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Latest revision as of 22:55, 21 January 2009

Taylor is seated on a bench about halfway into the gardens. He is leaning back, studying a large bush and area of flowers. In his lap is a three foot square drawing board, with a textured paper clipped to it. He is sketching the flowers before him, with a piece of charcoal, creating a drawing that is high in contrast, smeary and beautiful. Defying his Companion demeanor, he has charcoal on his hands as any other artist would. <English>

Itzal's head slowly nods before his eyes lower to look at the ground, Pausing in his movements as he speaks. "I think right now I am the last one the doc wants to lay her head on the shoulder of an' share her problems..Besides not sure how easy its gonna be for her to open up after well shootin me..Especially if she is worried about what it might cause between us.." <English>

"Possibly." Kathryn replies. "This here's place is just... it's so darned pretty I cain't think ova word fer it, Itzal..." she tells him with breathless wonderment. She squints her eyes, as she /thinks/ she recognizes someone further into the gardens, but isn't quite sure yet. <English>

Taylor continues to sketch. He leans back forward, putting his face just inches from the drawing as his hand moves roughly back and forth across the paper with the charcoal. His floppy, thick hair bounces and dangles the distance between forehead and paper as he sketches feverishly, with occassional referencing glances to the flowers before him. <English>

Itzal's head slowly tilts as he looks up and back at Katryn. His lips forming into a smile slowly, "I hoped ya would like it Katryn..And I just hope me and the doc can work past this shit.." His head shaking slightly as he looks slowly over the gardens before noticing the artist. <English>

"Worryin' 'bout tha doc ain't gonna help ya health none, Itz." Kathryn tells him with a soft sigh, her lips slowly forming into a smile as well. "Well, are we gonna go in, or are we just gonna stand here an' stare all day?" she asks the pilot with a playful wink. <English> The soft, relaxing sound of the charcoal scraping across the thick, textured paper, is rhythmic and soothing as Taylor adds a few more branches to the bush. He looks up at the real thing, and holds his thumb up, with the charcoal piece, to measure, before returning to the paper for more. <English>

Itzal's head slowly nods, "Yeah we are gonna go in.." His tongue poking out at her for a moment before he slowly continues into the garden with her. "I will try and not worry bout her too much..Any news when yer cap'n gonna be back?" <English>

Kathryn's eyes go wide at the question. "Op! I just 'bout fergot 'bout that..." she moves awkwardly, her hip bumping into his as she worked to fish her PDA out of her back pocket. "Just lemme send'im a message...." she says. She then furrows her eyebrows. "Hey, I think I kinda know that there feller..." she inhales deeply, before hollering over to the artist at work. "MISTA TAYLOR! THAT YOU DRAWIN' O'ER THARE?" <English>

Taylor's eyebrows raise first. Then his eyes. Then his head. It's all perfectly paced and graceful. He looks at Kathryn, and he smiles, warmly, as he sits the drawing board on the bench beside him and rises to greet her. With a slight bow, he says, kind of amused, "Miss Kathryn, it is... good to see you as well." <English>

Itzal's hand slowly lifts moving to his ear as the sound of voices slightly moves out, His brows furrowing slightly as he responds to the communication. <English>

Kathryn suddenly starts blushing again as she realizes that was... probably louder than need be. She let go of Itzal's arm and bounded happily over to Taylor. "Um... sorry 'bout hollerin'... wanted ta make sure it was ya I saw an' not someone else..." she apologizes with a small giggle. "Whatcha drawin'? Can I look?" she asks, her pale green eyes alight with curiousity. <English>

Taylor nods, "Of course you may." He steps a bit aside so she can see the drawing. It's quite lovely, though black and white. As she looks, Taylor turns to the man he doesn't know, and extends his hand. Then he realizes it's covered in charcoal, and he pulls it back, looking a bit embarrassed. "Forgive me, I hope you'll excuse my veneer... I am Taylor Daisan." <English>

Itzal's footsteps slowly carry him towards the two as his head slowly shakes and he moves to stand near them, His right hand dropping from the earpiece. "Nice to meet you do Taylor, I am Itzal Nekane.." A slight smile moving over his lips before he looks towards kat. "I may need to go see about a busted ear drum now..." <English>

