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Latest revision as of 09:12, 10 January 2015

WT: Persephone - The Battle of Bleeding Hearts
Location: Log_Location::Persephone IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2536/02/14 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2015/01/07
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Abbey, Has Characters in Scene::Adrian Calhoun, Has Characters in Scene::Amelia Helling, Has Characters in Scene::Anala, Has Characters in Scene::Angela, Has Characters in Scene::Charley Wong, Has Characters in Scene::Conoger, Has Characters in Scene::Devlin, Has Characters in Scene::Dinger, Has Characters in Scene::Fowler, Has Characters in Scene::Jacy, Has Characters in Scene::Jamendithas, Has Characters in Scene::James, Has Characters in Scene::Michio, Has Characters in Scene::Rodney Kilbride, Has Characters in Scene::Valentina, Has Characters in Scene::Victor Qasim
Summary: [[Log_Short_Summary::On Valentine's Day, in and around Eavesdown, Persephone, the Alliance and separatist forces engage in close combat. In the end, the Alliance receives a bloody but stable tactical victory. The rebels are forced into retreat and hiding with a meager strategic victory.]]
Log_Characters::Abbey, Adrian Calhoun, Amelia Helling, Anala, Angela, Charley Wong, Conoger, Devlin, Dinger, Fowler, Jacy, Jamendithas, James, Michio, Rodney Kilbride, Valentina, Victor Qasim

Eavesdown is not nearly as active, with large numbers of its population dispersed. It is active, though. The maze of cargo containers has been further fortified with rusted out vehicles, scrap metal, and assorted other junk. It is an eyesore, but one that might make maneuver large vehicles difficult. There are armed men and women visible, though they seem to be moving with a sense of purpose, too and fro....and they continue doing what they've been doing for the past week. Digging in, and waiting. The ships of the docks have been arranged in their own defensive pattern, with smaller more vulnerable craft near the center, away from prying eyes.

Kilbride, for his part, is currently situated not too far from the main gate to Eavesdown, crouching in a cargo container, and going over his own gear, while discussing defensive arrangements, and the like with his cadre of 'officers'. A map of the Docks has been built from refuse left over from last night's meal, and he's pointing at various locations, and sending runners off, to make sure that everyone is clear on what to do, if and when the shit hits the fan. <English>

And come it does, with multiple groups of troops laid down around the Evesdown complex, perhaps a few streets away, and moving to form a loosely held perimeter, bedding straight down in cover, with some sort of containment in mind. <English>

Fowler is leaned against the wall of the very same cargo container as his Captain, his arms crossed and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth as he listens, before interjecting, "Where do we stand on food? Y'know, just in case this turns into an all-out siege?" The tip of the cigarette flares up for a moment before he slides it from his mouth and exhales a plume of smoke. <English>

Armor. It is something Anala is not used to. She had to fiddle around with her armor before getting it all on correctly. The teenaged woman is nervous. Very nervous. In fact, her hands are literally trembling. She leans against one of the cargo containers, taking in breaths to calm her nerves. "Damn. What I would do fer a toke right 'bout now.." She mutters to herself. <English>

"We have some, not a lot. A siege is not ideal." Rodney replies to Fowler, frowning slightly. When the lookouts begin shouting about the arrival of the Federal troops, there is a slight pause from the Scotsman. "Let's take a look. Grab your men, Lieutenant. Get 'em ready." This is followed by a slight smirk from the Scotsman, as he uses the other man's 'rank'. He snatches a long-rifle from his stash of gear, and exits the container, looking to start the climb to the top of the pile, for a better vantage point. A few words are muttered into his commlink, as he does so. <English>

For the moment, the Rebel forces seem to be content to hold position, with a number of visible forces scattering into cargo containers, or into alleys, with the arrival of the Alliance infantry. Near the primary entrances, men and women are hunkering down, and clearing weapons for action with shaky hands, and whispered prayers. <English>

Near the gate of the docks, a stick comes around a corner, with a white flag on it. And a female voice, rather amplified calls out, "You going to shoot on a parley?" <English>

Anala opens her eyes to look up as two very large men approach her. When I say large, these men can cradle Anala as if she were a baby. They are big beefy men that both offer Anala a smile. "Hi." Anala greets them in nervous tones. "Are we ready for this? I don't think I am. I would like it if this gets postponed another day.." One of the large men chuckle. "Then it will never get done." The man says in a deep baritone voice.i <English>

"You got it," Fowler responds to the older man, moving outside of the cargo container and approaching a group of seedy-looking thugs. Being the sweet-talking ex-gang leader that he is, Fowler has manage to scrounge together quite a number of his old hustlers and gunmen. He comes to a stop in front of them, placing the cigarette back in his mouth as he gestures to a clipboard with a crudely-drawn illustration of their surroundings. <English> Anala opens her eyes to look up as two very large men approach her. When I say large, these men can cradle Anala as if she were a baby. They are big beefy men that both offer Anala a smile. "Hi." Anala greets them in nervous tones. "Are we ready for this? I don't think I am. I would like it if this gets postponed another day.." One of the large men chuckle. "Then it will never get done." The man says in a deep baritone voice. Anala simply nods at this point as she draws her gun to check it's ammunition and settings. <English>

Amelia rubs at her temples as she sits on a crate, eyebrows soon knitting together out of budding dismay. Her hands drop. She begins tapping her foot against the base of the crate by way of a tic's anxiety. She shifts her weight a bit and then sets about crossing her arms over her chest. The nameless triplet of fast-attack fighters standing silently huddled together stare back at her, ominously, collected amongst the other, larger ships. "Tch, I hate my life," she mutters dryly to herself before reaching for the base of her neck. She speaks up in a low murmur, closing her eyes in the process. <English>

Kilbride, once he is atop the cargo container pile, drops to a kneel, and watches the white flag for a moment. He begins to set up his rifle, though he doesn't seem inclined to reply, immediately. A few breaths are taken, and orders are quietly spoken into his commlink, once again. Finally, he stands, and clears his throat. "Ain't sure what there is to parley 'bout. You lot are the tools of an oppressive bloody regime, an' we ain't the sort to kneel." His own voice is not amplified, as he replies on a battlefield voice that'd he not had to use in quite some time. Rodney can be loud. <English>

Fowler offers a few pats on the back to his men and gestures to various points for them to take cover in, which they gladly do. Fowler, himself, moves back into the cargo crate where he slips into his coat and plucks up his shotgun, checking to make sure everything is in working order before he slips back outside and takes cover behind a concrete barrier. <English>

Charley Wong yells back, "It's very simple, Mr Kilbride. We're not. We're the forces of sanity. Of law. Of stability. Of.... prosperity. And that's what I'd like to return this area to again. Relative peace, and considerable prosperity.... most of which our tax inspectors never learn about. But here's the thing... I imagine you've told the bunch in there that we'll execute everyone. That we're merciless. We're not. We're fair. Which is why I'd prefer you to come out here yourself.... and anyone who's directly involved in the murder of 19 Law Officers, and I _assure_ you that you'll get a fair trial. On my word. Anyone else? Well, there might be small fines, but I'm pretty sure you have the cash to pay that for them all, Mr Kilbride. Then they can be going about their lawful business. This doesn't have to end in bloodshed.... unless you choose to make it end that way." <English>

Anala takes in another cleansing breath, thankful to have her brutish friends at her side. She draws some measure of comfort from it. She peers from the cover as the call for parlay has been voiced. She blinks, just waiting to see what comes of it. Anala does make a little snort at the mention of a fair trial. <English>

There is a bitter laugh from the Scotsman. "Prosperity? Only folk in the Docks been prosperous are the criminals, an' they aim to make more from war than they ever did in peace. I been lucky, but most of these folks struggle to scrape by, under the burden of your taxes. And, we've all seen the evidence of the Alliance's crimes. We're here because we believe in a cause. And those who didn't believe have already left." He falls silent, and then adds..."Aye. A fair trial like Nicoli Alexandrov got. Executed for fighting slavers. This ain't about the law. This is about right and wrong. I feel sorry for the families of the men we killed, but people die in war." A brief pause. "So our parley is finished. I'll be sporting, and give you time to get back to your position." The sniper rifle is picked up, and he disappears from the roof the crate, since that position was compromised. <English>

Charley Wong yells around the corner, "You're being lied to, men. You've got time to come out. To leave. Because your 'leader' has put you in a pen you can't escape from, and will let you die for his vanity." Her voice sounds keen, emotional, "Don't let yourself be that sort of sacrifice. I've seen War. I've lived through one. Don't let him fool you that there's some great Cause for you to die for. You're better to live, and build a better 'Verse. You've got half an hour to decide." <English>

Fowler sits quietly behind his concrete barrier, still smoking away at his cigarette. He doesn't seem really phased about what's about to happen, though. As Charley shouts he, peeks his head over the barrier and says, "Shove it, ey!?" <English>

Anala scoots over towards Fowler, her large two friends following her. She sits next to Fowler, glancing his way. "Oy, ya got one more?" She gestures to the cigarette. She can't help but to laugh when he tells the fed to shove it. <English>

Amelia begins to stand but then chooses against it, inclining her head toward her right and then bowing it altogether into a simple roll. She sighs. Her fingers do not stray from the throat-mic at the base of her neck and she speaks into it once again before glancing around. Sitting up, she holds aloft her right hand's index finger and makes slow, revolving circles. Background folk, nameless, anxious and otherwise conflicted meander about the ships. She stands up, hands at her hips, and turns towards the long-distance talking going on. "Huh." <English>

Kilbride doesn't reply. He's already heading for his 'command' crate, shouting for his batboy/ammo carrier. "You bloody well keep up. This is going to get messy, an' I'll need to be switchin' weapons out." The young man nods, seems to understand, but also looks apt to piss himself. Whatever speech the Scot might give him is lost in the *WHOOOSH* sound of an RPG being fired, close by.

