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Current Serenity MUSH time: [ Thu Nov 13 23:02:57 2008 ]

IC Time: Oct 29, 2523 - 10:40:34

OOC NOTE: This log starts with Marc showing up and unexpectedly opening the door to a room where Leutrim and Eugene were being held captive (see Verbena - Beylix log). This is another installment in the Fess Higgins TP.

Marc takes a few idle puffs as he examines the door then the pin pad lock, and finally the sticky note code comby. "Death indeed." Marc muses aloud as he enter the combination while repeating it in his headover and over. He assumes theres a series of lock lugs being disengaged or for the handle to merely be allows to turn. He drops his hand to the handle and pushes the door open, too easy indeed. <English>

Unexpectedly, without so much as a sound outside to give them any warning, the door just ... opens. And there is Marc. Standing there looking in with a cigaret in his mouth! Leutrim himself is lying on a huge bed, the covers all rumpled. He looks a little pale, appears to have been resting but not asleep while Eugene is off prowling around the lockers again searching about for anything that might help them. Admittedly, at the very unexpected door opening, Leu's initial reaction is to throw the covers back and move sharply to set his feet to the floor to make a dive for said floor. Until he registers it's Marc, and nobody else is barging in suddenly. Lifting a hand to his head as though the sudden movement made him dizzy, Leu looks a little incredulous, "What the f*ck?" <English>

Eugene has been prowling around again, getting restless and edgy, not to mention her shoulder's really starting to hurt. She's kept herself moving, and is checking the lockers for what is probably the 500th time today. As the door clicks, she stands up from her crouch quickly, head snapping to look over at Leu, then she toward whatever is coming in. "Marc?" Genie squeaks once his blond head registers with her brain, "How..?" and she grins, rushing toward the unexpected visitor. She pulls up just short of him though, looking a little tentative, "Everyone alright?" she asks. <English>

Eugene tests her Intelligence against a 30 difficulty. The result is successful (27).

You test your Intelligence against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (45).

After all the trouble they have been going to to make up shit for the survelance, Leutrim's first reaction is to say, "Gene!" and then, point up at the ceiling and looking to Marc, "Are they still watching us?" Got to think! He gets up and heads on over to join the others but he goes a little slowly, cautious. He's hurt and Marc can tell at a glance, not nearly in as good a shape as Eugene, "Careful what you say..." he warns just incase. There isn't much point in trying to keep his voice down, but Marc had to be warned. A careful look past Marc if he can see anything out there, "Still, let's get out of here." <English>


A semi-rough looking man, probably in his mid-thirties, a pinch over six feet and probably just under the two hundred pound mark. His face has been meticulously shaven bare, almost baby butt smooth, and is devoid of irregularly except for the scar gracing his left brow and forehead. Champagne blonde hair has been slicked back to allow the donning of a black beret. The Beret is competed with a badge, gold wings split by a silver sword with an inscribed scroll reading "Who Dares Wins". A black throat mic has been secured around his neck, with a wire leading up to an ear bud. The mic itself is partially hidden behind the bungle of cloth that is a shemagh, wrapped around his neck to further protect himself from sand and sun. Folds of it hang out in no particular order. Its sage hued with black patterns making up no significant design, along certain edges of the cloth there are small tassels that hang loosely.

His chest is clad in a thick bulletproof vest black in color and decked out in modular gear from magazine pouches, field tool packs and a filled bayonet sheath on the front, to a hydration bladder and radio pocket on his back. Protection also extends from his chest to his shoulders by separate independent panels from the vest also in black. On each panel a morale patch has been placed, the left shows the outline of a soldier, leg lifted in a kick with the words MLD(major league door kicker) underneath. While on the right side there exists a coiled rattlesnake, with 'Don't tread on me' stitched over it. Under his armor kit the man wears urban splitter BDU's, randomized blotches of black, grey, and off-white mix together to form the camouflage pattern. The bottoms of his trousers are bloused into a set of tan combat boots. Across his waist is a mil spec web belt, a dump pouch for ammo and miscellaneous items, a small canteen, a pocket pouch for a survival mirror and compass, and finally a hard plastic Sepra drop-leg holster filled with a Bersa thunder. The mans primary weapon, a modulated M4 rifle, is secured combat-ready down across his chest by a 3-point style synthetic sling. While a chopped down Model 1897 shotgun, likely for door breaching, has been secured to his back within reach.

.--[Carrying]-- | - iComm - 11628 | - NV IR Thermal goggles | `(NV IR Thermal Goggles - 8568) |--[Armor]----- | * Impax 'Defender' Tactical Armour - 14327 |--[Weapons]--- | - Winchester 1897 12g - 11787 | - Survival Knife - 17864 | - Typical modulated M4, a reflex scope as been attached to the flat top riser in place of a carry handle. While the telescoping buttstock has been replaced by a more streamlined all metal skeletal one. A quadrail system has been installed also, with a modular gas block directly in front of which. The only thing still factory on the carbine appears to be the black paint. | `(Colt M4A17 - 12946) | - Bersa Thunder 45UC - 11351 |--[Ammo]------ | - 12 Gauge Box - 11049 | - .45ACP Ammo - 9766 | 4 5.56mm Ammo (16294 16295 18055 8671) '--------------

Marc doesn't seem too please as he yells, "Shut up!" As he raises up his M4, tucking it into the nook of his arm to point at the rushing over Eugene. "Get the fuck over there!" He yells, as he points to the corner...the limping Leu gets a stern warning also, "I said can it! Boy wonder!" He states, raising the stock of his rifle as if to strike the man. "In the fucking corner!" He yells louder. <English>

[ROLL] Fess Higgins rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is successful (92).

Eugene glances up very briefly, suddenly looking like she wants to slap herself in the face, but holds it together, her features composing themselves quickly. Too much stress and too many surprises for Genie to think clearly today, she nods back to Leu, then her eyes widen at Marc, "Sorry... I thought... my mistake..." one more shock. Holding her hands up she starts backing away fast, "Don't... you just looked like.." she almost continues, then shuts up fast and starts moving to where indicated, brown eyes wide and terrified looking. <English>

Leutrim certainly doesn't have to fake the surprise he has as Marc suddenly points the M4 right at them and starts cussing and ordering them. He takes a quick couple of involuntary steps back, glances to Eugene. Looking back at Marc, he just nods and goes over where indicated, looking uneasy. Doesn't say a thing now, just watches, listening and trying not to be too light headed with the sudden surprise and moving around. <English>

Marc kicks the door closed with his boot as he begins to march for the the corner where the people should be amassing. He levels his rifle at them as he inhales deeply, "See you in hell." He utters before sweeping his gun over the bed and letting loose two bursts. He moves quick as he slings the gun to his back and reaches to his shemagh neck wrap and presses his vox button. "I need all exists secured on coordinates (maintenence hanger), All the major players are here, Our two lost puppies are secure, I repeat lost puppies secure. Somebody stay with the ship and keep the engine running." He states, He then whips out his shotgun and tosses it to Leu and gene then his sidearm. "give me five minutes to get the troops in position." Marc then moves back to the door to tap in the code. <English>

Marc drops Winchester 1897 12g - 11787. Marc drops Bersa Thunder 45UC - 11351.

Eugene winces as the bed is shot to hell. Then her mouth quirks in a little grin, deftly catching the bersa. "Five, got it." she nods quickly, "Sarangheyo." she murmurs to Marc's back as he turns toward the door, then glances up at Leu. "You be alright?" a hand on his arm, she studies his face for a moment before satisfied that he'll stay upright. <English>

As he's so not sure -who- Marc is talking to, Leutrim tries really hard not to start coughing again after the rounds are fired. He's looking a bit white as a sheet but manages to make a grab for the shotgun that is suddenly thrown at him! At once he directs his attention to checking that it's loaded and off safety - still not saying a word. <English>

You take Winchester 1897 12g - 11787.

Eugene takes Bersa Thunder 45UC - 11351.

Winchester 1897 12g - 11787 The old remodeled overworked 1897 is the epitome of the old pump action shotgun, now made out of lighter alloys and with a more reliable mechanism the gun is used by many rim world security services, for it's reliability and sturdiness.

Accuracy: 95% (Firearms:Rifle vs Dodge) Maximum Damage: 9 Stun Points & 14 Wound points at current setting. Current Setting: Pump Firing Rate: 1 Ammo: 12g (6 of 6) Weapon Range: S: 20 M: 40 L: 50 Modes: Safety Pump License Required: None

Marc moves to the door and is about to tap in the code before he second guess's something, he unclips his dump bag reaches in and drops some spare mags and a box of shell next to the door. He then taps in the pin, grabbing his carbine's pistol grip and holding it muzzle ready down as he walks out of the room <English>

Marc drops 12 Gauge Box - 11049. Marc drops .45ACP Ammo - 9766.

A quick nod to Eugene that he's ok for the moment, then Leutrim moves to follow Marc out as quickly as possible ... coming to a sudden stop as Marc drops the extra ammo. He bends carefully to scoop it up, then hands the .45acp to Gene. There is no grin, just seriously trying to keep focus on the shit that may be about to bust loose. "Come on." He barely says to her. <English>

You take 12 Gauge Box - 11049.

Eugene nods again, checking the Bersa over quickly before accepting the extra ammo from Leu. She does manage to flash him a tiny smile, then it's gone, holding Leu's arm for a second she seems to be counting in her head, then lets him go and nods. "With you." <English>

Eugene takes .45ACP Ammo - 9766.

Fess Higgins heads through the exit labeled <Out> Hangar. Fess Higgins has left.

Marc heads through the exit labeled <Out> Hangar. Marc has left.

Eugene heads through the exit labeled <Out> Hangar. Eugene has left.

SUMMON: Leutrim will be removed from this location shortly. SUMMON: Leutrim is being +summoned from this location.

 Junkyard - Maintenance Hangar                                     =>Beylix<=

The hangar here is a large metal building, capable of housing two hover vehicles and all the tools and parts to fix them. A pedestrian door allows mechanics and technicians to enter and exit, while 2 large rolling doors allow the repair bays to open and accept vehicles. Surrounding the building are numbered stalls of various sizes and shapes, lined up in rows to house working vehicles when they aren't in use. The perimeter is marked with a tall fence, a second security checkpoint and guard post near the gated entrance to the area. Cameras sweep every nook and cranny, keeping a watchful eye on the equipment.

Leutrim                                Eugene                                 
Marc                                   Fess Higgins                           
Evalyn                                 Baltimore                              
Lee                                    Dale                                   
Judge Alpha <JDG>                     
<TSD>    Tight Security Door           <Out>    Main Lot 

--Junkyard-- There's a million of them on Beylix, this is the Junk Capital of the 'verse afterall. One like the other, even this one from a distance and even upclose looks the same. Through the heeps of twisted metal junk and what not lays a large maintance hangar. To the right of the hangar is a smaller building, metal door with an electric keypad along with metal walls. <English>

Dale rides shotgun like he was born to do it. His expression is set grimly as he gets ready to jump off the mule as soon as it halts. All he wants is to see his three friends but emotions are kept in clear check for the moment. "Lets do this." he mutters. <English>

Baltimore tests his Spot against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (19).

Lee keeps a low profile, to cut down wind resistance, yeh, that's the ticket. Slouched in his seat as far as leg room and the slightly stiff nature of his mesh vest will allow, he watches the scrap scenery whisk by on the sides with a brand of jaded nostalgia. After listening to Balt's responses, which just raise more questions, he nods a bit to himself. "Evalyn, there's the hangar - stop this thing so we can make the approach on foot?" That's a suggestion because he's scared shitless of giving /her/ an order. <English>

Balt is tired of people shooting his month. It completely screws up his new year's resolution to get shot less. This is going to make the missus angrier than she already is. "Pull this beast over so we can get a solid and stable look at things. Can move up on foot so as we ain't right in the firing line." While the car's still moving Balt's still looking at where that firing line from the maintenance hanger might be, and where that jackass sniper who shot at him earlier might be as well. He wants to ask the /right/ questions, then shoot first, then ask questions later. In that order. This time the right question gets him not a sniper but would be unmanned paparazzi. "Only working camera they got around here is the one pointed at the main door. Got a whole mess of other ones which is decoys lying about though." He points a few of them out, just to be didactic. <English>

Evalyn sort of moseys the ship along through the junkyard-- taking care to actually slow the ship down; this was great in terms of tactics (people could scan for an ambush), but also fairly practical, in that it made crashing more difficult to do. While Lee was certainly an easygoing guy, Eve could imagine several colorful words spilling forth from his mouth, should she accidentally impale him on a rusty beam. "I'm goin', I'm goin'," she mutters under her breath-- pulling the craft to a halt within walking distance of the metal door...though not necessarily quite in the line of sight of the aforementioned camera. <English>

Balt adds, "Got to be side doors into this place." He looks, "Be a side door right there, right underneath that other working camera." <English>

Marc forgot his cigarette somewhere, perhaps in the fake killing of Leu and Eugene. But that was buying time and nothing more, now was the the calm before the storm, before his rag tag band of ordinary people would come to save him and his prisoners. Dreams of grandeur, nothing more, he steps out into the junkyard and looks around..then to the hanger across the way. "Where the hell are they?" <English>

Eugene hangs back in the doorway in front of Leutrim, trying to tread carefully, keep quiet, stay down, listen for any sign from Marc and the others. Marc said five minutes, and that's what he's going to get. Her borrowed Bersa is pointed downward for now, toward the floor, ready to snap up when it's time to head out. As she hears Marc swearing, she throws a glance back at Leutrim, eyebrow quirked, that can't be good. <English>

Leutrim is the worst hurt so he hangs back just behind Eugene. He holds the shot gun ready, looking a little grim but not as pale as he was a few minutes ago. He continues to say nothing, watching, waiting and listening. <English>

Dale tests his Spot against a 60 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-13).

You test your Listen against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (5).

Dale gets off the mule gracefully with a thud of his boots. Yes, those chains go 'ching'. He takes a look around carefully, "Anyone see anything?" he wonders. Apparently something is in his line of site or some such, but that does not mean no one is there. He draws his weapon. <English> ' Dale draws his Colt M4A17 - 16836.

Evalyn tests her Spot against a 45 difficulty. The result is successful (32).

Leutrim draws his Winchester 1897 12g - 11787.

Eugene draws her Bersa Thunder 45UC - 11351.

