitting the floor each second doggie step he takes, glass crunching under his knees. <English>

Dale has arrived. Baltimore has arrived.

Gerry stays where he is behind the side turned bed. He's frustrated and irritable, but he stays since there's not much he can do at the moment but distract Reilly. And that's never a good thing. <English>

Reilly tends to Leutrim's injuries. You feel better.

For a few beats, Lee watches the Xander and/or Reilly shadow-shapes making for the adjoining door, like his whole existence centers on the results of their findings on the other side. Then he shakes himself out of it, concentrates on his earpiece, and then leans and calls bathroom-wards, "Stay there, Doc! Not safe yet!" Then he's gone back to listening, hands cupped over his ears to block out the sounds in his proximity while he bows his head and closes his eyes. Something important must be going down on the other side of that set-up. <English>

"Just be 'oldin' still, ye Gorram idiot," Reilly hisses. It doesn't take him long to determine where the man's hit, and he goes to work with steady, practiced hands. He's able to stave the bleeding enough that Leutrim won't be passing out any time too soon at least. He had yet to move away from the tracker and with Lee's words, he doesn't. "Let it go, aye?" he suggests. His words are gentle, but firm. "We be needin' ye 'ere, not out t'ere. Ye 'ave people in the ot'er room." He won't stop the man if he chooses to go, but he's really hoping he sees reason. <English>

You test your Spot against a 80 difficulty. The result is successful (32).

Yeah, his leg is really starting to hurt. Hadn't really noticed any pain at first, but then it starts creeping up. It's still dark, but Leutrim glances down at it as Reilly starts fussing with it. Leu shifts, trying to keep his weight off of it but most of his attention is for trying to see if he can see anything else out there. That sniper, or someone else... he's still has his rifle ready, the wall he leans against helping him stay up. A slow breath, "I don't see anyone out there. Damnit, should have brought Aelfred!" For the moment, there's no darting out of doors. Turning his head, Leu glances back, "What's going on?" In that other room? <English>

Eugene sighs, giving Reilly a grateful little glance that he probably can't see, and a whispered, "Thanks." before she nods at Leu. "I'll go check." Genie murmurs, pushing herself up and heading toward the door to the other room. She's at a crouch, rifle drawn, might get there a little quicker than Xander that way, but he's had a head start. Either way she leans against the wall next to the door, rifle still drawn, listening a moment before anyone opens it. <English>

Xander is halfway to the door. Not an easy task, to crawl through a dark room with both hands busied and sporting a cast, on top of it. Lee calls out for the one doctor lady in the bathroom - probably the safest place of all in that crappy motel room. "Lee, don't stay stuck there.", he calls back, not really barking an order, more like he cares for the young man. Almost there. He readies himself to get up, first kneeling, grunting while doing so, to brace his cane carefully. "You're hit, that's what.", he answers at Leutrim on a dull informative tone. He catches the moving shadow of Eugene, taking position. "On my count. One, two..." <English>

Well, he best keep an eye on what's going on outside and what might come through the door leading in from the hallway... still, Leutrim can't help but look back to see what Eugene is doing back there. It's dark and he can't see too well. A mutter to himself, softly, "Bring Aelfred... track that bastard down." Like making a grocery list, thinking about how long it'll take to get the dog and get back. <English>

Lee catches his lower lip in his teeth in a trance of utter concentration, and begins to nod to himself, rhythmically. He gets the impression of the muffled sound of his name being called, but ignores it. In the next instant however, his whole body flinches as if shot like Xander had feared. His lip comes away from his teeth with a mark gone white then starting to well with blood. And his hands come off his ears, one ripping the earpiece out along the way. "FUCK!" he yells into the relative stillness of the room. And just as quickly, he's reinserting the earpiece into his ear. "What the fuck was that? Shot fired," he grates out, presently. "Someone got tagged... wait... I think... not Marc.." That's just a hopeful statement, not steeped in confidence. He pauses to try and make sense of things. <English>

"Coulda, shoulda, wouldas...we all be 'avin' t'em," Reilly points out with a cheeky smile up at Leutrim from where he's crouched beside the man. "T'ere, ye willnae be bleedin' tae deat' soon." The Captain gives the man's leg a gentle pat below the injury he just treated. He turns his attentions toward Xander and Eugene and moves into a slightly better position to be of help to them, Kriss drawn and angled down toward the floor, that satchel of his in the other hand. The sniper threat seems to be handled, but he's still keeping low to the ground. Never know! It's not like he planned on the first shot that woke him from his near napping. <English>

Well, still not going to turn his back on the views he needs to cover, but Leutrim hisses over his shoulder slowly, "Get in there ... -now-." He's got friends in that room back there, maybe dead or dying ones. <English>

