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(Created page with "{{SceneLog |Location=Thunderchild |IC Date=2534/05/13 |OOC Date=2014/02/20 |Characters in Scene=Edison Trent, Chloe, Fish, Hayden |Short Summary=Guest services on Thunderchild...")
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Revision as of 10:44, 21 February 2014

Guest Services
Location: Log_Location::Thunderchild IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2534/05/13 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2014/02/20
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Edison Trent, Has Characters in Scene::Chloe, Has Characters in Scene::Fish, Has Characters in Scene::Hayden
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Guest services on Thunderchild aren't what you might expect.
Log_Characters::Edison Trent, Chloe, Fish, Hayden

"Hayden might shoot you, if you muss in her medical bay," Trent notes as he steps up the stairs from the bay, finally fully dressed, awake and armed. "Well, such as it is," he murmurs with a shrug. Pausing, he peers at Chloe, tilting his head curiously at her current state of dress and composure. "You know, I bet she's got a pair of coveralls, or maybe a pretty, pretty little pink dress you could wear, till we can get you something freshed," he offers with a bright, incredibly evil smile. "You two don't look so different in terms of size." He shrugs after, "You look like a bright, pastel color type, right?" That said, he marches into the crew area properly to unholster his weapon so that he might lay it on the table in the middle of the room. Leaving it there, he crosses to the mess in order to grab a towel and to fetch a small kit from under the wash basin.

Chloe lifts her hands and looks contrite, "I did not touch a thing, I was only taking a look." and even for such an innocent thing her fair skin is flushing in shame for. She ah's a bit awkwardly and summons an anxious smile, "That is a most /generous/ offer, Captain. However, I have surely imposed more than enough on you and your crew. I have never...ah...roughed it before, it is a novel experience." she assures with another polite smile.

Speak of the devil and she shall appear. With a crash and a grunt, Hay opens the first cabin door. Looks like someone fell out of bed, possibly on the wrong side of said bed as well. A frown touches her lips, her hair is a little more tousled than normal and she's got what can only be perceived as a nightshirt on. It comes just low enough to keep everything decent like, but not much else, a large, orange cartoon striped cat on it, long faded. Bare feet, she closes the door behind her and blinks. "Get..." Her voice comes out a little rough, she clears her throat. "Get that woman away from my supplies unless you're plannin' on makin' her your new doctor." She grumbles, heading towards where the coffee pot sits. First, however, she gets a large glass of water, downing it.

"Hey, there's an idea..." Trent murmurs aloud, clearly considering Hayden's suggestion. Even as he marches back to the table to spread out the towel he's collected (Which happens to be one Vanessa enjoys using while cooking) he sets the kit to the side, opening it to reveal the cleaning tools and oils within. "No, I think Vanessa like you," he realizes with a sigh. "I think we're stuck with you." Casting a fast glance at Chloe, he shrugs once. "I think she was just curious about how primitively we live, out here on the fringe. It's a wonder we survive at all!" he muses playfully. Taking his sidearm back in hand, he rather efficiently breaks it down, removing the slide and the terigger grouping fluidly in a matter of seconds. "Speaking of: Where exactly are you from, Sigmund?" he asks of the bookish woman. Chloe looks to Hayden and backs away from the medical equipment peevishly, "I had only intended to pass the time. I am awed at your skill, Doctor, that you can do your work in such an economical of space." she offers politely as she looks about for a bit of territory that looks 'nuetral'. She then looks briefly puzzled by something and turns a curious gaze to the captain but whatever puzzles her, apparently it's for another place and another time. She corrects, "Dr. Freud if you truely believe any psychologist subscribes to his...novel theories. Dr. Jameson for the event you decide that I am no longer a suitable target for your displaced resentment." She then lifts a single finger and pushes her glasses back to their proper perch on the bridge of her nose. Still studying the captain thoughtfully she adds, "I presently reside on Persephone."

