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Latest revision as of 18:50, 29 January 2013

Who: Russell & Suzi

When: Mar 09, 2532 (IC)

Where: Various locations, Santo.

What: Russell and Suzi visit Santo to celebrate his return to practicing medicine. But it seems he has a hidden agenda...

So, Russell was gone all day and back in the afternoon. He brought back a load of books and medical journals, dumping them on the bed along with some doctorly supplies. Then he called in his promised 'anything he wants' outing and told Suzi they were going to Santo, and never said another thing about it, refusing to explain anything until they got to said planet. Now they're here, and he looks around the spaceport in contemplation, rubbing at his jaw. "So I sold the bike... I was thinking, if we gamble right, I can double my money. Maybe triple it." <English>

Other than a somewhat confused 'Santo? What the hell is on Santo?' Suzi seemed amenable to this plan. All she asked was if they were staying overnight, so she'd know if she needed to pack a bag. Now that they've arrived, she looks to Russell expectantly but what he reveals just causes her brows to lift. "You want to gamble... with the money you got from selling the Honda?" Yes, she looks skeptical. Also, confused. But she did tell him they could do whatever he wanted. "Well, lead on I guess. But if I get thrown out of the casino for counting cards it's all your fault." <English>

Russell told her to pack a bag. He packed one too. Then he stuffed her bag into his bag so that they only have one bag and he slings that across his back. He's wearing a button-down shirt, untucked over slacks tonight. Gotta look classy if you're going into a nicer casino. He has his sunglasses, too. "Yeah." He replies, smiling and reaching to wrap an arm around her shoulder and tug her in the direction of the Duo Shao Plaza. "It'll be fun." He says. <English>

Suzi was not exactly apprised of a dress code. But taking a cue from Russell she put on a skirt and a nearly backless top that shows off her tattoos, paired with her favorite pair of high heeled boots and black spiderweb pattern stockings. She's looking very goth chic as he settles his arm around her and steers her toward the plaza. "No shit, I totally got kicked out of a casino here when I was in college. But that was, like, eons ago. What are the odds I'm still in their database?" <English>

Russell looks over at Suzi, shock and surprise on his face. Then he laughs, "Really?! Wow... Well, let's just stick with slots and roulette, then. I don't want to get in trouble." He says, heading northward towards the nicer establishments. At least he's thinking at least somewhat rationally tonight, insofar as avoiding potential trouble. "What's your favorite casino game?" <English>

Suzi savors that look of shock and surprise, grinning. "Aw, what's the fun in that?" She asks, but winks. "Whatever you want, babe. It's your night." She curls her arm around his back while they walk, underneath the bag on his back. "Blackjack, obviously. I like it when the odds are in my favor. With poker, you have to read people. I'm better with numbers. Don't play slots, the odds on those things are horrible. You might as well just walk in, throw your money down, and walk back out." <English>

"Damn right whatever I want." Russell murmurs in retort, but he's teasing and leans over to press a kiss to her cheek. Then he laughs as she tries to warn him against slot machines. "But Suzi.. I like the rush when I put the money into the slot." He states with a grin, his blue eyes roaming the brightly lit establishments, the gaudy or tasteful displays, all designed to lure people in to lose money. <English>

Suzi rolls her eyes a bit. "I can offer you a few places you can stick money that would be just as exciting and a hell of a lot cheaper," she throws back, likewise joking. The neon lights from the various establishments light up the streets almost as bright as day and play across her pale skin as they walk. "So, where do you want to start then, high roller?" <English>

Russell laughs again, then points at the Cactus Flower. "That place. I don't know anything about it, but it has a cactus." He says, as if that should explain it all. "If we win the jackpot, that would be really fun." He says, grinning, well aware of how absolutely stupid and childish he sounds, but the guy is just having fun. <English>

"Yup, it sure does," Suzi agrees, with tolerant amusement as she lets Russell guide her in the direction of the Cactus Flower. She tries not to look too closely as they step inside, just sort of taking in the veneer of the place and overlooking the run-down nature at the heart of it. "It would be," she agrees, her arm squeezing him gently. It's nice to see him so happy, to be able to share that with him. Even if he ends up pissing away what's left of his money after buying the stuff he needs for his studies... probably worth it. <English>

