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Revision as of 22:12, 26 January 2015

Jacy 'Loves' the Viking
Location: Log_Location::Monastery - Jiangyin IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2536/03/18 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2015/01/24
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Jacy, Has Characters in Scene::Odell, Has Characters in Scene::Zank, Has Characters in Scene::Cal, Has Characters in Scene::Iniana, Has Characters in Scene::Mia, Has Characters in Scene::Phelan, Has Characters in Scene::Chloe, Has Characters in Scene::Rolend, Has Characters in Scene::Helena, Has Characters in Scene::Esther, Has Characters in Scene::Conoger
Summary: [[Log_Short_Summary::A friendly gathering with people who have come to help with the meteor devastation. From blowing things up to talking to the Alliance, Jacy shows up and tries to show the Alliance cares but ends up trying to arrest the Viking of her dreams 'nightmares']]
Log_Characters::Jacy, Odell, Zank, Cal, Iniana, Mia, Phelan, Chloe, Rolend, Helena, Esther, Conoger

Little more than a large clearing, this landing pad has what looks like a massive set of white stones embedded into the ground in the shape of a large X. The ground has been firmly packed down from some form of impact or another and is hard as stone. Surrounded on all sides by trees and lush forest, there's a single, wide path carved towards the north, leading to an encampment of sorts and the medical facility therein.

Phelan looks to Hope and offers her a hand, "Stand up, put your hands on the back of your head and take a slow walk to the end of the wing and back. Take deep breaths as you do it. You'll catch your breath quicker that way." He nods to Maxim. "Not a bad idea. Baby's don't really need that much sunlight." He nods to Conoger as he starts walking up.

Mia looks after Maxim and chortles, "Poor kid." She looks to Phelan, "you don't mind uif I help out Theresa and Maxim with their spawn do you?" Hope meanwhile wheezes, "dyyying. Oh...Heart....attack..." the girl twitches. And Mia looks down, lifting an eyebrow

Calira angles a nod at Conoger in greeting, "Nice Helmet," she calls before he actually reaches where everyone is gathered near the end of the ramp to the DarkStar. "See you and the babies later, Max," she calls, still not talking to loudly, not wanting to wake the aforementioned babies. Hope's antics make Calira laugh, "She's so dramatic, how do you not laugh?" she wonders at Mia.

From the main part of the monastery, Esther walks into the landing pad. She is slow, but she is getting stronger and the pain from her burns and broken ribs are fading enough to allow her to move around. With her are a pair of women and the three of them seem to be talking. By the looks on their faces, it is something grim. All three women are holding food containers and seems to be approaching the parked vessels.

Conoger continues to come closer , even as he spots the crew of the Darkstar, not slowing down but it is obvious to some that know him he is not moving as good as he should be. Still he carries the shield, himself and his armor. As he does approach them he nods to each and everyone of them. There is a smile on his lips, even if he chuckles lightly as well. " Imagine that, seeing you all once again. I have not seen Phelan or Mia in some time, good to see you once again and Mia, always, always a pleasure to remember." then he winks and looks at Cal. " Well, you seem chipper and glad, beating up on innocent men again, come back to challenge me?" as he tilts his head slightly sideways, grinning, waiting, watching. Even as he looks, he notices Esther and the other women, his brow raises then?

Phelan reaches to his belt and takes the canteen from it. He lowers it down to Hope, "Sip carefully or you will choke. And you better get up. Looks like there is a viking coming this way. " He reaches up and tips the bill of his baseball cap. It's a New Hall Mariners cap. Phelan grins, "Conoger, It's been a while. You alright? Anybody look at you?"

The nine year old Hope bears a strong resemblance to her mother and sits up curious, recovering miraculously, "A real viking?" She looks around and eyes Conoger, "Is that Axe Real?!" Mia rolls her eyes and looks amused to Phelan, "Get ready to enact a no axes household rule." She looks amused. She hauls the girl to her feel and nods to Conoger, 'Been a while." she spots the grim look and grunts to Hope, "Go shower, Hope." Hope begins to whine but Mia gives the girl a LOOK and startled, Hope shuts up and scampers aboard.

Calira turns slightly as she spots Esther and the two other women approaching where the ships are parked, a small adjustment to her angle but enough that she can see everyone now. a quick grin is aimed at Conoger, "Innocent men aren't beaten up, they're educated in the way of proper hand to hand combat. And I'll challenge you again when I'm certain that you won't call it unfair 'cuz you're all banged up and sad looking." This said she focuses on Esther, "Captain Holliday, glad to see you up and about. Something's afoot?"

Esther gets closer to the group and Esther glances up to the people, offering a small smile. "Hello." Calira's question catches her attention and she offers a soft sigh. "It would seem that I have a few people that had passed during the incident whose family simply cannot be located. We will have to give them a funeral here." One of the food containers is offered to Calira. "This is for your crew. Some of the children here made cookies. It was a happy distraction for the survivors." She offers a soft smile. "I am very grateful for the assistance from your crew. It is humbling. Once we are back up and going, I hope to be able to extend my hand towards the local villages."

Conoger watches as Hope seems to be interested in his axe and he simply nods to her before she is scooted away. There is a grin on his lips but then looks to Phelan and Mia. "Glad to see you are alright at least, let me guess that be your little one?" Then he chuckles at Cal and nods. "Alright, perhaps next time we can spar, since you think you hurt me now." yup, cocky but it has always been like that with Cal. As Esther approaches, he frowns at hearing her say them things and he nods slowly. "Well, I can get right at digging if ya like." though really in his state he should not be moving to much.

