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Boros - Legionaire War: Aftermath
Location: Log_Location::Boros Dyton Paquin Persephone IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2541/04/08 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/08/04
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Faoite McGuire, Has Characters in Scene::Zank, Has Characters in Scene::Octavia, Has Characters in Scene::Llewelyn, Has Characters in Scene::Esther, Has Characters in Scene::Storn, Has Characters in Scene::Feria, Has Characters in Scene::Jia, Has Characters in Scene::Double Indemnity, Has Characters in Scene::Aces and Eights, Has Characters in Scene::Koibito No Tachi, Has Characters in Scene::Rand, Has Characters in Scene::Anala, Has Characters in Scene::Abbey
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::The Aftermath of the War on Boros... Cleanup and Morning over a period of months.
Log_Characters::Kyoshiro, Faoite McGuire, Zank, Octavia, Llewelyn, Esther, Storn, Feria, Jia, Double Indemnity, Aces and Eights, Koibito No Tachi, Rand, Anala, Abbey

Only some knew. They were trying to keep it on the downlow. Kyoshiro was suffering a set back from the extended use of what ever extra-human transformation he went through in battle against the Night Angel's deciples. He was in a coma, and had been asleep for the past few days. IT wasn't an ordinary Coma though, he didn't need a breathing tube, Just some nutriants via intro. He was still asleep, in a room alone. The only thing anyone could do was wait for him to wake. <English>

Anala isn't exactly the sentimental type of person. The years of living on the street made it so she really only had to focus on her own survival. Though, the last couple of years have been a bit of an eye opener for her. The rather petite, slender frame of Anala appears into the doorway and she looks at the form of her father. She is silent for a long moment as she stares at him. Thankfully, noone is here to see her. Suddenly, emotions that she had forgotten that she had wells up within her. "You better not leave me. Not when I finally found you.. I.. I don't want to be alone again." <English>

Kyoshiro is silent and still except for after a long moment he murmers something. His head moves the slightest bit but his eyes remain closed. Fingers starts to slowly curl, especially around the hand that holds and guides his sword. That's wrapped in a cloth, having been wounded in battle. <English>

Anala frowns a bit, glancing to the floor. Finally, she summons up whatever needed to be summoned and she moves forward to the bedside. "That sounded pretty selfish of me. Here you are, lying here after great sacrifice taking down some real evil in the 'verse. Yet, here I am about to cry jus' thinkin' ya might try an' leave me." She settles into a chair by his bed, slowly reaching out to touch his arm, a part that is not hurt. "I wish I were half the hero ya are." <English>

Kyoshiro's one good eye opens wide and it glances from left to right rapidly. He's clearly disoriented his heart rate increasing and the machines make that aparent with their beeping. He sits up quickly looking around, looking to Anala, then around to the room. "Where... how... Where is Llewelyn?" <English>

Anala jumps back a bit as he sits up so raidly. Her large eyes just blink at him as he speaks of her adopted sister. She blinks at him for a moment, then sputters out, "Uh.. I. I don't know.." She says softly. "I havn't found out yet. I came here first when I heard what happened." <English>

Kyoshiro blinks swinging his feet over the bed and shaking his head. He groans, "Water..." Must be a bit of a hand over on the old brain pan. "Well... I'll need to know. Last thing I remember is watching some of her sisters explode. After that, well... I remember butering those fools then... now I'm here..." He looks to Anala, "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you, sweetheart." <English>

Anala gets up and looks around for something to give him water with. She finds a mug with a straw and goes into the bathroom to run some tap water. She comes back out, bringing the cool water to him. "It's ok." She says softly. The water is offered towards him. "If ya like, I can go get some ice." She cants her head slightly. "Ya want me to go find out where sheis?" <English>

"I'll take the ice. If you see someone, ask... but please come back. I can just send a Wave. Vanessa probably knows." Kyoshiro says with a soft smile. He takes the cup of water and sips it down with a quickness. "What have you been up to, herm?" <English>

Anala holds up a finger. "Be right back." She turns and slips out the room, heading down the hall. A few minutes go by before she returns with a mug of ice water.. and of course a nurse comes to follow. The nurse moves to dote over Kyo and Anala just sort of stands awkwardly.. -in- the way. "Here ya go. Ice." She offers the ice for his water. "I ain't been up to much. Jus' messin' 'round with Zack and a lil of this and a lil of that. Stayin outta trouble." <English>

Kyoshiro thanks the nurse as she finishes. He dosn't mind that Anala is in the way for it. He chuckles at her awkwardness before smiling to her words. "That's good. I might get out of here soon enough. I'm thinking about a nice Vacation out to see Oliana and your Brother and Sister. Just spend some time running cargo. You guys want to come with?" He frowns a bit, "THat is once everything is sorted with the dead and Alliance." <English>

Anala watches as the nurse leaves. Once the door is closed, she looks back to her father. "Sure. I'll go." She says quietly. "Of course Zack will be there! I wouldn't mind meeting my sisters and brother." She rubs at the back of her neck a little nervously. She is still nervous with this wholefamily business bit. In some ways, she is scared of it. "Is ther anythin' I can do to help ya?" <English>

"Well I think they'll discharge me tomorrow. If not today. Though they'll likely want to monitor me to make sure I'll stay concious." Kyoshiro says, he must have gotten some information from the nurse. "But you ant rid of your old man yet. So you and Zack can come pic your ancient father up from the hospital and go check on things around here while we wait for a report on what's going on." <English>

Anala smiles faintly. There is a nod given towards him. "I will come pick you up. Though.. fer now, ya need to rest." She pats the bed to encourage him to lie down. She isn't going to -force- him, just suggest. Rest is up to him. She turns to sit back in the chair. "So.. umm.. Uh, how much ya hear of what I said 'for ya sat up awake." <English>

Kyoshiro turns and lays down but makes sure to face Anala. "How much did I hear? That depends... how much do you want your dad to embaress you with sentimental feels?" He chuckles. "You are a good person Anala. I know that and you don't need to prove it to anyone." <English>

Anala blinks and suddenly blushes. She sort of looks away from him awkwardly. "Damn. I was hopin' ya didn't hear all that. Makes me look weak." She sighs and glances back to him, resigning to the fact that he knows. "Well. What I said is truth from my heart." <English>

"The biggest damn lie in this universe is that voicing your insecurities is somehow weak." Kyoshiro says to his daughter. "You're not weak. You are a Tycho, strong and brave. Speakingthe truth is what only matters. You have a purpose, what that is is something we can find out." <English>

Anala turns her deep blue gaze towards Kyoshiro, looking to him through teal colored hair. "I hope so.." She falls quiet, not really sure what to say. "I am sorry such bad things happened to you and your friends. Though, I can say you all likely saved so many lives. People on the street were terrified of simply being alive and poor because of them." <English>

"IT'll come to you. You have many years left to find your niche." Kyoshiro says with a chuckle. He adjusts in his bed a bit, "Well if you are saying we won then I guess I'll take that has a fact. I'm just happy we could save people." He is still unaware of the death of his friend and comrade. He's also not sure of the status of his adopted daughter. He really wish someone left him a note. None the less he was doing well in stride of all that. <English>

Anala isn't one who is well versed on what all happened to the people in the battle. Really, the only one she was caring about was her father. It is not to say she doesn't care for her sister, but she just doesn't have the same emotional attachment. No yet at least. She glances back to him, "So. What are you going to do now?" <English>

Kyoshiro shrugs, "Bury our dead. Take some time off. Run Cargo and do business." He smiles slightly at that, "Though at some point Fao and I will have to go 'negotiate' with the Alliance. Try and get out names cleared. WE should have sufficiant leverage to at least get that done. If not, we become another kind of pirate." <English>

Anala cannot help but to smirk at his choice of words. "Well, with the eyepatch.. and the sword.. ya can pull it off no problem!" She chuckles. It was all good nature. "I'm not a very good one myself. I can't even steal a ship." She winks at Kyo with a smirk. "Ya should see Zach. He's spoiled rotten. He's gotten so big." <English>

"I'm excited to see him. Does he miss his Papa?" Kyoshiro asks with a chuckle and a smile. "You're a fine pirate, my dear. I was just a better merc." He winks to her. THeir little joke about that one time she stole Chovian's ship. It was something they could laugh about. Even though she shot at him. He never shot at her. It was fate. "I know, I'm half way there with the look." <English>

Anala laughs. "You would be a scary pirate. Arrr! Beware the Dread Pirate Red-eye Beard!" She pauses, "That was terrible.." Laughter spills from her. <English>

"So what do I do with a half Romani girl. My one and only first born. She can sneak, pick pocket. Do all sorts of things... She's an okay shot but get a bit of distnace on her and you don't have to worry about it. Herm." He's teasing about that last part. "You have the skills, I remember... you snuck into the factory here when you confronted me." He pauses, "You're still young though, need to learn. Would you want to join the Fifth Divison? They deal in information. Who knows, one day. You could be it's Captain." He plants the seed but dosn't know if she'll take it. <English>