Russell nods quickly in agreement. Once they're inside, he lets a guy with a wand wave it over the duffel across his back, saying cheerfully, "Just clothes." And since the metal detector doesn't go off, the man just nods and waves them by. Russ looks around, then heads for the cash window and trades in fifty credits for chips. Then he passes half of them to Suzi in a cute little green bucket. "Alright. To the slots!" He says cheerfully, heading towards a machine and not even noticing how run-down the place is. He drags a couple of stools over. "After you, dear." He says with a smile. <English>

Suzi blinks as she is passed the little green bucket of chips, but follows Russell to the slots. When he gestures for her to go first she makes a face and balks. "Oh *hell* no. If you want to throw your money away you're going to have to do it yourself. I'll get drinks." She makes as if to pass him the bucket as she leans in to peck him on the cheek. Non-alcoholic drinks, most likely. But drinks, nonetheless. <English>

Russell blinks, then mock-scowls. "Hey! Hey!! You said anything I want! I want *us* to play the slots, Suzi. You promised." The man states firmly, but there's mirth in his eyes and the kiss softens that attempted scowl. Whether she sticks around or not, he plunks a chip into the machine and hits the button. <English>

Suzi settles on the stool beside Russell's with a resigned sigh, taking a chip from the bucket and slotting it in the machine. Pushing the button. Oh hey, look, no payout. She glances over at Russell to make sure he's paying attention and puts another chip in. Presses the button again. Why is this supposed to be fun? Maybe she'll figure that out if she ever wins anything. "Now you really do owe me some time at the blackjack table." <English>

Russell smiles delightedly when Suzi sticks the chip into the machine, then says, "Awww.. keep trying! You'll hit a jackpot." He encourages, then puts a few chips into his own machine, cheerfully watching the spinners come up with different pictures that don't match. "I guess we could a little bit... but I want to try roulette too. There's no statistical advance for the house." <English>

"I already hit the jackpot, I'm pretty sure that doesn't happen twice." Suzi remarks, though she's not really talking about the slot machines. But at least she's smiling now, as she slots chip after chip, watching the money piddle away one tiny increment at a time. "Never did like a level playing field, but it beats some of the alternatives. Unless they're cheating." She looks around her briefly, no doubt wondering how likely that is. <English>

Russell looks over at her briefly in confusion, then he grins. "Okay. This is painful. Let's find something else while we have chips let." He gets to his feet and grabs up the bucket. "You can pick this time." He's so generous. <English>

"Finally," Suzi groans, but flashes a wink in Russell's direction as she slips off her stool with bucket in hand. Pausing to give her skirt a little tug before offering him her free hand. "Well, you know what I want to do. But let's try roulette. Save the blackjack for the end so we can break even." She winks again, lips curved in a generous dimple-revealing smile. <English>

Russell laughs, "Ouch... No faith in the power of luck." He says, snickering. "My luck has been good lately. I have a feeling we're gonna strike gold tonight." Although so far it's not looking that way. He winds along through the casino and finds a roulette table with only a couple of people at it. "This looks good." He says, tugging Suzi to sit in his lap and wraps his arms around her middle. "Okay, pick a number, baby. Throw ten credits on it." <English>

"I'd settle for not striking rock bottom," Suzi replies, with a chuckles. When Russell stops at the table, Suzi eyes it. The lack of patrons is either a good sign or a bad one. She's not sure which. She starts toward the seat next to Russell's, then laughs when he tugs her into his lap. She settles there with her little pail of chips, studying the wheel. "Hmm. Number 8." A pause, then she adds, "Black." As if there were any question. <English>

Russell just goes on with his endless chipperness, joyfully declaring, "twenty-seven!" And he reaches forward to toss a couple of ten credit chips, one on each number. Then the ball is thrown onto the wheel and it spins and spins and spiiiiins. <English>

