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(Created page with "{{SceneLog |Location=Cities Edge |IC Date=2542/08/25 |OOC Date=04/09/2018 |Characters in Scene=Jude, Zo, Ambrose, Wendolin |Short Summary=Volunteers from Hope House are servin...")
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Latest revision as of 21:30, 15 April 2018

Taken Children
Location: Log_Location::Cities Edge IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2542/08/25 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::04/09/2018
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Jude, Has Characters in Scene::Zo, Has Characters in Scene::Ambrose, Has Characters in Scene::Wendolin
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Volunteers from Hope House are serving soup to the poor folk of Bernadette, offering medical attention, when an organization shows up and all but demands that they take the children for their own good while the adults start falling ill.
Log_Characters::Jude, Zo, Ambrose, Wendolin

This is not the nice part of town. It’s not...but once or twice a week, the Hope House does send individuals and volunteers to this area, and they usually have one or two people around to help where they can. There's a soup-line set up, and volunteers checking on small families, lollypops and cheap and easy to get medication (basic things, like aspirin, cold medicine). It’s a little pocket of peace and joy in this horrible situation. Today there is soup, and rice, and warm bread, and some armed people around to guard the lines and the area is tense, but the laughter of children breaks through the doom and gloom.

Jude has been part of the Hope House volunteers since starting his community service there and he's there today as well, doing what he's good at: Being goofy with kids. He gives them candy and basically keeps them busy so that their worn out parents get a break while having a meal and a medical check.

Zo has been told not to do anything too physically disruptive or cognitively challenging after her concussion, so going back to Persephone to continue her rather rigorous training and study has been ruled out for a little while. Nevertheless, she's absolutely restless, so she's been reluctantly allowed out here. She serves food and tells jokes to the kids along with Jude, making faces and ribbing Jude as a foil of sorts, putting on a show so the kids will laugh. Actually, she seems a little wary of the adults, if anything.

Ambrose almost certainly returns to this area at the edge of the city. He is dressed in nice clothing that makes him stand out around here, and has, of course, brought his guitar with him. He smiles warmly as he looks over the line of people waiting for something to eat. He, currently, is talking with people, helping out on the mental health front, lending an ear to listen to some of the folk and just be there to provide someone to talk with kindly, the warmth of his smile flickering in his eyes. He is crouched, his guitar case carefully angled so that it’s not in the way of anyone passing by, resting against his shoulder. The guitar isn’t out, but he is singing a little, a faithful, uplifting song.

Everything was going like clockwork until suddenly there's some people coming down the way, towards the gathering. About 10 in total, 4 of them dressed in suits that are too fancy for this area and they are dark blue and crisply pressed, 3 women and a young man. The rest are dressed in black suits with blue shirts, and they are slightly larger and more intimidating. One of the young women, Asian with dark blond hair pulled back in a severe bun moves towards where the children are gathered and giggling, pressing her hands to her chest and smiling 'sweetly' at Zo and Jude. "Hello." Another young lady, red braids and dusky skin is approaching where Ambrose is, eyeing the people gathered and writing something down on her tablet as she bows her head politely.

Jude just stares at the newcomers. "You don't look like you need free soup..." he tells the Asian lady and smirks, "Could be wrong though... there's enough for y'all..."

For a man who can be completely naïve and walk into troubling areas without thinking about the consequences, Ambrose is somewhat aware. He has learned to keep his eyes opened, and his personal belongings close, so he notices as the finely dressed people walk along. Not staying alert wouldn’t be very smart of him, though he does feel a ton safer with the other people present. Ambrose inclines his head back, looking up and offering one of his friendly smiles, but he remains crouched for now even as his gaze trails down the street briefly to where they had come from. He stands up automatically -- with a hand pulling up at the strap of his guitar case to adjust its weight-- and immediately offers a hand out to the redhead politely, inclining his head to her. “Ah, hello, miss. May I, ah, be of help to you, perhaps? Or have you, ah, come to help out, too?” His kind smile is given out, his hazel eyes looking toward Jude across the way and the other suited folks that just came in.

As previously stated, Zo doesn't seem to have much trust for any of the adults here, and she doesn't discriminate by class. As far as she's concerned, a bunch of unfamiliar suits entering this part of town probably means trouble, no matter how sickly sweet their smiles are.

"If you're here to talk, don't disrupt the line, " Zo says, trying to keep her face neutral, though her tone remains dark. "Come behind the table."