Anala blinks at him. "I uh.." She says softly. "Wow. I dunno. Maybe? I dunno how the others will think. I mean.. I am still a pirate." She says softly. "I don't get outta bein' a pirate unless I'm dead.." She glances down to the ground. "Rand and Devlin helped pull me outta the streets. if it weren't fer them, I be dead. Ya know? Anyways.. yer people might frown on me bein' part o' that. I dun want ya havin' problems with yer people. Ya know? However, I might still help ya with information." <English>

"I am pretty sure there are several of our people who deal with the pirates or are pirates. Though... I'll tell you this." Kyoshiro says laying there. "If you can't move on to other things that may better your position in life... how is it that you could ever consider those people family. I think, if you find you want to join and you have questions reguarding loyalty? You should talk to them. DEvlin dosn't seem like a hotheaded idiot. I don't know much about Rand other than he's a Manwhoring metrosexual." HE chuckles, adding, "Who makes a damn fine ale... or so I'm told." <English>

Anala listens to what he has to say, looking up to him. "You know, Rand has only ever been kind to me. He never tried to bed me. In fact.. Devlin and I had an attraction at one time and Rand went crazy on Devlin, shut that shit down right 'way. He has treated me like his little sister." She smiles faintly to Kyoshiro. "I am not really worried on them. I was more worried fer your reputation amongst your people." <English>

"My reputation will be what my reputation is. I don't do anything I do for reputation. I do it because its what I think is best, true, and just. I win us battles, they have nothing to complain about. There are still a number of traditionalist and conservatives who would like to see me marihmed, outcasted as Gadjo. That we are the reason the Pirates attacked not just once but thrice. The churara was small and disjointed but it was Frost and other threats who made us militarize like we did. Except they need the Churara despite how unothadox, egalitarian, and out of phase we might be from the rest of our culture. We alrady have a negative against us as unholy from those who follow th pacifist ways." He shrugs. "I don't know Rand. I thought maybe he would speak to me when he found out I was your father. I've yet to have that meeting with him." <English>

Anala smiles faintly. "We havn't spokenmuch of late." (Mostly due to me just not being around oocly) "However, I am sure I can arrange a meeting." She smiles faintly. "I won't mind helping you." <English>

"Alright. Just think it over, yeah? I'm sure we can come to an arrangement. REguardless, you're Romani either way. It's your blood." Kyoshiro says to his daughter. <English>

Where ever Feria happens to be in the 'verse. Whether it's still on Boros helping with the clean up along side Zank or somewhere else away from all the action, Kyoshiro Mibu comes a calling after a couple of weeks. News out of that sector had been quiet. A lot of thing Alliance and even the Churara didn't want to get out. PRotecting Families grieving and children involved in that horrendious battle. So here he is, his greatcoat swaying as he standing there. Cigar between his lips. There is still a bandage covering his left hand but that seems to be the only real scar he got from that battle.

News had begun to trickle around about a Firefly what recently landed on Dyton. No one had emerged from the vessel just yet, but if one were looking for Feria then that was where they would find her. So when Kyo came calling he would find her in the cargo bay of the Double Indemnity, and as she spies the man with the bandaged hand and cigar between his lips she raises a brow. "Hey Kyo. What's new?" Though she wouldn't quite just stand around and chit chat, shifting to grab an empty crate to move from one end of the bay to the back a bit more.

Kyoshiro steps up the ramp to get within proper speaking distance of the Woman as she moves her crates around. He watches her, taking a few long drags from his cigar before speaking in his usual deep and raspy monotone. "I wanted to thank you for the work with the powergrid in that City back on Boros. Without your help the Alliance would have never gotten a beachhead and Boros wouldn't be free." Free is a relative term in reguards to the Alliance but it fits considering how much worse LEgion rule would have been for Boro's inhabitants.

Feria pauses in her shifting as she goes to lift another crate, glancing over to the man. "I didn't do it for the Alliance, I want that to be clear. Either way, you're welcome." Saying this much as she moves that other crate and then approaches him again. "Congratulations on your victory...rumor mills been churning about for a while..." There's likely something in her tone of voice, a worry there, because of other rumors that might have been running about. Which likely also explained the busy work after flying halfway across the verse to a little moon with no cargo.

"We didn't do it for the Alliance either, but I'm not going to say we could have won without them." Kyoshiro says with a nod. He waits as Feria digs for an answer she's been wanting for a while. Kyoshiro's face falls a moment, almost hardening over after that to the familiar one of a Military man who's had to do this a lot in the past. "Esther's dead... Stray bullet to the back. Zank and her men were with her when she passed, so she wasn't alone."

Feria scoffs a little, shaking her head. She had comments, but she was keeping them to herself. Instead, she shifts as if to ready herself to pick up another crate when the news is just put out there like a point of fact. She stops, takes a breath, and then straightens up a bit. "Oh. Well then.." She had feared it was one of the two. Knowing either way the news was going to kill her, and yet...she simply deadpans. "I'll have to remember to go add her memorial onto Paquin..."

"We have that process in motion..." Kyoshiro says reguarding the memorial out on Paquin. "One for Davis too as well as all the Churara who died in the fight. We're going to have a Ceremony in Two weeks. It would be great if you all could be there." He is awkward in this moment, "We've had a difficult time getting into contact with both Conoger and Helena..." HE folds his arms over his chest, looking away.

Feria's jaw tightens at the mentioning of Davis and she gives a scoff. "He has one there already. Him and a couple others..." She refused to break at this point, but as other names are mentioned she drops her shoulders and nearly looks defeated. "I haven't heard from or seen either of them in...quite a long time..." Admitting that much before she lifts a hand to run fingers thru her hair. "I could...certainly try to make it a point to be there. But I make no promises..."

Kyoshiro narrows his brows, "I didn't realize you put one there. Well, reguardless we will make sure to remember him as well." He keeps his arms crossed and turns his head to th side, the shrugs. "Do what you can and what you're comfortable with. I understand it is tough to take." He's still very reserved and his tone even though there is something behind that one crimson eye he has left. "If there's anything you'd like to go on Esther's memorial. Please send it to me. I'll be happy to have it put on."

Feria scowls a little before moving to shift the last crate towards the back of the cargo bay. "I suppose, should have ducked, would be tasteless..." Saying this much more before she stops herself. "Sorry. I can't imagine this has been easy for anyone..." Saying this much as she actually steps closer to Kyo. "Which I can only begin to think has been hell for you considering how you're standing there trying to act all tough..." Takes two to tango, right?

Kyoshiro blinks as Feria starts to unravel a bit but picks her self up. He dosn't speak on it, letting it pass. Though as she steps up to him his jaw sets and he takes a breath. "I didn't even see it happen. It was a sobering reality that despite how much drive I have to save and protect everyone I know. I can't. It's impossible. But I still beat my self up for not being there to take that bullet for her." The anguish in his eye grows but he dosn't shed a tear.

Kyoshiro has set the ship in motion. After having woken up from his Coma when his first Daughter Anala came to visit him he had set about trying to find out who had perished. Especially Llew who he had theough might have been in that explosion. He was happy she was alive but saddened at such a loss. HE had taken the whole family imdediatly after to a vacation cargo run on Regina where they could be with their brothers and sisters and other children. He was not sure if Siomonn had finally come with the twins or not. But now, that greiving called, and the ead needed to be honored... and plans needed to be made about what to do with the price on their heads. It was time to head back to the Gypsy world once more. Kyo sits on th bridge of the tachi, watching the stars slowly slip by. <English>

Quietly does Vanessa make her way onto the bridge of the ship. Her hair is left free of any binding, tumbling free over her shoulders and back. She steps up behind him, then lifts a hand to lightly touch one of his shoulders. And a gentle squeeze is given there as a small smile comes to her features. "So... where are we headed to?" she asks softly, a gentle note to her voice. The efforts taken to try to get her into a cryostasis pod so that she could have been brought have taken time for her to heal from, but she's mostly back to normal now. <English>

Kyoshiro puts his hand on top of his wife's, giving it a squeeze. He then tuggs at her hand, bringing her close to her so that maybe she can sit across his lap. "Hey... Paquin. The Ceremony is at the end of the week and... we have to talk about what to do now reguarding the Alliance." He puts a few strands of her long red hair behind one of her ears as he looks up at her. "How are you... is Llew doing okay?" He tried to play strong for them all but sometimes that was hard to do. <English>

A smile touches at the corners of her lips at the touch of his hand upon her own, and she settles in his lap, willingly. Then she gives a small nod at his words. "What are you considering doing, in regards to the Alliance?" she asks softly, watching him for a lingering moment. She nestles against him, and then she gives a small nod. "I'm doing all right, now. Glad to have you back and safe," she adds, giving a small nod to him. She rests her head one one of his shoulders, then half closes her eyes. "Llew is doing okay, I think. She's sleeping quite a lot, since the battle," she says, her brow furrowing a little bit. <English>

Kyoshiro sets his lips a moment as he finds the right words. "I'm probably going to have to turn my self in for what I'm wanted for. Jacy promised us a meeting with the Sec Def and higher ups about talking about a treaty. Willow said she'd do what she can and well, Abernathy is the one who sent her to fight Legion after we outed his son. Who knows if we'll get any help from him as well. I'm sure she's reporting to her higher ups." He frows, "Fao has wanted to turn himself in for a while. Wants the parade you know? The show. I want to do it quietly and I want to make sure he dosn't get himself in trouble." He looks directly into her eyes then. "At least then I can really be back." He wraps his arms around her as she nestles against him. "Outside? Why outside?" He asks in reguards to Llew. <English>