"Twenty-two!!" Is the number called out. Damn. <English>

Suzi watches the wheel spin. The ball roll. It's kind of mesmerizing, in a way. She 'awws' when the wrong number is called and turns her head to look over at Russell, smiling. "Care to try again?" she asks, looking at the last two 10 credit chips they have. Then she leans over, placing 'hers' on 31 black. Straightening, she settles to watch as the few other players at the table place their bets. <English> "Of course." Russell replies without hesitation. "We're just warming up." He states confidently, reaching for the last chip and holding it in front of Suzi's face. "Kiss it, dear. For luck." He says. Then if she does or not, he sets it on '2'. <English>

Suzi does as requested, pursing her lips and pressing a kiss to the chip for luck. Looking rather amused by it, too. "Mwah." she says, for extra effect, then settles to watch the chip get placed and the wheel to get spun! Her hand settles on Russell's arm where it wraps around her waist, rubbing his forearm with gentle fingertips. <English>

Russell watches as the metal marble bounces and twirls and skips along. Then as it finally settles onto the '16', he sighs dramatically. "Okay. Let's find something else." He says, grinning and scooping Suzi up with him. He leaves the empty bucket at the table and instead of going back to the exchange, he heads for the doors. "I bet one of the other places will have better luck. Cactuses aren't lucky." <English>

"Aww." Suzi says, when the 'wrong' number is called again. Then she squeaks as she finds herself scooped up and laughs as she's carried off toward the door. No doubt drawing a number of looks from customers and staff alike. She's smiling, though, curling her arms around his neck and nosing his cheek gently. "No, they're actually pretty spiny. Maybe we can play blackjack at the next place?" She grins and winks. <English>

"Maaaaybe. But I wanna go to the other side of town. See what's over there. Better casinos, I bet." Russell says, smiling to a kind security gentleman that holds the door for the losers that are on their way out. "Are you having fun yet?" He asks her. <English>

"Well, there are some..." she pauses, waiting until they're clear of the door and even then saying quietly, "Nicer ones, at least. This part of town has seen better days." She laughs as he continues to carry her outside, but nods at his question. "Were you expecting me not to? We always have fun, don't we?" Smiling, she kisses his cheek, then turns her head to watch where they're going. "Are you going to carry me all the way there? Not that I object, but if you throw your back out before we find a hot tub..." <English>

Russell laughs. "It's fine. I like carrying you." He replies, squeezing her tightly. "Hmmm.. hot tubs. We're looking for one of those then?" He starts wandering southward. "Let's seeee... there's a chili place. Probably no tub there. There's a strip club. There's a movie theatre... wedding chapel..." He sets her down after a little bit, but will angle to keep ahold of her hand, pointing out each place ahead with the other. "There's some kind of.. Asian place. Jade Buddha... Maybe it's a bath house?" He asks, shrugging. <English>

"Well, you got me all the way out here with the promise of an overnight trip. I have to assume there's a hot tub to be involved somewhere." Suzi jokes, with a grin. "Hmm, might be one in the strip club... but no." The other places they pass seem even less likely. Once set on her feet, she lets Russell snag a hand and laughs, "The Jade Buddha is another casino. Sorry there, scout." She squeezes his hand. "But we could go in and see if the games there are any more favorable." <English>

Russell lifts her hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to her knuckles as they stroll along. "Oooh, really? Another casino? Nah. We were going to go to the other side of town. Better luck over there. I think I remember seeing an ad about a big hotel/casino." He carefully guides her around some women that are a bit too scantily clad and handing out flyers, "Are you hungry at all? There's a sushi place. And another chapel. Want to get married?" He asks with a grin, mischief in his eyes. "I think we have enough credits left for that." <English>

"Oh yeah, there are a few big hotel casinos up there. Some of them bound to have hot tubs." Suzi says, glancing sideways and smiling at Russell when he kisses her knuckles. Her attention is distracted briefly by the scantily clad women with flyers, but she determines quickly she doesn't want what they're selling. "Hm?" she says, looking over at Russell in time for the chapel crack. She laughs, amusement plain on her features and sparkling in her warm brown eyes. "Yeah, wouldn't that be a hoot. 'How was your trip?' 'Great! We got hitched!' Trin would come at us with a frying pan." <English>