One of the Rebels has gotten a little antsy, and decided to shoot their load, a little early. A woman leans out from behind one of the many cargo crate, and sends an rocket propelled grenade toward the concrete barrier behind which Charley is sheltered. A few other gunshots pop off afterward, as people are startled into less than cohesive action. <English>

And far, far above this little dustbowl floats the ABS Destiny. Standing at the rail of the wardroom is Admiral James Ward. A lit cigar is pinched gingerly between two fingers, lifting it to take a long, heavy draw, the embers glowing before they are shrouded in the grey of smoke that he exhales. The communications officer behind him relays what is going on down below, the lights on his HUD twinkling here and there. "If only Hadrian had this technology." he chuckles to himself, enjoying the sweetness of this choice cigar. <English>

Charley Wong mutters, "Oh... Gos Se." as she hears the distinctive sound of an RPG, and slides herself along the building wall she's up against, to a less impacted place. She thumbs her throat mike. "Hold fire except for self defense, people. Give them half an hour. But contain them. IF they come out, that's great. Otherwise, it's time for plan B." <English>

Fowler raises an eyebrow as a shot is fired and pulls the pack of cigarettes from his pocket, tossing them over to Anala, "Better smoke 'em while you can." The large black man holds up his hand towards his group of sixty or so gang-bangers, shaking his head a bit and waiting for an actual order to open fire. <English>

Nearby the Admiral, a fully armored Marine officer stands nearby, and pulls an earbud out of his hear. "I do have this tech, Sir.. 1st Battalion's ready to drop on CDR Wong's call, or we will be once I get down there--" He's cut off by Leen's com-call, then growls slightly, and chimes in. "Pitbull Actual to Flag Pinup. Boss, you want us on the ground yet? Or d'you want me to wait until the urge to smack you on the back of the head dies down?" <English>

"Look, we're in'a shite bind right now. I don't want you lot fighting though. Hell, I'm-" Amelia has since returned to her motley crew with her attentions and is intent on addressing them and their concerns. She hesitates though and that leaves her casting her gaze down, away from the three smaller ships and the small group attached. "Don't worry about me. I look after my own. I'll get you lot safe. If anythi-." and it isn't that the sudden release of ordnance in the background is enough to completely drown out her voice. It's just enough of a surprise to distract her, stop her from talking, and involuntarily tense and duck just as the others. Even as she starts to say something else, to direct, there's the resultant explosion. Gunshots. Amelia pushes at a younger man. <English>

Anala ducks down as the rpg zooms through the air. She winces at the sound of destruction. A little startled sound comes from her. A beefy hand falls on her shoulder and she looks up to Cassanova and offers the large pirate a smile. "So this is it eh?" She catches the cigarettes and hastily lights one up, offering a smoke to the big men next to her. She remains under the cover of the barricade. With the cigarette in between her lips, she holds her gun close to her chest, waiting to be told when to fire. <English>

The Admiral takes another long, slow pull from his cigar, lightly tapping the ashes into the convenient tray held by his aide. "Prepare your men. Full assault, the gunships should be in position soon." he says to the Marine Officer. "The insurgents have failed miserably in their planning. Hiding behind fortifications." he adds, amused. Turning, he fixes Adrian with his gaze. "Burn them out, if necessary, Commander." <English>

Kilbride peeks out from around a cargo container, to get a look at the situation. There is a moment of consideration, before he sighs. "Fuck it." He touches his own throat mic, and gives a series of orders, before making his way toward Fowler's position. "We ain't waiting for thirty minutes. I'm putting Ames in the air. We'll take whatever initiative we can. Once she's up. Attack." And then he's jogging to the next position the relay the same orders. With some additions. <English>

When the Alliance officer speaks again, it is through speakers, giving less indication of her location. "This is Captain Wong. My offer stands. If any of you men and women want to walk out of there, alive, now's your chance. I make you as having twenty-seven minutes. Don't die for _this_ cause. For this man. Who's left you all trapped in a killing ground." <English>

Adrian slips his helmet on, the faceplate and visor open. "Doubt very much it'll come to that, sir..." He closes his helmet, and turns out of the wardroom, heading down to the deployment deck, and, with a quick review of his Marines, sends them into their dropships. He, meanwhile, steps into a personnel insertion pod, and secures himself in place. The pod closes around him, and a moment later, he's on his way down at sub-orbital speed, his descent guided automatically by the onboard computer, to land him behind the Alliance's line. On the ground, a plume of fire streaks from the sky, and, with a fast burst of rocket brakes, sets down. Adrian Calhoun steps out of the pod, grabbing his rifle and quickly loading down his web-gear with ammunition, tapping a comms specialist on the shoulder, and, with the nervous girl's help, gets hooked into the Alliance battle net. He clicks on his comm. "Flag Pinup, from Pitbull Actual. On site, awaiting reinforcements. Interrogative: Request situation update, over." Calm, professional. The Pitbull rides again. Yee-haw. <English>

"Light 'em up!" Fowler commands to his gangbangers, popping out of cover just enough to start sending buckshot death towards the marines who are tucked into cover. At his command, his little rag-tag group of sideways shooting, doo-rag wearing hard-ass motherfuckers lift their various AK-47s and Glocks and begin doing very much the same. <English>

Amelia visibly bristles at something being said into her ear. In the next moment, she shakes her arms out and returns to standing rather than crouching down with the others. She looks at them, all five of them. She taps her throat and then nods to them, pointing toward the ships. They begin to board just as much as she does. The woman exhales upon climbing into the pilot's seat and then adjusts her crash-webbing. Her eyes casually peruse the systems reporting back to her. "Take your licks, make a break for it, gents. No need to die for nothing." A holo-readout is swiped through before she takes the stick, tilting her head back. She addresses her co-pilot as the fast-attack craft on her right roars into activity. <English>

Charley Wong sighs, and thumbs her mike, "Alright. They've declined the chance to surrender. First missile as agreed. Deploy Marine landings. Pitbull, prepare for field handover, if they don't take the hint from the missile." <English>

Anala ducks down as the bullets suddenly begin to fly. She gestures to Romeo and Cassanova. "Look.." She points to a steamy manhole cover. "Follow me. I know these tunnels.." She grins to the two men. They dart out from their cover and to behind the next barricade. There is another group of men behind that barricade. There is about five of them. "Hey fellas.. ya guys come with me down here. Ain't glamorous.." Glancing right and left, Cassanova reaches down and pulls the manhole cover up with ease. "Thanks." Anala swoons at the large man. Then she hops down into the hole. Soon the other two big men follow after her. On the plus side, she has gotten out of crappy crossfire. Though, now she is in a rather shitty situation. Literally. The smell is awful. Sewage squishes around their shoes as they immediately begin to head down the tunnels. <English>

There is a deep breath, and Kilbride reaches into his duster's pocket, and pulls out a small triggering device. He quickly goes through the activation process, while heading toward a good jumping off point. "Into their positions, and the actual buildings. They ain't coming in, so we gotta do this earlier than planned...." Are the orders spoken into his commlink. The triggering device is transferred to his left hand, so that he can pull the sword from his back. Behind him, in the crates, the Independents start to shift position, and form up. Only the machine gun crews, and a handful of the RPG crews maintain position, though they look primed to fire. There is a breath, and he squeezes his the trigger.