Softly, Vanessa noses a little bit against the side of his neck, and she slips an arm around him. Nestling closer. She missed him, while he was gone. "I see," she says quietly, her brow furrowing a little bit. "I can't say that I like it very much at all, but... I can understand the necessity of getting your names cleared. It's important," she says softly, a thoughtful tone to her voice. "It's a situation where you'd like to send a wave to Lord Abernathy and Willow to find out information, but not be seen as trying to sway them either," she says, a small smile coming to her features. Then she blinks a little bit. "Umm... I didn't say outside?" she says, one of her eyebrows quirking up slightly. <English>

Kyoshiro nods. "Well... it may not go as planned. We may just get thrown in jail... at which point someone is going to have to come and get us... then we'll be fugitives if not dead. Pirates so to speak. THough, I think the Alliance will be making a mistake with what we have to offer them." He sighs, "Another thing we need to discuss once we return to Paquin." HE then nods about Willow and Lord Abernathy. "I should send him a wave with out intention so that he and her both know what we intend to do. I don't think that'll violate too much of anything ethical or pose a question of collusion... not that Parliment dosn't collude anyways." He blinks, confused. "That's odd... I swear you said outside... A lot. Well, I am sure she is depressed. I'll go see her after we have landed." <English>

Vanessa studies him a moment, and then she nuzzles a little bit against the side of his neck. "Mmm, well... sometimes things don't go as planned, but... we'll deal with that bridge when it comes," she says softly, a gentle note to her voice. "If you need a rescue, well... the girls, Octavia and I will work something out to do it," she says, a smile touching at the corners of her lips. "Parliament is generally a mess, as far as I can tell, but... maybe something written and hand delivered might serve better than electronic?" she suggests, studying him. Her brow furrows a little bit, and then she shakes her head a little bit. "I didn't say outside, no. Strange. Although, I'm sure that she is. She hasn't really talked to me at all since getting back from the battle," she adds. <English>

Kyoshiro nods, "I'll make sure to talk to her before the time has come for use to venture to the core." He places a hand on her cheek. Leaning forwards he places a soft and loving kiss on her lips. "I love you so very much. You are everything a man could want or need in a partner. Just don't forget to include Zank in your devious plans. He gets jelous you know." A wink and a chuckle. <English>

"It might not be a bad idea, to take the time to talk to her. I've tried to talk to her, but... I haven't received much of a response from her," Vanessa says softly, her brow furrowing a little bit. She nestles against his touch on her cheek, and then leans in to meet his kiss with one of her own. "I love you very much, too. I'll always do everything I can to help, and I'll always be there for you," she says softly, a bit of colour coming to her cheeks. "I'll be sure to include Zank in any rescue plan, if one is needed," she promises, her eyes showing a sparkle to them. <English>

The console beeps in that moment and Kyo looks over to notice Paquin getting bigger in the window. "Final approach looks like. It'll be good to come home but I'm not sure I want to face the reality of it all. I've a speech to write and... it's too much work." He was getting used to just sitting out on the rim between Alexandria and Regina running the nine to five between the planet and her moon. Spending the evenings and weekends with the kids and family. "I'll talk to Llew, see if Fao's around and meet you at the STeakhouse for Dinner?" HE asks. <English>

When the console beeps, she lifts her head from him to look towards it, her brow furrowing a little bit. Then she gives a little shiver before nodding. "Then don't write a speech? Just speak from the heart what needs to be said?" she suggests, looking over to him and studying him a moment. "Sure, that sounds like a good plan. I'll be there, to be sure," she says, a warm smile coming to her features. <English>

Kyoshiro gives her one last kiss before he starts to go about landing the ship. He makes sure to stop in to check on Llew but sees her sleeping. Not wishing to wake her he moves on to go meet up with Fao, hoping after dinner that perhaps his daughter will be awake. If not, he'll slip into bed with her and hold her as she sleeps. Waiting for her to wake up. <English>

Kyoshiro had kind of just took off after waking up from his Coma, dragging his family with him, including Llewelyn who had just lost all but three of her sisters to a massive explosion at the Battle of Boros. He looks rested, but still bothered slightly. As if he hadn't wanted to come back so soon for the abrupt vacation. He sits in the Churara Office at the Factory going over some reports on holo flimsys. He's gota cigar between his lips, ash tray not too far away. He rubs his temple with one hand. The room had been searched for bugs yet again. None were found. That was a good sign. Security was doing it's job. <English>

Zank looks the complete opposite of the commander. He looks tired and still recovering. His work on the gathering of Churara bodies and recovering everything and everyone he came and organize the movement home through his Divison. The body of Esther came in with him its else were but Zank is here and collapses into a chair without a word. "no more Wars" he mutters <English>

"Yeah no gusa... this paperwork is a nightmare..." Kyoshiro says putting his writting impliment down. Kyo may have looked rested but perhaps psychologically he was doing his best to put away any bad feelings over the loss of Esther and a good chunk of his Division's men. "I always though the Admirals and Generals had it easy in their offices. This is absolutly attrotious." He shakes his head, sitting back in the big office chair and pressing his thumbs into his eyes. "We need to talk about Fao and I. We're still wanted and... I know we made a deal with Heather. Though, the best way to get what we want id probably to turn our selves in. That way Alliance saves face." <English>

Zank sits up "screw the alliance!" he says more pissed and not thinking straight "screw heather and that cruiser that whole gorram battalion of here and hers, dumb ass purple bellys" His emotions surfaceing for the first time "we lost hundreds if not thousands and Esther" <English>

Zank goes on "I got shot out of a rail gun!!" he says "I'm still pissed about that by the way" <English>

Zank says in English, "the Churara took the brunt of that war and you wanna turn your self in??""

Kyoshiro watches Zank and raises an eyebrow. "So you want to go to war with the Alliance. That's what you're saying? You want more dead, more war? More of this. It's not JAcy's fault or the Alliances that our men died against Legion. More would have if Jacy wasn't there." He's not upset, just stern in his words. <English>

Zank glare "there wouldn't have been a gorram war if the Alliance in all its magistrate bullshit had done its job and wiped them off the face of the verse without us having to get involved...who found the girls and everything!!?? Us!" <English>

Kyoshiro stands up, still smoking his cigar. "So what do you want, Lines? What's your end game here? Legion is gone. We need to think about how our people exist after this." He steps closer to Zank. "What do we do now? Because I'll tell you what will happen. Complete and utter Ahniliation." He shakes his head, "I didn't want Fao turning himself in. He's been talking about it forever. FAcing the music, standing up for Deadwood. Our people are better served operating inside the system. And we can see if we can get a few permissions out of this issue and a treaty in our favor." He face darkens, "However, if I can 'sucessfully negotiate some sort of compromise here. We're going to be put on death row... and we're going ot need a rescue. I need a plan for if all else fails, Zank." <English>

Zank meets the mans stare. Listening to him speak. "when... when all else fails" he says after a long moment. "ya a gorram fool if you don't think I ant been listenin t' y'all all this time. Turnin ya self a in...course I started makein a plan...gorram idiot" he says after a second "You realize though you get broken out we're right back we're we started and we can't run the Churara after that..." <English>

Zank adds "Jia becomes a marked ship and we don't even know if Fao will go along with it" <English>

"That's my trump Card, Zank." Kyoshiro says still looking Zank in the eyes, smoking his cigar in a deadly sort of calm. He's certainly grown as a commander. Hasn't raised his voice one. He's not angry, seemingly, at Zank for acting that way. In fact he probably feels relativly the same. "I plan to tell the Sec Def in that last fleeting moment after he's rejected all my terms of compromise. That if he intended to slaughter us, he'll have a publicized Genocide on his hands. Something on the level of The Message from Miranda. They can't afford another one. If that happens more radicals will pop up. The Churara and the Romany will disappear. It's what we do. It's what we're good at and we will become a hidden army and one damn big thorn in their side." <English>

"But that is not the life I want for my children. Living in constant fear. So I will try. And the only reason I'm also turning myself in is because Fao wants to do this to force the Alliance's hand." Kyoshiro says. <English>

Zank blink and sits back down "Dam...who the hell are you?" he asks "Cause Kyo that I knew would just gone chopping heads" he says a slight grin on his face even. "Hell can't say I like but can't say I don't either...." he nods "what you need me to do....commander" he pauses and sudden looks like he drank sour milk "oh god...never again with that...never calling you that again..." <English>