The young Asian lady just smiles and shakes her head. "Oh no, I just think it’s an amazing quality to see in people of my same generation. Being charitable and caring to those who are in need. Me and my associates are also here, to be charitable."

She looks over to the other three dressed like she is. "You see, we've been polling the residence of this area and we've found that there are some children here whose parentage is unknown. They are orphans and as such, basically have no family." She kneels down in front of a young girl/guy (who knows) with super curly hair, can't be more than 5, snotty nose and they just call him/her Joey, and holds out a candy bar. "We are here to change that."

The Red Head regards Ambrose quietly for a moment before stepping forward to shake his head with a friendly enough chuckle. "We have permission from the local government here on Bernadette, to move forward with our current initiative? We're from the Academy of Tomorrow, and we have a current initiative to offer free housing and education to the orphans of specific planets? For their own well-being."

Jude frowns darkly while he watches Joey accepting the candy bar. "And how are you planning to miraculously change their lives for the better?", he asks the Asian lady.

Zo listens to that with a flat expression. She nods with Jude and folds her arms. "'Certain planets?'" she adds, an eyebrow raising.

Ambrose looks inquisitive as he regards the young woman, listening to her curiously as he nods slowly. “The Academy of Tomorrow,” he echoes, smiling pleasantly to the woman. His gaze is pulled away again to scan the crowd, glancing over at Jude and Zo, and letting out a soft hum, bobbing his head as he lifts a hand to push a finger up at the middle of his spectacles. “That’s very noble of you,” says the man caringly, his gaze locking on the red head. “Is there, ah, anything I can do to help?” He brings up a hand to rub the back of his neck.

"Give them...homes with loving and well-adjusted caregivers, a free education and medical care. We are giving them a future, to make up for whatever darkness has colored their past." Asia Blue replies before straightening up with another soft smile. "Well, yes. Certain planets for now...as we want the opportunity to prove that this is the best option for these children. We have met quite a bit of resistance from certain organizations on this planet..." She eyes a few Hope House volunteers knowingly. "So we have appealed to higher powers so to speak."

One of the other two sharply dressed individuals flanked by their larger and beefier backup gets to a central location. "Hello everyone, please remain calm. I am so glad you are all out today in this way, so that this is easier. I need all children six years of age and younger to please be brought forward for quick blood tests to see if their parents match anyone listed as residents of Bernadette." That’s when the adults and stuff start to look around at volunteers as if betrayed, some as if confused, things are definitely stirring as they are clasping children to themselves and others are quickly walking out to grab hands of other children to tug them away from the scary suits.

Jude gives Zo a slightly panicked look. "We need to alert Aubrey right now", he hisses and goes for the tablet in his bag, to do just that. Then he faces down Asia Blue: "I want to see some official permission for this!", he demands, trying to play for time.

Zo looks on in horror at the blood tests. "Oi, what's all that for, then??" She nearly shouts at Asia Blue, pointing that way and putting another hand on Joey's shoulder, drawing them near. "You can't just start taking kids away! Some of them might be orphans, sure, but they're getting taken care of by other families - good mums and dads show don't mind another kid to feed. You don't know what you're doing - stop this!"

Ambrose’s brows furrow as he glances towards the Asian women close to Jude, frowning a little, letting out a thoughtful hum. “Why,” he speaks slowly, turning his question to the redhead, “would there be met with resistance?” He gaze shifts toward Jude again and Ambrose draws in a breath, releasing it slowly as he regards the man announcing his intent, and a quick glance over toward Zo. His hazel eyes travel about the people, taking in the reactions. “Ah, wait, wait, wait,” he lets out as his hands come out to gesture, as if silently asking for the man at the centre to take a step down. “Is that really necessary? I mean, ah--“ Ambrose nervously runs his fingers through the side of his hair. “If a child has someone to look after them, they shouldn’t need to be taken away from that, surely?”

There's an official letter pulled up on a tablet and shown to Jude, that states permission to offer the free scholarships and homes to orphaned children on the planet. Jude may notice it does have words like 'offer' and 'volunteer' in it but it is official. Asia Blue just tsks softly. "You are scaring the children." That smile is too sweet.

Red Head Blue comes up beside Ambrose, moving to place a hand on his arm. "Sometimes, people don't know what is best for them and their children."