All around the perimeter of Eavesdown, there are large explosions, as air-fuel bombs courtesy of the large stockpiles of rocket fuel available, are detonated. It is an immense wall of heat, and fire concussive force that tear down most of the Docks outer structures, and dust and the like obscure the air. It is into the aftermath that Rodney Kilbride leads the charge, flourishing his claymore and shouting. Machine guns fire over the charging mass, providing suppression, and along with some more rocket propelled grenades. The intent is clear-ish. Take the fight to the enemy, and get close in, and into the city blocks, where possible. And more than a few are going to die en route. <English>

"Charge!" Fowler shouts, sliding quickly over the concrete barricade, pulling his shemagh up to his mouth. He tucks the auto-shottie close to his shoulder and moving on behind Rodney. His soldiers are quick to follow suit, guns a'blazin and such. <English>

Amelia purses her lips. Her role in this situation is highly suicidal and she has such a lovely outlook on life, too. The woman flexes her fingers and then releases with a low sigh, watching as the craft at her right begins to lift with a swift adjustment of its vertical thrusters. It gently rocks. The high-pitched whine produced by the triplets grows as the one at Amelia's left begins to take off. "Here's to you remembering the enemy's anybody who's goin't get you killed, no matter which side they skulk." Her co-pilot nervously laughs in the process. There's a moment of silence, bordering upon awkward. "War'll end us," the young man replies. Amelia remarks offhandedly how bitter that sounds just as they begin taking off. The first craft is already lancing forward and low, preparing for a near-immediate attack run with its on-board kinetic cannons. That is when an Alliance craft group parries forward at a high angle, intercepting. It's the patrol they had spotted hours ago.

Amelia pushes at her stick and guides her craft into a sharp bank, away, just as the third moves forward in support of the first. They'll be fine. There is something else that happens though. Amelia is not too privy on the actions going on ground-side. It doesn't help her cause. Instead, her canopy is suddenly enveloped in a bright and massive fireball to her far right, followed closely by another one that is much closer, and then a third. She loses count in the process of aiming to gain altitude. In the back of her mind, she realizes that her co-pilot is screaming. The ship itself begins blaring alarms repeatedly at her, and her stomach punches soundly at her diaphragm. Her throat tightens, nearly closing her eyes too. The woman is being forced into her left side as she tries to maintain control of a craft refusing to maintain altitude. It spirals once and nearly gouges into the side of a building. Then, it crashes. <English>

As the explosions go off, and the Indies all go Little Round Top, the trio of old fast-attack craft that the defenders were able to get operational, make it into the sky. The pilots are pretty good, being old veterans in two cases, and an even better pilot in the form of Amelia. After they lift off, they attempt to maneuver into position on the Alliance CAP, already lighting up their weapons systems, and punching thrusters. <English>

The CAP has speed already up, and altitude, and swings itself down, weapons already hot, and firing. But in the twisting and turning, the experience and skill of those taking off is able to avoid the bursts, as the two sets of fighters maneuver for position. <English>

As the charge begins, Alliance troops start popping up, and shooting from their areas of cover at the exposed chargers, as a couple of snipers on distant roofs take shots at the machine gun crews. A missile plume can also be seen, coming from high up, towards the fortification <English>

The sewer group makes their way through the tunnels, making their way over to the next manhole cover. This particular cover is located in one of the little alley-ways that make up the surrounding area of the docks. Romeo hoists the lid up and over, the sliding sound of the metal being basked by all the sounds of combat. Romeo peers around in a 360 degrees to get inventory of everything going on. They are now behind one of the smaller Alliance-held barriers. The manhole cover is gently slid to the side as one by one, the rebel crew emerges from underneath the sewers behind the NPC group. The two large men make their way up behind the dutiful alliance officers that are focused on the fortifications in the midst of the docks. Each man suddenly grabs at the men in front of them, slamming their heads into the barrier in front of them. The rest of the group spins around suddenly and there is chaos. The head bashed marines are dazed, but they snap out of it and join in on a brawl. <English>

Amelia opens her eyes. At some point, she had closed them. There is the constant din of machinegun fire in the background, relatively on the same level as the buzzing scratching at the front of her brain. The ship's systems are done for. She touches her chest before looking around, gauging her surroundings. It smells like aviation fluid and something metal, burnt. That must be the craft itself. After feeling herself for any anomalies, the woman begins to shed herself of the ship and awkwardly roll onto her right side in order to look at the young man seated just behind and above her. The man, her weapon systems and electronic warfare guru, is scarcely conscious after a blow to the head. She can see where he hit upon the canopy. She turns back forward to look at her surroundings. Behind her and to the right is a building, the left a street where the craft came in, and the front is an abandoned marketplace. A moment later, she begins to carefully recover the man and free him of the downed bird. <English>

Rushing his way closer and closer to the enemy position, Fowler thanks his lucky stars that he's not yet been gunned down. The barrel of the large man's shotgun flashes to life, sending rounds downrange. His contingent of seasoned shit-kickers continues to sprint behind him, doing very much the same. <English>

Charley Wong darts around the corner, her finger on her trigger, but at just the last minute, she drops, and rolls, which is just as well, as an RPG round whistles through where her head had been. She ends up behind a different bit of cover. She's swearing, and says into her mike, "Pitbull? Field command's yours. Pinup out." <English>

Conoger the viking had managed to arrive on Persephone before things got to tight to even try. That was at least two days ago and he had known the trouble that was coming by the number of troops around. The Viking had no reason to hide, though he stayed away from the concentration of feds and independents that may be around. All he really wanted to do and look into the Bounty Hunter's Guild and see what is happening there, update a few things and then eventually ride out this chaotic mess that had started. So two days he stayed away, trying not to cause shit in a place where anything could set anyone off.

Conoger was not to far away, he had come close to the area since that is where his and Helena's place is, he would stay there and wait it out but then it happened. Something rocked the shit out of the neighborhood, explosion and chaos all around as people who had been around went for cover.

After nearly falling to his knees from the shaking that had occurred he stands up and looks around, the dust in the area is intense and the sounds of battle can be heard through the streets of the downs. "Damn it, Helena is going to kill me." he curses himself and he sets his mind at ease and he finds himself heading towards the sounds of battle, not slowly but quickly, one used to dodging bullets and heading for cover every so often. Still he continues, still he moves ahead, yes, he is definitely going to get involved but how and will he pick a side in this whole mess. He has no clue which side is who but for some reason he is going straight towards the main battle, at least by the sounds of gun fire going off. <English>

As he charges across the field, and a few of his soldiers begin to fall, Rodney switches his claymore to the left hand, and reaches to draw Nessie, with his right. The revolver is leveled toward the Alliance lines, and he squeezes a trigger. *WHOOMP*. A 30mm grenade leaves the underslung barrel, and arcs prettily....to impact a building behind his target. That's what he gets for not breaking stride to take the shot. But, he's closing on the rubble and cloud of debris that indicate where the walls of Eavesdown once stood. He's not hit, as he continues to run full tilt to close the range with his foes, and get in close. The missile in the distance is all the encouragement he needs to get his men and women intermingled with the Alliance positions, at this point. Messy suits him. The troops providing cover fire begin to move forward, carrying crew served weapons in teams, trying to get away from possible impact sites. <English>

And impact there is. The missile stops its flaring, and produces parachutes. It floats down the last few meters, and lands dead center in the ex-prepared Rebel position. And... after a minute or two starts transmitting patriotic Alliance songs. <English>

Anala pops up out of her hole, watching as the men all brawl it out. A man falls in front of her and she extends her gun, squeezing the trigger. Though, having never shot at a person before, her hands tremble. The shot goes and ricochets off a barrier. The man rolls and takes aim at Anala who promptly ducks back into the sewer to avoid getting shot in the FASE. <English>

"C'mon, Pinkett. Help me out some." Amelia can only move near-dead weight so far before needing to pause. She falls to a knee after dragging him along with his head cradled against her shoulder. He lays gracelessly on his side, propping himself up on an elbow. She looks around again. The fighting is a decent distraction from their possible dying. There's shouting nearby, in a language she doesn't know. Instinctively, she reaches for her side and the handgun there. Nothing happens after waiting long enough for her to decide against inaction. Be right back. The pilot lurches forward into a stumble and then begins rutting around the cockpit once reaching and climbing up onto the crashed ship. She grabs things, equipment, and then sabotages the remains, before returning to her wounded co-pilot. There's a loud sizzle and then deafening pop as a timed explosive goes off, Amelia first shielding him with her body and then helping him back up so that they may wander carefully away and to momentary safety. <English>

Popping his neck, the new Alliance arrival pushes to the front of the lines, where the charging rebels are clustering. He fires semi-blindly, moving quickly to duck behind heavy cover. He isn't trying to aim, but he's mainly just moving to get to cover. Staying low, and with his back practically glued to the heavy 'crete wall, Adrian starts bellowing orders to regroup the Marines now under his command. He peeks out, getting the lay of the land for a split second before drawing back behind cover. <English>