"You don't have to call me that. We work as a team. Sure I give orders but we are still just registered as a PMC." Kyoshiro says withe a bit of a smirk, moving back to his own seat. "So I'm going to walk into this meeting with a goal. The main things I want is to have Deadwood as a protected state. It's a common thing amungst empires like the Alliance. THe entire planet becomes soverign unto us but we stil pay import tarrifs on goods from there. They shouldn't mind the tax decrease seince so little people ctually live on Deadwood and it's economy is... rather stagnant to say the least. Ver local, only import is those mines." He pauses a moment before coninuing, "Now to preface this I'm proposing all Romany territory be treated the same. Like Native American Reservations on earth that was. Our buisnesses still pay texes to the Alliance but our people are free of income taxes. Our government beomes soverign in the sense it is a protected state. Fao and I's names are cleared of any wrong doing. We give the Churara a active duty cap of 250 Thousand, less than 2 percent of our population. Any more will be funneled into the Reserved 13th Divison or Join Alliance Military Service. The choice will be each individual Churara's. I will ask for permission to arm a certain number of support space craft and the allotment of one Capitol Ship to the THird Division. They will be registered with the Alliance and their movements reported to them. I will back down first from the naval option if refused, then back down to the Troop cap, then I will back down To the svoerignty issue, and finally back down to us getting our names cleared. I imagine Fao will have a problem if Deadwoods soverignty is refused but I'll talk to him about that. If we are simply refused outright, I will show my hand. And after that we'll likely need an esourt." Kyo holds up his hand, "Now keep in mind this dosn't mean we can't do thing behind their back. We are Gypsy. We show them flowers and keep a knife behind us. We can work covert and from inside the system if this goes our way." He pauses, "But what I need you to do is work with Octavia, Vanessa, and the others to break Fao and I out if things turn out for the worst. Prepare the Divisions to head to deep space on the Vardos on your orders and the Civilians to do the same. We're worry about settling someone on the rim later. Then we disappear for a good long while." <English>

Zank just blinks "Kyo your doing what the Rim wanted to do in the first place...but Alliance lets you do this there gonna have planets wanting there own kinda statehood...there ant no way it's gonna happen...they would loose there hold on....everything..." he says <English>

Kyoshiro waits a beat, taking a drag from his cigar. "Oh I know... exactly. Wouldn't it be great all of a sudden Alliance couldn't handle that kinda of thing? Seems we caused a might bit of mischeif either way it goes." <English>

Zank grins "you son of a bitch...." he says "your coat brown underneath all that? <English>

"Seems it might have turned a darker shade over the years." Kyoshiro says with a chuckle. THough after a moment he sobers up, "So... has anyone come up with an inscription for the Memorials?" <English>

Zank sighs sobering as well. "No...Esther wasn't one for words of wisdom." <English>

Zank grins "she would punch you more than likely" <English>

"I talked about this with her almost two years ago. Heather and I came to this 'deal' back when Michio wanted to play asshole and try and attack the Sanctuary. Though maybe she still might have punched me just because I'm me." Kyoshiro says with a shrug and a chuckle. "Well we need to come up with something." <English>

Zank grins "maybe that...here Lies Esther...she would cut you...was not one for words" <English>

"Alright, that's enough sililoque from you. I'll see to the memorials..." Kyoshiro says. <English>

Zank follows "no wait I'm serious!" <English>

Kyoshiro was a man who was good at tracking people down. He did it for the Alliance after the war for a very long time. Untill the message came through from miranda. He put his retirment chit in that day and went to school. Ten years after that he was on the Jia and on his way to this exact moment. The war with Legion had ended and certainly there were rumors. He had already been to Dyton where the Double Indemnity sat. Now he had to locate what was left of the Ace's crew. This brought him to an old stomping grounds for him, the Dregs. The imposing figure of High Commander Mibu steps in through the door. A Cigar smoldering away between his lips. That one crimson eye he has left looks around, the focusing servo in his eyepatch working in conjunction with it in order to provide binocular vision in stead of a natural eye. <English>

Storn sits at the corner of the bar with his back away from the door. The aging Browncoat has his hat on the surface of the bar, and his cane hanging on the stool next to him. Jacob looks over and spots Kyo walking into the Dregs and arches his brow over the brim of his glasses. "You always do try to strike an impossing figure, Kyoshiro. Why don't you come on over and let me buy you a whiskey." He lifts his glass half full with the amber colored liquid of his usual choosing. <English>

"How about just a carbonated drink without the booze?" Kyoshiro says as he takes a seat at the Bar with Storn. "You're a hard man to track down these days." He continues to smoke his cigar. "I'm afraid I have some bad news, Jacob." There is a long pause. "Esther didn't make it." <English>

"Right to the business and ripping off bandaid without warning.. damn" Jacob says with a hard stare at Kyoshiro. He lifts his hand to motion for the barkeep to bring the soda and more whiskey for him. "I've been laying low trying to protect my family with the Legion bullshit and other things making this 'Verse feel like a reactor about to go into meltdown." He huffs and drains the last of his glass, "So what happened to Skip?" <English>

"Stray bullet fom a sniper. Zank didn't get to her in time. He was with her when she passed. I was there, but didn't see it happen. Was on the otherside of the line." Kyoshiro says, taking a few long drags from his cigar. "Well... Legion thing has seince passed now. We're having a ceremony for Esther and others at the Memorial Site on Paquin. As for the Aces, we're having trouble getting a hold of Conoger and Helena. So I guess she's yours to do with and run as you see fit for the time being." <English>

"Well shit.. figures all the gorram things we've all been through and a stray bullet is what takes her out." He shakes his head and lets out an elongated sigh. "Well, I'm not exactly the captain type. Though need to do something to make sure the Monestary keeps food and medical supplies for everyone there." Jacob taps his fingers on the bar top. "I've outlived far too many captains. My cousin, Moraine, and now Esther. I suppose I will just try to keep cheating time and enjoying the finer things in life. When is the memorial service? I will have to see if Miku is back from her trip out of the city with that dancing troop." <English>

Kyoshiro turns and leans against the bar top. "Feria said something similar just with a bit more piss and vinager." HE studies the man a moment. "I'm sure you'll do fine. Find yourself a crew, keep flying." At the question of the memorial service "May 11th, around 6:30 or Seven in the morning." (OOC Sunday the 20th around 8:30 pm EST) "Listen... Fao and I will be taking a 'trip' to Londinium soon. If we arnt heard from for a while Zank might come around asking for some help. Just hear him out, yeah?" <English>

Storn tilts his head, "You know I've never turned you guys down when you've needed my help. Granted that isn't that often, but I still got that big damn wrench hanging on the wall." The man smiles, "Well I may be a little bit slower than I used to be but still got everything up here." He taps his noggin'. "What in the blazes are you and Fao up to now? Remind me of that cabin that nearly blew us to kingdom come before he does something too insane." <English>

"It's nothing nefarious, Jacob. I promise. We're just trying our hand at a little... politics I guess." Kyoshiro says with a bit of a smirk. "Well it's exactly Fao doing something nutty the reason we're going, and I'm going with him... so he dosn't do something nutty." <English>

Storn heh's, "Not like any of us can really claim an issue with something nefarious, Kyoshiro. Though I am glad you are going with him to keep him from doing something nutty. I don't have many people I knew as a young man left in this verse." <English>

Kyoshiro nods slowly, "Well I think that's where you and I can agree. Lots of people come and gone now. Very few left still trucking away." The Churara Commander was a few years or so older than Storn but they were within the same generation. "I aim to make sure Fao lives till he's at least Two Hundred... so he can complain about living so long." <English>

"Oh Don't worry Storn... If the sword dosn't kill me, you'll die long before that and me." Kyoshiro says, not that is in anyway comfortable. "Romany live longer than Gadje. Just good genes I guess." Though, seeing how Old Yaw has gotten and the advancments in MEdical Science, 50 is probably the new 30. "Good genes and Science.. they do wonders." <English>

Storn bah's, "I don't want science. A lot of good it did me when I lost the hearing in my ear and fraked up my knee. Of course _now_ they claim they can fix it, but when you lived as long as I have with it no reason to let them take a knife to me now." <English>

"Well hey I lost an eye..." Kyoshiro says pointing to his eyepatch. "I'm surprised the patrons here havn't taken a second glance at me thinking I'm the pirate king himself." He shakes his head with a chuckle. <English>

Storn shakes his head, "Well I am glad they could help you. If I lost my vision I would consider it, but I've lived long enough hearing out of only my left ear that I don't need that yet. One day I might need a new liver though. After Moraine passed away I spent far too long living in a bottle." <English>

"Well if you ever look to turn away from the bottle. I go to meetings..." Kyoshiro says. He never accepted any drink offered unless it was rude to, in which case he usually just held the glass and didn't drink. <English>

"Oh, I learned long ago to control it. I still like to imbibe from time to time, but it doesn't control my decisions anymore. Did a stint with Black Wolf and was able to pull myself up by my boot straps. Just the loss of my cousin, Rammoc and then our old XO from the war did a number on me." <English>

"I was at Shadow. I probably told you this. I was doing some Black Ops behind the lines when Haymer came through." Kyoshiro says, "I fell in love with a nurse while I was awaiting trial. Browncoats had finally caught me. Hald the time I wasn't myself, was some sort of killing machine. I just remember killing a lot. Lots of blood, lots of pain and screams." HE pauses, taking a few long drags from his cigar as he sits at the bar with Storn. "She had a kid... she was perfect. Then Fao swooped me and picked me up... I couldn't explain why. Then I watched as we broke obit. The Nukes Fall, the whole planet burning... That's when I started drinking." <English>

Storn winces at the story Kyo gives him and picks up the glass and slowly sips from it. "The sad thing.. is while we were on different sides of that war we both have seen things that are horrible. Sad thing is I can't forget at all. That's what started the drinking. A few good women helped me control it and realize that memories are just that memories. I got to live for today and tomorrow." He smiles a little bit, "Though a little fluffy spaniel helps with that." <English>