Eugene holds her breath for a moment, listening at the door for just a hair longer. Then she glances down at Xander, gives him a curt little nod. She's ready. As he counts to three and pulls it open, she'll peek, then slide around the door frame quick, rifle ready... and hope everyone's fine and there's no baddies to shoot at. <English>

Xander stops his move. Yes, there's been shot fired. He's up, his gun back at the back of his jeans, almost touching the doorknob with his left hand. "Hold on...", he whispers to Eugene. Maybe there's something to be heard... no. "What the frak...", he adds. Then, Leutrim order reaches him. "THREE!" And he pulls the door open, staying behind the door, so Eugene can rush in, like in a bad cop movie. Or a good one, he'll know if she survives. <English>

SCENE SET OF OTHER MOTEL ROOM: The other motel room is dark, it's covered in broken glass and blood, and there are no bodies to be seen. A breeze flaps the closed window shades. In the center of the room two chairs lie tipped over and bundles of rope lie split on the floor. <English>

Dale's heavy breathing can be heard, and it's not the kind of heavy breathing that makes you go 'ew'. It is a raspy, odd sort of thing that means he's clearly in some kind of pain. "Gorram sonofabitch motherfuckin'..." he swears, who knew Lambsey had a potty mouth? He is over by the big chair, his left leg has a nice hole in it, bleeding like a stuck pig. He's struggling to sit up, groping against the chair as he tries to rise. <English>

"Looks like it's still attached," comes Balt's voice from between the room's double beds. "Anyhow, wish someone would tell off random snipers that we had ourselves an intricately constructed plan and we don't appreciate it being interrupted." When the door opens, the sound of a gun hammer cocking back rises from the hiding spot. It's only when he heard the yapping from the other room does he peek his head and his pistol above the bed. <English>

Lee settles back on his haunches in the dark, free hand tilting the GPS to try and get some ambient light on the screen. Then his other hand leaves his ear, scrounging around the floor for a writing implement. Sure, maybe he doesn't need to write whatever he heard down for his own benefit, but what if he spontaneously combusts? Must leave legacy. The familiar sound of Balt's voice, and Dale's, halts his search however, and his attention flickers up and around to the doorway, straining to catch a glimpse of the room beyond. <English>

Reilly picks it up a step or three in order to be right on Eugene's heels when she enters. He's slung his satchel over his shoulder in order to be able to use both hands with the Kriss. "Left," he calls out to the girl, just expecting her to know that he means he has the left side of the room covered and will be moving that way once inside. This is, obviously, something he's done before. When the room appears to be all clear of threats, he heads immediately for Dale. "Easy lad. Sit still," he offers. "Let me 'ave a look, aye?" He crouches down and slings his satchel off his shoulder, laying his Kriss on the floor beside him. When the hell did he become a field medic!? He speaks even as he works, "Do we be 'avin' the location? Or...?" A breath of a pause. "If t'ey move off planet, we can all be makin' the move on board the Deuce." <English>

Dale nods, "It's not bad, just hurts like hell. I'll be fine." Leg. Didn't hit the bone, wasn't too bad. Just in a bad spot that looks like he's going to need a cane at least. "Tracking device is in my pocket. Don't want to get blood on it." he manages and gives reiely a thankful smile. "Who else hurt?" <English>

Fuck this. He knows they can get out that window back there if needbe, so Leutrim starts to fall back. He's limping a little but he's still up. Keeping their butt sides covered, he moves back towards that door back there, "What's going on in there?" A quick look over his shoulder but not abandoning his keeping watch on the door leading in, and that other window. <English>

Eugene instantly heads toward the right side as Reilly calls 'left'. Seems she's got some training under her belt. Rifle drawn as she entered, sound of a gun hammer has her rifle swinging in that direction. A heartbeat's pause, then "Mr. Baltimore?" she hisses, as the head accompanying the pistol looks familiar. Then the rifle is slung over her shoulder to see that Balt is okay while Reilly tends to Dale. "You alright?" she asks, then her eyes find Lee in the doorway. "Tell them they're okay so Leu doesn't..." yeah, too late. <English>

Eugene lowers her Colt M4A17 - 17581 and returns it to its unreadied postion.

Xander tests his Psychology against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (13).

Xander tests his Psychology against a 80 difficulty. The result is successful (0).