As he nears the enemy position, Fowler slides into place behind a barricade, scrambling to a kneeling position. He lifts his shotgun over the barricade and pulls the trigger, firing a burst at anybody on the opposite side, but not hitting much of anything. <English>

Conoger gets on getting closer and closer to the fighting and sure enough he looks around a wall that is barely standing and nearly gets hit with a stray bullet. Now that he can see people up close and personal he grabs his axe and his shield also comes out in front of him and once again he peeks around the corner, trying to see who is there, what is going on and who he should help, to bad there is no smoke cover, then he just go in. Well, he may as well think for a moment, before he actually goes out charging like a mad bull with a axe and swinging it like there is no tomorrow. <English>

A few rounds impact the ground at Rodney's feet, as he leaps over a rubbled wall, and into an Alliance position. His claymore rises and falls, but the soldiers at which he'd directed the blade is quicker than the Scotsman, for the moment. More Indies follow the man, as they get stuck-in to a general melee. Gunfire, small explosions...this little slice of paradise has it all. "Keep advancing!" He shouts over the din of the battle, never relenting in his desire to see this turn into an even bigger clusterfuck. <English>

Adrian swears as a chunk of his cover gets blasted away from him, and sends him scrabbling backward about a half meter. A chunk of it slams into his helmet and knocks him for a brief loop, but he recovers quickly, and blind-fires over the concrete barrier. He continues calling around to organize the Marines, and... oh, ye gods, is he singing, or did that chunk of concrete hit him a lot harder than it looked...? <English>

Having deployed with the sapper crews trying to disable and disarm any impromptu traps and snares the insurgents had set up, Dinger was a tad on the anxious side about the whole affair. Things hadn't been going terrible, he wasn't dead, or maimed, or even injured, so all in all he wasn't complaining too hard. Then of course, just as he was getting into the swing of things, then the call came through that he was to divert and join those fighting at the docks. Great. Fantastic. A firefight. Isn't that the marine's job? Nothing for it though and he headed where ordered, trying not to end up in the middle of a rabble of terrorists rather than his fellow. <English>

Fowler finally manages to gain his bearings and pops up from behind cover, no doubt scaring the hell out of some Alliance-types. The large be-shotgunned black man squeezes the trigger, his barrel pointed squarely at a soldier, and proceeds to rip the poor man to shreds. <English>

The command and communication shuttle carrying Lieutenant Commander Heather Jacy, Combat Ops, ABS Destiny, has been circling the spaceport, well out of small-arms range, since the start of the engagement. The shuttle, bristling with antennas, suddenly lurches, a puff of black smoke emanating from one of the engines. And then there's another puff of smoke, and a steady trail of black smoke pouring steadily from first one, then both engines. The pilot's voice comes over open comms, channel 100: "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, Charlie One going down, double engine failure." It's sinking, wallowing dangerously close to a stall until the pilot trades altitude for airspeed. There's no way he's going to make Persephone Spaceport or even the Alliance landing pad two miles to the east. No, he's coming down into the center of the Eavesdown Docks. On some Alliance encrypted frequency, Jacy's voice cuts sharply through the static. "Pitbull, Dannyboy, looks like we're coming in to a hot LZ. Appreciate any cover you can give." This is going to be sporty. <English>

Conoger finally decides as he looks towards what is happening in front of him, Alliance soldiers going after a group of indi's, outnumbering easily. He sighs and then shakes his head. " You are stupid sometimes viking." Then he charges out and bellowing loudly and perhaps on purpose so they focus on a charging viking. " MAY YOUR MOTHERS FORGIVE ME!!!!" and sure enough, one or two turn towards him and tried to shoot him but his viking is definitely nimble as he steps in a zip pattern and reaches the first guy. The axe comes down swiftly and it bites through armor and flesh like butter, if the arm is still attached it's not by much. Though amazingly enough this man is grinning, he may enjoy this chaotic fucked up battle. <English>

Adrian looks up, and sees the dropping C&C shuttle, and swears, quickly looking around to figure out where it's likely to crash. "Dannyboy, Pitbull, try and augur in behind us, if possible. Still regrouping for a push into their lines. Break, Break. Pitbull Actual, under heavy attack. Requesting support fire, target to follow.." He quickly pokes his scraped helmet up, rifle leading his path as he acquires a target, and fires at a rebel, who ducks, unharmed. His plan wasn't to hit the guy, though, and he drops back down right as a shot splits the air where his head was. "Target data acquired. Uploading now. Hi-Ex, Airburst, five meters. Fire for effect!" <English>

There is a glance up at the sky, as the sound of a rapidly approaching ship is falling behind him, but Rod can't get distracted. He's stuck-in, at this point. The Scot's attention shifts back at the Alliance squad in front of him, and he shifts his weight, charging forward and bringing his claymore down. The heavy blade sinks most of the way into the armored Federal's torso, and Kilbride is forced to lift his boot, place it on the falling body, and wrench the weapon free. The blood spattered across his body is ignored, as he continues moving, searching for his next target. As of yet, none of the bullets directed his way have found their mark. "Someone secure that goddamned shuttle!" is ordered through clenched teeth, over the comm.

His own soldiers continue to trade blows, and gunfire with the Alliance troops, and the occasional explosion marks the home of an RPG, or some grenades. There was some sort of supply drop, and these troops seem well supplied with explosives, for your average rebels. <English>

Dinger hears the singing, and realizes there are very few people in the Verse who could be that out of tune, and since it isn't him singing, it must be Adrian. It's a useful indication of where might be safe to go, or relatively safe, all things considered, so he scouts round a short distance back from the actual engagement to try and get closer. The call on the coms has him glancing upwards though and he mutters a prayer or two under his breath. A shuttle down in the middle of this lot is the last thing they need right now. "Broadsword calling Dannyboy, come in Dannyboy. Nature of engine trouble?" Cos you know, engines are really his thing.. Then, almost as an afterthought he adds, "Broadsword calling Pitbull. Sapper team incoming on your left flank." There's a brief moment, crossing between bits of cover, when he gets to exchange a spot of fire, but both sides so seem to escape entirely unscathed. <English>

Fowler slips over the barricade that's been covered in soldier chunks and attempts to gun down another one, but a marine bats hit barrel off to the side, leading him to light up a nearby wall. Fowler is now toe-to-toe with an angry marine. <English>

"Dannyboy calling Broadsword, wong dahn," is the terse response to Dinger's query. The stricken shuttle banks hard, skimming over the top of the Each Uisge with just a few feet to spare, and touches down on its skids going way too fast. One skid is almost immediately torn off and the shuttle cants to the side, sparks streaming from the underbelly rubbing against the concrete. For a moment it looks like the shuttle will cartwheel but it finally shudders to a stop, black smoke pouring from the engines. Almost immediately there's a whoomph, and before any of the poor souls on board can get the doors open, the engines ignite, a mushroom cloud of flame rising up into the cordite-hazed atmosphere as the rear end becomes an inferno in a matter of seconds. Hatches start to blow open and Navy pukes start to scramble out, fast. They're right in the center of rebel-held territory. <English>

Dinger is not terribly enjoying his first firefight since rejoining the navy, but hey, still better than having his face chewed off by a Reaver. That's the mantra he's repeating in his head anyway as he slides behind a shipping container just as a bullet or three flies past at head height. Nope. Not fun. Flicking round the side of said container he fires off a quick burst and is reward by a pained cry from behind enemy lines. It's not something he sticks around to follow up on though, choosing instead to keep moving towards the crash site to give aid where he can. <English>

The Viking Conoger is currently in a phase that simply anyone standing close by is going to be used and abused. He pays little mind on what is going on further ahead or to far away from him, his focus is the enemy that is around him. As he moves to the left and right, he hears bullets flying over his shoulder, near his head, all around him. He ain't to sure who is actually shooting at him but there is that one soldier from the feds that simply happened to be right there and then. Once again the viking moves, turns in mid stride, bringing his shield up pushing the weapon up, then as he continues to turn, his axe comes around and connects with the mans upper thigh and right through that leg. The screams of the man can be heard by him but at this time, he seems not to care, already moving. The sound of something crashing seems to draw him in that direction now. <English>

Adrian growls ferally. "Pitbull to Dannyboy, STAY INSIDE THE VEHICLE! You're exposed if you get out! Control the fires, hold your position! We're coming to you! Break-Break! Steel Rain, Steel Rain, Pitbull Actual, hold fire mission! Friendlies in the target area. Say again: CANCEL FIRE MISSION! Friendlies in the target area!, over!" The response he gets isn't the one he wanted. "<Fuck me with a chainsaw..> PITBULL TO DANNYBOY, INCOMING SUPPORT FIRE! SPLASHDOWN IN SEVEN! TAKE COVER!" He pops up, and draws a bead on someone preparing to shoot at the fallen shuttle. "Siddown..." He taps the trigger, and sends a round downrange. Goodbye, brains-of-the-would-be-sniper... <English>