Phelan grins, "We're fine, the Darkstar wasn't here when it happened. We came later to help." Phelan shakes his head, "Yeah that’s our Little one but she's think she's Nine going on Twenty-Nine." He grins as he hears Ether talk, "Thank you, Captain. You guys didn't have too but it's appreciated. That's sweet." He nods, "Like I said, what ever you need me to do point me in that direction."

Mia nods to Conoger, "She duct-taped her kid brother to a wall, so it's mommy and me kick your booty camp for a few days." she blinks and ahs, "that's thoughtful..." as she watches the exchange.

"Oh my," Calira replies, surprise in her tone of voice, "thank you," she says as she accepts the container of cookies, echoing Phelan's words and nodding. "Same, just say what needs doing and we're glad to help. I know we're not a construction crew, but we all know how to put elbow grease into the doing," she promises. She casts a wry grin at Conoger after speaking, "Shush. The adults are talking," she teases her fellow guild member with that wry grin.

Esther looks between Calira and Conoger, a slight look of amusement on her face at the obvious camaraderie between the two. "I already have a few of the younger churara lads out there doing it, Conoger. There is a nice spot over by the river .A hilltop that overlooks a beautiful scene. In the spring, the hilltop is filled with flowers. We will do it there." She sighs. "We may need some help with one thing. With the rock slide that happened, it has been blocking up some of the water that flows from the waterfall. The water right now is flowing around the rocks, but I would like to have them removed to prevent future flooding of the monastery. I figured it might be easiest if using some mules to pull them out."

Conoger does indeed listen to the others, even manages to go quiet, he may not have the fight in him today, at least not yet. As they stand outside the ramp of the Darkstar he listens to Esther and nods. "Alright, though your right, best we remove that, though it may take some time, it is a bit of stone there."

Iniana sets foot on soil looking worn from all the recent work. She looks around, wondering what day it is, and what's going on out here....

Phelan nods, "We got a mule. We'll get on it." He says volunteering the Darkstar for rock clearing work. "I can even give the Chief a ball ping hammer and watch her break up the rocks." Something about Calira is hard headed enough to try to break ball bearings with a rubber mallet. Lalala didn't say that out loud.

Mia hrrms and looks at Esther and notes, "Let me have a look? Depending how much, the type of earth, and the angle of the wash I might be able to half the work the MULES do with a lil detcord or a lil bit of ampho."

Iniana looks tiredly over at Mia. "Haven't we had enough people hurt by flying rock? You have to tempt Allah with MORE?"

Phelan shakes his head, "She does it right. Nobody will be hurt and there will be no flying rocks. Though it will take lot of looking and studying to make sure it's done right."

Calira listens along, nodding as Esther explains what needs to be done, but also listens as ideas are ventured aloud. "That actually sounds fun," she admits, en soto voice, to Phelan with a wry smile. Mia's suggestion makes her nod, again, "That's an even better idea ,we just need some shaped charges, to manage the blast actually, but that would be noisy, of course." She aims a nod of greeting toward the newest arrival, "Hello, maximum result in the most expedient of measures."

Esther listens to people as they speak. She glances from person to person. Iniana's response catches her attention most, "She is right. A bit of detcord will be helpful. The main difference is we won't have people near those rocks when it goes boom. We will -know- what's coming."

Iniana says in English, "I just don't trust explosions and stuff right now. I may have never, but right now, certainly not. And setting up demo in the middle of a disaster in the center of a war seems...counter indicated"

Conoger now seems to be thinking, not much to think about but on how to help. As people suggest, he nods but as things progress to use exploding stuff on them he raises a brow and looks at them all. "Well, I suppose this ain't my place to say anything. As long as we have a head count, make sure people are far away from there and that it will not cause collateral damage, I am good with it." which means the river is also used for something else further down too. Then looking at Iniana he grins. "Well, in the end it be Esther’s call, it's her place." though he ain't sure what he thinks.

Mia d'awws and kisses Phelan's cheek, "Thanks for the endorsement, bao bei." She lifts at Iniana, "Anyone with a reasonable grasp of physics will understand how small percussive blasts are a world away from a meteorite hitting a planet. Anyone who waits for Allah to fix problems can go back to praying while the rest of us on Tera Ferma along with my dear pal Newton will fix this problem." She looks to Esther, "Shifting unstable rock's Dangerous. I'm inclined to shift the truly dangerous bits and maybe create a channel the mules can use to help make it more stable and thus less likely tempting fate for those at risk for being crushed by shifting debris."

Phelan looks to Conoger, "Well said. It's Captain Holiday's call." He shrugs and opens his canteen and takes a drink of water.

Iniana nods, and spears Mia with a dirty look. "I don't tell you what to put your faith in, don't presume to do the same to me." She looks over at Esther. "Of course. I shall retire to the ship should blasting go on, and everything shall be fine"

Esther looks to Conoger, "I am just trying to restore the normal flow of water to the way it was before. That's all. We have to remove the rocks beneath the waterfall to do that. If she does the job right, then there wouldn't be any problem. We will evacuate that part of the monastery to the lower circle." She looks to Mia. "Alright, I say let's get it done." Her gaze turns to Iniana. Reaching out, she pats her on the arm. "I know you are trying to just look out for us. But, if these rocks aren't moved, we risk a flood here with the spring thaw." A smile is offered to her doctor. "Thank you though."

Calira remains quiet, glancing from one face to the other, both hands holding the box of cookies and waiting until a decision is achieved.

Mia shrugs, "Sweetheart. the laws of physics are actual observable, replicatable, fact. Proceed with your hoo-doo, I hadn't realized I was in the way." She looks to Esther, "Sorry. My husband tries to keep me in line, he does, but there's no living with me." She drawls laily.