Putting the glass down, she -glares- at Trent. Oh, if looks could kill. Her tongue runs over her canines, a rather primitive and primal expression on her face, as if briefly wondering just how much of the human body is edible. Indeed, she looks to just about be ready to tell Trent where he can stick it, when she thinks better. Instead, she turns her eyes away from him, rolls her shoulders with a wince and goes to make a pot of coffee. "Yes, it's positively primitive." She mutters. Clank, clank, clatter, the coffee pot begins to sloooowly drip. Turning her back to the pot, she rests a hip against the counter and crosses her arms. "Don't call me doctor, I never graduated. I patch 'em up, make due so no one does before we're ready 'fore them to." She offers quietly, loosing maybe a half level of her gruff. Then, she looks to Trent, dismissing poor Chloe as if she isn't even there. "If Nessa wants to keep her, I ain't got no say, but I am -not- sharing my bunk with..." She stops short, casting a glance at Chloe, looking as if she's ready to call her Miss Clean, but stops herself. "Her." She finally says. <Thunderchild> Hayden says, "Clearly, she's been hangin' around the Captain too much. :P" FANTY: is prettier than the Database. You paged Chloe with 'Sorry, she thinks you're her replacement, she's none too happy. ;)'

After pulling a chair out, Trent swings a leg over it so he might settle down before his weapon, his brow arching curiously. He laughs outloud, at that, his brow quirking. "How very interesting. I must've acted like I cared somewhere in there," he admits, somehow assuming the distinction is his fault -- It usually is. "I was just going to go with Chloe, if it's all the same," he muses with a saccharine sweet smile. Taking the body of his weapon in hand, he retrieves a bush that he might slide it with great care down the barrel. "Also... For a woman with an abdundance of schooling, you seem to misunderstand a lot. I didn't ask where you currently live," he explains. "I asked where you're from." He pauses after so he might crane his neck after Hayden. "Woman, show a little in the way of manner. Doctor Clean-Pants is our guest," he chides with a bright smile. "She may not have been top of her class, or in the class long," he finally explains for Chloe's sake, "But the woman has a working with the body... Usually the body of a young, strapping man she'll never see again." Nevermind that 'this one' is being kept by his choice.

Chloe doesn't get an introduction and clearly now is not the time to make one. Gently she offers to Hayden, "I don't believe it's anyone's intention that I stay beyond when you are next in a recognizeable port, D-..ah, Miss. No clothes or luggage, clearly and transitionary arrangement." she assures the other woman. She looks to Trent, "From is an ambiguous statement. One can come from a planet and not have been born there. It's a frequent phenomenon but most commonly only in english." She grimaces then, she always babbles when she's nervous and now it's making it worse, "I was born and raised on Londinium, Captain." She frowns gently at how he addresses the other woman but says nothing about it-at first. She then states gently, "And yet she agrees to these accomodations, without the benefit of support staff, specified treatment spaces, a lab..I cannot decide if it is simply astoundingly rude you would spea to her thusly infront of a near stranger." She inhales and her face burns with embarrassment, "Or monumentally foolish to aggitate one who's hands will inevitably hold your life. I am certain she is more than proficient."

Chloe's tone is polite and firm but it might well kill her. She knows she's witnessed a social injustice. She knows she must speak against it. However as she speaks her pale face begins to grow deeper shades of red progressively until it looks like she just came out of a hot kitchen.

Her shoulders raise, her body inflating as she takes a big breath like she's going to blow dragon fire on the captain. Lucky for him, she's all out of dragon fire, the breath escaping in a great sigh, rolling her eyes. Right now, before she's caffinated and while she's feeling insecure, it appears that keeping her mouth shut it as about as close to manners as she can offer. A veteran at getting herself a cup of coffee before it's done, she puts cup in one hand, holds the pot handle with the other and with a quick movement, switches them out. Fresh coffee begins to drip in her cup. "Huen Dahn."(bastard) She says quietly, shooting him a sideways look. "Also, you owe me one hundred credits." The pot is replaced, the cup is full and the carafe is replaced to fill slowly. It's only when Chloe starts speaking and after she's had a sip of the hot coffee, does some of the tension in Hay's shoulders disappear. For a moment, she looks between the two people, undecided. "He talks to everyone like that." She says finally. "Not because he don't know no better, just because he's an insufferable egomaniac. As far as speaking to me, specifically, like that, when I could hold his life in my hands...well..." She shrugs, pushing away from the counter, moving to take a chair, "That's going to be a very interesting day."