If Lee had known Balt was on the lookout for their favourite Ezraean sniper, he could have used the excuse to glom on to his favourite Persephonean gumshoe, and let him know that the sniper was already wormfood, shot down in the prime of evilness by Leutrim "ZOMG 137!" Donnchadh. As it is, the boy just blinks around when Evalyn does halt the MULE after all, and shoots a relieved glance at the back of her head while he pulls himself up and clambers over the side. Wheeee. He checks for the continued presence of his knifes, then volunteers boldly to Balt, "I'll take the side door.. I'm pretty quiet an' all." Well. He's pretty, anyway. <English>

Balt takes a quick look at the cameras, trying to gauge just how big a pain in the butts they would be as targets by gauging them down the sight of his rifle. "Figure maybe we got a shot and shooting both them cameras out at once, then going in. Evalyn, you is a crack rifle shot, right?" Man, he wishes he knew where Marc was right now. Oh yeah . . . he's got a working comm. "Marc," he whispers, "Just pulled up out front. Where you at?" As he waits for the response he turns to Evalyn. "Works for me. Got the front myself then." His rifle is readied. <English>

Evalyn's eyes slowly flit about-- before she murmurs, just loud enough to hear; "There 'e is." The woman gestures towards across the junkyard, before slipping to her feet, and retrieving her rifle. She gently taps at her icomm with the free hand, bringing it up to her mouth as she says; "Marc, we're over here. Turn-- left, your left." A glance towards Baltimore, as she gestures towards the man with her gun. "You see 'im, right?" <English>

Baltimore draws his HK MSG-1A9 - 9231.

Eugene tests her Listen against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (3).

Marc seems to her a voices in his head, one sounded like balt for sure..he was truly going mad. Then Evalyn pipes up he looks left and oh thank jesus, he looks back to leu and gene. "We're moving." He states, gripping his rifle as he jogs over to the mule. <English>

Marc draws his Colt M4A17 - 12946.

Dale tests his Spot against a 45 difficulty. The result is successful (8).

Holding her breath, Eugene seems to be listening, head cocked slightly to the side. Whatever she hears is cast aside ss Marc gives the order. She nods, glances quickly at Leu and jogs out after Marc, eyes scanning for any trouble along the way. <English>

Ducking his head out the door, Leutrim thinks he hears something. He hisses low to Marc who is out a bit ahead of them, "Yelling, over there!" He thumbs in the direction of the maintenance hanger right next to them that they'll have to pass by in order to reach the MULE that Marc is now starting to head towards. As Eugene starts out, he hisses again, "Try to pass around behind or just ...go?" He's keenly aware that he and Eugene are not armored and already hurt. Sure would be nice if the MULE could come in here. No time for it, he's moving to catch up to the others. <English>

Dale's vision clears, and it's like the sun has shone down on his world. His head swivels: Marc, Gene and Leu. He's instantly at the ready, moving to cover the trio as they move forward. His weapon poised and ready, eyes sharp, his heart pounding. He'll shoot if he needs to and he'll kill. <English>

Lee begins to move out on the suggested approval of Baltimore, but stops in his tracks when Evalyn indicates through the com that Marc's be spotted. Instead of craning in her direction to see for himself, the boy falls back a pace to run his gaze over the vicinity of the hangar they'd been about to check out. "No movement around the big house," he keys his com briefly to report. <English>

Now Balt's got two things to cover: #1 is Marc and his merry band of bleeding folk, #2 is the building full of people who were going to shoot the hell out of Marc, and #2.5 the other smaller building of folks who want to shoot everyone (possibly more so, if building size is any indication of low economic status and the anger that can come with it). If he were the superstitious type, he would cross his fingers that a swarm of man-eating pigs don't rush from the junk drifts. But he's not the superstitious type. He kisses his lucky red shirt, thinks back on his horoscope in today's paper, and says a prayer to sweet baby Buddha-the only one of the Buddha's who is totally in to prayer. <English>

Evalyn's eyes move away from Marc and friends, as she lifts the rifle to her shoulder, carefully watching the way they'd come in. "Can't see noone at our backs," she calls to the rest, before harshly hissing out: "Tell them t'get they asses in the mule, so we can skitter. If the gate ain't open, check if the mule's got somethin' t' cut it up with." Not that 'gate crashing' would ever come to her mind. <English>

Marc tests his Listen against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (36).

[ROLL] Fess Higgins rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is failure (39).

Marc stops his jog in mid-stride when Leu informs him of the shouting, he turns and looks and strains his ears, "Get to cover!" Marc informs the injured, as he presses the vox on his throat mic. "Somebody bring the mule to pick up Gene and Leu, everybody else secure a perimeter. I think they're about to shoot Fess." He yells. <English>

Judge Alpha tests an NPC's listen (40) against a 45 difficulty. The result is successful (10).

Eugene lopes along easily, but she's not as bad off as Leu. She watches Marc, following his lead with complete confidence, or at least with a whole lot of it. Every few steps she throws a look back at Leutrim, just making sure he's still with them. Her pace slowing a bit if he starts to lag behind. "I'm alright." she says in response to being picked up, but moves with Leu to flatten herself against the hangar wall for now. Bersa up and at the ready. <English>

Marc's yell for them to take cover and Leutrim's on it. He's keeping up with Eugene so far, though he's already breathing hard with the short exertion. He comes up beside her and flattens himself against the hanger wall, grateful suddenly for something to lean against. He keeps the shotgun handy and just leans far enough up to try and get a glimpse of Marc around Gene, but mostly lets her watch as she's closer to the edge. He listens intently for sounds on the other side of the wall in the Maintenance hanger they had not yet crossed before. <English>

Since no one seems to be shooting yet, Dale still doesn't lower his weapon but makes his way forward towards Marc, Eugene and Leu. His intention is to eventually flank Marc and follow his lead. Anyone shoots, he shoots back. As he approaches he checks out Eugene with a grim smile, then Leu. <English>

Evalyn tests her Agility against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (14).

The order blaring over the com gets a look of worry from Lee. The Fess thing, that's a little shocking too, but... "Secure a perimeter?" he repeats, since it appears he's been slapped with a perimeter-securing role. MULE driving is out, after all. "So... I'll... go secure this perimeter thing, yeh?" The question is not directed at anyone in particular in the group, but the hope is that someone there more experienced in the art of securing things, will call Lee back before the perimeter eats him. Apparently deciding that the side door with the camera he'd been heading to before is a good place to start, there goes Lee, hurrying for the nearest cover along the way while pulling up his throwing knife from his belt. Knife was sheathed. Pants do not fall down. This is a good omen. <English>

Balt and his rifle get all snuggly, like he was rocking a shoulder baby until it was ready to shoot bad guys in the face. Okay, maybe Balt undercooked his simile there, but lets just say he's got a real good, unpoetic hold on his rifle. Then he catches marc yelling into his comm, the shrill of it so much in his ear that it takes him a moment to parse the information. Then it clicks: he's shouting about folks shooting Fess. Comms are all about indoor voices, while alerting madmen with guns is an outdoor voice sort of activity. It's only when he see's the other's ducky down does he even began to fathom the reasoning. Still, a sick feeling twists up in his stomach as he waits for that far off gunshop that leaves Papa Higgins looking for a new heir to his mud fortune. Folks are screaming that they need the Mule though and it seems that everyone else has forgotten their driver's licenses at home. Balt slings the rifle over his back, trading it out for a pistol instead, and hops in the mule. He revs the engine and drives on in towards the injured folks. Red shirt ho! <English>

Baltimore lowers his HK MSG-1A9 - 9231. Baltimore draws his Blausonne PX-17 Blaster - 10107.

Evalyn gently taps Baltimore's shoulder, as she gestures to a particularly tall (and, admittedly, unstable) pile of junk. It's amazing how often you find junk in a junkyard, no? "I'll be up and down in a jiff," she says; "Just get them in the mule, I'll call you if they come, a'ight?" And with that, the woman sets off towards the towering crap-pile, not even looking back to make sure the man can actually /drive/. As she ascends the thing, her hand slips-- and for a moment, it looks as though she's about to topple right over...but still, she makes it, clinging to the pile itself for dear life. Evalyn was to climbing, after all, as cats were to water. <English>

Lee lowers his Glock RAS - 17302 and returns it to its unreadied postion.

Marc tests his Listen against a 45 difficulty. The result is successful (37).

Marc began to stroll towards the side door, as he see's dale he mumbles to himself as he points him to the door. "Anybody still at the front entrance?" He asks, into his comm as he nears the side entrance or exit..whatever it be. He stands to the side of it, motioning dale to do same if he decides to stack up with him. Reaching his off hand out he raps on it a few times, while his other hand securely holds the pistol grip of his M4. <English>

Eugene peeks around to keep an eye on things, Dale's scrutiny is met with a her own little flash of a smile, she doesn't look like she's hurting too much right now, probably the adrenaline. Her shirt is a royal mess though, dried blood and bullet holes. Frowning a little, she watches Marc and Dale face off around the door, but waits where she is for now. <English>

It's just as well that Leutrim and Eugene aren't having to try and run the length of the compound. Leu's pressing one arm against the right side of his chest and trying to get his breath. He can't help suddenly coughing, but tries to muffle and hold it back, putting the inside of one elbow against his mouth. Goodness, it hurts to suck breath like that. He gets both hands back on the shotgun and takes a quick look to see how Gene's doing. "Is it coming? Is it close?" Leu hisses low to her about the MULE - since she is closer to the edge of the hanger wall to peer around it. He is eager to get moving toward it himself, catching some of his breath back. He doesn't notice Dale perhaps. <English>

 Junkyard - Maintenance Hangar                                     =>Beylix<=

The hangar here is a large metal building, capable of housing two hover vehicles and all the tools and parts to fix them. A pedestrian door allows mechanics and technicians to enter and exit, while 2 large rolling doors allow the repair bays to open and accept vehicles. Surrounding the building are numbered stalls of various sizes and shapes, lined up in rows to house working vehicles when they aren't in use. The perimeter is marked with a tall fence, a second security checkpoint and guard post near the gated entrance to the area. Cameras sweep every nook and cranny, keeping a watchful eye on the equipment.

Leutrim                                Baltimore                              
Dale                                   Lee <idle>                             
Marc                                   Fess Higgins                          
TIMESTOP: Created at 23:42:33         
<TSD>    Tight Security Door           <Out>    Main Lot                     

Current Serenity MUSH time: [ Sat Nov 15 20:13:35 2008 ]

IC Time: Nov 02, 2523 - 05:01:50

Baltimore draws his Blausonne PX-17 Blaster - 10107.

Lee draws his Throwing Knife - 5528.

JOIN: Judge Alpha will be joining this location shortly. Judge Alpha has arrived.

[JUDGE] Judge Alpha calls a Timestop! Look at the TIMESTOP object to see pose order.

Marc began to stroll towards the side door, as he see's Dale he mumbles to himself as he points him to the door. "Anybody still at the front entrance?" He asks, into his comm as he nears the side entrance or exit..whatever it be. He stands to the side of it, motioning Dale to do same if he decides to stack up with him. Reaching his off hand out he raps on it a few times, while his other hand securely holds the pistol grip of his M4. <English> <English>

Marc is positioned next to the side door of the hanger, having just finished rapping his knuckles against he takes a semi-step back and raises his M4 slightly while he waits for somebody to answer. "Going hot." Marc informs the others through use of the Comm. <English>

Dale nods at Marc, on his way over to join the older man. He glances back at Leu, "Ivy's got Alfred, last I heard from her, he lives." he tells the man gently but grimly for he doesn't know for sure if that meant the faithful pup is running about so he really tries not to tack on that 'for now' that hangs out there ominously. Alright, old yeller tear-jerker moment over, his expression hardens as he moves into position as directed. As soon as possible, he's at the other man's side, a little behind, but there and weapon ready, "I gotcha" he replies. <English>

Balt stops harder on the mule's gas pedal. When he was back in the service they had offered Balt the job of driving ambulance and he told them where they could cram the idea, that only a fool would go driving into a combat zone all out in the open and everything. Flash forward ten some years; he's either gotten stupider or given threats of marriage to his own personal Buffalo sister life has lost some meaning to him. He screeches up beside the injured folks, and uncomfortably between the two doors that look more like potential murder holes. Maybe mules provide some form of cover, or maybe they get shot and blow up in magnificent mushroom clouds of flaming body parts. "Get in," he says to Mister and Misses Injury. "The either one of you able to drive this thing?" He keeps low, pistol out and eye on the hangar doors. "And where they hay is Fess?" <English>

[ROLL] Evalyn rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is failure (21).

Evalyn tests her Agility against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (18).

Evalyn tests her Spot against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (11).

Still leaning against the maintenance hanger's outter wall, just back from the front corner with Eugene, Leutrim keeps the shotgun that Marc lent to him ready incase it's needed. As he hears the MULE coming up, he steps to glance past Eugene to see how close it is for himself - just in time to catch Dale's well intended tidings about Aelfred. There is for an instant both surprise and relief at the news. But, no time for that now. Balt skidding up and Leutrim runs the few steps to get in, "Eh, not sure if either of us ever drove one. Go on in with the others. If Fess is around, he's in there." Leu motions with the shotgun towards the hanger, "We'll cover from the MULE - you might want it on your way out." <English>

Evalyn, the monkey, the climber, the gunner. Well, she was proficient at one of those things, at least. Still, by sheer luck, the woman'd managed to ascend a tall pile of crap (metaphorically speaking, thank god)-- though a good few little pieces of can tumble down this faux-mountain, giving the impression of a less-than-stable hill. She flits her eyes over and about the junkyard, giving the hangar a nice, quick once-over. But alas; eagle-eyes can't help you, when your brain is similar to that of a retarded child's. The junk-pile begins to shift and sift from her added weight, and only quick feet (and one helluva lot of luck) prevents the woman from impaling herself no various steel beams. As the lot of it all sort of crashes down, the woman looks around sheepishly, an expression comparable to that of a deer in headlights decking her face. "Uh. Didn't see anyone. I think we're safe so far," she mutters. <English>

It takes a few long moments before the door that Marc had previously entered comes to open, revealing the same man before. A tall, big and buff man that appears to be one of those stereotypical bodyguards in the Londiwood movies. Not quite noticing the crowd that is lingering outside, nor Dale's little butt - his attention is focused directly onto Marc. However, there's quite a bit of screaming going on past the second door taht leads further into the hangar and out of the small makeshift 'hallway/room' where the bodygauard man stands. "Did yah do eet?"

The screaming from behind him can easily be heard by those around Marc's general vicitinity. A woman's screaming "No! This is not right! I don't care how much money we will get out of this. I can't believe you killed him! I want out now!" <English>

Marc fires a burst of hot lead at Judge Alpha with his Colt M4A17 - 12946.

Marc successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Colt M4A17 - 12946 at a 50 difficulty. (32)

- Judge Alpha has taken 12 points of stun damage. He is currently Dazed. - Judge Alpha has taken 7 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Marc fires a burst of hot lead at Judge Alpha with his Colt M4A17 - 12946.