Conoger leaves everything to take care of to Esther, he is but a grunt and grunts often as of late. As decisions are made, discussions continue he looks around, downed trees and holes on the grounds and in and around the landing area. "I so need a drink of scotch." yup out of no where this comes out, nothing related to the current conversation. "So need to swing my axe again, we need wood cut?" yup he is getting restless.

Iniana humphs. "Well, if you find medicine hoo-doo, I won't inflict it on you .Nor Virology, chemistry, or any other thing that might bother you."

Mia wonders, "Good, then no doubt you understand the physics in rolling a few rocks down a slope, why are we even disagreeing?"

As the Medical hoodoo gauntlet is thrown down, Phelan slaps his palm to his forehead and mutters to Conoger, "You're not the only one on either account. I'm way too sober."

Calira sets her jaw briefly at the scotch remark, "I'm going to have to raid more of Axel's stash of coffee at this rate," grumbled as she calmly backs up a healthy step away from Mia and Iniana.

Odell exits from the Lower Circle, his hair still doused with bits of flower, as is his shirt and pants even as he continues to try brushing off the offending substance. His hands are somewhat caked with a floury dough that he's using a towel to wipe his hand clean from muttering about never letting kids help with pastry as they tend to get more on him than into the bowl.

Esther is tempted with the idea of scotch herself. "Well. Once the charge is done with the boulders, there will be need of hard work to clear out the rocks. You can chop trees if you want... but may need help with the boulders too." She smiles to Conoger. "Alright ,what do you need from me to make this happen?" she asks of Mia. Her gaze turns to Iniana, "Please stop. Unless you have a better idea on how to remove the rocks..."

Conoger looks at Phelan and then looks at Cal and finally looks around. "I think I have scotch in the ship some where." as he looks to Esther and nods to her. "Yeah, I may go chop trees to clear crap or stuff....need to strengthen up once again, been rather on my back as of late." Conoger and others are standing just outside the Darkstar ramp, talking, conversing and perhaps making plans of blowing things up. As Conoger see's Odell he nods to the man, not sure who he may be. Letting Esther deal with Iniana since she is the boss. "I so need a vacation too."

Iniana says in English, "I didn't start." She seems a bit put out about things. "I will refrain from further commentary. How is the inventory in the medical bay in the Monastery? Should we be concerned?" She looks over at Con, and the water. "I'm not....no, I promised to be good, no nasty comments""

"Ahh, Captain," Calira remarks with a smile at Odell arrives, offering him the box of cookies. "Look what the children made us," she says, lifting the lid so that he can see the cookies. Not so incidentally putting more distance between herself and the not quite argument that may or may not be taking place. Walk into live fire, yes. Arguing women? No.

Mia looks to Esther, "She's right, I did." No shame. She admits it. She offers Phelan her flask and wiggles, "Trade you for a kiss."

High above, a circling black speck appears. It's descending, not exactly lazily but not exactly a combat drop either. As it approaches, gaining definition, the grey hull and purple lettering reveal it to be an Alliance military shuttle. Probably lightly armed, and probably not here in an offensive capacity, given the lack of other armed dropships and fighter cover. No, it's just a single shuttle. If anyone has a comm tuned to the hailing frequency, a woman's voice comes clear over the speakers: "Jiangyin Monastery, this is Alliance Navy Shuttle Two Alpha Three One reporting finals." None of this 'permission to land?' bullshit, it's landing. The voice belongs to one Lieutenant Commander Heather Jacy.

Odell looks to Calira and then the cookies. "Lets hope they are better tasting than the batch the kids just finished making. Granted I've a feeling they are more like hockypucks than pastry with how much flour got on me and the floor, rather than into the bowl. " as he examines the offered treats and selects one.

Esther smiles an amused smile at Mia and Iniana. "Well. I ask you both stop it. Respectfully of course." She laughs. She is not upset in the least, in fact she has a good-natured spirit in her tone. Most of the cookies in the box are quite delicious. Though, one of the kids in the monastery has an experimental side.. and made ketchup flavored cookies. So there is a chance that one or two of the cookies in the box has a twinge of ketchup in it. Esther turns her attention to Mia, "So what do..." Her voice trails off as the chatter comes over her comm. She blinks and looks up. Lifting her hand to push at the small device in her ear, "This is the monastery. Welcome." She lowers her hand and looks to the others. "We have company."

Phelan takes the flask. "Thanks darling." He leans in to give her a kiss. He looks at Conoger. "That was meant to me and No you don't have to kiss me for a pull." He says offering the flask to the Viking. He knows Caliara's thoughts on booze. "But Chief, it will cost you a kiss." He's trying to give an out to keep her from taking a drink. He sighs as he hears Hearther Jacy's voice. "Great. Somebody's just had to come stick her big butt into the middle of things." Doesn't matter that's what the Darkstar did.

"Jacy," Calira identifies the voice over the comm, motioning Odell with her as she moves closer to the DarkStar, trusting the piloting skills of the enlisted or officer at the helm to avoid hitting other ships already parked. "Got a head count on all crew that aren't on the ground, captain?" she asks in a low voice while tilting her head back, shading her eyes with one hand and watching the descent vector with a speculative gleam in her eyes.

Mia Returns Phelan's kiss and surrenders the flash. At hearing Jacy's she grins broadly. It's a toothy, predatory, expression full of absolutely WICKED Glee, "I know THAT voice."