The man in the middle holds up a one moment finger to Ambrose. "If they knew how to take care of them, would they truly be here? Living like this? Requiring your help? No...the government has failed them and charities cannot change their circumstance but only try to make them better. We can change the lives..." Then the big men start moving forward, reaching for children being held and such. Some people surrender their kids with confusion and a frown, but there is a rolling surge of panic that starts going through the crowd. The children pick up on it and some are crying and others are screaming.

Jude reads a message on the tablet and fumbles some with the pretty pendant of his necklace, before finally responding to Miss Asia. "How do I know this is not a forgery?! You won't be taking any kids just like that!" He gets that stubborn expression of his, that spells trouble (usually for him).

Zo looks over Jude's shoulder at the letter and at first is dismayed, but yes - the wording is clear. "Look, it says RIGHT HERE," she tells Asia Blue, taking Jude's tablet and showing. "It says you're allowed to OFFER the free housing and scholarships and all that. OFFER, not force - get your people out of here NOW!"

Zo starts calling up Aubrey: "We're not kidding, Bree! Getchur arse down here this minute, they're taking kids!"
And then she runs over to where Ambrose stands and sticks her Alliance badge in his face. "I'm telling you to LEAVE, you are breaching contract!"

Ambrose turns his gaze to look at the redhead, his mouth parting, but no words coming out as he looks around at the people again. He’s stunned, at a loss for words as attempts are met with a stutter. “Ah-- I-- I understand, but--“ His brows crease, wrinkling his forehead as his eyes lock on a child. How can he argue against government officials? Ambrose is NOT a rule breaker. His hazel eyes shine, a bit of moisture in them, as his heart goes out to the people, but who is he to deny officials? “The kids need to be taken care of, I agree,” he finally murmurs out softly. “Maybe if I could--“ His gaze trails towards Jude and then swings over to Zo as he frowns, cutting off immediately and drawing back a step as she pushes her way in.

"I assure you, everything is quite official. And we are not forcing anyone to do anything." Asia Blue looks genuinely hurt at the allegations, she is a young Asian woman with blond hair in a sharp blue suit who is currently showing Jude an official looking letter. "Stay calm, please sir, you are distressing the children."

The man with the badge in his face, takes a few steps back and squints at Zo and then looks over to Jude and back to Zo. "Ensign..I'd hate to have to report to my superiors that young, bright and eager officers are spreading lies and panic. Associating with known juvenile delinquents?" He looks between Zo and Jude warningly.

Meanwhile, the red head with braids and dusky skin is patting Ambrose with a small smile and offering him a syringe. "What a good citizen, if you would help us sedate a few of the more antsy children so we can move forward without harming them?”

The other 7 people gathered are actually pushing back panicked parents, herding scared and confused young children forward. And about over Jude's comms crackles an affirmative of the Hope House Caretakers being en route, eta 5 minutes.

"How do you even know who I am?", Jude asks, taken aback. The message from the comm has him brighten again though, and he falls silent, looking antsy.

Wendolin actually comes rapidly jogging down the alley, two men clad in the same uniform and armor, and with the same rifle as him in tow. He stops by Zo, assessing the situation. He pants heavily, "Came.. as fast as I could..." He manages out between breaths, regaining his composure really quickly. His badge is tucked to his belt, visible. And his rifle is in hand. He approaches further, flanked by the two enlisted he has in tow. "What in hell is going on here?" He asks with an authoritative voice.

Zo is taken aback by this at first. "I..." she hesitates - the last thing she wants is a spot on her record. When he points back at Jude, referencing a delinquent, she squints. Jude, a delinquent? Maybe he got into some trouble once, but, "Look, son, I've known real delinquents, that ain't him. Please, you're the one causing all this panic corralling these folks like animals. Surely you see this is wrong. Now back off."

Then Wendolin shows up and Zo lets out a groan. "What are you doing here?"

Ambrose eyes the syringe being offered out to him and his eyebrows climb together, drawing away from the redhead a step. “Er--“ He shakes his head a bit, murmuring out anxiously, “N--No, ah, thank you, I can just--“ Sedating children? Nooooo. “I think calming words might be a better option...” He grimaces, looking at the redhead apologetically. “I mean, ah, not that I’m trying to tell you how to do you’re, ah, job or anything... Sorry if that, ah, came across...” His hand lifts up to rub at the back of his neck again, shrugging a single shoulder as the strap of his guitar slips a bit. Ambrose’s gaze swings to Wendolin as he arrives and he frowns a little, frowning at the rifle. “Sir,” he lets out automatically. “The g--gun. Children are present,” he says by way of reminding the Ensign to like, put it away.