While the docks might be full of chaos with people charging one another between indies and the purple bellies there is at least some form of calm. Michio's form is settled into a crouch atop some of the cargo containers, The Japanese man dressed from head to toe in a set of matte black Currou armor. His attention split between his HUD and the sight of his rifle as its brought up to fire a single round from the high powered rifle towards one of the Alliance looking to be getting a bit close for comfort of one of Rod's forces. A smile curling Michio's lips moments later as he speaks over the closed comms. <English>

The Scotsman finishes yanking his blade clear, and whips around, putting the claymore through the neck of a Fed that was about to put a few rounds into him, from a few few away. And, he continues to avoid bullets, through the luck of the draw. He's stopped pushing forward, at this point. Now his focus is on killing, and breaking the nearest enemy soldiers. The words over his comm have him sighing, and shaking his head, as he continues the fight. <English>

Fowler circles around the approaching marine, letting his shotgun hang securely on its sling. The marine charges at him but is soon punched in the face a couple of times and lifted off the ground, only to be body-slammed onto the concrete divider. In his celebration, however, Fowler catches a round to the thigh, which leads him to turning around and marching towards the next man with a gun. <English>

Conoger continues along, moving and dodging. Bringing up his shield in time and barely did he manage to do that. Still he treads forwards, his eyes focused further ahead and so misses another individual that happened to be close by, luckily that man also misses his shot against him. Still Conoger grins, there is something not to right in the head of this man that smiles in the middle of a bloody battle. <English>

Seven seconds to airburst. The crashed shuttle is command and communications, not a dropship. Jacy and a brace of Marines are armed and armored for a firefight (although Jacy's lost her helmet somewhere along the way). The rest of the crew are analysts and techs and the piloting crew, some with sidearms, some unarmed, most more intent right now on egressing the blazing shuttle than paying attention to such mundane matters as being creamed with airburst artillery. Five seconds to airburst. Jacy seizes a panicking comms tech and yanks the young woman violently back into the doorway, throwing herself across the tech's body to protect it. Three seconds to airburst. A whining sound, decreasing in pitch, and suddenly parachutes blossom above a canister, now descending gently. A hundred feet up, and then the airburst splits the air, shredding the techs who have cleared the burning shuttle. "Pitbull, Dannyboy, we gotta evac! Unable to hold position, moving south!" Dragging the young tech to her feet, Jacy starts to drag her towards the south, gesturing with her rifle at the survivors to follow her. <English>

Angela moves over to the downed shuttle at the call to get it secured. Her movements quick and agile as she makes it through the fighting. Her gun staying down and skirting groups of fighters so as to not be noticed. Along the way she has tagged a few other individuals to help in the task. <English>

Michio can't help but smile broadly as he spots Jacy making her way away from the shuttle, The man's right hand quickly moving to remove the clip and the chambered round from the rifle before slapping home another clip of ammo. His form moving down to lay across the top of the cargo container as he takes in a slow breath, With that breath held he fires a single round from the rifle aimed for the center mass as he speaks over closed comms. "Got your award in the open Rod.. taking her down.." <English>

Abbey has been around, though being a sniper she's gotten to be a bit out of sight to some degree. She was one of the people Angela asked to tag along with checking out the shuttle and that is where she is on the move to. Slow and steady, and once finding a good enough place to stop she has a bit of cover to her back and her rifle is lifted into place upon a crate so she can look out over the shuttle that Angela is moving closer towards. There is movement down there. She tilts her head slightly at the voice that comes in over the comms and she blinks a bit while looking out towards the site below and she smirks a bit. "Nice shot.." Is murmured out a bit to herself. <English>

"The Whitefall Bitch? Good." Kilbride replies over the comm, though it finishes with a grunt, as he runs his blade through the stomach of nearest Fed. A deep breath is taken, as bullets come awfully close to clipping him. A moment of lull, as he realizes the squad he'd thrown himself and his men into his gone. He sends those that survived off to start hunting, and if they can, to start scattering to the four winds. For his part, he's heading back into the Docks, toward where Michio claims to have spotted his bounty. <English>

Dinger might possibly manage to hit more insurgents if he wasn't keeping his head quite so firmly down. A few more bullets ting into the container he's behind, although he's paying more attention to the fate of the shuttle than anything else. "Give 'em cover!" he yells to his sappers before stealing one last glance at the wreckage and then throwing himself round the corner of his cover to lay down at some suppressing fire. Targets he sees none in his line of fire, but he order his me to "keep them hunkered down," before he makes a break towards Jacy and her band to help with the injured. "Broadsword calling Dannyboy, coming in on your left for support." Best not to get shot by your own side in a tragic case of misunderstanding after all. Running stooped to try and avoid hot lead he keeps his eyes on the shuttle crew, praying really quite fervently as he does so. <English>

Seeing Jacy take fire, Adrian quickly spots his mark, pops out of cover, and lets fly with a trio of shots from his rifle, the slugs singing away as their former home coughs loudly, the weapon kicking back against its owner as the last of the slugs leave the barrel. "All King elements, this is Pitbull Actual! Push up to the crashed shuttle!" He mantles over the wall, and pushes up, finding a settled ship to plant himself against. Hardly ideal, but it's better than nothing. He checks his left forearm, then his rifle magazine. Satisfied with both, he continues to push toward the fallen shuttle. <English>

Fowler begins moving closer to Rodney, doing his best to avoid incoming attackers, but failing miserably as he catches a round to the leg. He turns around and lashes out at his assailant, but doesn't do much more than knock his gun away for a moment. <English>

Heather Jacy is hit square in the middle of the back by Michio's round, stumbling forwards and dropping the injured tech. She falls to her knees, wheezing for breath, and now it's the tech's turn to try to lift her, armor and all, the duo stumbling on towards the safety (?) of the perimeter to the south. Anything to get out of the killing field. Some of the techs, the piloting crew, and the two armed and armored Marines are spraying small-arms fire wildly about in an attempt at suppression; none of this motley crew have spotted Michio's sniper fire. Fortunately one of the Marines has heard Dinger's radio call and is roaring, "To the left! Watch out for friendlies! To the left!" One of the Marines falls, and a couple of techs run to grab him before one goes down screaming, shot through the femur. Jacy staggers as she's hit, going down again on one knee; the young tech trying to carry her stands, looking about wildly, and it's her body that shields the kneeling Jacy from the second airburst that takes out half the remaining shuttle survivors. <English>

Angela has collected a few people along the way to the shuttle including Abbey. As she approaches she takes nearby cover to take shots at the pilots. In the chaos of trying to stay clear of artillery rounds as well. She takes a breath and stands and fires at the Pilot and perhaps she would have aimed for a wound shot in a normal fight, here she can't take any chances and aims for the chest of the man before she ducks down again. <English>

Conoger had been moving towards what he had heard, a crash or something, more gun fire in that direction. Sure there are plenty of stray bullets, some aimed at him but he is moving along like he is used to this, ducking, hiding and simply raising his shield on time as well. He does miss another attack but his main focus is towards the center and close by that. It is then he spots a certain man, Rodney the Scot. He is still a ways but he knows the man well, from afar and up close. " RODNEY!!!" he yells loudly. <English>

A shell comes perilously close to Adrian's cover, and the impact sends a chunk of shrapnel through his armor. A bark of pain, a few creative swears, and Adrian makes a mental note to beat the guy in charge of that particular artillery battery into interesting shapes. He whistles sharply. "JACY! To me!" He waves his arm, clearly intending to get the squid over to him before being exposed without battle armor gets her shredded. That wound can wait. He's got work to do. <English>

When the gunfire begins to increase on his position Michio starts to raise up the man heading for the edge of the cargo container to feel the first burst from Adrian only to seconds later feel that second gunshot from another of the purple brigade. The Japanese man cursing as he tumbles over the edge of the containers to fall into a bloody heap on the ground, The sight of the master going down has Hachiman giving out a loud bark that briefly sounds like a howl before the large mixed dog is moving towards the form. Hachiman's muzzle moving against Michio's side trying to wake the unconscious man before moving to the small opening into the containers to stand guard over the Japanese man. <English>

Abbey has her attention fully on the shuttle right now for her slight vintage point. When Alliance are moving in that is when she starts to put her job into into the miss and is aim up on at least one of the people heading in to help Jacy and crew. The rifle lets lose a round towards one of them so called helpers which if she is correct in the line he won't be helping to much more. The comms are going crazy for a moment and her gaze goes off towards where she last heard a call. "Michio..? Is murmured out slightly as she attempts to figure out where he might have went. <English>