Marc successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Colt M4A17 - 12946 at a 50 difficulty. (47)

- Judge Alpha has taken 10 points of stun damage. He is currently Injured. - Judge Alpha has taken 7 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Marc remains there silently awaiting the door to open while the serotonin lining his small intestine played on him. When big ol' beady eye's answers, "Now I did you." Marc informs the man, as he raises his Carbine and squeezes the trigger to let two bursts of high velocity bullets enter the man like a pin cushion. "Everybody not injured. Move In. Fess is inside." He grunts into his comm, the big man falling to the ground with a sickening slush of wasted flesh. <English>

Pausing behind some cover if it exists, Lee checks out the situation before him, noting with some surprise that Marc is now there and the door is open. His eyes widen upon catching the content of the female screaming, and then the violence erupts within the doorway, and his first thought is to flinch back behind cover. The barked order through the com has him drawing in a hurried gasp, and doing as told: following Marc in, but with a perma-worry frown set on his features. Eek. Not injured. Eeek. Moving in. Eeeek. The flimsy knife sheath flutters to the ground as he rushes the door, eyes only momentarily checking on the prone, perforated guard. <English>

Dale is ok to remain behind Marc, and not noticed. The scream draws as scowl but he only cares at the moment about what is an immediate risk around them. Then shots burst out and he watches the big guy fall and bleed his guts into the ground. He doesn't feel any sympathy; he doesn't feel anything at all. His lips curl, and his colt cocks back. He's ready to move in and start shooting but Marc's in front. <English>

Balt points down to the break, then gas pedal, "Keep a foot on the first one, and you need to get yourselves out of here then stomp on the other one." He waits for Leu and Eugene to slip in before he slips out, switching his rifle for his pistol. There would be some last minute plans of conversation before the Lummox #1 came out of the hangar door. Marc, being the hands down master of the surprise party, shoots him dead though before Balt can even take aim. And he has time enough for a snappy comeback. Balt knew there was a reason Marc watches all of those action flicks on the cortex. He's moving in before Marc tells him to, first to the door, then peeking around it. "Hallway's covered," he says into his headset, and then trains his rifle down the corridor. Crouching down with a big gun trying to look like a bad ass; he hopes Marc will be impressed. "You first Marc, I'll follow, then Dale." <English>

Baltimore lowers his Blausonne PX-17 Blaster - 10107 and returns it to its unreadied postion. Baltimore draws his HK MSG-1A9 - 9231.

Leutrim's in the MULE as soon as Balt has slid out. He puts his foot on the brake aas instructed and pulls the shotgun around to rest it on the MULE's side door pointing towards the hanger in general, but not directly at any of his friends, "Can do that. Good luck!" A quick glance back over his shoulder to see if Eugene needs any assistance. <English>


This man is slightly above average in height at about 6'2" or 6'3" and in perhaps his early to mid twenties. Lean and fit from an active outdoor lifestyle, his fair skin is usually sun tanned though just now he looks rather too pale. Beard stubble has begun to grow out on his face. Leu's hair is brown-black and kept cropped so short that it is nearly shaved. His pale grey eyes are more tired than usual, his gaze less sharp.

A plain dark blue T-shirt is untucked and rumpled with a faint, now dried stain over the right side. There's a small hole within that faint stain over the ribcage and bandages may be visable beneath it. Dark blue cargo-pocket pants still cloth Leu's legs. Leu's armor, gear and boots have been taken from him.


.--[Carrying]-- | - Leu's Rifle Case | `(Backpack - 17728) |--[Weapons]--- | * Winchester 1897 12g - 11787 |--[Ammo]------ | - 12 Gauge Box - 11049 '--------------

Not even a shadow of surprise crosses Evalyn's face, as she watches Marc drop the man. She swiftly moves to follow her armed confederate, pausing to sort of bob her head at Eugene, before slipping a second gun from somewhere on her body; "Be careful," she murmurs to both she and Leutrim, setting the second gun on the MULE for them, before slipping along with the rest of the crew, her rifle held up to her shoulder, cheek resting on the butt as she shuffles along inside. <English>

Eugene's eyes watch the others as they press onward into the hangar, the longing to follow written all over her face. But, someone needs to stay with Leu, cover their exit if need be, so she hops up beside him in the MULE, bersa at the ready should anything go too terribly wrong. She nods back at Eva as she passes, "You too." she says in return, reaching to pick up the extra Kriss. <English>

The screams doesn't seem to sway Marc in either direction, Anger or regret, it's all gone out the window. And if Fess was truly dead..well, it was nice knowing the man even though he never knew the man. "Better stay on my six." Marc informs Balt as he rushes the senile ex-cop, hoping he hasn't wronged the man enough for him to bale on him or get shot in a back. Room clearance is a trust game, good thing Dale and Eva are bringing up the rear. He makes it to the door, stepping to the side he begins to open it with his off hand...door, kill funnel they are just ask the dead bodyguard. <English>

And tagging along behind all the big guns with his weeee blade like the kid brother whose super-indulgent mother nagged the older kids into accepting, Lee meets Baltimore in the doorway and darts in before the gent. The glance he gives Ex-Captain Flannigan is one-part defiance, one-part apology, and three-parts awesome. Because this? Working with Balt, plotting with Balt, running away fast from scary women with Balt, and now, getting riddled by gunfire with Balt? Awesome awesome awesome. Once inside the guard room, he pulls over to the side to wait for Marc to get the door out of the way. <English>

Dale's certainly the man to make sure Marc's back is covered though he might sulk just a little at not going in at his side. That sulk doesn't stay very long however, things are too serious for that. Now's probably not a good time to ask god for small favors, considering previous situations. "Got it." he responds into his icom in a harsh, wooden tone. <English>

Balt moves all 'first person shooter' style down the hallway; happy Marc was willing to play flypaper for bullets. "What the hell's your six?" he asks as he follows him up to the door. But Lee beats him too it. Balt takes the scowl that his father use to give him when he did something stupid out of a special hope chest and puts it on just for Lee. Not time for arguing now though. He stops a few paces back from Marc, his rifle in the shoot-the-screaming-zombies-jumping-at-me position, covering the door and the room he imagines is beyond. <English>

Evalyn slides up behind Dale, holding her rifle at the ready. <English>

Leutrim's not moved since Balt jumped out. He keeps a close eye on things and is likely wishing he had a rifle instead of a shotgun, but alas... there's still the outside here to cover. <English>

Lo and behold! What a glorious sight indeed comes to befall onto the eyes that linger once that door comes to fully open. Well, at least for anyone that likes a situation that calls for the brains than rather straight shoot 'em up right away.

Towards the back of the cleared out area is none other than Fess Higgins whom seems quite pale, and green around the gills. Sat within a chait with his hands bond behind him, and legs tied to the legs of the chair. Complete with a makeshift 'gag' of a rolled up piece of material that has been tied around his head.

Directly behind Fess, leant down a bit to use the man as cover, is an older looking gentlemen with pepper specked hair and a grin plastered across his lips (The same man that Marc had encountered tit and tat incident). One hand is wrapped around Fess's Neck, and the other holds a gun directly to Fess's temple.

Furtehr back behind the pair is a dead body, or someone that can play pretending to be sleeping rather well with multiple bullet wound entries into his torso. None other than.. Tim Finnegan.

Margaret DeCaski is beind held hostage in a similiar manner as Fess, or so it would appear. A man stands behind her, holding a gun to her head and an armed wrapped around her waist. Approximately five other men stand around with various guns lifted, pointed to the door. <English>

Marc tests his Spot against a 70 difficulty. The result is successful (15).

Marc reveled at the sight of his dearest Margaret being held hostage, so he points his gun at her and begins to move forward. Secretly hoping the others follow behind him guns leveled, "Down your guns, and kiss the dirt!" He yells, allowing his eyes to twitch from side to side to scan the room for more tangos. "Guy along the wall with a chameleon suit." Marc whispers into his comm, letting it amplify in the ears of his comrades. "I will fucking shoot you!" He further threats the hostage takers. <English>

While the inner doorway takes a seeming eternity to widen, Lee stares across the space at Dale, with just enough spare room in his mind to wonder at the man's hard-as-nails expression - it's like a variation of the mask Dale had been wearing while Eugene and Leutrim were dead or held prisoner. But Gene and Leu were alive and rescued. Who's left to be so rabidly worried about? But Lee's fertile imagination doesn't have time to conjure visions of Dale Lambsey and Fess Higgins skipping through the rye; the door is clear, and the interior holds almost too much information to process in one go. But the most immediate concern: at least five guns targeting his party of four. And at least sensible enough to know that their own firepower must be represented as quickly as possible, he hangs back long enough to let Balt and Balt's H&K go into the hangar third. Lee brings up the rear with his free hand coming up to display his icomm transmitter prominently while he yaps into it, "We're in, squads in place and ready to move," and yadda yadda bluff. <English>

Dale's expression is tight, but yeah, he's following and he cuts a glance to where Marc pointed out. He knows the snipers are ready to do their thing, his is to cover Marc's ass. He moves forward gun pointed in the direction of the guy who has the gun pointed at Fess' head. "Time to see if you can dance as well as the devil can." he murmurs as he lets a 'crazy' gleam seep into his eyes. <English>

Balt hasn't gotten to shoot anyone with this rifle yet, on loan from the failed Toys for Guns program on Osiris. Seriously though, he's going to shoot someone and he's going to do that while staying behind all six of Marc, or counting to six and then following Marc or whatever it was that Marc meant. And oh look, it's the inevitable yet complicated hostage situation. He creeps in after Marc. Plan 1: shoot Fess, go home, eat frosted flakes. Plan 2: save Fess, then shoot him for all the trouble he's caused Balt, then continue with the frosted flake business. Plan 3: Talking? Lets try plan 3, ass apparently everyone else has moved onto plan 4: say scary stuff and hope the bad guys will crumple under your clever wordplay. He talks down the barrel of his gun as it points to Baron von Malice holding the pistol to Fess. "Believe this is the point where you tell us to back off or you'll shoot the hostage, then we say that we can't do that and ask for your demands, then negotiate you down to a position where we is both at a stalemate. Maybe we can skip that part them, talk about this instead: seeing as we ain't letting you hostage off Fess, what's it gonna take to get him back alive?" This guys looks like the super villain type with his secret dumpster hideaway and his crack squad of masked nincompoops, so maybe he likes to monologue as well. <English>

His bare foot on the MULE's brake, Leutrim's harsh breathing from earlier has eased up. He doesn't spare a hand to press against his ribs anymore, just keeps a close eye on the door leading in, with occational sweeps to look up and down the outside area. As much as possible he has refrained from bothering to speak, just save his sapped strength and try to listen! By the tense expression upon this face though, Leu's not liking staying out here anymore than Eugene is - that's plain enough. Another quick glance to Eugene spared, "You doing all right?" She's shot in the shoulder, after all. <English>

Evalyn carefully edges into the room alongside Baltimore-- taking a stance where she can level her gun at Ms. DeCaski and her captor. Poor Margie. I'm sure today seemed nice, bright, and pleasant for her. Now she had a gun to her neck, and a rather unsympathetic woman with a gun on both she and the man behind her. It was like playing Russian Roulette with a magazine, rather than the classic six-shooter. Eve's face sort of contorts into a serene smile-- or perhaps the perversion of one --as she watches her target. "How 'bout this," she languidly mutters, a harsh edge showing itself in her voice; "You sit down 'n' shove yer thumb up your ass, an' I'll only shootcher kneecaps. Sound good? I mean, she can only take so many shots 'fore your shield stops workin'." <English>

[ROLL] Fess Higgins rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is failure (14).

Eugene wishes she had an icomm; damned if it isn't killing her to know what's going on in there. A permanent frown has settled over her face now, not sad, but more in concentration. She's listening, keeping an ear out for anything that might tell her to go rushing inside, bad shoulder or no. Speaking of which, her hand creeps toward the bandage under her ruined shirt, must be starting to ache again. "Hmm?" she turns to look at Leu distractedly, "Oh, yeah.. I'm okay. You?" <English>

[ROLL] Judge Alpha rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is failure (32).

Lee tests his Spot against a 70 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-3).

See Willpower, See Willpower Fail. See man holding Margeret almost fall over with sheer laughter.Even teh other men begin to get amused little smiles on their faces. This isn't your pansy group of girl scouts selling cookies (No offense, Lee, of course) but rather men that have gone to the extremes already quite a few times and simple idle threats seem not to have really any effect onto them. Laughter, yes, that's really about it alongside humour.

The man directly behind Fess whom has been deemed the 'Leader' of this little operation doesn't even pay a speck of attention to all the threats that come tumble down onto his ears. Rather, it is one in particular that seems to catch his fancy as the eyes come to fall onto Baltimore. "Interesting.", he begins within a rather elogent core-world accent, deeming perhaps he's from Londinium. "You seem to know the boring aspects of this game and rather cut away at the idle threats that so many think that is quite the brilliant thing to do." Oo, burn. Onwards! "We have already made our demands onto Magistrate Higgins and those demands have not yet been met. Really, it was all too simple for him to oblige." <English>

Marc always did enjoy a good ruse, like threatening bad men while people got into position. "Assuming of course we can in here to rescue hostages." Marc begins, as a malicious grin spreads across his face. "Really we're just here to murder as many of you son's of bitches as possible." Marc clears his throat some, M4 centered on Margaret and hostage man holding her. "you folks really think your going to make it out of here alive?" <English>

Really? A chameleon suit? Golly. Lee's gaze roams along the walls, but is disappointed. If there's a guy in a chameleon suit around here, it's like he's blended in with the background or something. The restrained amusement suddenly charging the atmosphere brings his attention back to the hostage situation. Despite the encouraging proof that the comedians of their group aren't playing to a tough crowd, the giant vaudeville hook could still enter stage left at any moment and throttle them all. Then... Oh! 'Q and A' period! Lee's ears perk up with interest, and his hand on the icomm flexes like he's subtlely counting off the individual conundrums as they are helpfully solved by Leader Hoser here. He eyes the refined gent expectantly. More. More! Marc's continued threats cause Lee to grimace fretfully. Honestly.. some people just have /no/ intellectual curiosity in 'em. <English>

Balt enjoys a bit of 'look how much of a frickin hard cut SOB I am that I don't care about the hostages or myself getting shot' as much as the next guy, but this is really too much. Lee ought to recognize the glare Balt's shooting everyone at Ethereal Investigations who apparently took their corporate seminar in hostage negotiations from the same paranoid schizophrenic, it's the look that says 'quit acting like an ass and pipe down.' People here might not be so good at picking up subtle verbal cues though, so he just comes out with it. "Pipe down. We is all badass super crooks here. Looks like we got to change our plans." Fortunately Baron feels the same way (although whether or not that changes after Marc's insinuations of being an assassin are yet to be seen). Balt keeps aiming and talking. "Magistrate got no interest in saving these folks. Hell, even tried seeing him myself about getting a contract to save his baby boy here and the man refused. So seems you got to take that bit of thought out of the equation. We had to, now got us a new plan for making creds. Now, I figure we got some other ways of making coin off this boy, but can't do it with a bullet lodging itself between his pretty ears. Maybe a place for you in that but going to need to be a sign of trust for the talking about it, seeing as you got the upper hand in here." With the tip of his rifle he gestures to the hostages. An aside to Lee: "This fella agrees to listen, you tell Doc Acula and his folks to hold their positions." His eyes never leave Fearless Leader. He might decide to twirl his mustache and give everyone a moment to shoot. <English>

Dale's colt mirrors Marc's but is centered on Fess & captor. He's not laughing, he doesn't flinch. He speaks not this time, hard and cold. They've got what they came for, any more blood is just more fun. That thought brings a twisted smile to his lips. He must be one of those character actors. <English>

Oh, but this whole 'cruelty' bullshit could only be carried so far. Evalyn wasn't serious. Was she? The woman brings her rifle to bear, drops to one knee, and swings it across the room, 'til it's centered nice and clean on the sniper-guy. Chameleon Suits were absolute awesomesauce when you were hiding in the grass-- but it didn't much protect you against the wrath of someone with a gun, no morals, and two 'X' chromosomes. She casts a glance up at Baltimore, before shaking her head. "I gotta admit, though, I don't quite get it. What -were- your demands, if you don't mind my asking?" she asks, giving Mr. Salt-and-pepper a cold look. "I mean, th' good christian in me gotta see jus' what sidea the team had a better plan, t'be honest. Didn't get a good Christmas bonus last year? Not quite satisfied with the quality of local hookers? I hear from Marc that yer women are as pretty as a dead pig on a hot day. Though I'll admit, /I'd/ do her," she says, gesturing to Margaret. "Still, don't all seem like somethin' t' go kill folks for. Though I hear that's a fetish in parts of the 'verse. Is that it? Can't get a stiffy, so y' need a revolution so you can off people? Or is there some grandiose reason fer all this?" <English>

Eugene's eyes leave Leutrim again to watch that door, one hand holds her Kriss, the other lightly resting on her bandaged shoulder. She hardly looks like she's willing to breath, a foot set on the ground outside the MULE, her whole body tense and ready to move if need be. <English>

Fess Higgins tests an NPC's willpower (50) against a 96 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-1).