Iniana looks up, and steps briskly over to the boarding ramp to clear the landing zone. No knowing what a hot pilot of the Purplebellies is going to do! She looks concerned. "Is the pad large enough for a combat landing? I hope the war isn't coming here."

Conoger grins at Mia and then Phelan spoils the fun and Conoger nods to him. "Alright...I.." then he looks up and he sighs , shaking his head. "What ever you do, do not stop her from doing what she may want to d, it's all on me." he states in a very, very serious way. "I mean...all of ya's." yup, there is trouble coming as Conoger gives back the flask, gets his shield out and axe in hand, though not in a threatening manner.

The Alliance shuttle comes in for a precise three-point landing in a cleared spot, the pilot neither showing off nor taking it conservatively; inch-perfect .Possibly one of the new Blue Sun AIs doing the piloting. It settles on the landing gear as the engines start to spool down, and the ramp hisses open as the pressures equalize the heavy metal door tilting outwards and rotating down. Lieutenant Commander Jacy, in full 'grays' uniform, is accompanied by a couple of grunts in fatigues and assault rifles, clearly the protective detail, and a young Lieutenant aide de camp, a sturdily-built plain young woman with a clipboard and a video camera mounted on a shoulder rig.

Mia snorts and eyes Conoger, "I have a free pass, I'm going to give a chance to use it so you can martyr yourself? Dream on." she claps her hands and rubs them together, "I wanna know what this thing's good for." and oh, apparently she means to test it.

Odell looks at Cal and laughs, "I rarely have a head count on the crew who's on the ship, let alone who all's on the ground. Though I guess I could do a head count...now..." As he looks to see who all from the Darkstar is here and finger points, one... two... three. Grinning heavily as he does so in his attempt to tease Calira.

Esther steps back as the shuttle lands. Cooling down for a moment before the door opens up. Esther steps forward from the bunch. She is bandaged up. She has bandages over burns, a long thin line on her forehead sutured up, and an abdominal binder to bind up broken ribs. Despite this, she stands tall. Well...as tall as she can. "Lieutenant. Welcome to the monastery." She really needs to pick a better name than monastery. "It is a pleasure to see you out here." Esther is trying to play gracious host. Though, she is on edge, truly not needing violence at this point.

Calira's lips twitch slightly, a ghost of a smile, "Captain Chuckles," she retorts in a quiet voice. The three-point landing is observed with marked, and visible, respect. Calira angles a nod of greeting toward Jacy that is equally respectful but doesn't march over and intrude. "Maybe if you take off your shoes you can count above ten?" she jests, very quietly, in return to Odell, a touch of levity between Captain and the ships chief of security, or rather - two old warhorses.

Phelan takes a drink of his flask. He chooses not to say anything. Though, as the Captain chooses to tease the Chief. Phelan supplies, "Been watching the ship, only us four on the ground. Luckily I don't have to count above 20. I'd get arrested

Iniana chuckles, and shakes her head, letting the matter drop. She eyes the incoming, and leans against the ship. "I hope she has medical relief supplies.

So Conoger also leans against the ship or at least the ramp and then watches and waits, perhaps hiding himself behind others, nope, not him. So he stands there, open and ready for what ever Jacy thinks she may want to do to him. Though, he ain't going to go down easily.

It's probably good for Esther's nerves that Jacy hasn't apparently seen Conoger or Mia; Jacy's attention is naturally on Esther as she approaches with the two goons flanking her; the bigger and uglier of the two has his eyes on Conoger, but that's probably natural enough; Rule #483 of Protection Details, watch out for crazed vikings carrying axes and shields. The aide pulls out what looks like a glorified comm unit, fiddling with the controls, and a few moments later a quadcopter hoverdrone a meter or so across emerges from the hatch, motors whining; it wobbles to stability, then rises swiftly, the sunlight glittering off a cluster of lenses and sensors that scan the area in high resolution detail. The aide, having launched the autonomous probe, turns round slowly in a full circle so her shoulder mounted camera can take in the scene of devastation as well.

"Thank you, m'am," Heather Jacy replies to Esther, after a brief speculative glance at Calira; there is clearly recognition in her eyes of the former DAS head, but she turns back to address Esther. "Lieutenant Commander Jacy, but please, call me Heather. I'm here on the orders of Admiral Ward to assess the situation and report back."So, not exactly a rescue operation, then.

Mia just stands there, dressed in spandexm unarmed, but grinning a broad, toothy, predatory grin, "Why /HELLO/ there. Everything's Swell here, sorry you flew all the way out here for nothing."

Odell looks to Phelan and grins. "Yes...counting beyond ten would mean you'd have to include your toes and I’m not sure even in this breeze we could handle the fumes. " as he teases the man and offers him a cookie. "COOKIE?"

Esther has no problems with the Alliance herself, especially after having served her time in her teens and early twenties. "I do believe things here at the Monastery are underway. I have been blessed to receive the generous aide of some good Samaritans of the 'verse." She offers a smile. However, the smile falters. "The devastation is pretty extensive. We were hit hard here, but I am sure other villages and towns have been hit much harder. The local forests have been scorches and permanent scars are upon the land." She shifts from one foot to the other, "Have you been able to track where the meteorites came from? Are there other planets at risk now?"

Calira makes a breath of sound that is quite nearly a snicker at Phelan's remark, "Don't get me started," she counters with a quick glimpse of a wry grin. She nudges Odell with one elbow as well, "Some decorum, gentlemen," she requests as she straightens subtly, drawing up to her full height and exchanges another nod, deeper, and the precise measure of protocol from one old soldier to another. She tucks her hands into the front pockets of her khaki's and observes the exchange between the Captain (Esther) and the Lt. Commander (Jacy). And her entourage, detail, goon squad and all around 'minders'.