"Oh hell, I'm sorry, how rude of me," Trent murmurs, clearly upset at his behavior. "I never introduced you." Yeah, that /is/ what he'd fret, isn't it? "Hayden, this is Chloe. Chloe, this is Hayden." With that done, introductions made and all, he simply shrugs once, going back to the delicate care of his weaponry. He pauses with the Doctor explains where she's from, his brow quirking. For once, he's oddly silent for a very long moment. "Very interesting day," he finally agrees, even as he pauses to reach into his jacket pocket for a credit chip. He had the hundo waiting. Flipping it do Hayden, he offers the younger woman a wink. He never for a moment denies her accusation. It's better if everyone believe that. With a sniff, he brushes off the mechanics of his weapon, finally eyeing Chloe sidelong. "Londinium, huh?" he finally asks. "I guess that explains a lot," he murmurs. "Guess it's not your fault." Anymore than it's his own. He finally pauses, grinning brightly at the Doctor. "You know Doc, maybe you won't make it back to persephone. Weird accidents happen on boats, sudden decompressions, things of the sort," he explains. "It's a tragic profession, cargo hauling." Shaking his head, he oils the trigger group liberaly. finally cracking a broad grin. "It is nice to see a spine from you, however."

Chloe nods to Hayden, "Well this does explain a great deal, then. Rest assured, Miss, I have no designs on your place here. Your pilot took mercy on me after a night of binge drinking, nothing more. And it is a fine profession." she taps her lips and studies Trent attentively. She blink-blink-blinks and color drains from her face. Broad grin or not following that she looks genuinely startled, and a little bit panicked. She has no reply, just stands there and quietly begins to hyperventilate. She offers both a hasty dip of her chin and wave and moves to retreat from the room.

As he flips it, Hay catches it easily and ... tucks it into her bra. Yup. Where else is she doing to put it, dressed like she is?! Another sip of coffee and she nods towards Chloe, now that introductions are done. Leaning back into the seat, she crosses her legs, tugging down the hem of the shirt with care. As Trent speaks, she gives him a long suffering look which clearly says: really?! A small shake of her head, she can't help the slight grin that is on her lips. Still, for another moment or two she says nothing, simply warms her blood with that hot caffeine. Unfortunately, she's about mid swallow when Chloe mentions Fish. A rough cough, covering her mouth with her hand, she notices that look of panic on Chloe's face, as if the woman is going to freak out, and she tries to get out the words: "He's kidding!" She does, mostly, but it's nearly choked off, clearly she's startled by mention of the pilot. Swallowing painfully, she shoots the Captain a dark look, "Jing Chai!" (Brilliant) She mutters, and clearly it's not a complement, clearing her throat quickly, she lowers her voice, "She and Fish?" She makes the sign with her hands, that is clearly reference to sex. Before he can answer, she mutters, "That's Vanessa's guest, when she finds out you scared her off the ship, she's going to send you to me in pieces!" She says with a slight hiss. "Best go to stoppin' her." She however, doesn't stir from her chair.

"Second date, even," Trent confirms with a chuckle as he presses up out of his chair. "If I can stop her, anyway." With a sigh, he walks, rather slowly, after the woman. "Stop, no. Don't go," he murmurs, almost sounding bored. Of course, he only has to get as far as the panel on the wall near the hatchway to the cargo bay to lock down the entire ship. "I can't let her sweat it for a minute?" he asks of Hayden with a decidedly cheshire grin. Am I evil? YES I AM!!! "Doc, I was kidding dammit," he calls after her. "Come back. You're on my boat, in my care. if something happens to you, there's SO MUCH paperwork with the Alliance, it's a serious hassle." Rubbing the back of his neck, he just waits there by the stairs, his thumb stabbed to the buttons on the panel. "That's my guest," he finally notes for the redheads sake. "I expect Nessie's gonna hate her, before too long," he offers with a shrug.

Chloe mumbles placatingly, like one would placate a homicidal maniac, "OF course, captain. Lovely to meet you Miss Hayden. I am overdue for a shower and a brushing of teeth. Please, enjoy your breakfast." and then she scampers into the relative sanctuary of her guest cabin to plan her escape. Giving the pure count of majors she's studied...this might get messy.