One of the stand-by men cocks his head over towards another one standing by him, "Greenhorns?". The other man smirks and nods his head.

The un-proclaimed leader of this little group lifts his hand off of Fess's neck for a moment to raise it over his mouth as a yawn is formed. A look of boredom now dancing within his gray eyes as he glances over the rest of the lingering folk before moving onto Baltimore. "Do tell, sir, where did you pick up these charming .. people? Was there a reject clearance occuring?" The hand once more comes to slide across Fess's shoulder bone, then against the man's neck. Even thumb is caressing idly against the flesh. With a roll of his shoulder and a faint rolling of his eyes he says to Baltimore, "Continue. I'm.. listening, promise." There's a bit of sarcasm underlining his words even. <English>

Hostage negotiations? Since when the hell did this operation require counter terrorist tact? Never send an infantry soldier to do a police man's job...good thing Balts here. "Begorramn." Marc mumbles, as he lets the muzzle of his rifle point squarely on the ground and squarely off the bad guys. He shakes his head, Ballzy move, maybe. Stupid, definitely. <English>

Marc lowers his Colt M4A17 - 12946 and returns it to its unreadied postion.

Lee relaxes a smidge when Marc's firearm goes down and actually stays down for more than three seconds. Action film heroes have this habit of Just Pretendy Standing Down, you see. He keep his own icomm up near his jaw and at the ready, however. <English>

Balt curses under his breath. Apparently given a moment's breath everyone had a piece to speak, some of them outright contradicting. Too bad they didn't work this out before hand, might be that /one/ of their plans on it's own might have worked. If everyone's so damn skippy about playing chief though, he decides to back off and let them. Unless Jabba the Nut keeps talking to Balt, that is. Looks like Balt is the Alpha liar. "Have to forgive these folks: been looking forward to a good murder off all week, and they hate being disappointed. Still the lot of us got a love for money more than murdering." He pauses a moment to see if anyone else is going to scream that they have a bomb and need everyone to get on the floor, or switch gears and try to seduce one of the guards. "Alright, here's basics: Wouldn't know it, but Fess here's got some information about a few of the other nobles. Mind you, didn't get it out of cunning or nothing, just that the pup is so damn forgettable folks spilled a few things they ain't supposed to have while the boy was around at one of them fancy shindigs. Got some plan for him regarding that, but need him up and talking, if you follow." He looks at Fess, hoping the boy's overt dorkiness-even while choking on a ball gag-will win him a few argument points. "Now, can work out a deal with this, but need to see some sign of trust on ya'll part. You got more men then us in here and you got two hostages, all we got is the plan for making this all worthwhile. So maybe answer a couple of questions that I ain't yet got a figuring on, like why you folks made off with all them mudders." Unlike Marc, Balt keeps his rifle raised in preparation for the almost inevitable double cross. <English>

Eugene remains outside on the MULE with Leu. No gunshots from inside, so nothing more to do but wait. <English>

Dale's eyes widen as he scowls and stares at Marc as though the man suddenly grown two heads, he just doesn't like this one little bit. A heartbeat later and Balt speaks up to try and talk to the guys again. So, as Balt is speaking he lowers his weapon in an almost uncanny mirror of his co-worker's action. <English>

Dale lowers his Colt M4A17 - 16836.

Depending on your point of view, Evalyn's either several IQ points ahead of Marc, or maybe is already beating him to the short bus; she keeps her rifle up and aimed at Ms. Margaret & Friend-- though she does look up at Baltimore and Marc an awful lot, if only to catch any words that might tumble forth from their respective mouths. <English>

Like Eugene, Leutrim simply waits with the MULE, trying to overhear snatches ... but mostly just waiting and keeping ready incase there is shooting or folk running out. <English>

There is a point that intelligence is thrown out the window, and this perhaps is one of those. As the Leader continues to listen, debating over everything that has been tossed down onto him. Someone else seems to have a point to say something..

The woman, Margaret, speaks out suddenly despite the oncoming situation of death if she does so - "Don't listen to him! He'll kill you as well the moment he's done with you! This was all suppose to be an innocent way of making more credits off the Magistrate. He's already killed so many and has enslaved others! Don't do it! Think abou-" Then silence forever rests onto poor Margaret.. The man holding her gets tired of her squeeling or perhaps it's that look he gets. The trigger pulled back, a single bullet flying through the woman'sh ead sending a spray of blood, bone fragments and brain to fly out across Fess, slightly the Leader and more onto the ground itself. The woman's body goes limp but the guard continues to hold her within his grasp.

Oh, look blood. Fess, whom was already pale as can be before appears even more pale this time. There's /blood/ on him. Dead person's /blood and other unnamely things/. It's a DEAD BODY! You would think a man of his stature could deal with things, but alas, not so much. Chicken shit aho! Fess's eyes roll into the back of his head and unconcious does he go.

The leader just shakes his head, looking back onto Baltimore. "A weak link.", he says with an all too charming smile. <English>

Marc wasn't passing out a petition for everyone to lower their weapons, that's just silly see. He's at least somewhat glad that Evalyn and Balt have their rifles up, course he assumes Dale has his up to not like he's about to turn his back on the armed people directly infront of them. So he lets his eyes pan across the amassed enemy forces, calmly wishing for a cigarette. But then Margaret's head decides to turn inside out, oh joy, his brow lofts for a mere second or two before his face turns more stern as he lets out a low whistle to the whole show the guys were putting on. <English>

Lee denies himself the luxury of a good weight-shifting leg stretch, so as not to unduly draw any attention away from Baltimore. Besides which, the dialogue is riveting enough, at least for him. He's got a big old file folder stamped NEED TO KNOW and the meaning is literal, not restrictive. His gaze meanwhile shifts the other way to check on the doorway they'd recently entered through, making sure no real enemy reinforcements have plowed through the friendlies' fake reinforcements to come up behind them. He never gets to give that doorway a good once-over however, since Ms. 'I Want Out Now' Ducaski has suddenly decided that by 'Now', she means "NOW". Lee turns towards the woman alertly, starting to shake his head in shut-up-if-you-wanna-live-gorrammit warning... but no one ever listens to him. The boy startles a pace backwards at the shot, and shuts his eyes too late to the killing. He mouths a silent, useless protest against it. When Mister Londinium speaks up, Lee more slowly returns his attention to the new unimproved scenario. <English>

The Persephone PD required all department officials too watch a thirty-minute video on hostage negotiations and take a true false quiz afterwards. Balt scored a 78. Hopefully that's not coming through here. Shootie McGee apparently took the same video course on villainy though. He pauses a moment to see if anyone on his side opens fire. "Right, wanted to shoot her myself a time or two, ex'd yourself a weak link could have made you some money. Making it hard to believe you boys actually want coin." Somewhere on this whole scheme of things, pigs have started plotting with men like the last chapter of Animal Farm. Means at some point one side is going to figure out they have the upper hand, then all hell breaks loose. Or maybe they buy the whole trade off thing and everyone goes home happily ever after smelling of rainbows and fairy dust. Maybe Fess will find some handsome prince to marry him and make him an honest man. He sees if Tag Team believes in fairy tales. "Asked this before, so maybe you had yourselves a bit of time to ponder it: need to get Fess out of here. Plans we got don't work from no junk shack. What's that gonna take?" This is about a step away from a tornado warning. <English>

Dale draws his Colt M4A17 - 16836.

Ok, mexican standoff time, apparently. Dale raises his gun back up as soon as a shot is fired. Ok, it wasn't at him, that means he doesn't need to shoot back. It's the crazy hooker what got herself into this mess. He continues to look pissed off, but he does not yet shoot. He really, really wants to though. <English>

"Not the only one," Evalyn murmurs under her breath-- displaying an uncharacteristically cruel and cold attitude to the event as a whole. She rather discretely lowers her rifle a few degree's. After all, chest shots may be easier to achieve, but there's something somewhat exhilarating about castration by way of lead. "I'm getting bored," the woman almost hisses through gritted teeth, giving Marc something of a warning look. <English>

Judge Alpha lowers his Colt M4A17 - 12521 and returns it to its unreadied postion. Judge Alpha draws his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 14343.

Judge Alpha pistol whips Baltimore with his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 14343.

Judge Alpha unsuccessfully attacks Baltimore using a Bersa Thunder 45UC - 14343 at a 65 difficulty. (-26) .

Judge Alpha pistol whips Baltimore with his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 14343.

Judge Alpha successfully attacks Baltimore using a Bersa Thunder 45UC - 14343 at a 65 difficulty. (0) .

The Leader seems to be getting even more disinterested in by the second as his eyes shift down onto Fess's head, the gun connected to it then back onto Baltimore. A dubious look is passed onto Baltimore, "Please. She has played her part and only is a liability now. Do not mistake me for a fool." Then there is a hovering silence across the man before it seems that words run out. The gun connected to Fess's head suddenly extends outwards, trigger pulled back twice - first shot missing while the second only impacts without puncture to poor lil' balty. <English>

Marc draws his Colt M4A17 - 12946.

Marc fires a burst of hot lead at Judge Alpha with his Colt M4A17 - 12946. Marc unsuccessfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Colt M4A17 - 12946 at a 150 difficulty. (-2) .

Marc fires a burst of hot lead at Judge Alpha with his Colt M4A17 - 12946. Marc unsuccessfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Colt M4A17 - 12946 at a 150 difficulty. (-66) .

This talking thing was going according to plan! Wait, they're shooting! "Ahhh, shit!" Marc states, raising his rifle as pistol rounds zip off somewhere to his side. Where o' where did the Chameleon suit guy go, *BlAMITY BLAM BLAM BLAM* And apprently Marc's likes to shoot at walls, seeing as nobody drops dead from small projective disease...God you suck, Marc man. <English>

Lee throws his Throwing Knife - 5528 at Judge Alpha. Lee unsuccessfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Throwing Knife - 5528 at a 120 difficulty. (-71) .

[ROLL] Judge Alpha rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is successful (68).

GAME: Judge Alpha has given Fess Higgins 3 wound points. He looks injured.

Just few moments after the execution, Lee seems to be coping passably well. Like he's seen this type of action before, despite his alarming inexperience with a gun. For his part, he considers Margaret's words soberly, and while unfortunately they do not exonerate her for her past deeds, the boy lowers his gaze pityingly to the dead, nonetheless. The unworthy woman thus gets a free ride on the Eidetic Memory Train. The sound of the shots then registers and he whips his focus around just in time to see the second slug pock into Balt's torso. He's at the man's side in 0.5 seconds seems like, peering down at the 'wound'. Then he's indignantly cocking his arm back to let fly his knife at the offending Londinium Chap. Kerpow! Awrigh'. That was cool. Wait. Uh oh.... Um. Oops. <English>

Baltimore tests his Martial_Arts against a 50 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-2).

-Oops as in Lee just impaled his knife into the unconcious Fess's chest.- <English>

Balt's been keeping an eye on the difficulty of shooting Fess' captor, who is damn near wearing Fess like a suit of pajamas. Maybe if he banks a shot off the back wall. Or maybe if he gets the leader so angry that he fires at Balt. There's a plan totally without fail. McGee shoots at Balt and . . . misses! Lucky red shirt to the rescue once again! Looks like he will get a chance to shoot somebody today. "Tornado," he says, just for good measure. Then, like a tornado, he does something blind and chaotic: he tries to tackle Fess. Unfortunately Fess is not wearing his own lucky red shirt. You know who's not wearing a lucky red shirt though? Fess' virginal crotch. Balt gets a face full of it. This blows. <English>

Eugene's ears had pricked up at the first shot, both feet hitting the ground as she moved to the side of the door, kriss at the ready. Almost holding her breath as she listens and tries to peer into the hangar, get her bearings as to where folks are; who's shooting, or being shot. She winces as the gunshots ring out again, glancing back at Leu grimly, she nods at him, then toward the door, slipping through it into the hangar beyond. <English>

Dale fires a round at Judge Alpha with his Colt M4A17 - 16836. Dale unsuccessfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Colt M4A17 - 16836 at a 65 difficulty. (-21) .

Dale fires a round at Judge Alpha with his Colt M4A17 - 16836. Dale unsuccessfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Colt M4A17 - 16836 at a 65 difficulty. (-50) .

Dale's already clear on what he's going to do, the gun's already in his grasp and as soon as the leader shoots at Baltimore he knows what his job is, try and pick off the cannon fodder and one by one. So, Dale fires his weapon, for a split second you can hear the theme music from Good, Bad and Ugly in the background and there's hope in the slow motion activity that follows... But like all the bad plans they've had recently, this one is the worst. He fires the slick weapon once again. Boom...zing! Pow! Way to hit nothing, Dale. You don't win Serenity, you do not pass go or collect 200 credits. <English>

Evalyn takes a deep breath then exhales slowly, then squeezes the trigger of her HK MSG-1A9 - 10933 and sending a high velocity projectile hurtling towards Judge Alpha. Evalyn unsuccessfully attacks Judge Alpha using a HK MSG-1A9 - 10933 at a 100 difficulty. (-23) .