"Jude Connelly. Ensign Latifo-Yao. Ensign...Spindler..." One of the people with a clipboard/tablet is reading. He also lists their dates of birth, planets of origin, and etc. Meanwhile, Asia Blue turns to see Wendolin and his backup and weapon and gasps softly. "Sir...we are here relocating orphans to safer homes where they will receive a free education." She tries to clarify again. The dude in the suit just sucks his front teeth and /sighs/. He speaks quietly into a Comm. "It is getting out of hand, orders?" Then he pales a bit before nodding firmly.

Jude and Wendolin will spot over towards the edge of the crowd, there are two tall dudes, rather non descript and spooky looking wearing dark blue suits, walking together in unison towards the commotion, their hands are folded before them and said hands are clad in blue latex looking gloves. They are lingering there, folded hands holding the handles of briefcases as the stare at the proceedings.

A few adults who were resisting start dropping like bags of potatoes, some stagger forward. Jude and Wendy may be the only ones that notice these are adults who were beside or near some of the beefier suited men, who are carefully palming syringes. But it may be a trick of the eye. As more and more of the adults gathered start to display signs of food poisoning, its slow but steady, some people are puking, others are looking sweaty and clammy and having to sit down. Children continue to be herded.

Jude notices the approaching men but the Rim boy has no idea what the blue gloves might mean. "People are getting sick" he tells Zo and now also Wendy quietly, "Something really strange is going on. I hope Aubrey's people arrive soon..." As it is, he's too afraid to put up more of a defense. Hey, Wendy is the guy with the gun!

Wendolin stares at Zo a bit perplexed. "You just called me, yelling 'They're taking the kids, get your ass down here'. Or something. Lord knows where you got my number from.." He shrugs. A light nod is given to his men, and they spread out a bit, rifles in hand as they eye what is going on. He spots the men in the suits, then looks back to Asia Blue. His eyes trail to the blue-handed people, and instantly he tenses up, then beckons his men to his side, smiling. "Let us know how we can help, miss." he tells Asia Blue, scowling at the men in tow as they voice some resistance. "That's an order, privates. You'll assist those people."

Zo catches Jude's message, looks around at the adults starting to keel over and...yeah. It can't be coincidence. Her anger starts to fume, and Wendolin's order has her looking at him in disbelief. "Wha...? No!" She shouts. "You little wanker, they're stealing children!!!"

Zo catches sight of little Joey, confused and crying as they're herded away, and she can't deal with this anymore. She shoves herself in front one of the suits pushing Joey and holds up her iComm. "I'm gonna call for my Admiral if you don't stop this," she announces, her other hand taking Joey's shoulder reassuringly.

Ambrose is too busy looking around at the children and the men and women to notice the other men allied with the suited personnel. All that he wants to do is to calm the people, children and adults both, even as his eyes widen at the people sicking up. Though he grimaces when Wendolin doesn’t appear to hear him, frowning at the rifle, he doesn’t try again to get his attention. The two Alliance officers -- if only Ensign and a Cadet -- are still officers, and he isn’t going to distract them too much.

Carefully adjusting his guitar case as Ambrose kneels down beside a woman, setting it down close to him, he speaks gently as he reaches out to offer his assistance, patting her back as he offers an arm to support her. “Whoa, whoa -- oh, cold cloth, um--“ He turns to his case, where he reaches into a small pouch on it to pull out a kit of first aid supplies. A small one, but one that he hopes still has a cold pack in it. “H-Here,” he stutters out, his hands trembling as he breaks the cold pack to activate it, offering it out to place against the woman’s forehead.

"Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick Tock...You have an option, Mister Jude." Asia Blue's tone has a silky menace to it but her tones stay quite light. "Apparently, you all can stand aside and let us take the children, or you can continue stalling us and watch as..." One suited individual has pushed the person stirring soup aside and he's just stirring the plot slowly, before stepping away. "The people who you were helping, seem to have been poisoned. Are Hope House food stores contaminated? That's a crime isn't it?"

There are a group of about 15 men and women, dressed in black leather and purple, the uniform of the Hope House's Caretakers and they are striding towards the commotion, gently pushing people away and starting to form a human wall so to speak between the children who have not yet been herded and the others. "Master Jude. We are here, told to follow your orders?" A plucky young man with freckles and bright green hair announces.