Kilbride is en route to that same crashed shuttle, and the last-known position of Jacy...when he nearly stumbles upon Adrian, waving his arm in the air and whistling. And did he just hear the name Jacy being shouted? If that isn't enough to turn a man into a target, than who knows what it? The Independent leader rushes the Alliance Colonel, the long-bladed Claymore whipping toward the other man in a hasty, but powerful blow. Only the shout of RODNEY from Conoger has him glancing over his shoulder. Well piss. "Uh...Viking!" He shouts in reply, mid-stroke on Adrian. Here he is, caught between a rock and a viking. <English>

Dinger is still hammering towards Jacy and her small crew, aiming to snag up any of her stragglers and help haul them out of harms way. He's too focused on that though it seems, for the artillery catches him right out in the open and he's only just getting back to his feet from that when a round from somewhere smacks into his thigh and he's eating dirt once more. "Gorram hell," he mutters through gritted teeth, along with a few choicer phrases, before he's staggering back to his feet once more and pushing on the final few meters to the shuttle crew. "This way," he calls, attempting to point with his head as he starts to try and get his shoulder under Jacy's, "the marines are this way." <English>

Boris was told to hold back, stay in cover and wait for the signal. That he'd know what it was. Well, he had no clue what the hell that was supposed to mean but when the artillery shells started falling it was probably a good enough signal for him to break stealth. Besides, the next one might do more than stir up some dust where he was hiding and looking around was all it took to tell him he didn't want to remain in the hardware store should an explosion go off any closer. Departing his hiding spot, Boris draws his rifle and heads towards the sounds of gunfire, the opposite direction of what any sane man would be running, trying to keep some form of cover between him and the Alliance soldiers. <English>

The sudden appearance of Rodney takes Adrian by surprise, but not completely. Without thinking, he shifts his rifle to intercept the swing from the mad Scot, catching it on the rifle's body, and knocking a chunk of the receiver out of it. A flick of Adrian's left forearm, and a sharp blade sings from under his hand, and he thrusts his arm forward, but inexperience with the weapon causes the razor edge to sing past Rodney's shoulder, nicking only the outermost layer of clothing. <English>

From above, the scene is quite grisly...and grim. Fallen shuttles, weapons fire, a whole passle of welldoers in the center of the maze that is the docks and then the perimeter of Alliance forces around them. Blood is flying, bullets are singing, explodey things are exploding...smoke is rising, there is no doubt in anybody's mind that there's serious binness going on here.

A loudspeaker crackles to life somewhere...in the direction of the Spacer's District's outskirts. "Here we are boys! I told you I'd find you dates for the day! Where are your manners look at all them purple titties - wait, is is bellies or titties? Purple bellies, that...can we /make/ it purple titties? - Oh right! Make it rain!" Comes the lazy voice as there is now a new perimeter around the perimeter that was set up by the Alliance Perimeter force, there's a new force...all visored and purple and in near legendary armor who seem to come from underground and around the corner and approaching from the direction of the Spacer's District. Sniper Fire goes pewpewing harmlessly but it is a distraction as another attack comes from the flank of the Alliance forces, a few grenades flying into the mix to go exploding. Leading the approach is a rather slender and tall feminine figure, all armored up complete with visor and holding a very special flag...she waves it with a bit of flare. The Jolly Rodger. The voice on the loudspeaker just goes softly. "Boo!" <English>

"Rodney! Dagger!" shouts Fowler as he marches towards Adrian, approaching from the side, his finger squeezing the trigger of the auto-shottie in an attempt to at least knock the man over. Buck shot + Alliance armor = Not much of anything, after all. And of course, in his attempt at being a hero, he catches another round. <English>

Conoger smiles, well has been smiling all this time, even as blood splatters him here and there. As he gets closer to the crash site, he does notice Rodney look in his direction, oh yes, indeed. There is a glitter, something is amiss with this Viking, he had been maiming feds. Though soon enough he shows that he can do it again, even if he is dodging and weaving, his shield protects him again as a shot ricochets off the shield. Still closer to the crash and then he spots her, Jacy. " Two Bounties, choices, choices." he chuckles then. Then a fed was foolish enough to get in front of him and Conogers axe comes down hard on the mans shoulder, he slumps but Conoger keeps on going, his axe pulled away easily enough. <English>

Dinger is finding that adrenalin really can be a wonderful thing. His leg hurts, but he can still put weight on it, and the scrapes, scratches, and shrapnel holes from the artillery are barely making themselves known. For now. What is less wonderful though is the sniper's bullet that digs into the exposed area just above his torso armor. You might argue if it's neck or shoulder, but the end result is academic as the engineers drops like a sack of spuds to the dirt. He's out long before he hits though, as is an alarming amount of his blood. <English>

The downed shuttle's crew are being picked off one by one. The surviving pilot goes down, courtesy of Angela's shot; bright blood bubbles out of his mouth as he stares up at the sky he'll never fly across again. The remaining Marine staggers, summoning up one last bull-rush of energy to seize a dazed-looking battle analyst and sling her over his shoulders, abandoning his rifle; he passes Dinger, passes Adrian, and disappears into the smoke. Dinger himself nearly takes a round from a wide-eyed tech who's seized a shotgun from a corpse, the tech fortunately being a lousy shot. And then Dinger's falling against Jacy, going down, and she's scooping him up with an arm about her shoulder and staggering towards...no, not towards Adrian, he's engaging Rodney. She alters course towards what will turn out to be Abbey and Angela, her attention on getting Dinger out of the killing zone rather than figuring out who's shooting at her. <English>

Angela stands up as Jacy approaches her position and holds her pistol in the direction of the woman. "Down on the ground and I won't have to mess up your pretty face doll." Angela directs the woman with her weight package of a Dinger. Her gaze is focused on the woman waiting for Abbey and any other backup to support her. The words might be said casually but her stance shoes she means business and is not afraid to follow through. <English>

Abbey isn't one to hold back when it comes to firing, heck this is what she does after all. Another shot is is brought up and sen towards one of the Alliance peeps that is to close to where Angela is as she is trying to ring Jacy in I seems. This will prove there is a sniper there making sure that Angela can do a grab and go, or at least that is the idea at the moment. She can't help but send a glance towards what is going on with Rodney, Fowler and the rest though. Hachiman is noted and as soon as she is able she is heading towards the dog. <English>

Kilbride leaps back, as the other man's wrist blade snatches the collar of his jacket. "I know you from somewhere, Fed..." He says, trying to place the man, even as he's looking for an opening. Finally, he brings the two-handed sword forward in a hard thrust straight-on toward Adrian's torso. He isn't the crazy, berserker slashing from earlier, but it'll have to do. Even if it ain't exactly fancy. Independent troops are beginning to make for any holes they've managed to open up in the perimeter. Everyone knew they couldn't out, and holding wasn't the plan. <English>

Lunging into Rodney probably saved Adrian's life, at least for now. As the berserk Scot growls at him, Adrian just gives a feral roar of challenge, and swings, just missing Rodney's neck as the immense sword swings, and catches him right in the ribs. Sickening CRACKS herald broken ribs, and probably worse, as the impact sends Adrian flying. The blade catching the hard armor plate on Adrian's torso is probably the only reason he his top half didn't get separated from his bottom half, and he groans painfully with the second impact, before slumping into unconsciousness. The Alliance Battlenet sends up a digital flare at his position; man down, assistance required. <English>

The pirates who did show up ---> over there, are doing what they can to start splitting the Alliance's attention. Grenades. Sniping. <English>

The pirates weren't about to let Rodney have all the fun, especially when the Alliance was concerned. Ships were brought to staging areas, and pirates that were able to get smuggled in did so, getting set up in position to prepare a nice counter offensive. Devlin brings his group of sprogs and starts to set up positions in any high ground, turning on his chameleon suit he gets in a nice hidden spot that gives him a vantage over the chaos, and readies his rifle. Searching for targets through the scope he says over the pirate comm, "Eagle is in the nest, awaiting targets." <English>

Valentina stalks through the smoke, and glances around, seeing Alliance being attacked. She focuses on a section of the Traitor crowd, and opens fire with her alliance NT97M. On Blast. <English>

Valentina focuses on Rodney, and lets fly a blast of superheated plasma. "All right! You're all under Arrest! Drop your Weapons and peacefully Assemble for Alliance Justice!" <English>

Fowler levels his shotgun at the unconscious Adrian before looking over to Rodney and asking, "You alright?" He's out of breath, but looks good enough to keep going for a little while. "What's the plan?" As he asks this, Valentina's shots stream towards Rodney, causing Fowler to spin towards her and fire a burst in her direction. Unfortunately, Fowler's chest is peppered with a few shots from Alliance soldiers, sending him stumbling back and slumping down against a wall. <English>