The red-head blushes deeper. "I'mma very sorry Itz... sometimes I fergets that I shouldn't yell at tha top of mah lungs like back home. Next time ya see me take a deep breath like that, cover ya ears just in case, a'ight?" she says to the pilot before looking at the drawing. "Ohhhhhhhh, that's so pretty, Taylor. You Companion folks can do just about ennythang prettily, huh?" she asks in awe. <English>

Taylor smiles, not at all mocking or patronizing her. "Thank you for the compliment, but I can assure you, there are many things I cannot do, that you very well might be better at than I." He nods at Itzal, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Nekane." He looks at the drawing, studying it for a moment, "I draw a great deal of clients. To be one of my models is an honor, compliment and relaxing experience for them. I get weary of portaits sometimes, so when I have a free afternoon, I enjoy sketching nature and landscapes." <English>

Itzal's brow lifts slightly, "Um Kitten..How do you propose I do that..I got one hand I can use right now..Hell you shoulda seen me trying to get dressed took damn near a hour to get the pants on...The shoes..And tyin em..Well that was the true adventure though.." His head slowly shaking as he chuckles softly. "How much would it take for ya to do one of Kat here?" <English>

Kathryn starts to laugh, but it abruptly stops when Itzal asks about a drawing of Kat. It cuts off so short, it could have been mistaken for a hiccup, of all things. The blush quickly dies away, leaving her looking paler than ever. "Nuh-uh, Itz. Mista Taylor came ta relax, not work. An' I ain't pretty enough fer no picture. An' it would cost ta much. An' I ain't dressed fer no pretty picture..." At every excuse her voice rises in pitch a few notes and sounds extremely nervous. <English>

Taylor smiles, "There is more to a person's beauty than their clothing, Miss Kathryn. Art captures the soul, not the blouse. It's why it is so influential and important to our culture." He gives Itzal a pleasant look, "Unfortunately, for you to pay me for a drawing, I am bound by Guild law to do so through the client registry. You would need to register yourself or her, and place a request for my time." <English>

Itzal's head slowly nods, "Would you be willing to do so now if I complete the registration with the guild and pay the appropriate fees?" His brow lifting slightly in question before he looks towards Kat, "consider it a belated valentines day gift for a pretty woman.." A wink given to her. <English>

Kathryn shakes her head even harder. "Oh, no, Itz. It costs ta much fer ya ta register fer just one lil drawin' of me... I've heard that tha Companions ain't cheap... no offense Mista Taylor but it's true, ain't it?" she continues to protest, looking more and more nervous. "I didn't do nuthin' fer ta deserve a drawin' Itz..." <English>

Itzal's head slowly shakes looking to Kat, "Nope, you deserve it..You just wait here..." A wink given to her as he heads off towards the companion house to register with the guild and what not so he can get that picture done for Kat. <English>

Itzal heads through the exit labeled <South> House Daska. Itzal has left.

Taylor smiles, "Please, it's my pleasure." He motions for her to sit upon the bench across from him, near the flowers. "Normally, there is a great deal of ceremony involved. Most of my clients prefer to receive personal treatments, as part of a complete relaxation retreat..." He begins to move her slightly, positioning her just right in front of the garden behind her. "If you enjoy this, perhaps you can return one day for a more intimate piece." <English>

Itzal's footsteps slowly carry him back into the gardens complete with registering with the guild, His form slowly coming into view as he whistles softly, A old sort of tune that seems to be of his personal liking and nationality. <English>

Kathryn is just too stunned to argue with the Companion, and he has no trouble getting her into place. However, just like everyone else that grew up in the Rim and knows no better, the talk of an 'intimate' piece brings a bring to her skin. Not jsut her face, but every inch of visable skin turns a strawberry red and she starts to look nervous, biting down on her bottom lip and looking at her shoes instead of responding. <English>

Taylor takes her reaction in stride. He's received it before. "Please, relax. Not all of my clients have need of a sexual experience." He gives her shoulder a gentle, reassuring squeeze as he manuevers her a bit more to a three quarters angle. "By a more intimate piece, I simply mean, a more intimate piece of artwork, created in a private, relaxing setting more suited to your desires." He returns to his own bench then, and picks his board up. He moves the top sheet to the bottom, reclips it, and begins to sketch. "You have very nice shoulder lines, Miss Kathryn." <English>