Asia Blue turns to Wendolin now, holding out a hand. "Oh Ensign, thank you for seeing reason. You understand the importance of making the universe a better place, don't you? Giving these children a better home?" Then to Zo. "Call your admiral, we do not mind. Progress is sometimes painful. And I am sure you would like to explain how and why the current military contracts with Blue Sun may become...unnecessarily strained.."

But over ==> there, Ambrose is making a difference, the woman is shaking a bit and holding on to Ambrose's arm as she smiles weakly, a small mercy but a mercy none the less as she trembles and blinks a few times. A few other volunteers take a cue and start to kneel as well to see to the fallen as others are joining that wall of people trying to block access to the children.

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!", Jude shouts at Wendy, almost boggling with anger. But then the cavalry arrives and he smiles faintly at the green haired man: "Thanks for coming. These people are trying to steal children and poison people... can we get them to piss off?" He looks at Asia Blue coolly, "Play your fucking games elsewhere."

Wendolin shakes his head at Zo, scowling. "Step back, and let them do their thing." He turns to Jude, rifle rising at his outburst, pointed towards Jude, but not yet fully at him. "And you, also back down, or I will have to arrest you for intervening with this operation here. Call off your lackeys." he tells Jude. He again looks to Zo, leaning in a bit to whisper something. And as he's done, he looks to Miss Asia, taking the hand with a warm smile. "Of course. The streets are no place for children. I'm sure the Ensign over there will see the reasoning behind this." He says.

Zo is caught looking at Asia Blue, confused and uncertain what to do. "Blue Sun? But...." Blue Sun is supposed to be helpful, good, charitable. They don't handle things this way. They can't - they're in line with the Alliance! Pieces start to click terrifyingly in her mind, and then Wendolin whispers in her ear. She looks around at the blue-gloved creeps and her whole body goes rigid and tightly-sprung with fear. Her breathing grows fast, and panic sets in. It's fight or flight, do or die.

In a flash, Zo picks up little Joey piggy-back, and attempts to run through the crowd - away from everything. Maybe there isn't much she can do, but maybe she can save one kid.

Ambrose doesn’t have a whole lot of supplies, so as he eyes the arrivals he’s hoping someone else has more medical supplies. From where he is, tending to the woman, he says, “Ah, I don’t, ah, have a whole lot of supplies here, if someone can... help,” he says, the last word trailing off into a softer tone as he notices some are settling in to help the sick, giving his head a nod. Good. He smiles gently to the woman, calmingly, “Are you feeling any pain anywhere? Head hurt? Stomach pains?” His hazel eyes flicks away briefly to glance around, a whole look of worry and fear in place, which he tries to desperately mask for the patients. Looking toward Jude, Ambrose releases a heavy breath, shaking his head as he murmurs out a quiet prayer to himself. The last he wants is to have his friend getting into more trouble. Aloud, he calls out for him, “Jude, hey, Jude -- help me out here. You know nursing if you’re going to school for it.” Trust in the other people in the area to keep the children safe, for people to do the right thing.

There are about 5 children that have been herded up, and they are being held, in people's arms...5 of the guys arms that is, 'sleeping' peacefully as Asia, Red, Man and the rest seem to assess the situation thoughtfully. Zo is allowed to run off, shaking his head Joey as they just look a bit taken aback. A look goes back to Wendolin and Asia Blue shakes her head. "Do explain to your fellow officer that it didn't have to go this way. We are not hurting these children and this is a government supported program, I suppose she's a bit shaken."

Then Jude just gets a long look, eyebrow raising a fraction before Asia just smiles and stares at him. "Every choice has consequences. Remember that." Then she gestures for her people and they start heading off, leaving behind the sick adults, the crying and scared children and the Hope House Caretakers, waiting for Jude's commands...some are moving though to start triage and such for the sick people.

"Arrest me AGAIN?", Jude scoffs at Wendy, "This is getting old." He looks slightly overwhelmed with all the responsibility though and his shoulders slump. "Where are you taking them?", he asks of Asia Blue, "We will bring them back..." Hearing Ambrose's call for help, he looks over and shrugs helplessly, looking defeated, "We're outnumbered now that fucking Wendy here fucked it all up for us" He glares daggers at the Fed and then at Miss Asia, but doesn't move.

Wendolin stares blankly as Zo runs away, to perplexed and baffled by the sheer stupidity of that thought. His attention returns to Jude, rifle still pointed in his general direction. "You've had a choice, 'Master Jude'." he says with a light sigh. "Do you have -any- idea what those people can do? What they're -allowed- to do? No law, nowhere, no -body-, absolutely -NOTHING- can and will stop these people from what they want to do, Connelly. Get that into your thick skull. Not even -I- can do shit this time. You've signed your death sentence with resisting those people, Jude. And this time, it is not my fault."