Russell nods in agreement, "Hot. Tubs." It's their thing. Rule the world, and hot tubs. Well, they haven't really discussed the ruling of the world yet. There are better worlds than Santo, anyway. When she laughs, he laughs too, "Yeah, I guess she would, but at least it would be filled with delicious quesadillas, so I'm okay with that." The man says, a smirk on his lips. Then he digs a hand into his pocket and pulls out one of those little black velvet boxes, the sort jewelry comes in. He flips it open, holding it out to her. Inside is a white-gold ring, a black round-cut diamond in the middle with smaller carot white diamonds around it, and more smaller black diamonds beyond that. "So... do you want to get married?" He asks again, studying her reaction intently. <English>

"I'm not sure that being chased with a hot skillet full of quesadillas is an impr--" she cuts off with a blink when Russell produces a ring box. What the fuck. It has a ring in it. She blinks again, slowly, looking from the drop dead gorgeous to the man holding it out and back again. Several times. Her mouth opens and closes a few times as her jaw drops and lifts repeatedly. In a word? Speechless. Also, surprised. Confused? A little of that too. Maybe more than one word, then. None of them are 'disinterested'. "Are you serious?" she looks at the ring. "You're serious." she looks around her briefly, as if a camera crew is going to jump out from nowhere. Surprise, you're on Candid Camera 2532! Then she looks at the nearby chapel. Then Russ. "Now??" <English>

Russell's hand shakes, a little bit. He's extremely nervous. He has no idea how she'll react and this is all a bit more than impulsive, especially for him. "I'm serious..." He answers softly. Then he pitches down the duffel bag and goes to one knee upon it (who knows what's on the ground and it's hard and stuff). "Look, I know ... I know this is sudden, and I know it's a lot to ask. But, we're not kids and for me, everyday with you is a joy." His voice shakes, nervousness really starting to win out, "I know it's selfish of me but I want that joy for myself, and I love you so much more than I know how to say, or show... Things are going to be difficult in the months ahead, but this? This is something that would only get better and better, because it would mean that each day is another day that I get to spend the rest of my life with you. You said I could have anything I want, today." He draws in a breath, trying to steady himself. "So I want you to marry me... Will you?" He continues holding that ring, waiting and not caring that people are stopping and staring. Probably evil undercover Alliance agents, recording everything with their secret cameras. <English>

Suzi's eyes widen when he gets down on one knee. The joking, the amusement that he displayed until this point has faded, leaving in its place nervousness and raw emotion. A hand lifts, covering her mouth as she listens, eyes starting to glisten and prickle with rising moisture. Maybe he's aware of the looks cast their way, but for a a few moments everything else just kind of fades away for Suzi. When he finishes making his impassioned plea, she blinks rapidly and forces her hand down. He can see the smile there, now, broad enough to dimple both cheeks as she nods quickly and a pair of tears do escape with the motion to spill down her cheeks. "Yes," she says, her voice cracking slightly. She clears her throat and repeats it. For the record. Then she bends down, ignoring the ring for now (and the breeze blowing up the back of her skirt) to take Russell's head between her hands and kiss him. <English>

When Suzi's eyes start to moisten and she doesn't answer immediately, that hand over her mouth, Russell looks terrified for a moment. Then she smiles and says yes. He lets out a held breath, laughing a little out of sheer nervous relief. Her fingers wrap around his head and the kiss almost tips him off-balance, but he probably wouldn't have cared. All he can think about is that she said yes, and he's dimly aware that the little crowd of people that gathered to watch are cheering and clapping. Russell just pushes to stand back up so that he can wind his arms around Suzi and kiss her back. When he finally draws back, he whispers softly, "Thank you..." Then he offers her the box again and glances once towards the chapel. "There are other places down the street, but this one looks pretty nice." Oh yeah, she's not off the hook with just an engagement. He was serious about it all. <English>