Heather Jacy, faced with Angela's gun, does the dumb thing. Her free hand drops to her sidearm, fumbling it out of her holster. Of course she has no chance of outdrawing a woman with a gun already held on her, and Angela's bullet catches Jacy in the shoulder, a rebel goon's catches her in the opposite knee, the combined blows spinning her slightly and sending her own shot awry. "Back off, bitch!" Jacy screams; the pain, the deadweight of Dinger, and the adrenalin combining to seriously put her off her game. <English>

Conoger growls as he can see both Rodney and Jacy, both marks, both a nice bit of creds to have them and he came into this and he is going to damn get something out of this. " Rodney!!! I'll save your arse but ya pay me creds they want ya fer.At least half." he shouts this out towards Rodney as he moves, dodges and blocks left and right things going at him. Then he looks to Jacy and growls, shouting towards her. " Jacy, I'll save your life but ya pay me for what they have a bounty on ya fer." yeah, over all he is a Bounty Hunter and creds in a war can go a long ways. Though Conoger is on his guard, been between both head hunchos in this battle is a dumb thing too, oh well, he ain't known for his smartness. <English>

Abbey eyes widen as she catches sight of Jacy pulling the gun on Angela, that was not something she was thinking would happen. Angela is diving to escape a possible shot from the hurt officer. She isn't going in for a kill shot, no instead she lets off a round before Jacy to try and get her to scramble a bit more. There is good reason for that as the sniper is on the move after that shot is fired. Rifle is shouldered and she is heading out from the cover she had, and moving towards where about Jacy is. If able.. Still attempting that grab it seems. Her hand rests against her pistol and she'll be yanking it free from its hostler as she goes. "Bloody damn mess.." Is muttered to herself as she goes. <English>

"I DON'T NEED SAVED VIKING! And bring me that bitch, and I'll pay you for her!" Kilbride calls across the battlefield, as he hears his name. Also about the time he has to drop to into the dirt, not far from the conked out Alliance Colonel. Valentina's energy burst zips over his head, and he releases his sword to hang from its long bungee. The M4 that'd he'd carried into this battle is stripped off his back, and he takes a quick look through the scope, as he finds the Alliance LEO who'd tried to shoot him, and was making such a racket shouting about being under arrest. His finger twitches, and a burst of rounds is sent flying in her general direction. "Fowler! Goddamnit!" is all he can shout, as the man gets hit. Again. "Get your ass out of here! NOW. Pie-rats will help!" Goddamnit, this is a clusterfuck. <English>

Fowler coughs up a bit of blood and chuckles to Rodney, shaking his head, "I'm fine, mate." He holds up the universal sign for 'okay' and steadies a hand against the wall as he attempts to stand. "Okay, okay...I'll see you on the other side, Major." He holds a hand to his stomach and begins to walk slowly towards one of the openings that the pirates have created, so he one of them can sweep him away. <English>

Adrian groans quietly as his brain finishes rebooting. He doesn't move, apart from the semiconscious twitch that signifies his regaining consciousness, as he takes a mental assessment of exactly how badly he's been smacked. He subtly triggers his CASEVAC beacon, signifying that he's badly hurt and needs extraction. <English>

Devlin takes sight of people shooting in Rodney's general direction. He sights up the main target of that, and moves to squeeze off a few rounds at other troops around her as the intended target of Val gets taken out before he squeezes the trigger. He keys over a com signal to Rodney, "Didn't want you to have all the fun, but looks like you need a way out. I'll bounce coordinates over to ya, bring your peeps that away and I'll cover yer retreat." <English>

Valentina is trying to line up on the prime Miscreant when he pulls out a bazooka and blasts her in the chest, knocking her back a few meters and slamming her into a wall. She does not the Crimal offering aid and comfort to the enemy, and to capture her commander as she slips into unconsciousness. <English>

"Jackal is in position. Over." Victor remarks, having finally set himself up in a window overlooking the raging battlefield. He peers through the scope of his sniper rifle, the bi-pod set up on the window-sill. Spotting Abbey with a gun pointed at Jacy, he sighs a bit and pulls the trigger in an attempt to buy the Lieutenant Commander a window to slip out of. <English>

Somewhere in the hustle and bustle, a Pirate Armored individual is bashing some other fool over the head with a length of pipe. "No! Don't shoot the chick, the boss said if we messed up her face, he'd sew our hands to our balls. We're here to get in, get out, like the best man and the bride the night before the wedding! In his words, its foreplay, not sneeze and come before she's ready!" - And so they go on. Distraction work, Woo! <English>

Heather Jacy, seeing the man-mountain that is Conoger charging towards her, steadies Dinger on her left arm and brings the gun up to shoot him. She misses, the bullet whistling past his ear, and then there's an axe burying itself in her forearm as she flings up her arm instinctively to block the blow. The bone in her arm snaps with a loud crack, the gun clattering to the ground, and she sits down abruptly, Dinger collapsing against her, as she stares at Conoger. Her other gun, the Punisher, is slung at her back but there's no way she's drawing it with a broken arm. "Wo cao," she mutters. I'm fucked. <English>

Conoger chuckles at Rodney's words and then shakes his head. " NO one tells me what to do." he mutters to himself and he does charge towards Jacy, her shot came close to hitting his head and he brings his axe down hard. Maybe it was the who battle scene, perhaps it was something else but as she blocks with her arm, the sound of snapping bones is easily heard been beside her and he steps forwards, his shield almost pinning her down now, caring not she has a burden. <English>

Abbey didn't persay have her gun lifted towards Jacy, though that is a mute point at the moment. She catches sight of Conoger moving in to try and grab Jacy, or so she assume and is actually about to lift her gun and aim at him before that shot slams into her and she grunts while half stumbling as she was in a run. She skids slightly, her free hand grabbing at the ground as she watches Jacy crumple there so to speak. "Fucking hell.." Is muttered out. "I don't think we're going to be able to grab the lady Rodney." This said over the comms while she eyes Conoger and smirks slightly to herself before pulling up her pistol and sending a round off towards him. Hey, maybe she'll get lucky and they can still grab Jacy at this rate. <English>

Heather Jacy stares at Conoger, her eyes filled with pain. Pain and pride. And then in a magnificently futile gesture, she rolls back, draws back her right leg and kicks hard, with all her strength, between Conoger's legs. The dull thud of her boot landing in his armored crotch (Rodney, pay attention here) is lost in the noise of the battle. <English>

Victor moves slightly to the side, his rifle moving on the bi-pod. He pulls the stock closer to him and lines up a shot on Conoger, but the fear of hitting one of his bosses leads him to doing nothing more than maybe splashing some dirt up on the man. <English>

Kilbride sees Abbey take a gunshot, and the Scotsman starts running in that direction, slinging his Colt over his shoulder in the process. The downed pair of Feds behind him are put out of mind, as he's got another wounded crewman to concern himself with. The Scotsman's Claymore is once more in hand, as he jogs across the battlefield. Especially when he sees Abbey taking a shot at Conoger. "Do -not- attack the sniper lady, Viking!" Because, if he does...Rod is going to have to deal with that. <English>

Valentina rolls over from where she is, holsters her pistol, draws her carbine from her shoulder, and levels it at Conoger, as he's where Rodney was before. She opens fire. Hopefully! <English>

Adrian pays just enough attention to notice that Rodney's gone, before he pushes himself to his feet, and puts on a manful display of moving around to cover Jacy, aiming at the guy she just kicked in the goolies (or would have done, were there not armor in the way), and takes a shot to help her, groaning painfully at the sharp kick of the recoil, seeming sharper for some reason. <English>

As the axe swings towards Jacy, her eyes widen, but there's nothing she can do. It smashes into her chest, slicing through armor and soft tissue and ribcage, and her head crashes back, smacking into the concrete and then lolling to the side, her eyes rolling up in their sockets before they close. There's blood on her lips and in her nostrils, bright specks of blood. <English>

"Roger, Pie-eyes in the sky. Will transmit them to my people..." His reply is cut off as bullets whizzing past the running Scot, and slamming into Conoger, has Rodney putting on the brakes, and pivoting. Sword allowed to drop, so that he can unlimber the Colt, once again. A quick scan down the barrel, and shit. The Fed he clubbed with the Claymore is up, and moving, and apparently shooting, though he technically missed seeing the last part. "Will you bloody just stay the fuck down!" The Independents continue to scatter where they can on the perimeter, aided by Pirates cover, and headed for rally points being transmitted over what passes for their tac-net. <English>