Evalyn takes a deep breath then exhales slowly, then squeezes the trigger of her HK MSG-1A9 - 10933 and sending a high velocity projectile hurtling towards Judge Alpha. Evalyn successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a HK MSG-1A9 - 10933 at a 175 difficulty. (15)

- Judge Alpha has taken 4 points of stun damage. He is currently Injured. - Judge Alpha has taken 3 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

This was one of these silly little 'reactionary' type things, an almost entropic relationship between bullets fired and Evalyn's pathos: if a gun goes off, she'll shoot someone. Of course, seeing her own gun go off will further loop that reaction back upon itself; this would be repeated ad nauseum 'til not a single target remained standing. To simplify it: shoot the fuckers. Eve's gun jumps a good inch or so as she fires her first shot, gun fairly exploding with noise; using the added momentum, she swings her gun over just a few scant degree's, places Mr. Salty Pepper Boss-Man in her sights, and fires off another shot. Admittedly, it might've helped if she'd stopped and /looked/ at the first guy (for her bullet goes all sorts of directions off)...but on the plus side, the 'I'm all literate and better than you lawls' person dies. What? Dies? After his silly extensive monologue? Yep. Balt's got a mouthful of crotch and a hair full of brains, now. <English>

--Admin-- OOC: Judge Alpha says, "Update: I'm having Reaver come in here to monitor this scene. If anyone has complaints about the difficulty levels then take it to him for the final judgement call."

JOIN: Reaver will be joining this location shortly. Reaver has arrived.

Holycow! All hell sounds like it is breaking loose in there - and likely is, alas. Leutrim's so not looking forward to the next couple of minutes. He turns the Mule's wheel hard around as far as he can so that when he takes his bare foot off of the brake, God willing the damn thing won't start rolling off somewhere. No time to worry about that! With shotgun in hand, he shares a brief eye contact with Eugene and starts after her. He mutters like a good Presbiterian his mother always wished him to be, "God help us..." and makes for that door to the hanger! <English>

Judge Alpha flips his weapon to Semi mode. Judge Alpha fires a .45ACP round at Lee with his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 14343. Judge Alpha successfully attacks Lee using a Bersa Thunder 45UC - 14343 at a 65 difficulty. (16)

- Lee has taken 3 points of stun damage. He is currently Dazed. - Lee has taken 5 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Judge Alpha lowers his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 14343 and returns it to its unreadied postion. Judge Alpha draws his HK MSG-1A9 - 16464.

Judge Alpha takes a deep breath then exhales slowly, then squeezes the trigger of his HK MSG-1A9 - 16464 and sending a high velocity projectile hurtling towards Marc.

Judge Alpha successfully attacks Marc using a HK MSG-1A9 - 16464 at a 65 difficulty. (38)

- Marc has taken 6 points of stun damage. He is currently Dazed. - Marc has taken 5 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Judge Alpha takes a deep breath then exhales slowly, then squeezes the trigger of his HK MSG-1A9 - 16464 and sending a high velocity projectile hurtling towards Dale.

Judge Alpha successfully attacks Dale using a HK MSG-1A9 - 16464 at a 65 difficulty. (9)

- Dale has taken 1 points of stun damage. He is currently Dazed. - Dale has taken 3 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Judge Alpha takes a deep breath then exhales slowly, then squeezes the trigger of his HK MSG-1A9 - 16464 and sending a high velocity projectile hurtling towards Evalyn.

Judge Alpha successfully attacks Evalyn using a HK MSG-1A9 - 16464 at a 65 difficulty. (22)

- Evalyn has taken 4 points of stun damage. She is currently Dazed. - Evalyn has taken 5 points of wound damage. She is currently Injured..

All hell shall break loose and so it does! The man HOLDING MARGARET'S CORPSE against his body extends an arm outwards, firing off two shots towards Lee, one missing and one doesn't.. The other men gathering around as their leader is impaled with a bullet set off their guns at various members of the opposite group within the building itself. <English>

Marc fires a burst of hot lead at Judge Alpha with his Colt M4A17 - 12946. Marc successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Colt M4A17 - 12946 at a 90 difficulty. (50)

- Judge Alpha has taken 11 points of stun damage. He is currently Dazed. - Judge Alpha has taken 7 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Marc fires a burst of hot lead at Judge Alpha with his Colt M4A17 - 12946. Marc unsuccessfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Colt M4A17 - 12946 at a 90 difficulty. (-2) .

Marc would mumble his disappointment in not killing his target, but he doesn't seem to have time as a round strikes his torso. And as Marc has said before, physic's is the suck, there's a transfer of energy as the bullet is partially stopped by his armors trauma plate diverting raw force through his body along with splintered led and cracked ceramics. He attempts to fight through the pain, as he unloads into the wall again, this time a section speckles with grey matter as a chameleon suit glitches randomly for a moment and a body falls limply to the ground, part of it's head missing. <English>

Lee's throwing arm comes back on follow through, to abruptly clap his hand over his eyes at the sight of his own widdle knife sticking out of the hostage. "The sun was in my eyes?" he offers to anyone listening, which is no one. The hangar has exploded with staccato blasts. He misses the perplexing sight of Baltimore rushing forward to nuzzle Fess's pants, but his hand nevertheless slides down his fase to drop into his messenger bag for another knife, and thus another try at Fess, while his body follows suit and drops, no, not into his messenger bag, although that might have been nice. It just drops. The kid lands on his back with a hacking sound after a round punches solidly into his body. <English>

+OOC: Evalyn has gone OOC. Evalyn has left.

Baltimore takes a deep breath then exhales slowly, then squeezes the trigger of his HK MSG-1A9 - 9231 and sending a high velocity projectile hurtling towards Judge Alpha.

Baltimore successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a HK MSG-1A9 - 9231 at a 100 difficulty. (19)

- Judge Alpha has taken 9 points of stun damage. He is currently Dazed. - Judge Alpha has taken 6 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Dale lowers his Colt M4A17 - 16836. Dale draws his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 17451.

Dale fires a .45ACP round at Judge Alpha with his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 17451. Dale successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Bersa Thunder 45UC - 17451 at a 65 difficulty. (23)

- Judge Alpha has taken 4 points of stun damage. He is currently Dazed. - Judge Alpha has taken 3 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Somehow through all that business Balt's managed to keep his rifle. He's as confused about that as the rest of you are. He's also confused as to why Fess started throwing up in his hair. Oh wait, that's the confetti of Baron Von Evil's skull. That makes Balt's life a little easier. Still, the mission is Fess and trying not to get him shot or stabbed. And apparently putting your face in another man's crotch is so repellant to Tag Team that they don't even take a shot at him. Homophobes. He knock's Fess's chair over and straddles the man who's pants a he was sniffing but a moment ago and aims from the hip the the DuCaski corpse holder who just shot Lee. Apparently this thug wasn't expecting any point blank rifle shots at his big vulnerable head, so he only looks at the gun before it fires. He slumps dead on the ground over dead DuCaski, like they were made for each other. <English>

Eugene fires a .45ACP round at Judge Alpha with her Kriss Super V - 10886. Eugene successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Kriss Super V - 10886 at a 65 difficulty. (43)

- Judge Alpha has taken 3 points of stun damage. He is currently Injured. - Judge Alpha has taken 3 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Eugene fires a .45ACP round at Judge Alpha with her Kriss Super V - 10886. Eugene successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Kriss Super V - 10886 at a 65 difficulty. (34)

- Judge Alpha has taken 3 points of stun damage. He is currently Injured. - Judge Alpha has taken 3 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Leutrim shoots a bullet at Judge Alpha with his Winchester 1897 12g - 11787. Leutrim successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Winchester 1897 12g - 11787 at a 65 difficulty. (51)

- Judge Alpha has taken 6 points of stun damage. He is currently Injured. - Judge Alpha has taken 4 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Leutrim shoots a bullet at Judge Alpha with his Winchester 1897 12g - 11787. Leutrim successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Winchester 1897 12g - 11787 at a 65 difficulty. (14)

- Judge Alpha has taken 5 points of stun damage. He is currently Injured. - Judge Alpha has taken 3 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Judge Alpha (Ju) pages: Dead - one of the guys with a HK. Pose accordingly including the death hit.

Eugene slips around the door, trying to get her bearing's and fast. Bullets are flying, people are going down every which way, friends and enemies alike. Eugene doesn't even bother to curse, she's just scanning the room, find the closest target that's *not* a friend and fire. Guns, guns... who's got the, there. Settling on one poor fellow with an HK, she might almost feel bad for him, but they started it. Not into fancy head shots, probably wouldn't hit it if she tried, so she aims for the body instead, a squeeze of the trigger and bullets are ripping through the man's chest. Yeah. That works. One more down. <English>

Dale hasn't got time to keep track of who is where and who's been shot worst. Another gunshot drives into him, causing blood to spill against his shoulder. It's not bad and could be much, much worse. Through the stinging pain, it suddenly occurs to him that he's much better with the Bersa than with this Colt that he really needs to learn more about. What the fuck was he thinking? See, this is what happens when you are fixated on cool shit and don't have the smarts to figure out your better with something else. Who can blame him though, he fell in love with the colt when he saw it. Guns are pretty. Perhaps someone should teach him how to use it. So, the Colt's ditched in a split second of handwork flurry since Dale's apparently got Mr Speedy in his bag of tricks and the Bersa's out. He prays for a miracle with the gun he's better with. Hot damn! Blood spills from his target! Take that, jackass. <English>

There isn't time to think, just react. Leutrim's a little pale, but he follows Eugene in, covering her as best he might and trying in an instant to take in what in the hell is going on in here. Adrenalin is your friend, dumping into the blood stream. Leu isn't even aware that he's still barefoot, there's hot brass ejecting all over the place! All he is aware of is that somebody is raising a gun that is pointed in Eugene's direction and two loud **BLAM!** **BLAM!** shots are fired from the shotgun that Marc had thrown him earlier, right at the stranger's torso! Goodness, what a mess that makes. Not pausing to see the man with an HK go down, Leutrim tries to keep an eye on where Eugene is... breath sucks painfully in his injured chest. <English>

Judge Alpha takes a deep breath then exhales slowly, then squeezes the trigger of his HK MSG-1A9 - 16464 and sending a high velocity projectile hurtling towards Eugene. Judge Alpha successfully attacks Eugene using a HK MSG-1A9 - 16464 at a 65 difficulty. (28)

- Eugene has taken 10 points of stun damage. She is currently Injured. - Eugene has taken 19 points of wound damage. She is currently Injured..

Judge Alpha takes a deep breath then exhales slowly, then squeezes the trigger of his HK MSG-1A9 - 16464 and sending a high velocity projectile hurtling towards Leutrim. Judge Alpha successfully attacks Leutrim using a HK MSG-1A9 - 16464 at a 65 difficulty. (27)

- Leutrim has taken 10 points of stun damage. He is currently Injured. - Leutrim has taken 19 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Judge Alpha takes a deep breath then exhales slowly, then squeezes the trigger of his HK MSG-1A9 - 16464 and sending a high velocity projectile hurtling towards Marc. Judge Alpha unsuccessfully attacks Marc using a HK MSG-1A9 - 16464 at a 65 difficulty. (-15) .

Judge Alpha lowers his HK MSG-1A9 - 16464 and returns it to its unreadied postion. Judge Alpha draws his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 14343.

Judge Alpha fires a .45ACP round at Dale with his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 14343. Judge Alpha successfully attacks Dale using a Bersa Thunder 45UC - 14343 at a 65 difficulty. (19)

- Dale has taken 2 points of stun damage. He is currently Injured. - Dale has taken 4 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Three men with HK's standing, one of them being injured though all let loose their fire..

The man holding Margert's deadbody within his clutches turns his Bersa's fire onto Dale, bam. <English>

Marc fires a burst of hot lead at Judge Alpha with his Colt M4A17 - 12946. Marc successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Colt M4A17 - 12946 at a 65 difficulty. (27)

- Judge Alpha has taken 12 points of stun damage. He is currently Dazed. - Judge Alpha has taken 7 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Marc fires a burst of hot lead at Judge Alpha with his Colt M4A17 - 12946. Marc successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Colt M4A17 - 12946 at a 65 difficulty. (12)

- Judge Alpha has taken 5 points of stun damage. He is currently Injured. - Judge Alpha has taken 4 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Marc doesn't skip a beat, splitting his fire between the remaining three men with Hk. Downing one that Dale previously injuired, while injuring another. <English>

Baltimore takes a deep breath then exhales slowly, then squeezes the trigger of his HK MSG-1A9 - 9231 and sending a high velocity projectile hurtling towards Judge Alpha. Baltimore successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a HK MSG-1A9 - 9231 at a 65 difficulty. (36)

- Judge Alpha has taken 9 points of stun damage. He is currently Unconscious. - Judge Alpha has taken 6 points of wound damage. He is currently Unconscious..

Baltimore takes a deep breath then exhales slowly, then squeezes the trigger of his HK MSG-1A9 - 9231 and sending a high velocity projectile hurtling towards Judge Alpha. Baltimore unsuccessfully attacks Judge Alpha using a HK MSG-1A9 - 9231 at a 100 difficulty. (-25) .

You know what's a pretty terrible idea? Standing in a circle and shooting at each other. Balt decides he's going to withdraw his recommendation of this as an activity at his next birthday party. If things keep going this way he won't have anyone to invite to his birthday party. Lee is down, with Leu and Eugene shooting from the hallway it's only a matter of time until they're shot too. And Dale probably will get shot again too, but Dale's always getting shot (That's the whole reason Ivy went to medical school). Fortunately he's right next to the opposing team, and with all the blood . He sights a fresh thug with one shot in the head, and another shot at the chest. Balt's a mediocre shot, so only one hits. Balt's also a romantic, so the shot that hits goes through the heart. Thugs slumps to the ground having died a poets death: broken hearted in a garbage dump. <English>

Dale fires a .45ACP round at Judge Alpha with his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 17451. Dale successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Bersa Thunder 45UC - 17451 at a 65 difficulty. (22)

- Judge Alpha has taken 1 points of stun damage. He is currently Unconscious. - Judge Alpha has taken 2 points of wound damage. He is currently Unconscious..

Dale fires a .45ACP round at Judge Alpha with his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 17451. Dale successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Bersa Thunder 45UC - 17451 at a 65 difficulty. (9)

- Judge Alpha has taken 0 points of stun damage. He is currently Unconscious. - Judge Alpha has taken 1 points of wound damage. He is currently Unconscious..