Kyoshiro nods slowly, "A few good women. Yeah, that sounds about right. The Message from Miranda was the most Sobering moment. That's what I was done with traditional Government." <English>

Abbey has ben around honestly, her and there and getting over a few things fromt past issues. The door closes behind her as she pushes her hat up sligtly and moves on further into the bar while giving her neck a scratch as she takes over a seat at the bar. "Hello Kyoshiro, drinks good today?" <English>

Kyoshiro looks over to see Abbey approach him and he's a bit surprised. "Oh hey there Abbey... I was actually looking to come find out where you were next. Afraid I got some bad news." He looks to his drink, "Well good for no booze in it, but you should definatly get something stiff." <English>

Abbey hums a bit and glances over to him a brow lifting slightly. "Yeah well, been a bit low after all the crazy." She wasn't in the best shape at the time everthing went down to start with so it shouldn't be a real surprize. Her gaze drifts sightly past Kyoshiro before she glances to the bar tender to order a drink. "What's happened now?" <English>

"Esther got herself killed. Stray bullet to the back in the last battle." Kyoshiro informs after a long pause and a drag from his Cigar. "Leaves you and Storn who's in the head right now to run the Aces. Just thought you should know. We're having a memorial at the end of the week back on Paquin." <English>

Abbey blinks and glances over to him once more looking a bit confused it seems. "What?..." Is questioned with an unsure tone, she doesn't recall hearing that, wouldn't she have heard that before now? She frowns at this and glances off slightly before a faint breath escapes her. "Funny how life is, I didn't think that would take her out." As for herself a slight shrug is sen. "I'm not to sure what hep I can offer, but I'll do what I can." <English>

"I didn't think that would take her out either. Life is funny that way, yes." Kyoshiro agrees then he shrugs. "STorn will need the help and you have the experiance. Just talk with him and things will work out for the best I'm sure." Another pause to take a drag, "Fao and I are heading to Londinum after the ceremony. If we're gone too long, get in touch with Zank. We'll likely need help. That's the worse case senario though." <English>

"Life is funny for sure." Abbey offers with a faint murmur as she picks up the glass that the tender gives her and takes a long sip from it. A slight nod is soon seen. "I'll do whatever I can. Long he can take care of the ship we're good with that." She nods slightly and glances back to him. "Can I ask what's going on?" <English>

"I can tell you Fao and I are going to turn our selves in so we can Bargain for a better position for the Romani." Kyoshiro shrugs, "There's a chance it could work, but a bigg chance they'll just try to put us to death. So just wait for word from Zank if we don't come back or you hear something bad on the cortex." HE stands, "I need to get back to Paquin to prepare the memorial and tend to my family before I leave them again... this time for I don't know how long." <English>

Abbey sputters slightly on her drink and glances to him at this suggestion and looks confused at first before a soft breath escapes her. "Do ye honestly think that is a good idea?" She doesn't like this idea in the least. "I'll do whatever ye say of course but I don't like it Kyoshiro." A faint frown is seen. "What about Esmeraldas?" <English>

"She'll be back..." Kyoshiro says as he starts towards the exit. "Her and the Geist had to disappear for a while after that big battle above Boros." He thinks a moment, "Good Idea? Only if it works. But if folks see us getting our way it could cause some hell for the Alliance... and if they want to ostrasize us after we won a war for them? Well, heh... they'll have a lot on their hands too. I aim to start some mischeif because life's too short not to." <English>

Abbey nods slightly to the talk of Esmeraldas and the Geist before glancing to her now empty glass. "Nothing with the Alliance will be good." Is said softly before she glances after him once more. "I'll wait and see what happens, but don't think I'm going to sit back and let them get rid of ye two either." <English>

"That's what I was hoping to hear... I'll see you soon." Kyoshiro says then heads out the door. <English>

Abbey nods slightly as he turns to leave. "Just becareful." Is said before he goes. <English>

McGuire stands just in the waters edge. Shoe's and socks off and pant lets rolled up on his fancy suit. The waves wash over his feet and ankles, his attention out over the water, lost in thought as he mindlessly smokes a rolled cigarette. He seems calm in this peaceful setting. <English>

Kyoshiro is wearing what appears to be a Hawaian shirt over a white tank top and...shorts? No armor, no weapons. He's dressed in something that isn't military or meant for the duties and riggors of space. Though, in the distance Dimitri and the rest of the Elite Guard can be seen lurking about heavily armed and armored as are likely Fao's own men. He approaches Fao and asks simply, "Are you ready?" As if he knew what he meant by those few words. The kids are with Kyo. Murasaki and Kirito playing off in the distance on the beach. <English>

McGuire jumps at the sudden words. If it wasn't a voice he knew, he's of reached for his gun that isn't on him. He catches his breath and says, "I'll be alright." A deep breath and he turns back to the water and waves coming in. "It's just ..." He lowers his head and his whole body expresses his sadness. "I couldn't ... " He doesn't want to let his emotions get the best of him, but his sorrow is just so deep he can not help it, " ... save them." He pulls a deep drag from his burning cigarette and holds it a moment before blowing it out. <English>

"And I couldn't save Esther. She and the girls would want us to moe on and to what we've been trying to do seince we get into this whole crazy mess." Kyoshiro says putting a hand on the old man's shoulder. "Llew is here... Octavia and Sarah Jade are Alive. Abigail is alive. The Night Angel is gone. We have that." <English>

McGuire nods his understanding of his friends words. He doesn't move, looking out over the waves and water. "I get that, we survived. It's just ... all the girls were connected, and they allowed me to connect with them. I ..." Again his catches his breath before he can speak, "... I felt them die Mibu. Nine young lives lost and I couldn't do a thing about it. The pain of their bodies getting violated by lead, their lives leaving their bodies. I almost joined them Mibu. It was Cara who stopped the girls from leading me over into the great beyond. She told me it wasn't time and brought me back to my body, damaged as it was." <English>

"I don't have the answers for you Fao... I thought Llew was dead when I saw it happen and then my Gene Activated and my one focus was on killing as many of them as I could because I knew there was nothing else I could do other then kill them all to make it stop." Kyoshiro responds taking a seat down in the sand, his kneeds comming up, arms wrapping around them. "Llew's sleeping a lot. She's not taking it well either. I think Time is what everyone needs but that's not going to be a real option until Londinium and even after then, it still might not be." <English>

McGuire looks down to Kyo, "Londinium? Parliament's headquarters? What do they have to do with this?" He askes, curious where that came from. <English>

"Well, figured it'd be the best time to show a bit of kindness to the Allmighty Alliance and you and I can turn our selves in like you always wanted." Kyoshiro says, "Try to bargain for something after what we did for the 'verse. Get our names clear. Be Legitimate again." <English>

McGuire ahs, turning back to the view. "First we bury our dead so we can move on a bit better. Then we find out what treason brings to the like of us." The ocean waves flow up to his feet, the sand moving allowing his feet to sink into the shoreline. Fao pulls a breath and says, "It's going to take some time for this feeling to leave me. Nine girls lost forever and I couldn't stop it. Just not easy to get past." He sighs, pulling another drag from his cigarette. "I showed up here to see Sinklar and Lirin, but they are out at the moment. The water looked so inviting, I was drawn to it to try and clear my head. It only makes dealing with it a bit easier." He shrugs slightly, letting the water wash over his feet. <English>

Kyoshiro nods slowly as he sits with his knees up on the beach near Fao. Murasaki and Kirito are playing in the water. Kyo dosn't have any weapons or armor on and is strangley dressed down in a loose hawaian shirt, white tank top, and some kaki shorts... barefoot. Though Dmitri and the Elite Commander's Guard are lurking about looking a bit mre meaner than the commander. "I know. That's why we're leaving on the 15th. Hopefully Lirin and Sink show up before then. IT would be good to have Lirin's voice of support in all this. Though I'm not sure she'd agree with my terms or not." Hell he dosn't expect the Alliance to agree with half of anything he's outlined but it'll be an interesting battle to fight. "IT's nice here. I had to take off with the family after everything. Clear my own head and get things streight. STill not there myself but I can put on a good face." <English>

McGuire sighs, "I can't help it. I'm sad over the loss." Again another sigh, then he turns to look at Kyo, "What do you mean Mibu, terms. What terms? What are you getting us into here?" <English>

"Trying to make you and them happy and compromise for the betterment of our people. The soverignty of Deadwood and Romany properties as a Protectorate of the Alliance. That means no taxes unless it's import tarriffs. A Seat in parliament. Some Churara stuff. I sent a whole Dossier to a contact I have inside Parliment." Kyoshiro says, "THough, I'm prepared for nothing to come of it and for the others to have to come rescue us. This will either go very well, or very poorly because I know just how stuborn your are about Deadwood's Indipendance." <English>

All of the girls have spent time in simply being together since the battle happened. Since the loss of the other girls happened. They've been quiet, reserved and withdrawn. And they've mostly kept to themselves, as well. A bit unusual, bit perhaps not terribly surprising, given what all they've been through. Dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a dark purple button-up shirt comes Octavia, walking barefooted along the sand. She carries naught with her, and doesn't seem to be moving along at any kind of hurried pace at all. <English>