Suzi ignores the cheering and clapping, just wraps her arms around Russell and holds on while they share that very special kiss. "No, baby, thank YOU." she replies, insistently, accepting the box when it's offered to her. She's looking down at the ring with a smile, inspecting it more closely now that the shock of seeing it nestled in that velvet box has mostly passed. Though, her heart is still hammering in her chest. "Wha?" She looks up again at Russell's mention of other places and this one, following the direction of his glance. Her eyes widen again. "You're not serious..." she says, but he looks pretty serious to her. She looks nervously from him to the chapel and back again. Then snaps the ring box closed and holds it against her chest as if to dissuade him from snatching him back. Or to assure him how much she wants it. Wants him. <English>

Russell watches her inspect the ring with a big grin on his face, then remembers the duffel bag and reaches to tug it up against the wall of the building so that it's not in the middle of the sidewalk. He gives an appreciative smile to some of the well-wishers that are still lingering and 'awwwing' at the romance. Then his blue eyes move back to Suzi and he starts to reach for the box, but she snaps it away. So instead, he speaks softly, "Just you and me?... no fuss, no crowds... no expectations or stress to start us off." No family meddling in. No guest lists. No 'standards'. No risk of family not approving and ruining the good vibe. No planning it into busy lives... He doesn't voice all of that, but it's in the pleading in his eyes. <English>

Suzi never has been very good to saying no to Russell. But it's all so sudden. Usually he's the one putting on the brakes. She studies him with a very serious expression, taking in the pleading in his eyes and his words. As for the unspoken, well, maybe she gets it. Maybe she doesn't. But the mention of fuss and crowds is enough to get her thinking about what it could mean to marry into Russell's family. The potential for pomp and circumstance. Lisa Cymbeline strikes her as the sort of woman that likes pomp and circumstance. Plus, she's already been married once. Technically, she probably shouldn't wear white. And Suzi, in white? Period? Hard to imagine. But who wears black at weddings anyway? Many many thoughts flash though her mind in rapid succession, and in the end she swallows... and nods. "I did say you could have anything you want tonight." she smiles a little at this, but in a somewhat amused fashion that suggests it's not the only reason she'd agree. "But you know, we could sneak off whenever we want and do it. We don't *have* to do it tonight. But if you really want to, if you're sure you won't wake up tomorrow and go 'oh fuck what did I do'... yeah, okay." <English>

Russell watches her, not able to hear her mental process, but he can tell that she's really thinking it over and that lends him patience. He waits, giving her all the time she needs to think it through. He cracks a grin when she voices that pre-existing condition. He reaches for her hand, rubbing his thumb along her fingers as he listens to her decision. "I want to. And I wouldn't have any regrets. Never. But... if you think you might, it can wait. I don't want you to regret anything. So, it's up to you. I release you from the 'do anything I want' promise." He says, grinning. "I think it's after midnight on Paquin, anyway." Then he glances towards the chapel doors again. "It's up to you, sweetheart." <English>

Suzi shakes her head quickly. "No regrets." She seems certain of this, her fingers curling gently around his and giving a squeeze. Her mind is made up, now. He's always been the fraidy cat in this relationship, and if he's not spooked anymore she'll be damned if she will be. She does pause, though, looking down at the ring box still clutched to her chest and offering it to him. "But before we go in, you should put this on my finger so we can pretend we've been engaged for more than five minutes." She smiles a little crookedly at this. <English>

Russell's smile grows as Suzi makes her decision and he reaches to squeeze her into a hug, pressing another kiss to her lips. "And this is why I love you. You're awesome." He says softly, then takes the ring box back. "I wanted to put it on your finger for the first time when we said our vows..." He says, blushing a bit through that tan he was working on all week. He reaches down to take up the bag from the ground, "Can I do that? Is that okay?" <English>

"I love you too. But I can't figure out if I want to hyphenate. Your name is long. Would you be interested in becoming a Flynn? Dad always wanted a son." She winks and kisses him again, then looks down at the box before looking to him again when he makes his admission. "You mean they don't have, like, wedding packages with rings and stuff? I don't have a ring for you..." Suzi says, her eyes sliding toward the chapel briefly. But she nods a little at his request and even starts to move in the direction of the chapel, still holding his hand. <English>