Sonofabitch, Dale swears to himself, he just got done healing; Ivy's going to yell at him a LOT. Yeah, he loves that Bersa. Thank you, Baltimore. For the moment, all he cares about is taking out these bozos. Bleeding again, and ow and crap that hurts cross his brain but adrenalin keeps him going. He shifts his weight from injured leg to other staggering slightly. Bullets fly around him and he watches the guy that shot him fall dispassionately. The other guy holding the HK gets a body full of led from Dale's puny but faithful weapon. Good thing he had previously been injured, thanks to Marc as down he goes, guts spilling onto the ground. Dale exhales with a grim satisfied smile. Smoke from his gun drifts upwards as he looks quickly around to assess damage. <English>

Lee rolls onto his hip with his arm leading him, zombie-like, then props onto his hands and knees, gasping shallowly with hurt. That's quite enough of that fighty nonsense, Lee. You should have known better ...says Baltimore's voice in his head. Oh dear god, what's HE doing in THERE? Accordingly, the boy abandons thoughts of grabbing for another knife, in favour of scrambling stiffly over the icky fluids-slick floor towards lonely, bound, knifed, molested Fess Higgins. The least he can do now is shield the man from further indignities. "..I'm so sorry man.. sun was in my eyes." Except for the lies. Fess could probably stand to be lied to a bit more. <English>

Now it's Eugene's turn to go down, and hard. They'd taken her armor earlier and as of yet, hadn't been thoughtful enough to give it back. Stupid, yes, but what's done is done now, at least she got one of the bastards. As one of the men returns fire, you'd think he was Mr. HK's best friend or something, cause man that guy aims with a vengence. Suddenly her side's on fire, the hit knocking her flat, a muffled curse as her back hits and then not much else. Well, at least she's still alive. <English>

Just as Leutrim was turning his head to see where Eugene was and to make sure he's still covering her, he sees her jerk with an impact as one of the other men shoot her. There is an instant mental jolt, "GENE!" he shouts, trying to swing that shotgun around to take aim on her attacker. Things are under his feet, making footing a little treacherous without his boots. Pumping to eject and reload his weapon, there is the slightest delay to his raising it to fire again... Something knocks hard into Leu from the side and slightly behind! There is no registration of pain or detail. Just surprise that somehow the floor has come up to cruely smack him along side his head! Foul! The shotgun clatters against the floor but there's too much noise already to notice. <English>

Judge Alpha wakes Judge Alpha up. Judge Alpha fires a .45ACP round at Baltimore with his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 14343. Judge Alpha unsuccessfully attacks Baltimore using a Bersa Thunder 45UC - 14343 at a 65 difficulty. (-35) .

Judge Alpha fires a .45ACP round at Baltimore with his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 14343. Judge Alpha unsuccessfully attacks Baltimore using a Bersa Thunder 45UC - 14343 at a 65 difficulty. (-67) .

Last man standing - who's beginning to freak out a bit at this point. The man with Margaret's corpse, clinging tightly to the dead woman as if he gave her the best night of his life, even if she's dead. Panic sweeping across, the bersa is pointed around wildly, two unsuccessful shots fired off.. <English>

Baltimore lowers his HK MSG-1A9 - 9231. Baltimore draws his Blausonne PX-17 Blaster - 10107.

Baltimore pulls the trigger of his Blausonne PX-17 Blaster - 10107 which emits a sharp scream of electronic noise. An actinic blue flash streaks from the barrel at Judge Alpha, energy washing over the target with a crackle of electrical energy. Baltimore unsuccessfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Blausonne PX-17 Blaster - 10107 at a 100 difficulty. (-19) .

Bullets go flying around Balt's lucky red shirt-it's so red that this last guy can't get a bead on him. What were those guys on Star Trek bitching about? It's gotten quieter in here, is he the only one who's made it out of this thing still standing? He looks around. We'll Marc's still posing like some kind of bad ass Steve McQueen, and Dale still hobbling like a bad-ass Steve Martin. This is the brief moment where mercy takes over, and Balt switches out his murder stick for something that can stun a fella. He aims: "Tag (team), you're it!" He misses. Damn. He really wanted to impress Marc there. He keeps the pistol pointed at the corpse waltzer. "Drop it and you got yourself a shot at living." Maybe the collective gore of the rest of his team will be more convincing that the fact that Balt can't seem to his this chump. <English>

Dale fires a .45ACP round at Judge Alpha with his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 17451. Dale unsuccessfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Bersa Thunder 45UC - 17451 at a 100 difficulty. (-33) .

Dale fires a .45ACP round at Judge Alpha with his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 17451. Dale unsuccessfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Bersa Thunder 45UC - 17451 at a 100 difficulty. (-2) .

Alright, Dale's now just getting madder as this jackass uses a dead body for protection. Seeing Genie hit the ground, then Leutrim makes him freak a bit as he plays bleeding body hide and seek trying to get the guy. He's going down! "Gorramit, stay -still- you little piss ant." Hidin' behind a body is apparently keeping the dude alive though. One shot goes wild, but the second missies just barely, perhaps they were warning shots. In the din, Dale hadn't even heard Balt's words. <English>

Leutrim shoots a bullet at Judge Alpha with his Winchester 1897 12g - 11787. Leutrim unsuccessfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Winchester 1897 12g - 11787 at a 110 difficulty. (-1) .

Leutrim shoots a bullet at Judge Alpha with his Winchester 1897 12g - 11787. Leutrim unsuccessfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Winchester 1897 12g - 11787 at a 110 difficulty. (-65) .

Nasty, he's been hit. Oh yeah. But there's still at least one guy still shooting who has got to be gotten before they can have any hope of medical for their own. The shotgun hit the floor with him, and for a breath or so he was dazed silly, but then Leutrim is able to focus. Amazing he wasn't knocked unconscious! The shotgun is still in his hand, then both of his hands... it was already pumped and ready to shoot just before he went down. A careful aim from where he lies on the floor, then he tries to blow that last bastard to hell! Shit, he probably took some of the guy's shirt off along with some of that dead gal - it was so close! Almost Leu can't manage the pump to reload, it's tough but he gets it. His second shot is a clear miss! Damnit! Shotgun wavering, Leutrim's going fast from clearing daze to the room starting to reel. Where is Eugene?!? ... Got ... to ... stay ... conscious... <English>

Crouching uncomfortably over Fess's body, Lee tries not to gag on the brainy, gorey fumes pervading the vicinity, and do something additional to Fess that doesn't seem to have happened to the poor guy yet. He presses his fingertips into the base of Fess's throat, then shifts the man's shirt aside a little to check that oh-so-mysterious knife wound. His hand hovers over the knife - remove it? Don't remove it? He didn't take that particular class yet with Teacher Ivy. For once, he doesn't screw up, and just leaves it in. "Right. Fess is alive," he yells over his shoulder, before starting to try and loosen the various restraints and/or gags. <English>

Eugene clutches at her side, fingers finding a lot of warm.. something. Completely blind to whatever else is going on at the moment, her kriss is still clutched in her right hand, though she hardly seems to notice. After a long moment of not whimpering in pain, she tries to look around, refocus on who's where. She attempts to prop herself up on an elbow, but the pain makes her gasp, and sends her back to the ground. Just another minute, and maybe she'll try that again. <English>

Marc fires a burst of hot lead at Judge Alpha with his Colt M4A17 - 12946. Marc successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Colt M4A17 - 12946 at a 100 difficulty. (12)

- Judge Alpha has taken 8 points of stun damage. He is currently Dazed. - Judge Alpha has taken 6 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Marc fires a burst of hot lead at Judge Alpha with his Colt M4A17 - 12946. Marc successfully attacks Judge Alpha using a Colt M4A17 - 12946 at a 100 difficulty. (15)

- Judge Alpha has taken 7 points of stun damage. He is currently Injured. - Judge Alpha has taken 5 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Leave em breathing? Have you gone mad Balt? It's kill or be killed out here, eye for an eye is the law of the land! "Fuck that!" Marc yells in response to Baltimore's offer of life, he takes a long time to settle his reflex scope on the remaining tag trooper. Rounds from his comrades scattering all around him, and more than likely into the brain blown Margaret. He must have thought he was hot stuff, but then another volley of fire erupts from Marc's carbine. The first burst riddling the mans cranium is a spectacular display of the what probably befell the headless horseman of 2523. His second burst probably assures Margaret's funeral is a closed casket one. <English>

Tracey gave you 10 experience points.

--Admin-- OOC: Judge Alpha says, "My job here is done. I thank you all for your EXCELLENCE in paging me so quickly when it was your turn, getting out the poses out there instantly, and your wonderful poses. You guys are all wonderful TPers! Keep up the good work! It was an honour to judge the combat portion of this TP. *Poofies*"

Everyone's dead.. dead dead dead.. well, besides the unconcious Fess and the others member of the living party.. Yay for deadness. <English>

There have been an awful lot of shots whizzing about behind Lee - more than he can keep track of. But the sounds are actually somewhat reassuring - continued fighting means continued living. The angry yells of his comrades echoing all over the space are soothing. Only when the frequency of shots begin to drop off, does his heart begin to pound with anxiety, and the kid finally pivots on his knee in the middle of freeing Fess's legs, and looks upon the grizzly stand-off, bodies disintegrating and falling into fleshy heaps. So far, his headcount of allies works out... until his gaze reaches the doorway of the hangar, and settles on the prone figures of Leutrim and Eugene. Aw no... <English>

Balt had still wanted to figure out something of what happened with this whole mess, but at yet another head bursts into headlessness. Looks like this case is getting solved through the copious amounts of notes Tag Team /must/ have taken about their criminal scheming. But to that after people stop bleeding to death, and Balt's guess is that Leu and Eugene are going to try for the gold in that race. He doesn't even stop to check a pulse as he races past them on his way out to the mule. His med kit is in there somewhere. <English>

Baltimore lowers his Blausonne PX-17 Blaster - 10107.

Dale lowers his Bersa Thunder 45UC - 17451.

The hangar really does have an interesting ceiling, all those beams criss-crossing over her head. Eugene's had some time to look at them now, gasping as she is on the floor, bleeding from her side. Probably getting one of those nice puddles forming by now. Tilting her head to the side, she looks for Leutrim, who she knows should be nearby, tries to push herself up again. Waves of pain and nausea cause her to do little more than roll a bit, whimper, and stop. At least she can see Leutrim from this angle, "Leu?" she gasps, then as the bullets stop, "Did we win?" <English>

Breathing... blood pressure dropping... heart rate rising to try and compensate. Leutrim was already hurt coming into this mess, and then there was that whole dumbass blood banking thing right before this hell broke loose the ... was it just two days ago? It doesn't matter. Trying to get up. Move an arm, shift over from his back to his side... can he see Eugene? "Gene!" Leu's usual baritone is more of a gasp, desperate to see if she is still alive. Nobody's shooting. That registers. Lightheaded, Leu tries to start dragging himself up to his knees, crawl if he has to damnit. The shotgun's not in his hand now, it's a burden, "Eugene..." Over there, he can just see her over there, see her trying to move. Thank God. She isn't even far. <English>

The hard faade falls, and when the smoke clears a little Dale starts counting heads. His eyes drop to Genie and Leutrim and his heart kind of leaps to his throat. He quickly lowers his gun and holsters it. As he heads over their way he limps in pain. "Gotta get them sorted first, need to check for useful info, get Fess outta here..." he just mumbles and isn't really directing orders so much as giving suggestions as he crouches awkwardly between the two to check them out. "It's over." he tells her softly. He can't really tell who is hurt worse. <English>

Leutrim lowers his Winchester 1897 12g - 11787 and returns it to its unreadied postion. You drop Winchester 1897 12g - 11787.

Marc couldn't tell if any of their number got injured or not, in the throws of being cranked on adrenaline it was hard to keep tunnel vision at bay and keeping aware of your enemies and allies...Combat, what a god damn chore. "Anybody hit?" He asks, only having to look to gain his answer as the injured have become more injured. "Shit." He mumbles, color disappearing from his face as he moves to stand next to Dale over his two bleeding friends. <English>

Lee kneels frozen by Junior Higgins' side, watching while Balt skirts the wounded and sprints out, and Dale goes over to speak to them. Means they're alive, hanging on. The held breath seeps through his lips, and he numbly returns to the business of untying Fess from his chair. The gag comes out next, with a glance given the wadded material before it's discarded. Is it a copy of the Compleat Tagteam Manifesto? No? Didn't think so, really. "Hey.. Giggles." He peers into the man's face. "..Mister Fess Higgins. Wakeywakey." <English>

Balt is back in one metric jiffy, his med kit left in the back seat of the mule where he could get at it easily. He may not throw out his milk before the expiration date but on these sort of things he gives a bit of forethought. The Leu lump and the Eugene lump are wiggling (good sign!) and Dale appears to be taking care of them (good sigh?). With medkit in hand he jogs back to the hall. "Right, which one of you two is deader?" Trick question: if he starts treating Leu first, then Leu will start muttering some flowery chivalry crap and telling him to help Eugene first, and if he doesn't help Eugene first Dale might try and give her mouth to mouth or something. He starts bandaging Eugene. "Folks ought to be checking them dead fellas for clues in there," Balt calls to . . . well hell, he doesn't know who anymore, he's just yelling it to someone. "Get Fess up and have him help in the looking." But Lee's already on that like a knife misthrown into a hostage. <English>

-Poor Fess, no wakie wakie as of yet.-- <English>

Baltimore tends to Eugene's injuries. Baltimore tends to Eugene's injuries.

Eugene turns her bleary, pain-filled eyes toward Dale. "Cool." she says simply, "Check on Leu huh? He wasn't doing good today..." A wierd little smile up past Dale at Marc, "Thanks." she mutters, "Sorry for getting caught..." and that's the last to be heard from Eugene for a while. She passes out before she can even look at Baltimore, let alone answer him. Well, at least he doesn't have to worry about her arguing about who to tend to first. <English>

Dale's hit, though he can still move. There's blood on his shoulder and leg from a couple nasty bullets that pierced him. He glances over his shoulder at Lee as if trying to figure out if the boy's been shot or if that's Fess' blood. Lee's a little too far away to tell. He looks up at Marc, fear in his eyes. "She's hurt bad...so's Leu. They're alive, moving. Leu, settle down, Genie's alive. You're only going to make it worse if you move." He nods at Balt. "I'll check in a minute." He's too scared for his friends to think about searching for bodies. He reaches to touch Gene's shoulder gently. "It's alright, Leu's alive, Gene." When Baltimore starts to work on them and Genie makes a sentence he breathes a sigh of relief and attempts to stand, "Sonofabitch" he grows in pain. <English>

searching on bodies, not for.) <English> Eugene flips her weapon to Safety mode. Eugene lowers her Kriss Super V - 10886 and returns it to its unreadied postion.

Eugene's saying something. There are other people moving around, familiar voices. Close enough to put a hand out to try and take Eugene's, Leutrim let's himself down onto his less hurt side, trying to get his breath. He coughs painfully several times, making a nasty sound. Now that he's close by Eugene, Leu just lays there, face down, trying to breath. Becoming disoriented he mutters something about too many people being in here. <English>

Lee applies a grimy thumb to the top of Fess's eyelid and pulls it up. Huh. The white of the guy's eye must be printed with a firm "Gone Fishing - 10 min" since Lee gives up reviving duty. He circles 'round, gets a grip under Fess's armpits, and hauls him gingerly into a supine position on the floor. Then he knee walks a couple of paces through something dark and sludgy, to contemplate the remains of Refined Villain. "...Fucker. Were supposed to answer the gorram questions before your gorram head 'sploded.." With a set grimace, he begins to search the gore-slimed pockets. <English>

Marc has disconnected.

Balt does all the medical stuff it shows the cartoon men doing on the top of the box: swabbing and patching and taping down. The instructions assure him with proper veterinary care his dog will in a state to play Frisbee in the park very soon. Damn, he knew this kit was on sale for a reason. "Folks ought to radio the ship, tell 'em we is coming in with wounded." Again, he doesn't know who does this mysterious bit of radioing, but somebody had to have their radio signal. With Eugene trussed up as best Balt can, he shifts attention to Leu, who's still crawling around. "Dammit Leu, settle down else I won't tell if if your dog is dead or not." The lid of the kit doesn't say anything about the effectiveness of emotional blackmail in bedside manner, but here's hoping. <English>

Baltimore tends to Leutrim's injuries. You feel better. Baltimore tends to Leutrim's injuries. You feel better.