Valentina sees Rodney turn and put the gun up to his eyes, so she toggles to burst fire, and focuses on the Miscreant. <English>

Well, that did it. A burst from Rodney's carbine slams into his chest, and the already-weakened armor fails, as he groans, falling down. He reaches weakly towards Rodney, but he goes nerveless before he can do anything else. <English>

Conoger had given Jacy and option, he even managed to get hit by a stray shot that dinged his armor from the side. Then another shot missing him so very close. Only reason it may have missed was because Jacy hit him on the armor part of his balls, silly Jacy. Then the sting of a bullet hitting him on the side, it rocks him enough and he knows it went through his armor but not even a second after another and it also hits close to the same side. He growls, shakes and that is when his axe comes down, his anger and frustration focused on the object in front of him, who was Jacy. She hits the ground hard and Conoger scoops her up wit hhis one arm and shield and lifts her up. Covering her with his shield as she is slumped over his shoulder. This is most likely Conoger using Jacy as a body shield, to his best advantage as he starts to abck away and quickly from the bullets shot at him. <English>

Well it seems people are back up, and shooting at Sepratists again. This is not good. As such Dev focuses back on people who weren't moving before. Adrian goes down, so the next one shooting gets lined up in his sights and he slows his heart rate, finally squeezing off two shots in succession at her to give Rodney cover. <English>

Victor spots the man going to pick up the lady who oh so graciously wants to give him an officer rank and lines up his shot, doing his best to fire down range and catch the man in the leg. <English>

"Bloodly clust'rfuck..." Jay rumbles as he ignores the hissing of bullets that zip about with the carbine held up by a three-point sling and dark gaze flicks over the current scene before him. "Fah, get tha fuck'rs outta 'ere!" He barks in a sharp, rough, tone as a heavy duster flutters about his person and rifle is brought to bear onto Valentina. "Mov' it!" He barks as the weapon barks sharply in a quick burst. <English>

Valentina is blasted backwards by a welter of fire, throwing up one finger as she goes down in a slide of slick blood. "You're all still under Arrest!" she wails, then blacks out, possibly for good. <English>

Abbey can see that Jacy is becoming more of a problem then she is worth at the moment. That an there is a mess of fire going off once more not that far from her. She mutters a bit, her side aching while she holsters her pistol and is shifting back, and that is when she catches sight of Valentina taking another shot at Rodney. Well so much for attempting to get back to some cover. Her rifle is pulled off her shoulder, Valentina is far enough off that she isn't about to use the pistol, so her rifle is in use. The butt is pushed up against her shoulder firmly while she takes the advantage of getting a bit of a crate to lean against so it will still recoil against her but she'll get the shot off none the less. <English>

Heather Jacy dangles over Conoger's shoulder, her broken arm dangling and swinging limply like a wet noodle, her head bouncing up and down on his shoulder as he moves. <English>

Conoger manages to continue to move ,dodge as best he can with all the pain on his side, bleeding he is and then he hears and feels that sting again and it hits his leg. He growns and nearly stumbles but by anger alone and sure will Conoger continues to move. He is not going to drop Jacy, she still owes him a date damnit. Still he is moving as best he can, bleeding leg, bleeding side and a slight weight on his shoulder. His Axe still in hand, it's the only protection he has right now. <English>

Victor groans as the big man continues to move on with Jacy over his shoulder. He lines up another shot, but Conoger manages to get out of the way just in time. "Jackal 1, was is your position, over?"

A few moments later, his comms crackle to life with a response and he says, "Alright. Just get in there and see who you can save. Over." <English>

"Anoth'r down..." Jay rumbles absently as Valentina falls with dark eyes flitting about as nose twitches. "Ha, anoth'r.." He growls as the carbine comes to rest in the direction of Victor and he squeezes the trigger that releases a sharp burst of bullets at the 'nest'. <English>

Abbey sees the hit take Valentina down and a faint mutter escapes her before she is hauling the rifle up and is moving backwards, back to cover an then well most likely out and to a place to meet up with the others at this rate. <English>

Conoger continues to move and eventualy comes to what may be a fallen wall and rubble. Going around that rubble and taking cover, taking a breather. He looks at Jacy, she looks dead but she may not be, he keeps her covered though, just encase something coems to shoot him again. THen hearing more shots, he decides to keep on going, going further into the rubble, finding a path, palce to get the fuck away. <English>

Kilbride, for his part, seems to have found a quiet moment, in all of the mess. He sees the viking running with Jacy, and sees that he is still taking fire. The Scot sets to scanning the horizion, and surrounding buildings, searching for whoever is shooting at the Hunter, but can't seem to find it. So, he starts loping off in the other historically inaccurate stereotypes direction. Because two of those are better than one. "Hey, get her off the field, and you'll get paid!" Because, he doesn't have time to nursemaid her, while overseeing the dispersal of his forces. He then keys his comm, breathing a bit heavy. Sexy like. "Thanks for the cover, time for all of us to go, I think. They'll be comin' heavy in no time." is transmitted to Devlin. <English>

"Jesus..." Victor calls out as bullets begin to smack against the window sill, sending splinters into his face. "Fuck me, man," he remarks, plucking an especially nasty one out of his cheek before he goes back to looking through the scope, trying to line up another shot on Conoger. He misses again. <English>

Looking for where Jay is shooting, and where the fire toward Conoger is Dev finally spots the window sill where the other sniper is located. Rodney gives the all clear however and he tsks. Perhaps another day. Over the pirate channel Devlin says, "Alright, cover fire and controlled withdrawl to the evac point." He keeps an eye on the sniper to make sure he doesn't shoot at anyone he cares about while he gives some time for others to get moving before preparing to pack it up himself.. <English>

Through the whole mess and ordeal of this battle royal, Conoger has no idea who won and what really happened. He knows that alot of people died, knows alot of places got destroyed , which gave him enough cover to get the fuck out. THrough the dust and debries, back allies, Conoger dissappears with Jacy. <English>

Kilbride, as he nears the edge of the battlefield, pauses to turn and look at the carnage that was wrought in Eavesdown. And also to clasp the wound that's really beginning to bleed in his left arm. Valentina hit him pretty solidly with that last shot of her's. There is a deep breath taken, and he leans on his sword, scanning the area, and making sure he is the last of the Independents leaving the field, that are able to. He's a pretty sweet target for a few moments, atleast. <English>

"Jus' when it was gettin' inter'stin'..." Jay rumbles as the all-clear is given as dark gaze flicks about only to resettle back on the window. "Dandi's, dandi's alla ov'r tha plac'..." A lazy mumble as he takes aim and squeezes the trigger with a practiced ease. Carbine bucking against an armored shoulder as three rounds hiss through the air towards Victor as Jay takes a half-step back, balanced. <English>

Spotting his old boss, Victor decides that it's time for a little payback. The Arabic man grins and lines up a shot, sending a round towards the man's leg. But then, he catches a round from a dirty pirate right in the shoulder.

As promised, a few of his soldiers begins approaching the area in a non-threatening manner, looking more like they'd rather just get their fallen comrades and go. <English>

Kilbride staggers, and drops to one knee, as Victor's round takes him in the leg. There is a grunt, and the Scot's once again lining that be-damned Colt M4 up, leveling it toward the window from which the fire came. "Fuckin' feds." That's about all the quippage that the man can muster, as he tightens a finger on the trigger, and sends a burst of 5.56 toward his former employee. <English>

Independents left on the field seem to be ignoring the Alliance soldiers looking for wounded, as they too would rather exfiltrate with wounded comrades, and their own skin. <English>

"Fuckin' Rodney," Victor remarks, pulling the trigger again and missing wide after he takes a couple of Rodney's rounds. He just kinda lets the rifle fall back into the window as he leans back against the wall and slides down it, reaching up to touch his throat mike, saying, "Jackal one, don't worry about the opposing force. Just get our boys out of there. Over." He looks down at his bleeding shoulder and groans, "Fuckin' Rodney." <English>

Eyes narrowing a whisper as the barrel disappears from the window and Jay simply snaps off a last burst from the carbine as he takes another half-step back. "Mov' it ya cocks." He growls to those still nearby him. Lowering the weapon as he turns about on a heel, dark eyes flitting about, and he continues to 'usher' fellow folks away from the battle zone. <English>

Fuckin' Rodney, indeed. After the last shot is taken, and the rifle barrel disappears from the window, there is a moment of thought. "Fuck it." he declares, allows the Colt to hang from its sling, and yanks Nessie from her holster. The long-barreled revolver is leveled at the sniper's nest, and with a *Whoomp*, a 30mm grenade is sent spiraling into the building. As the explosin echos, the Independent leader heads after his troops, ready to get his bleeding arse into a safehouse, somewhere...and figure out getting smuggled off-world. <English>