McGuire pulls a drag from his cigarette and says, "Deadwood is indipendant. The past four years no ships in no ships out, which is just what they wanted in the first place. When they took me back there to heal, I was brought up to date on their progress. The population has grown, the attacks of reavers are up again, but nothing the planet can't handle as a whole. The food suply is more than enough for everyone on the planet to live on. The winter is coming and they are ready. I'm proud of Deadwood for what they have done, dispite my absence. They will do well no matter what Parliament has in mind." He looks to Kyo, "You do what you need to do Mibu, to protect Romani assets and probperties. That is commendable of you. I'm just curious what treatment Treason offers us when we do turn ourselves in." His eye's catch white hair on a taller person and he turns to face her. A smile upon his lips grows at the sight of Octavia. "We win or live the rest of our lives on the run. Unless they shoot us on the spot, we'll figure it out." He says to Kyo. <English>

"They'll do fine for sure and I don't think Parliment will have a huff about it seeing as Deadwood is so self sufficiant. I'm hoping they'll see that." Kyoshiro says before he looks over his shoulder to see Octavia comming towards them. THen to Fao, "I've done all I can to prepare for a worse case senario. We shall see." He look back over to Octavia. <English>

Spying Kyoshiro and Faoite there on the sand, a small smile comes to her features. She approaches the pair of them, remaining yet unhurried. And once she's near to them, she slips her fingers into the front pockets of her jeans. A moment is taken to study each of them in turn. She didn't hear all of the conversation as she come up to them, and so there's a bit of curiosity to her expression. "A worst case scenario for...?" Octavia asks. <English>

McGuire grins, "Mibu and my surrender. There is a price on our heads for treason, and it's got to be dealt with." He sighs and turns back to the view of the ocean and waves upon the shore. His bare feet sinking into the wet sand after the wave lick over them. "First we bury our dead." His whole demener changes as the sadness seeps out once again. <English>

"Well to be honest, he's treason. They think I murdered people when it was Legion who did that." Kyoshiro says, "And some damn idiots acting like Churara deciding to attack the Alliance before we had anything to do with the whole war." He shakes his head. "But seeing as that's likely just as bad... reguardless I still have a price on my head as well." He nods, echoing Fao's last words, looking out towards the ocean. <English>

Zank seems to appear out of no were. "yea and let's not forget the whole exodus plan I'm still trying to figure out how to get a planets population off world without massive death tolls" <English>

McGuire turns to Zanks voice and smiles, "Exodus? What planet?" This is news to him as he askes. <English>

"Havn't settled on that yet... it's part of the last resort thing..." Kyoshiro adds. <English>

McGuire's expression looks confused, "Can't be talking about Deadwood, they wont leave." <English>

"Those who don't want to go don't have to." Kyoshiro says. <English>

Zank looks at Kyo " you realize that something that sized took earth the was years right and those ships were huge!!" he says "a couple hundred thousand boats not ment for deep space is gonna be near impossible" <English>

Kyoshiro rubs his temples, "HAve you forgotten about Vardos... THat a good number of our Familia live on ships or have them?" Aparently that little part of being Romany complete went over their goddamn heads. <English>

Zank sighs "That's fine and good Kyo but that's a couple hundred thousand at the least we're talking Millions of people . that's not to mention food, fuel , air, water, and everything else we would need it would take 10 years to prep that many supplies" <English>

McGuire still looks confused. He looks to Octavia and steps closer. His tone is low and even, "I'm glad you survived." <English>

Kyoshiro shrugs, "Then don't do it. Stop complaining and come up with a better damn idea." <English>

A small smile touches at the corners of her lips, and she gives a small nod to Fao, watching him closely. "I am sorry," she says softly, looking between them. "There is naught I can do to help. And I wish that I could help," she adds, her brow furrowing a little bit. She feels... powerless. But then, in a large way? She is. Even though she's said nothing about it. She looks over to Zank, tilting her head faintly to one side. A bit of colour comes to her cheeks at Fao's words, and she gives a small nod. "I am thankful to have survived as well," she says softly, a small smile returning to her features. <English>

Zank sighs and he clenches his face slightly with frustration but it relaxes "Im sorry Kyo but short of building a Arc ship it's to narrow a time frame to plan prep an execute with risking millions of lives...I mean it would be easier to steal an Arc...." he trails off at the sudden though an idea coming into his head that seems to stop all traffic in his synapses <English>

"There he is..." Kyoshiro says as he watches Zank, "But lets hope it dosn't come to that." He then looks over to Octavia. "We might need your help if things turn for the worst once Fao and I head to Londinium." <English>

McGuire looks to Zank, "You don't have to build one Lines, I've got one in my lake that needs to be pulled out and fixed up. But that's on Deadwood." He moves to Octavia to give her a hug. His body is warmer than usual, mostly because he left before fully healed and has a slight fever. He looks to Zank, "I thought about fixing it under water and then launching it out of the lake. It's an Arc that lead the first Reaver attack on Deadwood that almost wiped out the planet." <English>

Zank looks at Fao "those things were built in the Black Fao there to heavy to launch and break Atmo. We would have to literally bring it piece by prince into orbit and then get them to work with today's techs...it's.....ALOT of work" <English>

Octavia's unusual eyes widen slightly at Kyoshiro's statement, and she gives a faint little shake of her head. Yet Fao gathering her into a hug distracts her briefly from that, and she slips her arms around him to hug him in turn, resting her head against the front of one of his shoulders. She looks over to Kyoshiro, then. "I'm sorry, Kyoshiro. There's nothing we can do to help," she says quietly, her tone perhaps a touch... off. <English>

"Sounds like you got two weeks to do a lot of work then, Lines..." Kyoshiro says as he starts away from the beach and towards the spaceport once more. He looks towards Octavia, "Of course there isn't..." He grumbles and moves away from the group silently. <English>

Kyoshiro is returning to the ship after a day spent around the factory organizing things for the sombering events to come. He looked a bit tired as he hung up his great coat and slumpd into one of the chairs near the dinning table. <English>

Curled up in one of the chairs here is where Vanessa happens to be at the moment. Sleeping, or at least dozing, a blanket partially covering herself though the majority of it has slide to the floor. On one of the burners is a large pot, and within it simmers a hearty stew. The aroma of baking bread is also in the air, for there is fresh made bread in the oven. Baking. It would seem that Vanessa had ideas about making dinner whilst Kyoshiro was out and about. <English>

Kyoshiro sniffs the air, catching a hint of that aroma. His brows raise in interest as he looks over to Vanessa who's asleep. He stands then, moving over to put the blanket back over her, attempting not to wake her. Once that is done, he quetly moves over to the kitchen to look over the stew and the bread to make sure all was going well. He was sure she set a timer but the Chef in him was a hard habit to break. <English>

There is a timer set, it would seem, counting down. Twenty minutes and change. It does, at least, smell seasoned, for she's learned a few things about cooking from Kyoshiro in the course of time that she's known him. Laying there, she gives a sleepy sort of murmur as he adjusts the blanket across her. Creeping towards the doorway there comes Llewelyn, quiet and unspeaking. She's wearing a t-shirt that's larger than what she needs, and a pair of sweat pants to go along with bare feet and sleepy-tussled hair. <English>

Kyoshiro, unable to help himself, is tasting a bit of the soup from the ladle as Llew steps into the Living Area. He turns as he notices the movement, putting the ladle back and wiping off any evidence of him testing the stew from his lips. The evidence could not remain. He turns towards his daughter and manages some sort of smile. "Hey sleepyhead... you hungrey? Mom's got dinner going." <English>

Llewelyn gives a little murmur as she's spotted, her chin ducking a little bit. Lifting one of her hands, she brushes a bit of hair from her face and then she starts to pad quietly over towards him. She's quiet for a long moment, then gives a little nod. "I could eat. It smells good," she says softly, giving him a little smile. <English>

"Well, she's got it on a timer so we've got some time before it's done." Kyoshiro says steping over to ruffle her hair and move past to sit at the table once again. He notions for her to follow and sit with him. She was older now, probaby close to 15 now if she was 12 or so when they had found her. Kyo kind of marvles at it as he had watched her do that and even though he understood it was still just not something he was used to. "How are you feeling?" <English>

"The timer might be more to wake her up than for the stew and bread. Though it could be both," she comments, a small smile touching at the corners of her lips. She heads over with him, towards the table, then settles into a chair there, letting the sleeves of her shirt fall over her wrists. She looks to him through her lashes when he ruffles her hair, then lifts one of her hands to rub her nose. "I'm okay, I suppose," she says softly. Truthful, but not really the whole truth. "What about you, Papa?" she asks. <English>

"It's... different. I'm dealing..." Kyoshiro says with a nod as an answer to Llew. He had to put on a strong face for everyone. While they greived he had to think about what would happen next. "I'm going to be going away for a bit with Uncle Fao to Londinium to deal with some things after the ceremony. Just so you know..." He was interested in her reaction to this but he might have been trying to dig for that truth she was hiding. <English>