When Baltimore lifts up Leu's sodden T-shirt to find the fresh gunshot wound on his back left side, Leutrim's former Captain sees there are bandages already in place around Leu's ribcage from his previous shooting. It may take a moment to clear enough gauze aside to even reach flesh. Sure is a lot of blood. He's no moving around now. Leu's breathing is fast and irregular, and his skin palid. Whether or not he's still conscious or just trying to conserve his strength isn't clear. His eyes are closed. <English>

Dale thinks fast, well, because that's what he does. They are never going to get Eugene and Leu back without help and professional medical assistance. He doesn't even think they'd be able to move them from here without immediate treatment from the looks of things. He rises up grimly and speaks in to his icom, trying the emergency channel first. "Hey, we have wounded and need immediate assistance. I repeat, immediate assistance. 2 people critical, 4 hit. This is Dale Lambsey of Ethereal Investigations. Anyone close to Beylix care to lend a hand? Be much obliged." <English>

Lee's arms are stained up to the elbows by the time he's finished casing the first body, that of the Londinium Head Creep. He glances across the space to the hallway where the current triage is located, and keys his icomm instead of yelling. "Got a key of some sort an' a data 'ssistant off Arse-Nohead, here." He pockets the items instead of pawing them further with bloody hands. Then goes back to check on Fainted!Fess. "C'mon... you're rescued already, ya froofy pansy." Yeah, that's right. There's a new pecking order hereabouts, and Lee doesn't seem to feel he's at the very bottom anymore! <English>

Fortunately for Balt Leu's wounds are neighbors, and one of them has been already bandaged a bit. Thank you tag team for shooting a man you already shot and bandaged. He cuts away the bandages with a tiny, crooked pair of scissors and goes to adding a fresh dressing, and when he's done he puts a bacon flavored puppy treat from the kit in Leu's palm, in case Leu's hungry when he gets up, plus the kit is like overflowing with them. "Other folks got a need for getting patched right now?" He looks around, the primary response coming from Dale's messaging through the emergency comm channels. He walks back to start looking for both surviving folks and evidence. He keeps the plastic gloves on from the medical kit less to keep things sterile but more because there isn't a single thing in this hangar that doesn't qualify as icky. <English>

Baltimore tests his Spot against a 60 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-9).

Baltimore tests his Spot against a 69 difficulty. The result is successful (24).

Dale continues to chatter into the icom, relief spreads across his face as he gets a resposne. "Tienlong's here." he tells his friends. To the icom he says. "Nice to hear a voice so close, Captain. Will radio you the coordinates. Not sure if our critical people can be moved but will check." That done, time to do a sweep of the bodies before things become a madhouse of ER. <English>

Dale gives coordinates to the com and says, "Got doctors coming." <English>

Somehow or another, Leutrim's not entirely unconscious, or revives just a little as something is pressed into his hand. What was that? He doesn't even look - instead, he tries to pull himself just a little closer to Eugene, close enough to rest his head on her arm. Can he hear her heartbeat? No one knows... then he coughs again, a raspy wet sound. Then more lying still, eyes looking off at nothing in particular. <English>

Lee touches the stain over his ribs for the first time, and looks down at his already bloody hand. Hmmm. This doesn't tell him anything new, but he can make a few assumptions based on the pain. After eyeing Fess for another batch of seconds, he struggles out of his own jacket, and lays it overtop the young gent's body, just under the throwing knife handle jutting from under the man's collarbone. He removes the PDA and key from the pocket, and pushes to his feet to turn and help with the search. Maybe there's a treasure chest around that corresponds with the key. <English>

Balt has to work hard for a non-grody place to step. It's primarily because of this game of hopscotch that he notices the trap door hidden to look like a piece of loose paneling. He looks around for who to announce this to and who can help do something about it. There's Lee, Dale, Fess. The pecking order is determined quickly: "Dale, got us a trap door. Might have to go down and check it out. Need you to stay up here and do some covering." He takes his pistol back out and loads a few double A batteries into it. That's right; laser pistols run on the same thing that boomboxes and cortex remotes do. Crouching down, he listens at the panel before he opens it, straining especially hard to hear lines like 'shoot the first jackass who opens the trap door.' <English>

Baltimore tests his Listen against a 70 difficulty. The result is successful (8).

Baltimore draws his Blausonne PX-17 Blaster - 10107. Baltimore reloads his Blausonne PX-17 Blaster - 10107 with 5 bullets of aabatts ammo.

Baltimore tests his Spot against a 70 difficulty. The result is successful (29).

Dale stands near Eugene and Leu, when Balt says cover the trap door, he picks up a nearby weapon from a fallen tag team member. Neat and is all set. He's finished his conversation with the Tienlong and looks satisfied that they will be able to get here to help their people. He'd like to do some more looking around, but seems Balt and Lee have got that covered. "I gotcha." He nods at Balt. <English>

Dale draws his HK MSG-1A9 - 16464.

Lee sighs through his teeth while he rubs the gunk on his hands off onto his pants. Yet another set of trousers ruined beyond repair. Not even hit the two week mark since he picked them up. The key gets a bit of polish from a corner of shirt tail, so he can check it for any engraving to indicate its purpose, while he trudges closer to Balt and Dale's position, having to step over more bodies on the way. <English>

Balt has to almost press his ear into the blood to hear what's going on down in that hole, but something's going on. With his fancy-ass pistol reloaded and Dale covering him, he tries the door without success. When that doesn't work he just bangs on the trap door and hollers. "You boys mudders?" He calls down, still aiming his pistol. "We ain't the folks that done captured you. Them tag team folks. Need you to do some manner of hollering though so as we don't come down a shooting." Balt hold his breath, he'd like just one of his assumptions to be right today. <English>

--The Reponse through the door where Baltimore is at-- An younger child's voice cries out, "IN 'ERE MISTE-" Then it's suddenly cuto ff short, murmuring ensues. <English> Dale hears something crackle in his icom and nods to whatever was said, to the group at large he says, "Doctors gonna be here in one minute." He says to Balt, still covering his buddy. He glances over at Lee and Fess again, still just checking Lee over, kid's not been in many gunfights. Anyway he shakes himeself through a sudden haze of pain that stabs through his body from the two wounds. Focus, yes. "Junkyard... We're Inside the Maintenance Hangar. Large Metal Building, Perimeter marked witha tallf ence. 2 large rolling doors, kind what open for vehicles." <English>

Lee finds himself standing over Balt and the door, opposite Dale, quicker than expected. Because he ran the last dozen feet, in utter astonishment, as a little voice comes up out of the floor. Making the connection between Balt struggling with the stubbornly shut trap, and the singular key he holds in his own hand, he abruptly leans down and thrusts the key into view over the other man's shoulder. "Try this." And deposits said key into Balt's hand if accepted. Then he takes a few seconds out his determined monitoring of that door, to glance Dale over. In addition to the fresh wounds (but Lee's used to seeing Dale punctured), fellow looks pretty shook-up - must be all the killing. Dale Lambsey ain't the type that'd hurt a flea, after all. "How're they..?" he asks quietly. <English>

Balt checks the door again for a keyhole, poking through the blood crevasses with his plastic wrapped fingers. "Got to be a key hole around here for this thing. Ain't much finding one here." He looks up. "Lee, said you had yourself a key?" Lee maybe shot and in possession of an extreme sensitivity to sun in his eyes, but if the boys good at anything it's investigating a ruined set of trousers. Maybe if they check the other pocket they'll find a keyhole. For now Balt just has to look around. He accepts Lee's offered key and keeps to the looking. <English>

Dale glances down at Eugene and Leu for a moment. Briefly he considers checking these guys out for credits but then decides, people willing to do what they do don't have any money and he's already bloody enough anyway. Gun keeps covering Balt until the man drops down into the room below. His leg throbs at him in angry resentiment at being used but he tells it to shut up for the moment as he heads over to the trap door. <English>

Asterisk Zenoda arrives from Junkyard - Main Lot - Beylix. Asterisk Zenoda has arrived.

Aubrey arrives from Junkyard - Main Lot - Beylix. Aubrey has arrived.

Balt has to scoop away a bit of brain matter, and work some bit of spinning metal keyhole shield, but eventually he finds the finds them and unlocks the series of locks. Apparently this trap door was owned and operated by a series of terrified old ladies before Balt got to it. When he can finally open up the door though, it's a chaos of mud folk down there. He calls down into the hole, holstering his gun. "The lot of you can start to coming up in a moment. Got no plans for you. Can bring you back to Higgins Moon if that's what you're wanting, or can let you run off and have a new life here." There might be a volcano of mudders erupting in a moment, so he backs up. <English>

Baltimore lowers his Blausonne PX-17 Blaster - 10107.

Loyalty is not amongst the Mudders Civilization whom have worked their hands down to the bone only for mere scraps, treated no better than slaves themselves are. The gathering of men, women and children look quite frieghtened as they look amongst one another until coming to land onto Baltimore. Slowly, yet surely they begin to file out from the doorway - heading up into the main hangar. Along the way there are whispered 'thank yous' to Baltimore.. Then in the main hangar some turn their eyes away from the dead bodies, while others cover their children's eyes as they continue to stream out. <English> <SCENE SET> This hangar is caked in gore from what looks like an ill conceived gunfight. <English> Asterisk seems to be walking onto the scene. Sure, his strides are longer than need be, but he isn't running. Eyes are glancing to those in the area, looking to find a man that would match to the voice he had heard over his communication system. No words fall from his lips as he wanders onto the scene. The gore seems to not settle him off in the slightest as his eyes scan around again for the 'injured'. <English>

<SCENE SET, TAKE 2> This hangar looks like trouble: Outside the open side door is an idling mule and the corpse of a brawny man. Going inside things only get worse: everything stinks like blood and spent casings. The side door looks into a short hallway where Eugene and Leu lie crudely bandaged and unconscious. Further inside, amid a mass of bodies, three men (Baltimore, Dale, and Lee) sit looking down into a hole in the ground. It's hard to tell which of the three of them is injured and which isn't. <English>

Lee also moves away from that trapdoor by a few paces, eyes riveting nervously to that dark hole in the floor. As each Mudder muddles their way up into relative brightness, Lee takes in their features carefully, and counts them off silently. He doesn't try to offer a smile - those are in a bit of a short supply today - but his eyes at least are earnest and relieved. <English>

Dale moves away from the trap door back towards Leutrim and Eugene who are prone on the ground and likely the critical ones he was talking about. He's hurt himself but is still on his feet and this stream of people are slightly confusing him. His gun lowers. <English>

Aubrey is with Asterisk, backpack on and pda slid into its holster, and he sticks close to the other man, blinking from time to time as he looks around with wide eyes and then frowns, giving a tiny shake of his head, lips forming a tiny 'o'. <English>

Dale lowers his HK MSG-1A9 - 16464.

Balt points to the door. "Look, them's that is heading back to Higgins Moon wait outside beside the mule. Thems that is going elsewhere, then I never got to seeing you. Either case folks need to be exiting out the big doors, and need to be getting to it now." It's only with a glance back that he notices Aubrey and Asterisk, turning to talk to them only after the mudders have started moving. "You folks from the ship? Them two on the ground," he points to Leu and Eugene "is in the worst shape. Can offer some manner of a hand in moving folks." He wipes some of the brain matter and skull fragments from his hair, trying to look at least a /little/ presentable. <English>

The man and woman lying on the hanger floor by Dale's feet appear to be unconscious, both shot and unarmored. The gal is slender and Asian (Eugene) and the guy is over six foot tall if he were standing. Leutrim for some reason doesn't have any boots on and appears to be unarmed. He's got his head resting on Eugene's arm, holding her hand loosely, mostly lying face down. He's been shot in the left side of his back and both of them have been given first aid with medpacks. Leu at least is quite pale, unmoving, rapid shallow breathing, his eyes just barely slitted open. <English>

Asterisk nods his head at Baltimore, eyes sliding to the people who he speaks of. "Then they're both first," he claims very softly making his way first toward the man, bag dropping to the floor to check his vitals and such. "Sir," he calls to Leutrim, checking to make sure he's slightly lively, at least. <English>

Lee stands up from his crouch after the last Mudder has exited, glances to Balt at his declaration, then moves slowly to the group of erstwhile hostages, whether they're moving out or just huddling together like mindless rabbits. "I was in Canton not three days ago," he volunteers, hoping to give the people a little information to ease their worries, help them make the best decision for themselves. "My name's Lee. I stayed with Mother Gemma's clan a spell." He pauses. "It appears Boss Higgins has cut his losses, is continuin' operations like nothin' happened. Your friends'n'families were bought off or forced to be silent, but the snatchin' has stopped. Like the man says," he refers to Balt but doesn't mention a name - that's Balt's choice. "You've got a decision to make. If it isn't the one that takes you back to the Mudder life, but you want to pass on a message to your homefolk, just let me know. I'll be back that way sometime, an' am awful good at passing along note." <English>

Aubrey then notices somebody familiar amongst all the...insanity stuff. He nods firmly to Balt and clears his throat with a soft voice. "Doctor." He points to Asterisk before clearing his throat, looking back to Leu and then to his bootless feet for some reason and then his expression tightens. "Oh no." He murmurs softly before following Asterisk but staying out of the way for now, scanning the area warily, blue eyes taking in and submitting the memory what they land on. He does move to Eugene's side to kneel down and check her pulse. <English>

Dale can't smile at the moment, though he does nod grim thanks to Aubrey and Asterisk. "Thanks, know this looks crazy" He crouches down, "Anything I can help with? They're good friends. I'm Dale Lambsey, the one you talked to on the com." He's decided to let Lee and Balt handle the mudders at the moment. "Fess Higgins over there needs help, too, got wounded during the fight." <English>

The injured man Asterisk starts to check on and speaks to, doesn't give much if any response. There might be a flicker of movement to Leutrim's eyelids, but then nothing more beyound just trying to breath. There is a slight alteration of Leutrim's breathing though which makes him start to cough, choke a bit, then clear his airway again. His right hand though tighten's it's grip on Eugene's hand. He is conscious, if only just barely. His own pulse is rapid from lowered blood pressure. <English>

Balt's had to take Lee's word about Fess's condition (although he knows for a fact that the lad didn't piss himself, after all, Balt's face isn't wet). Given the arrival of the paramedics, this seems like a fine moment to check on the whole damn reason for this mess. Fess has got a jacket over him like his reason for lying down is that violence makes him sleepy. Lee has done Balt the gracious task of playing Mudder tour guide, so he lets people wander past him without much of a glance. "Might need to wake the lad up at some point, have to have him call home and vouch for us." <English>

Eugene isn't exactly rosy cheeked herself, but might be a shade less ghostly than Leu. Her black t-shirt is a ruin of dried blood and fresh. Her left shoulder is expertly bandaged, surrounded by the dried stuff, it's most likely a few days old. The fresher blood is soaked through her shirt along her right side, the repair job there a bit cruder, but serviceable. Her pulse is steady but rapid, and she's out for the count, unconscious. <English>

Asterisk sets to his job, fingers running along the skin in points that he might need to be treated the most. He finds old wounds atop the new ones, but he doesn't seem concerned. "We must get them back to the ship," he comments in his natural whispering tone of voice, eyes shifting upward to the more awake in the party. <English>

Aubrey looks over towards Fess before reporting to Asterisk. "She's icky but she's breathing, I think it might hurt her when she wakes up though." A pause. "She's pretty though." Then he's moving over towards Fess now, to check his pulse as well, licking his lips as he concentrates and turns his head to the side thoughtfully. He's nodding to what Asterisk says. "Yes, but we have to be careful." <English>

Asterisk Zenoda

Caramel complexion and deep green eyes show from underneath a dark mane of black hair. The widow peak hairline flows, slicked backward so his hair almost falls into even spikes as it falls toward his waist. A scar stretches from one part of that hairline, sliding through a brow and down the right eye to end at the corner of a lip. If one is lucky, there might be no vision in this eye. A smile usually never rests upon these lips and there's a bit of a 'sideburn' going on before it all fades into a small black goatee at the end of his chin. His body is whispy given his tall stature, most of his body made up of legs and arms with just barely enough torso to resemble a somewhat normal human.