Russell blinks at that. Hyphenated? He had totally not thought about that, at all. "Well, you don't need to decide that tonight." He moves towards the door, reaching to pull it open for her with the hand carrying the duffel. "I don't need a ring. I'll have you. That's all that I want." He says confidently, heading over to the desk where the clerk is waiting. Oh look, a nice sign showing prices for different packages. "Look, fifty credits, with a photo and everything." <English>

"Not tonight," Suzi murmurs in agreement, though once they're inside and Russell insists he doesn't need a ring she quickly counter-insists, "You're getting a ring. Maybe not tonight. But soon." It's a firm sort of statement, even as they're approaching the front desk. The package Russell points out gets a laugh from Suzi. "You didn't lose your last fifty creds at the casino did you?" she asks, playfully, fluttering her lashes at him. "Oh hey look, we can immortalize our union on coffee mugs..." <English>

"No. I did not." Russell replies, snickering. Then he laughs. "Alright. It's settled." He goes over to talk to the man behind the counter. "My.. fiance.. and I, are looking to get married, please. And we'd like the coffee mugs, and the photo." He says, grinning. He glances back at Suzi, then digs into his pocket and pulls out his wallet, counting out credits. Looks like he has more than fifty in there. He was prepared. <English>

Suzi laughs when he decides to spring for the coffee mugs. He knew she was being silly, but he's running with it. Just one of the many things she loves about him. Grinning foolishly, she lingers by his side while the enthusiastic clerk rings them up and offers such things as a bouquet and veil for the lady. She declines the veil, but after some consideration does agree to a bouquet. All the flowers are silk, but she finds one with darker colors that she likes better than the more traditional light bright ones. <English>

Suzi laughs when he decides to spring for the coffee mugs. He knew she was being silly, but he's running with it. Just one of the many things she loves about him. Grinning foolishly, she lingers by his side while the enthusiastic clerk rings them up and offers such things as a bouquet and veil for the lady. She declines the veil, but after some consideration does agree to a bouquet. All the flowers are silk, but she finds one with darker colors that she likes better than the more traditional light bright ones. It's during this selection and registration process that Suzi blinks and lifts a hand to tag her comm unit, which she actually had forgotten she was wearing. "Um.. no. Catch me tomorrow." Then she turns it off and removes the earpiece, stuffing it in her skirt pocket, snickering a little. "Boss," she explains. <English>

Russell cheerfully pays for everything without complaint and nods approvingly at the bouquet that Suzi picks out. "Perfect." He says brightly, then when she gets the call, he looks over curiously. When she blows off whoever is on the line, he laughs. "Oh, you could have told him what you're up to." He says, snickering as well, then he looks back to the clerk and pulls out his ID when the man asks for them. <English>

Suzi looks at Russell as though he's daft. "What? Oh heck no... that is a serious violation of the girl code. I can't tell him before I tell Trin. I'm going to be in enough trouble for eloping without telling her." Granted, telling someone you're eloping kind of defeats the purpose a little bit. "That is what we're doing, right? Eloping?" She smiles, fishing out her own ID to show to the clerk. But she's not looking at him, she's looking at Russ. <English>

"Yes. That's what we're doing." Russell replies firmly, nodding. "And we're doing a damned fine job of it. No one knows. Got it." He looks back to the clerk, waiting to get his ID back. "You can skip the part with the free wave-notification to friends and family." That's not really an option, but Russ is on a roll with the silly jokes. <English>

Suzi snickers again, then clears her throat and puts on her serious face just so the clerk knows this isn't a complete joke to her. Not that it matters to him either way, since he's gotten paid. He probably gets all sorts through here, serious and otherwise. "Can we skip the honor and obey part too?" she asks, peering curiously over at Russell. <English>

"What?? No. I want real vows. No loopholes to wiggle out with later." Russell replies, grinning as he leans on the counter, rolling the ring box in his fingers impatiently. So close! Finally the clerk finishes everything up and passes over some print-outs to the couple. "Take these in to the shepherd and he'll do the ceremony and have you sign. Once you sign, it's official and legal and goes into the cortex database. Just to remind you, this is a real wedding. You will be legally bound." He waits a moment to let that sink in, then leans forward and points what direction they're supposed to go. <English>