"Mmmhmm. It's different," Llewelyn says quietly, a solemn note to her voice. She folds her arms on the table, and then rests her chin on her forearms, watching him. Waiting. She frowns a little bit, studying him, her brow knitting. She wrinkles her nose slightly, and then she sits up, bringing her hands to her lap. "What sort of things are you planning on dealing with? Why does it have to be on Londinium?" <English>

"You don't know?" Kyoshiro asks. She would have known, she was like that. At least used to be. "Try to get our names clear and negotiate for the Romani we represent." Now he's not sure he wants to tell her about the dangers of what they're doing but, she might be able to guess. He watches her carefully. "You know... it could go wrong, your mom might have to come save us. I asked Octavia but she said she couldn't help. I thought it was strange she would say that, especially if it meant Danger for Fao..." <English>

Llewelyn exhales a soft sigh and then folds her forearms on the table before resting her chin on her arms again. "No, I don't know," she says quietly, a bit grumpily. If things were the same, she would have known. But things are different. She closes her eyes for a lingering moment, then looks up at him before giving a little shake of her head. "We can't save anyone... not anymore, Papa. Vanessa could, she's strong... skilled, in many ways," she says quietly, giving a little sniff. Then she lifts her gaze to meet his. "Things are different." <English>

"What do you mean? You are very strong." Kyoshiro says to Llewelyn. He narrows his brows a bit confused. He stands and takes his chair up and moves over closer to her. "Your powers don't make you strong. I trained you to fight and fight well." He taps his chest, "This is what makes us strong, yes?" <English>

She gives a little murmur as he moves closer to him, and she gives a quiet sniff before shifting so that she rests her head against his shoulder. "I can still fight, just like you taught me. But things aren't the same," she says quietly, wrinkling her nose a little bit. "I'm just a girl, Papa... I'm not even a particularly large girl for my age or anything," she adds, giving a little sigh. <English>

"You are Llewelyn Rosetta Mibu, Daughter of the High Commander of the Kris Shena Churara. One of the White Ones. You are faster, smarter, and better then any other girl out there that I know. Except your Sisters and Brother... they're pretty fast on their feet too." Kyoshiro says with a chuckle as she leans against him. He puts and arm around her shoulder and kisses the top of her head, messy hair and all. "It is great to be humble and know humility and never boast. But you know what you're capable of and just because maybe you lost something at the end of the day. You're still here and you an make a difference." <English>

Llewelyn mumbles a little bit, closing her eyes and leaning against him. She gives a little sigh, then falls quiet. "It is not humility that makes me say these things, Papa," she says softly, opening her eyes to look up at him. "There were things that were lost in the battle. We do not know how they were lost, how they came to no longer be... we just know that... that there are things that no longer are," she says quietly, frowning. She's quiet for long moments, then gives a soft sigh. "The abilities are gone." <English>

Kyoshiro raises his brows and looks down at his daughter as she rests against him. "Welcome to the club. Now I know this is nothing new to you. Rememer after the poison, you lost them for a bit. You know what it's like to live without them. Now you can show those who are still with us. That it is not a handicap. That it is a new way to live and strive and focus. You can overcome and adapt. I believe in you." <English>

"Well... no, it's not new to me, but... it's new to the others. And it's still... strange and discombobulating and disorienting," Llewelyn says softly, wrinkling her nose a little bit. "I will try to show them. It's... difficult. Relying on words and all," she adds, exhaling a soft sigh. "I will do my best," she says, after a moment of simply being quiet. <English>

Kyoshiro nods slowly, "You'll be alright. I promise you that. But none of this means you arn't capable of completing impossible tasks. I mean, look at Zank. He fumbles around all the time. Old bastard is still alive." He chuckles and rubs her shoulder. <English>

Kyoshiro steps off to the side and the Honor Guard takes over. Moving a wreath of flowers over to each memorial and the haori to Davis'. Each time a wreath is placed, the order is given in Romani for the Guards to fire. The two, three times. After that is complete the Ceremony is completed and then people start to mingle and move over to the tent where food and drink is. <English>

McGuire stands a long moment silently like a statue, eye's over the monuments and those gathered. <English>

Zank makes his way through the crowd moving twords Esther's memorial. When he makes it there he stands there a long moment. He slowly pulls out his pistol and stands three a second. He opens the chamber and pulls out a single round. He holds the case less bullet in his hand and then places it carefully on the memorial. He takes a breath and offers a 2 finger salute. He puts and hand on it. "Sleep easy hun" he says and then turns to go find Kyo. <English>

What's Kyo doing? He's behind the stage. Alone, with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. It's unopened at the moment but he looks it over as if daring himself to take a swig. He's got a lawn chair back there facing the other monuments as if he had indended to sit there for the rest of the day and just watch the buzzards circle. <English>

From the patio area there is a the soft scraping sound of a chair being dragged. It's Zank pulling it and before long he's made his way back stage with a couple confused glances following him. He pulls the chair pul next to Kyo and places the small flat barstool he has in his other hand in between them and places a second bottle this one of rum on the chair. He pulls too crappy looking mugs out of his duster pocket and puts them down on the chair to. Tonight they aren't commanders or captains of a small army or leaders of there people. There Zank Lines and Kyoshiro Mibu. Two people that by all accounts should not even know each other much less call a friends. He pulls from his other pocket 3 cigars. He places them on the stool as well. He takes one and sits cutting it then lighting it. He lets it smolder as he looks at the memorial. "she woulda hated this ya know...all the sadness and moping around" he grins for the first time in a week. <English>

Kyoshiro reguards the cups and cigars a moment before poping the cork on the bottle of whiskey. He taks a nice long swig directly from the bottle first before pouring out some liquid into the glasses. Esther was usually the one who made him drink again, this was the third time. Even in death she was a pain in his ass. He picks up on of the cigars after putting the bottle on the table and gives it a sniff. "This from Estaban's Crop?" He asks, bitting off an end and lighting it himself. Taking a big puffs and drags, causing smoke to rise up and billow around them. <English>

Zank nods his head "Yea...last of the season. Winters coming early apparently so had to end early." he says "The rum is from a shipment that was headed to Osiris....Mr....vanburen" he says looking at the shipment label "won't miss the bottle" <English>

McGuire bows his head, eye's closing, folding his hand at arms length before him his silence. He gives a final nod and open's his eye's. The crowd has moved, but he quickly spots his family. He moves steady through the crowd to the side and back of the stage. "This a private meeting or can anyone join?" He askes in his even tone, stepping closer to the pair. <English>

Kyoshiro smoke his cigar slowly, savouring the flavor before taking up the glass of rum and taking a heafty swig. "Open party there Old Man, and I think this last Cigar and third glass is for you. Mr. Vanburen Rum or some such and fresh Cigar's from Estaban's Farm on the south side of the hemisphere." Music starts over at the tent. It's upbeat and Romany, Gypsy Jazz. He is sure the dancers have started too. This wasn't your average mopey funeral. This was a Romany Memorial. The party was likely to last till the wee hours of the morning. Lots of food and lots of drinking and dancing. <English>

Zank looks over at Fao "as fun as it is...I'd like these to stop happenin" <English>

McGuire nods his agreement. He looks between the two and then the bottle on the stool. His belly grumbles from last nights bottle. He says, "Nice words Mibu." He turns to them both and says, "I don't feel very well and going to take off." He looks to Zank, "Where'd you park the ship?" <English>

Zank grins "Boros Pilskin is finishing up our clean up ops" <English>

"You sure Fao?" Kyoshiro asks, hearing his stomach grumble, "Maybe grab a plate over there then come back." He looks to Zank and shrugs and takes another swig of the rum. <English>

It is a day or two after the Ceremony of the Fallen here in the Rocky Hills outside of Accendo City on Paquin. Workers have started to take down a stage and tent that had been used for the ceremony. There are a few fresh and new memorials in this seemingly growing graveyard of sorts. The Biggest is the large statue of the Churara Gavver with the list of names. The others are more modest. The new ones, not worn by time, can also be told apart by the newly placed wreaths of flowers in front of them. One even drapped with a White Haori, the symbol of the rank of Captain in the Kris Shena Churara. Kyoshiro is here, smoking a cigar. He's still in his 'formal wear' and looks more then a bit haggard. The Roma are famous for partying for days at the death of a family member, celebrating their life with friends and loved ones. It's likely the party only just ended. <English>

It is a day or two after the Ceremony of the Fallen here in the Rocky Hills outside of Accendo City on Paquin. Workers have started to take down a stage and tent that had been used for the ceremony. There are a few fresh and new memorials in this seemingly growing graveyard of sorts. The Biggest is the large statue of the Churara Gavver with the list of names. The others are more modest. The new ones, not worn by time, can also be told apart by the newly placed wreaths of flowers in front of them. One even drapped with a White Haori, the symbol of the rank of Captain in the Kris Shena Churara. Kyoshiro is here, smoking a cigar. He's still in his 'formal wear' and looks more then a bit haggard. The Roma are famous for partying for days at the death of a family member, celebrating their life with friends and loved ones. It's likely the party only just ended. <English>