Zank slowly rolls down the ramp of the Jia. Still in the chair the headaches today and dizziness more than the man could put up with...Oh well, one day at a time. He reaches the bottom of the ramp and looks around eyebrows raising at the sight of Jacy and her 'goon' squad. He makes his way back up the ramp a moment and then comes back a moment later. Rolling his way along across the landing pad towards the Ace's Captain and the Alliance Commander.

Conoger is watching, looking and seeing where that little drone is. Oh yeah, he is making sure he keeps and eye on that thing. Still he stands and watches Jacy and her bodyguards, seems these ones lasted longer than the ones on the field of battle.

Phelan smiles and looks at the cookies that Odell offers, "Oooh cookie, don't mind if I do." He says moving to reach into the container and pick up cookie. He gives Caliara a smile that is his version of one of Hopes favorite expressions. 'Who me? I'm too cute to be the one your talking about.' Though, his eyes are watching Jacy's goon squad and his wife from behind his avator sunglasses.

"The meteors themselves aren't in my remit, m'am," Heather Jacy explains to Esther, "but I'm sure we'll have our people working on that too." Top men. Top. Men. "What I'm concerned with is casualty levels and infrastructure damage." She looks around her. "It looks pretty bad..." And then her voice dies a little at the end. Her gaze had washed right over Conoger, possibly one of her goons moved to block her line of sight at that point and he certainly seems to be in a blind spot for the rest of them, too, but now she's looking at Mia, and her expression chills a good ten degrees. Tight lipped, she drags her attention back to Esther, and is about to say something else when Zank heaves into view.

Mia she squints, "so, why couldn't one admiral, wave the other wave?" she lifts an eyebrow, "Have you been a bad girl, Jacy? What'd you bungle to become that fuzzy letch's lapdog?" She tilts her head and sniffs, "Wonder what it'd take to get you to do something else stupid...."

Odell looks to Calira when she says that and gives her a sour face. "You know I skipped that class right, Although we did have the highest attended record of sleepers...as Decorum 101 was such a snooze fest. "as Phelan claims his prize and Odell munches on a cookie.. -thank god... not ketchup flavored-

Esther takes in a deep breath before letting it out. "There are refugees that live here. Some of them perished. I have been able to find the families of most of the deceased and had them transported to be funeralized by their families. Unfortunately, I still have bodies of five children and three adults that family could not be located for." Her brows furrow, a haunted look on her features. She is about to say something else but then Mia's words come out and Esther turns her head to look back. Blink. "Everyone is welcome here. This is a place of sanctuary for all. The lieutenant and her men are welcome here."

Calira spots Zank emerging from the Jia, angles a nod toward the captain of the Jia and adjusts her stance slightly so that she can now keep the majority of those in the immediate area within her line of sight. Rule 1: know where the weapons are at all times. She flicks a glance toward Conoger, another one over at Phelan and makes another quiet snicker of sound at the innocent look on his face. "Don't worry, captain, I'll pound some manners into you, if you'd like," she offers in the same low voice, pitching her voice so that it doesn't at all intrude in the conversation between Esther and Jacy. Peanut gallery.

Zank rolls his way along eyes catching whose were and whose who. He does focus on the 'goon' squad a moment before returning his attention to Esther. As he rolls up he speaks "Good t' see ya up an around Esther" he says looking at Jacy a moment greeting with a silent nod

Conoger smiles a bit. Looks around once again but he does not move from his spot. He ain't hiding but he is not stepping forwards either. He ain't going to cause trouble but he is ready for it, should things get bad, he be ready. He would love to say something but Esther is at the moment handleling it, so he waits, patiently, not saying a word. He does look at Cal and frowns a bit, she may not know what happened between him and Jacy nor the others of the Darkstar.

"Captain," Jacy greets Zank with a polite and respectful nod, but her expression is still icy in the direction of Mia; she favors Mia with a contemptuous gaze, but says nothing to her. What those two need is a mud pit and a referee, seriously. To Esther, Jacy nods grimly. "Thank you, m'am. Are there still search and rescue operations happening, or have you moved to a recovery phase?" Recovery of the bodies. Jacy grimaces, adding a quiet question that was on her mind: "There was a girl who was on the Cortex. Kitty something? Did she make it?"

Phelan watches Mia and at Esther's statement. He coughs and turn to take bite of his cookie but it quickly comes back out as soon as it hits his taste buds. "That's ketchup!"

Mia looks to Phelan then sulks quietly and nods once. Sullenly.

Odell nearly chokes on his cookie as Phelan finds the ketchup flavored one and does his best to not break out laughing. Odell looks to Calira and snorts, swallowing his cookie and grinning. "might have to use the steel girder as the last time you tried you went thru so much wood you could have build a farm house. " he teases and looks to Phelan.. "Surprise???" he says to the man...thankful that Phelan got the odd cookie and not himself.

Esther frowns at the thought. "I don't know anything about that one. I am sorry to say..." She responds to her. "Our cortex access and communications were pretty much cut when the meteorites struck the planet. We have sketchy connection at best right now. I just assumed there was some heavy damage to orbiting satellites and communication arrays that happened to be in the destructive path of the meteorite storm." She lets out a soft sigh. "I don't know about elsewhere on this part of the world, but as far as this place goes, we have accounted for all of our own whether alive or dead. Rebuilding will happen. That just takes time. I have several resources at my disposal." She takes in a breath. "Though, not everywhere has the same resources."