His body today is covered up in a soft dull gray button up blouse, though the tie is missing. Or rather, it's in the back pocket of the set of black pressed pants that are slung around his hips, held up by a silver clasped belt. A set of boots hold the lower portion of his pants, clasps snapped shut along the length of them before the thick soles rest against the ground. And to complete his assortment is a long black crimson coat of a thickened fabric, sleeves rolled up once with a cross shapped clasp about them. Around his wrist is a silver bracelet, though this one holds the Alliance Hopital insignia upon it, with information upon the other side.

(Picture~ : Asterisk_by_Hacker_Relay.png )

.--[Carrying]-- | - iComm - 12931 |--[Ammo]------ | - Medsupplies - 10155 '--------------

Shooting a look at Balt's retreating back upon hearing the other man's thoughts on the matter of Fess, Lee lets out a harsh breath of air, followed by a small wince. "Last thing Junior Boss'll wanna do is talk to his Pop, I'll wager. Magistrate left his own /blood/ to twist in the wind," he practically spits. Yeah, he and Fess could get together over a few brewskis and rag on the subject of Dads who didn't want them enough to come looking. Then they can form that garage band and blast the windows out of Balt's Perse' apartment, then ask him for the keys to the car. It'll be sweet. "Let's take him home with us for now." <English>

Dale nods at Asterisk. "Right then," he glances over towards where Lee is directing and talking to mudders. "Lets get them there. Do we need a stretcher?" he looks around to find something that can be used as one. "In a nutshell, it was a hostage situation, things got rough" that's as far as he's going to explain though. <English>

As one of the only ones on scene not shooting out blood like a lawn sprinkler, Balt takes a moment to give one last look around for anything else they can take with them before they can get the hell away from this place before the feds show up. The mudders have finally cleared out enough for him to go downstairs though. "Going town in to the underbelly, have a bit of a look around," he tells Dale and Lee. And with that he descends into the underworld, magical floor key in hand. He hums a John Williams score. <English>

Eugene seems content to lie on the floor and not do much of anything right now. She's even stopped bleeding for the most part really. <English>

SUMMON: Eugene will be removed from this location shortly. SUMMON: Eugene is being +summoned from this location. Eugene has left.

The whispy man attempts a great feat, leaning downward to attempt to pick Leutrim up from the floor. "Stretcher not needed. Assist the girl," he claims toward the Dale, head rolling to one side in speaking of Eugene. Then, he's trying to walk, though his process is slower with a hefty male over his shoulder. Though not large, Leutrim /is/ a man. <English>

Baltimore tests his Security_systems against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (19).

Aubrey looks at Fess...and then looks at Eugene and then watches Asterisk /pick up Leu/ and then looks back between Fess and Eugene and raises a hand. "...I'm going to need help." At least he's honest! <English>

Dale glances at Aubrey, then reaches down to gently pick up Eugene into his arms. He lets her head rest against his chest as he grits his teeth in pain. "I got it. It's gonna be fine, gene." he tells her softly, even though she's unconscious. "Hey, Balt and Lee. Try and find their stuff, ok?" He asks. <English>

Lee spends another chunk of time amongst the Mudders but can't seem to get anything decisive out of them for the moment, so he steps back away and paces around the trapdoor while he says into his icomm, "I'll handle it, Dale." Then, "Balt, you need any help down there? You don't answer in five, I'll come down shootin' an' probably really hurt myself For Real." He really really will. <English>

Someone trying to lift him and Leutrim's eyes reopen, trying to look around, "Gene?" he breaths. Hands on him, there is a push of bare feet trying to assist in getting him up. His breath becomes more ragged with the effort - but instead of being made to walk, someone is hefting him up over a shoulder?!? Leu's no small man, a little over 200 lbs even without armor and nearly 6'3" tall. But if Asterisk can do it... The shifting about though and Leu starts coughing again. Blood preassure rushing to his head as he's partly inverted and it's possible he blacks out for a moment. <English>

Aubrey looks Fess over again and bites his bottom lip before bending down and /peering/ at the man trying to think of a way to possibly move the man and he /sighs/ and settles down beside the body and he'll wait. "It's okay...hurt guy, I'll stay with you." <English>

Balt descends into the cellar and low and behold what do they keep wlong side their Mudders but a big damn safe. "Might be their stuff is down here. Got us an electronic vault," he says into his comm. "Need either a proper combo or an electronics hack to get in though. Figure the number was in Londonium's brain, but no matter hoe much of it I rub on the keys don't get no answers." Smelly cots and a super safe, this place is full of dichotomies. Another thought occurs to him. Again, into the comm: "We still got us that shack next door we ain't looked in." <English>

Asterisk barely rounds a bit to glance toward Bree as he settles beside Fess. "Just talk to him, Bree. It's beter than you'd think," he mutters before wandering to take the man he's carrying back to where he can be helped. "If anyone else can help carry, I suggest they do when possible. Two to a body." A nod, and he's gone. <English>

Dale asks tightly into the com, "You want me to take a crack at it Balt? I can put Gene on their MULE. We'd best get to that before feds descend. He hates to leave Gene and Leutrim alone with people they don't know though, what if they should wake up? "Let me put Gene in the MULE first." <English>

Lee listens to the com with a tilted head, while his eyes roam across the hangar space to Fess, and the.. hm. Man, he'll say. For now. He keeps looking, trying to catch the other's eye, while he replies into his com, "Combo, huh. I got a data assistant off the Londonium, along with the key. Hold tight, I'll give it a look-see." Out comes the recovered PDA, and Lee brings it online while starting to meander in Aubrey's direction. <English>

Asterisk Zenoda heads through the exit labeled <Out> Main Lot. Asterisk Zenoda has left.

You follow Asterisk Zenoda. You head through the exit labeled <Out> Main Lot.

You are entering Junkyard - Main Lot - Beylix.

 Junkyard - Main Lot - Beylix                                      =>Beylix<=

The Beylix Junkyard is the main center of commerce, and stench, on the planet. From ground level on the outskirts, it's difficult to tell the true scale of the yard, as one mountain of refuse simply blends into the next. The Junkflats spread out in all directions, as far as the eye can see. Overhead, cargo loaders, security craft, and maintenance drones fly by at a dizzying pace, swarming over the trash like flies, cataloging the volume and general contents of the piles, sending the information back to the administrators at HQ. A parking lot lies well away from the single security checkpoint in and out of the gigantic lot, beyond which is the fenced off area of the maintenance yard, home to all the cargo craft.

Leutrim <idle>                         Asterisk Zenoda                        
Large Hover Mule - 7174               
<South>  The Junkflats                 <West>   A Large Hangar                
<North>  Trash Alley    

Dale arrives from Junkyard - Maintenance Hangar. Dale has arrived.

Reaver gave you 2 experience points.

Despite the fact that she has gotten her hands dirty a thousand times before, Anastasiya has for one reason or another decided to wait outside with the MULE. Instead sending in the wayward doctor and the slight skittish techie in to an unknown location and sitaution. Remaining seated within the Large Hover MULE's pilot seat, one leg is draped over the other in a casual-slightly formal manner. The elongated fingers of the left hand pinched around the butt of a cigarette, which tip is glowing faint amber colour with whisps of smoke twining into the air itself. Beneath the wealth of lashes, the crystaline blue orbs continue to watch the tail-end of the 'Mudders Parade' as they pour out from the junkyard. There is not a single question posed from between her lips to any of the Mudders, rather a bit of a curious glint surfacing within the other wise emotionless eyes, which fall within suite of her face that offers not really any emotions to play upon it. <English>

Asterisk comes back from the way he had gone into only a few minutes prior, carrying a man over his shoulders. Leutrim is slung over his shoulder as he walks, both hands carefully balancing the man as he approaches the hoverMULE. With even more care, he lays the man against the MULE's seat, trying to make himself sitting upward to sustain himself. "There you go." <English>

Dale walks out of the building, following Risk behind. He'd talked briefly into his com but then decided he'd really rather make sure that Leutrim and Eugene were settled and not on their own among people they didn't know. He carries Eugene in his arms, both her blood and his staining him. It looks like he's been shot in the shoulder and in the leg and he's in quite a lot of pain as he moves forward towards the MULE. He wishes he had some hard liquor to swallow right about now, that much is clear in his expression. Into the com he responds to Balt, "What's the set up like? If it's attached to a computer, I can hack it. If it's just it's own thing, could be a bit more trouble." He does have something of a grim smile for Anastasiya, "Captain Anastasiya?" he wonders at her. "Dale Lambsey" he offers in greeting. <English>

Leutrim grunts as he is shifted about and put into the MULE's seat. He is a bit disoriented from having been head down over Asterisk's shoulder, and now the blood pressure in his head finally begins to ease. Leu blinks, putting out a hand to try and steady himself as the MULE seems to be moving about a bit much - or his head is spinning, he can't tell which. He might look a little naucious as well as pale, but he is still breathing and regaining enough consciousness to try and focus. There is some woman seated in the MULE ahead of him and he's not Eugene. <English>


Anastasiya carries herself with pride, standing at a height of only 5'7". Each word that slips past her lips is tainted with a Russian accent. Youthful features evident, she appears young in age, perhaps in the age frame of early twenties. Smooth and luxurious ivory flesh covers her entire lean physique, with not a flaw evident on it. From the crown of her head, brilliant red straight locks fall almost to the middle of her back. The locks of hair have been cut into layers at the front to accent her face. Her features, though delicate and fine, bare traits of Russian origin. Large, crystal blue eyes dominate her face beneath a wealth of lashes, emphasized by slightly curved eyebrows. Supple thin lips curve softly possessing a faint pale pink colour.

Her graceful, arching neck and elegant, feminine shoulders are left bare by her top. Around the neck is draped a simple platinum chain, from which dangles a cunningly wrought pendant in the shape of a leaping dolphin just above the cleft between her breasts. The creamy soft skin is bared down her whole arms. Located on her right bicep is a small tattoo. The tattoo is the beginning of a blossoming rose. Its petals in a soft shade of purple, while its leaves and stem that of green. A single red drop hangs off one of its leaves. The only scar visible is a long, thin one that runs from shoulder in a diagonal manner down to the elbow of the left bicep. The top starts below the first swell of her breasts, though not so far down as to be risque. The comfortable black material stretches just slightly, but even so gives the appearance of having been wrapped about her tightly, and so shows off her very womanly curves. The skirt hugs her waist and gracefully bells outward. The top is patterned with a criss-crossing, briar rose pattern in white, the main rose blossom riding her right lower right hip. The skirt is very fluid, and moves dramatically with her, making tiny 'swish swish' noises as she walks. The ensemble ends with a pair of elegant heeled sandals, with many thin straps that entwine up the legs the same way the briar rose's stem twines around her waist.


.--[Carrying]-- | - iComm - 10662 '--------------

/If/ she was a woman of lesser willpower, there would be crude remarks currently blossoming past the mauve coloured tiers the moment that the eyes take within the sight that unfolds before her. Though these crude remarks would, of course, be directed onto Risk but those will wait until later and in private. Thumb brushes across the butt of the cigarette, flicking it to send ashes floating towards the ground. In silence does the Russian Captain remain as she watches the scene unfold before her. That is until there's /real/ commentry paid onto her given by Dale. Anastasiya's eyes shift over towards the man, accompanying with a lowering of her head in a solemn nod. As the tongue flares to life, the words slip past as liquid honey with a smoldering thick Russian accent devouring them. "Yes, it is pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Lambsey, despite the situation." <English>

Dale gently sets Eugene in by Leutrim. He reaches over to grip the man's shoulder gently. "It's all good, Leu, you're both in good hands now. Gene's fine." He reassures him, falling back on acting skills. To Risk he nods his thanks at the handling of Leutrim. Once his burden is settled and strapped in, he straightens, fighting against the adrenalin that is slowly seeping out of his body. He rests his eyes on Anastasiya, "Thank you for coming out. It was a hostage situation that got slightly mucked up" he admits with a grimace. Into his com he hears Lee and Balt buzzin about. He gives her an apologetic look as he replies again to them, "Sounds like it needs some good old fashioned demolitions to open it then. If it's not a computer, I can still take a crack at it but it's a long shot. Got a work on that trick." <English>

Dale's voice. Leutrim was looking at the woman in the front, concentrating on his own breathing and sort of not all together too well focused. But the world seems to have stopped spinning about. And then there is Eugene, Dale setting her up into the seat next to him and strapping her in. Sort of a nod for Dale, Leu's bartione is a bit weak and barely audible, "Thanks." Eugene is his focus now. Moving an arm that feels to heavy, Leutrim manages to get one arm around Eugene's shoulders and draw her as close against himself as he is able, leaning his own head so that the hair on top of her head is almost in his face. "Hang on, Gene." He manages. There is nothing else to do but brace for the ride and try to stay conscious. Worry though wears at Leu's weary expression, worry for Eugene. <English>

While curiousity may normally be abundant within the unknown situation that has occured with mere hints being granted onto her, there has been too much curiousity at work as of late and the fact that with said curiousity had come with exhaustion and almost death. Therefore, Anastasiya merely tilts her head in a silent 'understanding' manner. "Do you wish for me to wait here for more or come back after these two are situated with the waiting doctor?" A side-long glance passed onto the Risk and the first comment that she has made to the man for the past day or so. "Dr. Stryker has the medical bay ready for arrival and is on stand-by." <English>

Dale nods at the Captain, nothing but respect in his eyes, clearly the man knows how to talk to command. "There's one more inside who was rendered unconscious but not so sure how badly he is hurt and if he just fainted from the shock of it all. We can bring him back with us, I think. Baltimore has asked me to go in and check on a safe. We're trying to find our friends equipment and personal effects." he explains further, wincing more in pain. Eventually, he really needs to get those wounds looked at. He looks slightly impatient as he waits to hear a response in the com. <English>

End of RP Log ------------------------------------