They arrive, in dark cloaks covering their attire, hoods pulled up and in their hands are small wooden chests. There's 5 of them in total, not counting the two tiny ones (bringing the total to 7) and they walk in a straight line. The adults are holding small wooden chests and the one who is at the head of the procession, pushes his hood back to expose those trademark pretty boy looks and hard to miss ice blue eyes. The tiny people with them happen to be two little girls, who each have their own little chest and occasionally the processing has to stop as one of the little girls starts crying again. The girls are between 5-7 and by the time they get to the memorial site they too have lost pushed back their hoods exposing them as twins with eyes like their father only one has a head of red curls and the other has a head of brown curls. There is a long pause as Rand regards Kyoshiro quietly and holds up a hand for those he brought with him to stop, then they all bow respectfully. <English>

The procession comes to Kyoshiro's attention, The High Commander first turning his head so his one real crimson eye can look upon the cloaked figures heading towards him and the grave sit. He turns his body slightly as they get closer, facing them. Though as Rand takes off his hood and exposes his face he blinks in surprise. Though, that dosn't last long. He watches as they bow to him. Kyo waits but a moment and returns the jesture. "Thank you for comming." He was not one for words most of the time. <English>

McGuire was walking towards the memorials from his long walk from the monestary to the North. He gains enough ground see the procession approach his good friend Kyo. He picks his pace up a bit to join the group at the monuments upon the rocky hills. He says nothing, even after the hoods are dropped and he knows Rand. Closer and closer he gets until he is near Kyo and the others. He is not visibly armed, instead dressed in his Elder garb and looks to be at peace with is surroundings. He watches with great interest in silence. <English>

Rand offers a small smile, nodding a bit and taking a deep breath. Renee (The red haired little twin) tugs on her father's cloak while her sister Daphne is staring at Kyoshiro curiously and taking a few steps forward to peer at the man. Rand whistles sharply and the men who accompanied him push back their hoods as well, and shift their cloaks ever so slightly, they are wearing what equates to their formal wear underneath apparently. "It would've been disrespectful not to come." The barkeep finally replies. The little girls are making their way towards the memorial they recognize and they shakily hold their wooden chests before kneeling down and opening the chests. Inside, a bottle of milk, some cookies, some sort've jam and few coins of very unique origin, making their individual offerings so to speak to the dead. The red head speaks shakily as her sister holds her hand. "W-we was always really good Miss Esser and we will keep being good and Daddy says that we can have a swo-sword like you when we are 16...." And on and on she continues, ending on the declaration. "And when we get to see you again...you can show us better fightings because Uncle Jim says daddy fights likes a pus-" She cuts herself off. "Err, be at peace Miss Esser." <English>

Kyoshiro does his best to give Daphne a bit of a smile as she reguards him with curiosity. He's got an eyepatch, scars, not at all clean shaven. So he looks a bit harsh but it is not like she hadn't seen others like that in her lift. As the two give their Eulogy he smiles softly, and chuckles at the cut off. He looks to Fao a moment and raises an eyebrow before looking back to the memorials. <English>

McGuire fights back the laughter successfully as he stands slightly behind Kyo. He remains silent in his observations with a slight smile on his face. His heart is touched and pulls a deep breath as his smile grows. <English>

Rand glances over his shoulder at one of their companions, probably Uncle Jim who looks down at his box and coughs softly. "I said /for/ not /like/ Chief, I swear." The little girls get up and run over to hug their Daddy's legs as he flips a rude gesture to Uncle Jim. Jim and the 3 others each approach the memorial, setting down chests and opening them before backing away. There's fresh bread in some, bottles of honey and more milk, one even has some incense and other such things like dried grain in it. All offerings to the dead. Then finally Rand approaches with his chest, sinking down to his knees in front of the memorial and opening the chest slowly. "You beautiful, heroic and awe inspiring goddess, it may be blasphemous but if I were allowed, I would've burnt candles and made sacrifices in your honor. But you probably would've cut me when you found out. I would consider any wound you gave me an honor." He takes a deep breath. "When we met, I only saw a warrior woman. I never know if you saw me as more than the colors of who I fight for. It took a while but I did manage to make you smile. You spoke to me of those you lost, and the pain inflicted on you and others you loved. I like to think you finally saw me. The many times you helped me, reassured me that I wouldn't be a shitty father...the way you even rescued my girls, I didn't deserve that kindness so I hope it was because you finally saw me." He lifts up individual items as he speaks. An ornate whetstone. A few bottles of gold label rum. Bottles that might be perfumed oil. And plenty of coins to pay the ferryman. "I know you will spend eternity in Elysian Fields, reunited with the ones you lost and loved. I know I may never reach those beautiful fields without paying a heavy toll, but in the future when my girls make it there. Look out for them." He might be crying, yep...he is, no sniffling but there are tears rolling down his cheeks. "In my religion, there would be a feast after this, with us all knowing in our hearts that you are the host and honoring us all." He murmurs something softly in Greek, and kisses a coin before dropping it back in the chest and just sitting there for a few moments, head bowed and taking deep breaths. <English>

Kyoshiro is far enough away not to interupt Rand, but he's also close enough to hear. He chews on his cigar a bit harder as the man speaks his words, doing his best to hold back any emotion. A single tear streaks down from his one natural eye. He dosn't flinch or move to wipe it away or hide it. He just lets it sit there and happen. It wasn't necessarily the words about Esther that got to him. It was the speach about Rand, Him, Esther. All the Churara, Sprogs, and other warriors under other banners who live their life by the sword. Forever bonded by their lifestyle and culture of death and rebirth. <English>

McGuire bows his head and listens. At the end, he says softly, "Amen." Then looks up at the gathering. He continues to remain silent in reverance. <English>

The girls are crying because daddy is crying and their 'uncles' release them so they can run up to Rand and cling/hug him as he pushes back to his feet. The barkeep allows one to pat his wet cheeks and presses a kiss to the other one's forehead before turning to face the other Men, a small child on each hip. A glance flickers to a couple other memorials before looking back between the two and he is quiet for a little while longer before Daphne peeks back over to Kyo and whispers something to Renee who has no problem asking. "Is it /true/ that you shot daddy and dropped him faster than a squirrel holding a hot nut?" Rand huffs out a laugh and rolls his eyes before clearing his throat. "Thank you, for allowing us to come. I know the colors I occsionally am seen are always seen as drenched in blood when it comes to your people, and...and apology from me wouldn't me /anything/ because I can't apologize for stuff I wasn't even around for. But it is gonna be kinda awkward if it stays that way seeing as Daphne has decided she wants to marry someone from this planet so she can have shiny bracelets from her wrists all the way up to her shoulders...I mean, I know it will take time but seein' as I don't intend on letting her marry until she's 40, maybe we can work on it." <English>

       Kyoshiro smiles softly as Rand's kids run to him and comfort him. He sobers though as Rand approaches with them and Daphne asks her question. He chuckles and looks down a moment, a bit of a bashful smile on his face. HE thinks of what to say to the little girl. "Sure did, but it wasn't nothing personal. I assure you he was very heroic." He winks to the child with his one good eye before reguarding Rand. He nods slowly, "I hope we can work on it as well. Our people are closer tied then either might think. We can always find a common ground." There is glance to Fao then a look back to Rand. <English>

McGuire has witnessed the past and what the commonwealth has done to the romany people through the decades. He's also seen the independent wars and the battles with Legion. War has been a deep part of his life and this is not uncommen for it to create friends. He snaps to attention, bowing to Rand and company in a very respectful and honorable fashion. Standing up strait again, he sets at parade rest before the old mans form shifts back to what is comfortable for him. He holds his side and grimices slightly as the color leaves his face. Kyo might notice this change in the elder man, even through the efferts to hide his pain that still haunts him from the last battle. He catches his breath with pained eye's. <English>

Rand watches McGuire and carefully sets the two children down, shooing them over to the other people who came with him. That response from McGuire though has him tearing up again and he does returns the bow and settles into parade rest, holding it and taking a deep breath. He has an old father, he catches the slight grimace and he swallows. "I need to get back to our transport, and make sure the men are staying out of trouble." A pause. "We'll be leaving behind crates of gold label, if I do not see you again before we depart..." He looks back between the two. "Thank you." And each of his hands are taken by a tiny girl and the procession starts to make their way off. <English>

Kyoshiro nods to Rand, a nod of gratitude and thanks. He watches them move off and back to the spaceport before turning to Fao and notices his change in color. He puts a hand on his shoulder, a look of concern in that one eye of his. <English>

McGuire bends into the pain in his side and turns to Kyo, reaching out a hand as if for support. His voice is shakes, "Mibu, I ..." Sudden wave of pain in his side and he grouns, "...I don't feel right." His breath comes in short beats and he can not control his face from showing his pain. "I..." The large lumbering old man sudden collapes in Kyo's arms at his side. <English>

Kyoshiro blinks as he catches Fao. He slowly lets him down to the ground before checking his pulse. "Oh Gusa... you damn old idiot. I swear to the spagehetti monster in the sky I will find you in the after life and murder you there if you make this shit more dramatic than it has to be." He picks the old man up which isn't hard to do and start to move him towards the clinic, rushing as fast as he can. <English>

What ever ills McG is internal. Fao's wounds have been wrapped and no external wounds look like they have given way. His pains must be internal. His body is limp, eye's closed, passed out from the pain. He would respond if he could, but he can't so he wont, laying there quiet and almost at peace. <English>