Zo stops in her tracks when the child's name is called out - and, after all, it sounds so close to her own name. A few more calls, and Zo finds the woman Ambrose is treating, an arm stretched out toward her kid. Looking nervously back at the Blue Suits that came, Zo halts her escape and threads through the crowd toward them. 
Zo sets Joey down and sits there on her knees, clumsily taking off her glasses to clean them. "How many...? They've still got kids. They've still got...." She stands up, looks out at the retreating... "Terrorists," she mutters.

Ambrose takes in slow, deep breaths, slowly releasing them as he focuses on staying calm himself. His hands are trembling as he urges the woman to hold onto the cold pack, glancing to the kit he has open. With some medical knowledge, he can be of some help, but he’s no /medical/ doctor. “There’s aspirin in the kit,” he says, but doesn’t move to reach for it, unsure. “That should be all right to use to bring down temperatures?” His question is directed to anyone who can help, but a glance is also given to Jude.

Ambrose starts at the call for her child, and he turns his head to look around, which brings his gaze to Zo as she approaches. Then there is a glance towards Wendolin, and towards the suited personnel, his hazel eyes veering towards the five kids as his stomach muscles twist inside. /He/ is going to be sick in a second! He nods a respectful nod to Zo, and then rises, leaving the kit where it is should it be needed, starting to move toward Jude so that he can reach out and clap a hand to the lad’s shoulder for support. “Don’t. Look, the young woman ever there,” a nod is given toward Zo, “and Officer Spindler know what’s happening here. Let’s have faith in the authorities, yes? Come on, man--“ Though, that being said, Ambrose casts a look over as they begin to move away, swallowing. “Before you, ah, head off, can I ask a question?”

Jude looks endlessly defeated as he turns to the Caretakers. "Let's go back, Aubrey needs to hear about this", he says quietly, voice thick with tears. He doesn't look at anyone anymore and just starts walking. If anyone wants to stop him they have to shoot him.

Wendolin shakes his head gently, lowering his rifle as he beckons his men. "Make sure the people are alright. Call in a medic or two.. I gotta sit down." He says, stumbling a bit before settling his arse square on the ground. He looks up at Zo. "Don't.. let it go. If we act, we die. We will die, and you know it." He tells her, eyes closing as he takes a few breaths.

Zo squeezes her eyes shut, rubbing the tears beneath her glasses. "Those kids ain't...they ain't never coming back, are they?" she chokes out.

The Hope House Caretakers are moving around, helping to set up IVs, ice packs, etc...getting people moved to stretchers. Some are chasing after little ones and patching up little scrapes and such. And there's a feeling of unknown...floating around. Then drifting on the breeze, out of nowhere, a single page comes fluttering on the breeze, landing slowly in the street. It simply says 'Target: 25. With a list of numbers that might be an address, may be coordinates, and under it 'Ball on Osiris, need suit'. And it is on stationary that just reads 'Academy of Tomorrow'.

No complaints as Jude walks away. Ambrose just nods, watching his friend depart. If he is away from trouble, good, but he turns his gaze back to give one last look to the ‘government sanctioned officials’ as they leave, frowning. He looks over to Wendolin, and then over to Zo, his eyes misty as he blinks once. His heart heavy, he makes his way back over to the first aid kid and his guitar case, but stops to follow the page’s descent, looking down to it as it lands on the ground. “Officer Spindler?” he calls out, beckoning with a hand.

Wendolin looks up at Ambrose, "What?" he simply asks, moving over slowly. "What is it?"

Ambrose bends down to pick up the page, glancing over at Wendolin as he stands again. “Something important, perhaps?” he says as he offers it out to him. He clears his throat, nodding over to his belongings. “I... I’m going to go see what I can do to help out at Hope House.” He swallows back his emotion, giving a respectful nod to the Ensign.

Wendolin nods gently, "I'll look at it." He says, then stops Ambrose with a hand to his shoulder, "If you want to live, keep this to yourself. All of it." He says.

Ambrose does not wish to be rude, and he turns to look at Wendolin, offering the young man a nod. “Thank you, sir, but it isn’t myself that I’m concerned about.” His tone is solemn and quiet. “If there is anything I can assist with, let me know.” He gives another nod to Wendolin.

Wendolin nods gently, sighing as he turns away.