Suzi rolls her eyes a little, but you can bet there won't be any obeying in her vows. Though she's got nothing against honoring, really. That can stay. When the print-outs are offered, she studies hers with a smile, glancing up at the stern words from the clerk. "Understood." she says, glancing over to Russell but not seeming to suffer any last minute cold feet herself. "Ready?" she asks, turning toward the arch that leads into the chapel itself. <English>

Russell just chuckled, grinning and nodding to the clerk. He takes the sheet, grabs up their clothes, and follows Suzi into the chapel proper. It's actually very pretty. There are a few rows of real wood pews, and the walls are all oak with reliefwork flowers and vine complimenting strings of silk vines with white and cream roses twining around and strung along everything. There's soft lighting and some fake candles set up. The shepherd is coming out from a side door, smiling warmly, "Good evening! I'm Shepherd Paul Spear. It's a pleasure to meet you both. Do you have any special requests before we get started?" <English>

As they step into the chapel, Suzi looks around with a smile, appreciating it for what it is. It looks wedding-like, even though the pretty spring colors aren't really her thing. Nonetheless, it doesn't dampen her enjoyment of the moment in the least. When the shepherd steps over to introduce himself, she smiles at him and replies, "Suzi Flynn." Unnecessarily, perhaps. He's probably already been beamed their details. At the question, she glances quickly at Russell and asks, "No obeying, if you please." <English>

Russell just grins as he takes in the surroundings, dropping the bag onto a second-row pew. He offers the paperwork over to the shepherd, smiling and greeting him politely, "A pleasure, Shepherd Spear. Russell Cymbeline." He pauses when Suzi chimes in her request. "No obeying.." He agrees softly. The shepherd nods, "That's fine. Not a problem. I have some that I like to use. A little less traditional, but nice." He sets the paperwork aside on a little podium likely there for just that purpose, then beckons the couple over to stand in the open space at the head of the aisle. "Are you ready?" He asks, smiling. <English>

"Traditional is great. Maybe 'love, honor and cherish'? Small change." Suzi suggests, giving Russell's hand a squeeze. Pausing, she looks down briefly at the bouquet in her hand and adjusts her grip on the handle, lips still curved in a smile. When she looks up again, the shepherd beckons so she glances over at Russell again and starts down the aisle. Presumably with him, her fingers still curled warmly around his. Is he ready? She's ready. <English>

Russell is definitely ready, and as they walk together to stand before the shepherd, he thumbs open the ring-box to pull the ring out, holding it ready in his free hand. Shepherd Spear goes through some pleasantries, talking for a few minutes about how special marriage is and how two people are dedicating their lives to each other. It's nice. Then he gets on to the vows and gestures to Suzi to face Russell and prompts her with a rather lengthy vow to repeat: "I Suzi Flynn, pledge my undying love to you, Russell Cymbeline, as I invite you to share in my life. I promise to be kind, unselfish, respectful, and trustworthy so that together our dreams of a beautiful future can come true. In the divine presence, I offer you my solemn vow to take you Russell to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health. I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve all of your goals, laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind and in spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live." <English>

Deja-vu. It's a different setting, different shepherd, different words, different man, and yet it's still familiar to Suzi. She listens attentively, her eyes slipping away from Shepherd Spear to Russell every now and then. Smiling a little more if he catches her looking and quickly looking back to the front again. Hopefully the shepherd feeds her that lengthy vow bit by bit, or she doesn't have a chance. But these things being what they are, he probably does. So she turns toward Russell and repeats the words with chin held high and voice clear. Confident and sure, despite the fact that this is all so very sudden and unexpected. But that doesn't make it wrong. <English>