"No sniper in here. Stay cool.", says the disassociated voice of Xander to Baltimore's question, from behind the open door. And Xander is not moving from his hiding place. It's cozy, safe, he has no clue of what's going on and that, that's pretty comforting, after all the action. He hears a man walk past the doorway, then he makes Eugene's lighter footsteps. "Dale's a liar.", he informs. <English>

Balt sits up, still unsure about the sniper enough to stand. "Got any idea as to what the lot of that was about? Mind you, couldn't ask for a better distraction to get Mister Mark and Lumpy out of here, but still a bit of a surprise." With Reilly passing in front of the window though, Balt stands and hustles to a spot where he won't be like a perfect Polaroid of an old man who didn't know when not to stand in front of an opening. His side and his chest are smeared with blood. "Yeah, yeah. Fine."" Balt smears the strangers blood on his pants. "Just had to make sure things was believable in here so the plan could have some redemption to it. And we is following them folks-off world if need me." As Dale offers up the tracking device he takes it, then returns to his windowless corner by the door. <English>

"Leu be 'it, but not bad," Reilly offers up as he carefully tends to Dale's injury the best he can here. "We should be gettin' ye on board, t'ough. We be 'avin' a fully stocked medbay I cannae be doin' anyt'in' else 'ere. Bullet still be in t'ere. I amnae a surgeon." He gets the flow of blood slowed enough that the young man's life isn't in immediate danger and, for good measure, uses an infuser to inject the are with lidocaine. "Some of t'at sting should be fadin' in a second," he reassures the fellow. Once he's done all he can, he pushes himself to his feet, taking his kriss and his satchel with him. "We should go, before we be losin' whatever signal we be 'avin'?" he suggests to the room at large. <English>

Dale says, wincing as shooting pain goes through him. "more important to stay on Marc. We gotta make sure. Make sure we don't lose him." There might be just a tiny bit of desperation there. Maybe he's worried. "It's ok...just a flesh wound." He mutters as Reilly works on him. Dale struggles to stand up, finds he can only sort of hobble up. <English>

"Liar.", Xander chants once more. "I bet five credits Dale faceplants if he tries walkin' on his own." He quickly adds, "Don't be a dunce, Dale." <English>

Eugene relaxes, just the tiniest bit, nods back to Baltimore. "Good. Can't take anymore folk shot tonight." she casts a weary eye around the room, and then she's darting over, slipping under Dale's arm to help him walk, if he lets her. "That part went alright then at least? He's alright? Well.. far as you saw?" Genie asks hopefully. <English>

Leu's still keeping an eye on the door that leads in, and that window, but it sure is good to hear Dale's and Balt's voices back there. His right hand is bloody, a bit down his right arm as he holds the L1A1 still at the ready, though he's more relaxed now. Leg's hurting as he leans against the wall by the door jam, "I'll go forward, make sure we are still clear. Go for the ship." And Leutrim does so, going back to check the window, then the door, limping. <English>

Lee is just getting around to fighting a tide of relief for the not-deadness of Balt and Dale, lower lip a-wobble, when he startles and jerks the earpiece away again, this time with a sharp wince. "More shots, /real/ close to the comm," he growls, switching the unit back to speaker output. The staticky crashes of rifle fire are in the echo stages, garbling up and folding over one another. Marc must be in that alley Lee had spoken of. There is nothing coherent in the grunts of effort and thudding footfalls that pour from the speakers now. Not a half-minute later, Marc's voice gasps, "...Hey! You!" Then, "Cocksu-..." The half-curse is followed by a thudding noise. Lee looks shocked, and grabs at the portable tracking screen. "He's still moving.. due west." <English>

Reilly's quiet in the way he handles himself, but he's confident and efficient. It's those qualities that make him a good Captain. He nods his agreement to Leutrim. "Aye, I can bring up the rear. The rest of ye, meet us back at the ship. The Red Deuce, it be docked on the main space port." He rattles off the boarding passcode. "We need tae get movin', now. Before we lose t'at signal. If I 'ad tae venture a guess, I be sayin' t'ey willnae stick around 'ere fer long. Ezra isnae a rock wit' a lot of 'idin' places." <English>

Carefully, Xander peers out. He sees Lee, still busied getting a reading from the comms. He pushes the door and walks around, to enter the other room. "Not a gamblin' woman you are, Eugene.", he comments, clicking his tongue at Dale. "C'mon, hand him over, I'll make do. Go help Leutrim, he's winged or sumtin'." He limps forth, offering his left arm to take Dale's balance in charge. "Movin' as fast as able, Capt'n.", he calls back at Reilly. "Would be better if we had a mule." <English>

Awww. All the cowboys on Balt's tie look like they've witnessed the horrors of sitting front row at a Gallagher concert. He lifts the tie then lets it drop with a wet smack back against his chest. "What's that tripod? Don't look like you is going nowhere." He says to Leu's gimpy entrance. "Xander. You quick calling Dale the damned fool that he is and help Mister Kelly truck them two off to his ship." He looks around for who can still move and seems able to handle themselves. "Eugene, Lee; three of us will follow after that signal." He slips into the other room to slip on his duster and pick up his rifle. "So we is heading west, Lee?" <English>

Fade as folk move back to the ship - End RP Log -----------------------