"If she needs mouth to mouth, I'm puttin' that on you!" She calls. "Woman tastes like disinfectant." Softly. Yes, they're a sympathetic bunch. She catches that evil grin on the Captains face and shakes her head again, her own grin returning. Another sip of coffee. No, she hasn't roused, not even to uncross her legs, as if to make the pretense of standing up. "Well, -your- guest, is gettin' away." She says, sing-song in her voice. "And if you break this one, you can't have another." Hay does make as if to turn, shifting enough in her chair she can drape her arm over the back of it and watch the progress of the two. Chloe escapes into the guest cabin and it's only when she's sure that the woman has found sanctuary inside, does Hayden laugh. An earnest laugh, genuinely tickled at the chaos, she covers her mouth to attempt and muffle it some. "Now look, she's gone back into her hole." She says, "You should know better than to say stuff like that to a woman like her, she ain't equipped with the same warped sense of humor the rest of us are." She clicks her tongue, shaking her head.

Watching Chloe vanish, Trent can't help but laugh outloud. "I think that went well," he muses as he marches himself back to the table, so he might resume cleaning his weapons. In response, he simply shrugs. "Nothing like a little baptism by fire, to learn her, neh?" he offers. Clearly, it was good natured. "So, here's what I'd like you to do. By now, that woman is inspecting the deckplates, tryng to figure out a way to crawl through the ducting to escape," he reasons. "Do me a favor, take her a nice robe or something, so we can fresh her clothes," he requests. "Later, I'll send Fish with her to the store in town, see if maybe they don't have clothing she'll find acceptable as an apology." Done cleaning his ares, he pieces it back together, before sliding one into the chamber with a loud clack. "And I tell you, the foreplay between her and Fish?" He shakes his head, almost looking horrified. "I felt educated and dirty all at once."

She puts her hand up, in that oh dear goodness, no more! motion and shakes her head, leaning back and wrinkling her nose a touch. "No, Captain, I beg of you, I really don't need that image in my head." Hayden says, raising up from her chair and taking her now empty cup with her. She refills her cup, and without asking, or telling, she fills another cup and sets it down there beside the Captain. "Do I have to be nice?" She mock whines, "Can't you find something the XO won't miss and take it to her, all apologetic like?" Setting her own cup down and glancing towards her cabin. "You're the one that scared her. Woman probably needs fresh panties now." She grumbles, but playfully, heading towards her cabin. Reaching her door, "And here I thought Fish was like those plants, you know, that like bud and reproduce on their own..." She mutters, pushing cabin one door open and stepping inside. There is the sound of rummaging and from the still open door, she reappears, with a dark blue silk robe over one arm. "Iffin' she doesn't come out, what then?" She says, walking past the Captain and flicking his ear with her fingers as she heads to the guest cabin. Stopping in front of it, she knocks on the door lightly. "Chloe, he's a mean, mean man and he was joking. I brought you a robe." She shoots a look at Trent.

Chloe opens the door and looks apologetic, "And yet you're being imposed upon. Thank you very much, you are most kind." She accepts the robe and explains, "I will just have my clothes drycleaned once I get home."

"Doc.." Trent hollers with a sigh over his shoulder. "Would you just strip down and let us clean your clothes?" He shakes his head, finally cleaning up his mess at the table. "In a while, I'll get Fish to run you into town. Surely they have SOMETHING you'd wear there," he suggests. "There happen to be some affluent ranchers on this world, with wives with expensive tastes." Closing his kit, he just bunches the towel up, before throwing it in the direction of the flattop cooking surfaces. "And just so you know? The crawlspaces run aft, not fore." With that said, he turns to move into his cabin. "When you run away, be sure to tell the security here that you don't belong and would like to be pointed at the Spaceport. But if you tear up nessie's ship, she might hunt you down."

The robe accepted, she moves enough so that the Captain can see the woman and vice versa. "Captain...." It says, say something. It says, apologize. It says, do or say -something-, all in one word. With her hands empty now, she crosses her arms and looks between the two. Unfortunately, when the man opens his mouth, it's probably not much help. Closing her eyes, there is a sort of helpless expression that touches Hay's face for a moment. Straightening, she moves to return to her coffee at the table. "I'm not sure which is going to be worse, if she tears up the ship tryin' to get away from you, or when Ness finds out you used her good towel for cleaning your dirty weapon." She snatches up the towel, holding it up as if in evidence. Putting it on the stove, where Ness is sure to find it, she sits at the table, taking up her cup.