Conoger looks at Jacy and then looks at the others, he has maintained himself quiet all this time but for the moment he has not stepped forwards. Right now though he decides to take a step forwards, why not. He ain't going to harm her again.

And it's Conoger's movement that catches Jacy's attention. Her eyes widen as she recognizes the big man, and her mouth opens, drawing breath for a warning shout. "It's him! Arrest that man!" She's fumbling for her sidearm as her two goons swing round, trying to figure out which man she means, and the aide looks around with a confused look on her face.

Zank listens quietly as Esther talked and then as thing suddenly go from quiet talk to Arresting people. Zank tries to move out of the way as Jacy stumbles for her side arm. As the goon move past Zank seems to be in there way and Zank dose his best to move his wheelchair fast enough but to no avail. Goon and Wheelchair and Zank tumble to the ground. Zanks world erupts into a world of pretty stars and lights as he hits the pavement.

Odell shakes his head as he watches the alliance officer makes that order. "Really we've got a lot of problems already and you are going to arrest someone who is here to help with the relief of the planet. Talk about bad timing." Then seeing Zank and one of the Goons go for a tumble, Odell moves to assist The captain into getting back on all wheels.

Violet has chosen this exact moment to go on her first trip outside since her meltdown. She's still a bit thin and wan, and she moves cautiously into the open air. Just in time to see her crew appear to start a rumble with a bunch of purplebellies... She stops and watches in alarm. Oh, no, it's just Zank learning how to drive...

Chloe is just descending the Aces just in time to see the Captain take a tumble. The feds aren't noticed yet and Chloe, dressed in powder blue scrubs and sneakers hurries forward, "Captain Lines! Are you alright? The dizziness should have a baited by now. Oh dear." She's clean if unusually casually attired for herself, and exhausted looking. Heedless of the danger she cuts through the gathering, towards the Jia.

Esther blinks suddenly as weapons are drawn! Esther takes a step back, lifting her hands up, palms forward. "Whoa whoa whoa! Hey! I am sure we can all talk about this like reasonable adults!" She blinks and glances around bewildered. Then there is Conoger coming closer. "Stay your weapons!" And there is Zank tumbling out of the wheelchair.

The big ugly goon goes down in a tangle of assault rifle and wheelchair, cursing volubly as he seems to find his way back upright covered in wheelchair, too. The remaining goon has his rifle to his shoulder, but now he's uncertain as well, not sure if he should be arresting Zank or Odell or the big viking or just everyone on general principle. The aide looks wide-eyed, not sure whether to set down her clipboard and draw her sidearm or not, it's not at all clear that the two goons have this to hand. Heather Jacy's sidearm is drawn, and it swings from Conoger to...Esther! And back again. "Get down on the ground! Drop your weapon!" Heather Jacy is breathless with the yelling, and...no, she really is breathless. Short of breath. Her skin is a little gray.

Rolend steps out on the ramp of the Jia, and looks at the ruckus. He starts down the ramp, and squints at the crowd. He shakes his head and asks out loud, "Whats the rumpus about... Conoger drinkin again?" He walks the rest of the way down the ramp, to see what he can see.

As Conoger had thought, soon as he revealed himself the shit would hit the fan and it did, very well indeed. So Zank tumbles with one of her guards and the other is pointing a rifle to who ever it is and most times towards Conoger. Jacy seems to be shaking or maybe afraid as well as she should be. Most times Conoger be already attacking as others are pointing guns towards him and the people he knows but he holds his anger back, he stills himself enough to stop for a second or two and looks at Jacy. His shield in hand as well as his axe. " I come to this planet because they need help, you come along and going to destroy the sanctity of this place." he steps forwards then, making sure he is stepping away from Esther and others but still towards Jacy. "You still don't get it do ya, I ain't going ta kill ya, was not going ta kill ya. Saved your bloody life is all I did, so leave me alone or I am going ta get upset." he is not threatening more like warning now.

Esther reaches up to the strap over her shoulder. It is unsnapped and she very slowly withdraws the weapon, lowering it to the ground. Jacy has her complete attention here. "Lower your weapon, Conoger." Esther says this calmly, though keeping her eyes on the visibly frightened woman. "Lieutenant..." Esther says softly, "Let's just talk this over. Please. No harm will come to you or your people here. They will have to go through me first."

Chloe yanks her badge from her medics bag and holds it, yes she forgot to turn it in when quit, "Halt! I am Commander Chloe, CMO of the Destiny! The Lieutenant is having a significant medical event! As per section A1013. Section 1.003 I am invoking Medical care of this person! Stand down!" she brandishes her Badge and shuffles close. Ooooh, she hopes she doesn't get arrested for this but as Jacy knows she'd do anything to Save a patient! "Lieutnent? You are NOT in danger, I need you to calm down." She looks, "I need someone to fetch a stretcher."

Helena is coming from the aces, having heard the ruckus outside. Running when really, she was not up to it quite yet. She would look a little different now, hair short and red versus long and dark. Her fingers grip the frame of the ramp door. As she notes the alliance personnel here she rallies again and makes her way towards Esther and Conoger, eyes widened at the scene before her. Her hands upraised as she approaches though she places a hand on Conoger's arm to steady herself should she get close enough.