Itzal's lips form into a smile seeing the two of them, His eyes slowly moving to watch Katryn closely as he moves up to kneel down not far from the two content with watching as that soft song continues to leave him in a whistle. <English>

"I... I ne'er said nuthin' 'bout... um... that..." Kathryn mumbles shyly. The compliment throws her off-guard, and she actually blinks several times before she can respond again. "Um... thanks...?" she replies, before glancing at Itzal with a weak smile. <English>

Taylor laughs softly at her thanks, "You're quit welcome. It's very nice as an artist to have a model with spirit, as you do. It gives me something to..." He searches for the word a moment, as he looks right at her eyes. "...something to hang my charcoal on, so to speak." He grins, and then returns to the sketch. <English>

Itzal's head slowly tilts watching the two of them, His eyes slowly closing as the song ends. His form slowly leaning back to rest his right hand upon the ground as he sits down fully, <English>

Kathryn glances back to Taylor. "I s'posse so. I dun know nuthin' 'bout drawin' Mista Taylor." she replies. "An' I think it's more temper'n spirit. Itzal could tell ya all about what happens when ya cross tha line with me. Not that I'mma gonna go 'round shootin' peoples unless theys shootin' at me first, but I can get pretty mad sometimes..." she trails off as she realizes she is rambling. "Sorry, I tend ta either ramble or clam up all tha way when I'mma nervous... I dun know why... I jsut do... an' then I cain't stop... kinda... like... now..." she gives a weak laugh. "Sorry... agin..." <English>

Taylor nods at her rambling. It's exactly the point of the experience. "A lot of men find a bit of a firecracker in a woman's spirit to be very attractive." He says, then, a slight bit more discreetly to her, "Is that the case with yourself and your whistling friend? He's quite a catch, if so." <English>

Itzal's eyes slowly opened, Watching Katryn intently for a moment before he speaks in a softer voice. "Kat, try and relax some..It does you no good to always be so nervous..Simply enjoy in the attention given and let yourself take in the sights and sounds and scent of the garden.." A soft chuckle leaving him as his head shook before he looked towards the companion for a moment, "I thank you for taking the time out of your day and your relaxation to do this Sir..It is very kind of you regardless of getting paid for it.." His attention once more drawn to kat. <English>

Kathryn blushes even harder at what Taylor says about Itzal. She then glances over at Itzal. "I'mma /tryin'/ ta relax Itz..." she points out before looking back at the Companion. "Um... we's ain't a couple... he's asked me out onna date, but we ain't gone yet 'cause his arm is healin' up... um... That makes us friends, right? I think...?" she tells him, sounding uncertain with herself, as if trying to figure out if they fit one classification or the other. <English>

Taylor shrugs, "You are what you choose to be. Events and places define how we become who we are, but they are not what actually defines us." He looks up at her, and smiles very affectionately at her. "Based on my initial impression of him, and his rather rugged, handsome looks, I think if you choose to become more than friends, you might be opening yourself up to a wonderful experience, regardless of how it all works out in the end." He looks at Itzal then, and raises his voice to be heard by the man. "It really is no problem, Mr. Nakane. Miss Kathryn is actually a joy to draw, and a fine model to work with." <English>

Itzal chuckles slightly hearing Katryn's words, His head slowly tilting as he watches her for a moment, "Well Kat, Some might consider this a date.." His shoulder shrugging slightly, "Since we are at the gardens and I am having someone do a drawin of ya and all..But this one dont count as the one we spoke of..No way no how.." A wink given to her before he looked back towards Taylor, "I got a thing for the lil spitfire...Even if she threatened to injure me for walkin out the clinic while on bed rest there..And would you consider a walk and drawing in the park a date?" His eyes watching the man with curiosity for the moment. <English>