Chloe exhales softly. It's clear she'd REALLY rather not but hostage situations 101 (which she was forced to take after being taken by a patient and effectively locking down an entire battle cruiser for several hours) clearly stated one should comply with demands made by one's captor. So she obediently toes off her no nonsense pumps, her jacket, her blouse, and her skirt through the door Hayden and mumbles politely to Hayden, "Thank you, Miss Hayden. You are most kind." before closing the door and allowng Hayden to return to her coffee.

Pausing at his cabin's door, Trent arcches a brow oddly at Hayden. "What?" he asks curiously, before flahsing a brilliant smile. "Could you get those in the fresher? I think I'm gonna take a nap," he explains as if he were saying he had a TON of work to do. He does however, glance between Hayden and the door of the passenger cabin as it closes. "Welp..." he offers with a contended smile. "I think my work here is done." Sliding open the hatch, he steps one foot through, before pausing the eye Hayden. "You didn't have a fresh pair of panties, right?" he asks with a waggle of the brows, before stepping inside quickly. Shit's likely to hit the walls soon after.

Fisher arrives from Thunderchild - Crew Cabin Two. Fisher has arrived.

Hayden actually growls, it's a loud and a little scary. "You assume I wear any!" She shouts at his door as he makes the panty remark, wanting to toss her cup at him and actually hefting it as if to do so before she realizes it still has a sip or two. She finishes the coffee in the cup off, goes to the kitchen and deposits the cup, then stops by the passenger cabin and gathers up the clothes. "Can you freshen these for me, I need a nap." She mocks the Captain, rolling her eyes. " Meh, tah mah duh hwoon dahn."(Mother ******* son of a bitch) She says under her breath. With her arms full of Chloe's sensible clothes and shoes, she straightens and there just the briefest of pauses before she heads.... for the cockpit. Yup, this is definitely a job for Fish.

SHIP ANNOUNCEMENT: Edison Trent broadcasts over the intercom: 'Fish, could you go unfuck your girlfriend? We had a great conversation.'

The pilot has been minding his own business. Sure, there was a bit of a ruckus, but Fish has piloty things to do. You know. While we're here parked on this nice planet (or is it a moon?) for several days straight. He was probably sleeping. The message over the intercom does its intended job and gets his attention, and the way it was worded suggests impending (if not already extant) catastrophe, so he's in a bit of a hurry and not paying a lot of attention as he's making his way hurriedly up the stairs. It's not entirely clear which of them is trying to run the other over, but the collision is spectacular. "Uh," Fish mutters as he takes a half-step back, "Sorry." It's only after rushing out an apology that he hopes will spare him the wrath of an angry woman that he notices what she's wearing. He scrubs a hand through his hair as a stalling tactic, but sort of rumbles apologetically, "Am I interrupting something?" His eyes wander, but only briefly, and he has the good sense to keep his opinion to himself just now.

She's wearing a long t-shirt, with some long faded cartoon, fat cat on the front, the animated feline once an orange color with black stripes. In her arms, she carries Chloe's clothes and shoes and she's heading towards the cockpit with her haul, when she hears the ship announcement. "Wuo Duh Tian Ah."(OMG) Exhaling the words quietly. And she thought she had it rough when she joined the crew! Suddenly, FISH! The clothing, the shoes, they sort of tumble and she steps back, blinking. Hay stares at him for a moment, and for just... the smallest of moments, there is something close to envy in the woman's face. "Yes." She says, motioning with her arms wide to the clothing that was in her arms and is now on the floor. "You're interrupting laundry, because apparently, the Captain thinks I'm a gorram maid!" She huffs, then pauses, calming, "He scared your girlfriend to bits, she's locked herself in the passenger cabin and I gave her a robe so you could get her clothing cleaned." She says, the words coming out rather quickly. She tugs down the shirt, and turns on heel, "I need to get dressed." As she heads to her cabin, "The Captain said to take her into town, or whatever passes for town around here, and get her something new." She puts a hand on her door. "I can't believe you got laid before me." She mutters, and steps into her cabin.