Russell, for his part, has never been married, or even engaged. He listens attentively, but does glance over at Suzi frequently, an unwavering smile on his face and his eyes bright. There's no hesitation. When Suzi goes through the vows, his grin widens and he gives her hand a tight squeeze. The shepherd nods in satisfaction and looks at Russ next. "You have a ring?" The clerk must have been paying pretty good attention, sending all the details back subtly. Good service here. When Russell pulls it out, Spear has him slip it onto her finger, then tags a 'With this ring' in front of the vows. Russell repeats them all softly, his eyes locked upon Suzi's with an intensity. There's no doubt on his face. When he's done with all of the vows, he lifts her hand up to kiss the back of it. The shepherd smiles, then says, "The power granted to me as a Shepherd allows me to bless you both in this new union and with joy in my heart I pronounce you husband and wife!" He says cheerfully, "You can kiss your bride now." Russ grins, then steps forward to wrap Suzi up in his arms, pressing a long, passionate kiss to her lips. <English>

Although most of Suzi's attention is on Russell's face as he speaks the vows, when he slides the ring on her finger she can't help but look down at it in its cool beauty. It mostly fits. And it's perfect, probably exactly the sort of thing she might have picked out. He did good. Her eyes lift again, and they've got that shimmer to them again that suggests an emotional sort of happiness. The shepherd pronounce them married and she grins, stepping into Russell's arms to receive that kiss and return it in kind. Didn't have to tell them twice, apparently! <English>

Shepherd Spear lets the pair enjoy the long kiss, not in any particular hurry to stop them. He goes to collect the paperwork, signing where he needs to, then waits for the couple, holding the pen out. Russell keeps Suzi held tightly in the embrace for a lingering time, savoring the moment. Somewhere, during the kiss, a camera snapped some pictures. They're being printed on mugs right now. There's an 8x10 being printed too. "I love you..." Russ whispers softly in Suzi's ear, then slowly draws away and goes to sign the offical documents. <English>

The sentiment is returned with a smile, and Suzi links her arm through Russell's so he can draw her toward the table where the documents are set out. She sets the bouquet down on the table so she can pick up the pen and scrawl her signature beside Russell's, leaving it there even after they're done since it was just a loaner anyway. "Thank you, Shepherd." she says, smiling at the kindly fellow. "It was lovely." <English>

"And you're a lovely couple." The shepherd replies warmly. "I have a good feeling about the pair of you. I was happy to have wed you tonight." He says and takes the documents, scanning them with a little page-reader, then he hands the paper copies over to the newlyweds to keep. "You're all set." Russell grins, looks over at Suzi, then grabs the bag with their stuff and takes her hand, tugging her back towards the entrance. "Okay. The only thing left on my list is finding the hot tub." <English>

It's a beaming Suzi that exits the chapel with Russell, carrying the small box containing their commemorative mugs and photo as well as the envelope containing their paperwork. Outside, she emits a little giggle and slips her hand from Russell's so she can wrap her arm around his waist and give him a squeeze. "What, you didn't book us a honeymoon suite? And I was starting to think this wasn't entirely spontaneous." she teases, with a grin and a wink. "But I'm sure we can find something..." <English>

Russell is grinning ear to ear when they're back outside, "No... I didn't want to put the money down on it just in case things didn't work out..." He admits, chuckling. Dumping fifty credits in the casino is one thing. Paying for a honeymoon suite you might not use? Not so much. He leans in to give her another long kiss, then points down the street, "There's a hotel back that way, I think." <English>

Suzi is distracted for several long moments by that kiss, during which a passer-by comments, "If ya like her so much, why don't ya marry her!" No doubt inspired by the chapel in the background. Without pausing, Suzi whips up a hand and raises her ring finger, which results in a brief double-take as the heckler initially things it a more insulting gesture. But they 'get it' after a moment and chuckle as they move on. Then there's more kissing, and another heckler suggesting, "Get a room!" At this, Suzi breaks the kiss and grins at Russell's mention of the hotel. "Sounds like a fine idea to me. In fact, at this point I don't even care if there's a hot tub." She probably also doesn't care if there's cable. <English>

Russell laughs, stealing one last kiss before he wraps his arm around her waist and guides her down the sidewalk in the direction of the nicer hotels. There's a honeymoon suite with their name on it... oh yes. <English>