Jacy's stress levels are increasing exponentially. She stares dazedly at Esther. "I appreciate the thought, m'am, but your protection isn't needed." Too many targets. Conoger, Esther, Chloe. She can't keep her eyes on them all. "Doctor Jameson, you resigned." Her free hand comes up to stab an accusatory finger in Chloe's chest even as Chloe advances on her, "You have no military jurisdiction and I do! This man is under arrest for kidnapping and attempted murder...stand aside or I'll have you bound by law as well." She's not doing herself any favors, is she? Compromise is apparently a dirty ten-letter word for Heather Jacy. The shorter, less ugly goon over on her left has his gun trained on Conoger, and is starting to get twitchy as first Conoger and then Chloe advances on his charge. The bigger, uglier goon finally extricates himself from Zank's wheelchair with much cursing, adding another layer of tension to the atmosphere, and the aide is hovering behind Jacy, visibly out of her depth, wide-eyed and waiting for orders; she, at least, is falling for Chloe's stagemanship, and the shorter goon is looking uncertain.

Conoger does not step back or step forwards, he does not let go of his axe or his shield. He does keep and eye out on Jacy and her two goons and perhaps the least to her aide. People are talking, people are saying a lot but Conoger is just looking at Jacy, his eyes look at her like she is insane or stupid, his look is the same in either way. His booming voice, yes he raises his voice alright and rather loudly. "I am not going to kill you, I am not going to cause you harm. If you bloody listen to what I say, you see I have no real reason to kill you. Trust me gal, you can consider yourself lucky I saved your life the way I did. Now, put your bloody pistols down and we can talk, I ain't looking to make myself known, I ain't looking to be wanted but damnit, listen for once in your life and not that bloody mind that thinks talking is bad." yes, he ain't happy, he ain't going to back down and it seems even people that he knows is not helping him to be calm.

Chloe reiterates firmly, "STAND down Marines! Holster your firearms! NOW!" she sniffs, "So help me if you permit the Lieutenant to suffer irreparable damage You will be explaining this to the Captain!" She looks to Jacy, "Perhaps next time your doctor tells you something you will LISTEN, you *STUBBORN* woman." as she closes in on Jacy, "Have I EVER Let harm come to you? Sit DOWN!" She looks to Esther, "Esther, contain Mr. Jacobs or I'll use nonlethal rounds on him myself." She seems to mean it, her thumb undoes the strap of her Ares.

Esther stands back up, leaving the blade resting on the ground. She opens her mouth as if to say something before looking to Conoger. Oh, she gives him the annoyed glare before looking back to Jacy. Her hands remain in the universal peaceful pose, lifted and palms forward. Though Chloe speaks up and Esther listens. She lowers her hands and walks over towards Conoger, stepping into his line of sight. Her gaze focuses on him, "Con..." Her words are quieter, "Trust me...please. Put down the weapon and step back. It is not you surrendering...but deescalating the situation. No violence...not here...not in front of children..." She gestures to a small group of refugees that are watching the scene, children included.

Helena places a hand on Conoger's axe arm before she moves to stand in front of him. A woman in loose pajamas and slippers. About as harmless looking as a gnat."A man so intent on killing you he delivered you to surgical facility as soon as it was safe so that you received medical care. So intent on killing you he had a surgeon fetched to look after you. Mistakes were made, but his intent was to see you safer then what you would have been at the Rebel's hands." Her words are quiet and calm in the chaos of the moment. She keeps her hands raised, "Please let us go somewhere and talk this through...the refugees have suffered enough of late without being witness to this."

There's for a few moments longer after Helena finishes speaking, silence from Jacy. Her focus has narrowed down to Chloe - even Conoger could be performing naked acrobatics and she'd be oblivious. The spell is finally broken by a barked request from one of the two goons targeting Conoger. "M'am?" he snaps, "What are your orders?" Jacy is sweating, a dark stain appearing on the chest of her uniform, but still she says nothing.

Conoger has two women in front of him, he still can see over them and his eyes on the Jacy. Still as Chloe goes on to say things that make him think she is going to get into trouble. Now he looks at both Esther and Helena in front of him. Caring as much as he can about the others looking on he drops his axe and steps back. There is a set jaw on his face, jaw tight and he ain't saying much at all now, he is keeping himself quiet for the moment but he ain't lowering his shield, hell no, he needs to protect the others if things go wrong.

Chloe tosses her badge at the nearest marine, "Oh for goodness sake, can NO ONE else not see the Lieutenant is about to loose consciousness?" She strides forward, "Shoot me, arrest me, or let me save this woman's life you programmed bafoons." and unless stopped moves to coax Jacy back against her chest and lowers the woman to the ground, "Lieutenant? lieutenant? Can you talk to me?"

Esther turns her gaze back to the scenario at hand. Her brows furrow at what she sees. Then back to Conoger, "Thank you." She says softly to him. Then she moves past him and towards the ship. She tries to run, but the pain from the broken ribs prevents her from going as fast as she needs to go. Still, her jaw grits in determination and her eyes are set on the prize. Esther runs up the ramp and into the ship to retrieve the stretcher.

Helena looks between Conoger and the goon for a moment, relaxing as he puts down his axe. She moves back to his side, her hand going on his arm once more. Some of the adrenaline spent and she holds his arm for support once more. She looks over to Chloe and the Marines, hoping her subterfuge does not get her into worse trouble. "Is there anything I can do for help?" She finally asks, her gaze slipping to Jacy watching to see how she will respond to the logic being presented. <English>

"M'am? What are your orders?!" barks the goon again, but the words aren't getting through to Jacy. They are, however, having an effect on the others in Jacy's party. The aide finds her voice. "Doctor!" she squeaks, addressing Chloe, "Step back!" And finally, Jacy does speak. "I'm fine," she mutters, then repeats herself, stronger, "I'm FINE." With a great effort she turns her attention to Esther. "M'am, you're harboring a known fugitive. You have twenty-four hours to turn him over to the authorities, before..." She swallows. "...we return to take him into custody."

