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Revision as of 00:28, 13 August 2014

This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.
Full name Zilly van Krause
Birthplace Kalidasa System
Parents Nixie and Rekkan van Krause
Siblings None
Spouse Unwed
Children None
Assignment none at present
Specialization Merchant or 'Free-Trader'
Gender Female
Eyes and Hair Blue
Height and Weight 5"8 130lbs
Status Active



Van Krause was a name known in the system for being a less then reputable ship, some might call them smugglers, pirates, criminals. But they always worked on the ol addage of 'Supply and Demand'. But their definition might've been a little different then the original earth saying. Lauding themselves as 'Free-Traders' there wasn't anything they weren't willing to get their hands on and sell for the right pay off. The true entrepreneurial spirit as far as they were concerned.

The reputation of Zilly' parents was such that even she was assumed to be stolen or acquired in one of their many deals, but the young heir apparent fit in among the rag-tag band of space born traders. Forming their own unique culture hinting to that of old Germanic and Nordic customs for the most part. Despite all of those rumors though they have always insisted to be honest and capable merchants with a talent for creative negotiation from Kalidasa to the Blue sun they've wheeled and dealed their way through the 'Verse.

Zilly though is the youngest member of the notorious family named for the ship she was born on rather then any sort've family tradition. But that name has still served her well allowing the young Free-Trader to get a few good jobs and even a contract or two since departing the family business to get a little 'real world' experience. After all a kids gotta make it on her own before shes ready to take over anything let alone a ship. But its one of those things that always seems to be in the back of head. Will she hold onto the family philosophy or will some other way of life hood this young aspiring merchant and neer' do well.

Recent Events

  • Served on the Krause a notorious pirate vessel as the child of the Ships captain.
  • After coming of age at sixteen she set out on her own taking jobs in the realm of shady business and even some legitimate trade, showing a knack for getting a good deal and predicting market trends.
  • Person of interest in several smuggling, trafficking, assault cases.

Plot Hooks

  • Looking for work!: Are you the captain of a ship looking for a cargo master, a company recruiter needing a talented merchant and negotiator, or even member of the alliance intent of reforming her?
  • Freebooters: Those referred to as criminals, pirates, and worse by those who would keep them down likely know her name and her families reputation. Though her own personal legend is just beginning.
  • Gambler: Between contracts and opportunities Zilly can often be found on planets and stations gambling some of her recent pay away.

Character quirks

  • When flustered she has a tendency to nearly leak accidental truth and corrects herself with things that rarely make sense.
  • Dresses in layer most of the time especially when on dust-bowl planets with nothing but tumbleweeds and dirt to choke on.
  • Has not one but two side-arms on her hips for some reason. Perhaps a bit of that Freebooter recklessness when it comes to fighting.
  • Has pale skin and slender form no doubt from extended periods spent in space in her youth.


check back after I've played her a bit!