Taylor laughs gently at the young couple's exchange as he stands, and turns the board so they may both see the drawing. "I believe a date is anything you choose to label as such. The journey and company is what makes it valuable, not whether you are dining or being drawn." He glances at Itzal then, and adds, "Though, I have always had a fondness for quiet walks in gardens as intimate date settings." The drawing he shows is an exquisite rendering in charcoal of Kathryn, with a few bushes behind her, kind of smeared out of focus. Her facial features are captured with a delicateness, and the stark contrast of the black charcoal on the white, textured paper is used to give her an innocent look of beauty. It somehow captures her looks, and also a touch of conflicted emotion, perhaps it's a bit of fear, worry or inner pain. It only adds to the beauty of the picture over all, but it definitely is emotive. <English>

"Kat, I was just joking with you hun..You really need to relax..Hell maybe I will need to see about getting ya a massage too..Granted last time it seemed to just make you giggle.." A soft laughter leaving him before he nods to the words of taylor. "It is in the silence of the gardens one can contemplate life and truley open up to another person..It allows for a more personal touch and allows for true relaxation to discover ones true self as well as learn of another.." His right shoulder shrugs slightly before looking back to Kat. <English>

Kathryn's eyes study the drawing, with a look of suprise on her face. "Boy, I'mma open book, ain't I? Prob'bly from doin' sign language with mah brotha fer so long back on tha farm..." she says, and then looks at Itzal. "It ain't mah fault I'mma ticklish, dadburnedit! An' a massage ain't needed.. I'mma plenty relaxed." Uh huh... and Earth-that-was is a lush tropical paridise... <English>

Taylor smiles, and he very gently rolls the drawing for them. He hands it to Itzal, as he's technically the one who has paid, and that's the way of the guild. "I appreciate you choosing to share your company with me." He looks at Kathryn, and offers, "You aren't so easy to read. Art is just... It captures the soul." He grins at her one more time, "It would truly be an honor to draw you again some day. Perhaps a massage, and proper ceremony could be arraged. Thank you," he says, reaching out and taking her hand, kissing the back of it gently. "It was truly MY honor to have you as a model, Miss Kathryn." <English>

Itzal smiles softly watching the exchange as he took the rolled up drawing and put it into the arm sling to keep it safe and undamaged. His form slowly rising up from where he was seated to look away from the two for a moment. <English>

Kathryn grins back at Taylor. "If'n ya think that's e.. emotive? Ya should see me arguin' with mah brotha in sign language..." she quips with a small, shy chuckle. She then looks at Itzal as she finally starts to rise off of the bench. "Whatcha lookin' at Itz?" <English>

Taylor places his hand on her shoulder, and leads Kathryn over to Itzal. "Mr. Nakane," he says, and gestures with his other hand, as if to present her to him. "My lovely model wishes to return to you." He smiles, and very gracefully gives a slight bow to Itzal, which fluidly turns into a step backward, out of their space. It's so smooth, that it almost feel like he disappears, and then he's walking quietly back to the bench, to gather his things. <English>

"Nothing in particular Kat, Just seeing what else the gardens here have to offer.." A soft chuckle slipping past his lips as the pilot looks back towards the two of them, His head slowly nodding to Taylor as he reaches down into his pocket to pull out 80 credits holding it out to the man. "Here you go sir, I appreciate you taking the time to do this for me..Though this drawing belongs to her.." A soft chuckle leaving him, as his head shakes before he looks back to Kat. "Are you enjoying the gardens and things thus far Kat?" <English>

Beign called lovely, brings another light blush to Kathryn's skin as she walks over to Itzal. "Tha garden's are very nice, Itz." she turns to Taylor for just a moment. "Um.. thanks fer lettin' us... um... use up ya free time..." she tells him before looking at Itzal again. "Naw, ya's can keep it. I know what I look like e'ery time I look in tha mirror..." <English>

Taking the credits from Itzal is done in smooth motion that makes it almost inobtrusive, as he nods at Kathryn's thanks, and slips away. He collects the art supplies, and then turns away from the couple, heading back toward Dasks. He does not look back upon them. <English>

Itzal chuckles softly hearing Kat's words, "I would much rather keep a drawing of both of us, But that can wait for another time Kat.." A wink given to her, His attention slowly drawing back to Taylor as his hand moved back into his belt offering his right arm to the woman once more. His eyes watching the man moving off and towards the companions house once more. "First time ever using a companion.." <English>