Chloe murmurs, "You are not fine." She tells the aid, "I have already informed you I am tending this woman until another medic takes over, or someone shoots me." She sniffs, "And it's Doctor, not Ma'am. No one ma'ams me young lady." in her crisp, upper crust accent as scans Jacy's vitals.

Having helped Zank back into his chair considering his mental condition and thinking Odell made a pass at him, Chooses to move back to the ramp of the Darkstar while the Alliance and those with Conoger continue to have their discussion. He does show signs of relief when Alliance finally agree to let the matter drop, at least for the time being.

Conoger continues to stand there, watches as Esther goes to get a stretcher, watches as Chloe opens her mouth even more and then finally he hears Helena and he closes his eyes for a long moment. Hearing all and not seeing anything he drops his shield loudly to the ground and then speaks. "No one is harboring anyone here, no one is going to demand anything. I will do this Jacy, I will go with you now but you best not do anything to these people that have no clue about what I did. So, what are you going to do Jacy." then he looks around to everyone else, his face serious. "No one will interfere in this, this is my choice, not hers or all of yours, mine." then he starts to step forwards. He is still hurt, he knows he is not fully operational and so he decides, over all to just give up, this time.

Esther stops when the words hit her ears. There is no need for a stretcher it seems. She looks back to the group, a bit of confusion. "I am in no position to hand people over as if I own them." She replies to Jacy. "I will not be handing anyone over to anybody. I am no man's commander or master here. I gave that up years ago when I was discharged with honors from the Alliance." She falls quiet, her gaze turning to Conoger and she makes her way back, her hand moving to her side where she is sore. "Conoger..." She has concern in her gaze, but understands his choice. She would have likely made the same choice herself.

Helena looks up to Conoger as he speaks, her fingers tightening around his arm as she hears the words. "Take the 24 hours..." She says softly as she looks up to him. As her gaze searches his face. "Many rely on you here. If you are going to go with them, take the 24 hours and get things in order." Helena says before looking over to Jacy, "Can we have that? I am sure anyone here is willing to speak for him. It will give time for you to question us all if you wish. For you to get a full accounting of the battle and the aftermath."

Jacy nods curtly to Helena. She doesn't look at Conoger, visibly avoids her gaze turning in his direction, and she looks like she's trying to avoid looking over at Chloe as well. "We'll be back," she mutters thickly. "Mills. Bird. Lieutenant." Her goons are summoned to her side with a few curt words, riding roughshod over their clear reservations; Mills, the ugly one, seems to be harboring a desire to just shoot Conoger, but refrains from doing so as the Alliance party start to move back towards the shuttle.

Chloe blinks and looks alarmed but doesn’t argue. For once-Conoger's right. Her eyes mist up and she murmurs, "Forgive me, I could not protect you." She looks down at Jacy, "Please, Lieutenant. He arranged for your safe return. You will see my child fatherless for a sin no different than you've committed yourself?" she murmurs, "I want you to turn in my badge, get some rest when you return, and next time I will not know you know more." She looks up at Helena wearily, "Oh, she nor anyone she works with is interested in the truth. For all that I know she's been psychologically conditioned." She rises and steps away from Jacy eyeing Conoger, upset. She knows his fate, and surely he knows it too. Chloe moves back towards the refugees.

Odell watches the group and when Alliance seems to agree to let Conoger go for the time being he looks up to his ship, even wondering if Conoger will take the twenty-four hour reprieve and do what he must to set things right.

Conoger looks at Helena and frowns but then without even looking at Jacy, she is moving away back to her shuttle and leaving him there. There is a frown as he watches Jacy go, obviously she is either scared of him or is planning to make him suffer big time. Still he looks at the others and then frowns, looking at them. "Seems I will be leaving this place soon enough, sooner than I thought."

Esther is simply quiet. She can't help but to feel as if she has been kicked while she was down or as if salt has just been added to her wounds. She is clearly upset. Though, she sets her jaw and sucks it up...like with everything else. She is silent, her lips twitching as mixed emotions threaten to boil over.

Helena looks over to Jacy, waiting to see how she will react to the proposal. There is a sigh let out as she gives him the requested time. Her forehead falls upon his shoulder, "A lot can happen in 24 hours Connie." She says before lifting her head up towards Chloe as she gives her own impassioned plea. Surely there will be some way of reasoning with the woman, they just have to figure out how.

An argument appears to be breaking out between Jacy and her goons as they approach the shuttle. "...shoot him..." "...not the right time..." "...orders..." The words float over the breeze, broken and tangled, and the four soldiers head up the ramp. It hisses closed, the shuttle engines spooling up, and a few moments later it is lifting into the clear sky with a sullen roar of engines.

Conoger looks to the shuttle as they go on and take off, his eyes follow it for a long time and as soon as he can't see them he looks down to the others. "Well, I will be leaving soon enough. Remind me to thank Jacy for this." as he bends down and picks up his shield and axe. Then he looks to the others.”Wipe all knowledge of my on the computers on the ship and on the Jia, they can't know I been here, let them think I just happened to come along to help." he closes his eyes and then finally he smiles. "Well, I think I am going to go and spend time with all the kids." as he starts to head into the Aces now.

Helena watches the shuttle head off before letting out a held breath. "How did she find out you were here?" She asks as she looks back to Conoger. "We will find a way out of this. We have 24 hours to work out a plan." She says with conviction in her voice. There is a nod though as he speaks of spending time with the kids. Must prepare for the worst.

Esther takes in a breath, holding it for a moment. She realizes that she is going to need to excuse herself. So, she turns and heads up the ramp, feeling utterly defeated.