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Sev Desera
Boris Kodjoe as Sev Desera.
Full name Sev Edward Desera
Date of Birth 27 May, 2499
Birthplace Last Reach, Silverhold
Parents Edward and Blaire Desera

Both Deceased

  • Date of Deaths: 4 November, 2511
Siblings None
Spouse Widowed
Children Ashford Benjamin Desera (2 January 2513; adopted 23 August 2525)

Klara Ann Desera (17 November 2524)

Assignment Owner, Helios Grand Hotel

Security, Red Lion Industries Command, Special Commando Service

Specialization Trader, Public Relations

Security, Piloting, REDACTED

Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Grey ; Black
Height and Weight 6'1" (1.87m)
192 lbs. (88.45 kg)
Status Active
Education Information

Homeschooled, Self-Taught
BFA, Persephone City Institute of Fine Art
BBA, MBA, New Xiaowen School of Business - Persephone

  • Close Quarters Combat Training
    • Blade Training
    • Mixed Martial Arts
  • Firearms Training
  • First Aid Training
  • Languages Known: English, Chinese, Gaelic
  • Piloting Training
Military Service


Employment History

Current: Helios Grand Hotel, Owner & Chairperson

Personal Notes

Medical Notes

  • Acute allergy to shellfish; severe.
  • Blood Type: O-.
  • Dependencies.
    • Taken in low doses, prescribed benzodiazepines.
    • Taken in low doses, prescribed risperidone.
  • Discharged from psychotherapy.
    • Persephone Cognitive-Behavioral-Therapy Associates (PCBT)
    • Aug 6, 2518 - Jan 12, 2519

Miscellaneous Notes

  • Weapons Permit: **** (4)
    • Date Issued: 22 February, 2525
    • Date Renewed: 17 December, 2531
    • Status: VALID
  • First Aid-CPR Certification
    • Date Issued: 14 March, 2524
    • Status: VALID

A Glance Upon the Psyche

Sev is a good man. He's extroverted, loving a good conversation and being around people. He values a strong work ethic and prefers unorthodox measures in completing those work tasks and whatever challenges he is presented with. He enjoys an active imagination and creativity. The man is boisterous, confident and compassionate, with a strong sense of honor, duty, and loyalty. Yet, for being so kind and humbled, he is also troubled at times, quiet and aloof, able to easily make friends but also be emotionally locked away. He's quick to smile and slow to anger, allowing the aggression to build until lashing out.

A Physical Vignette

Sev is an inch or two over a six foot mark and has a solid, trained build that could weigh somewhere around two-hundred pounds. He is broad-shouldered with strong, powerful limbs without the extreme bulk of a weight lifter. He has black hair currently styled into a low, even cut that blends in smoothly with a full beard. His irises are a shade of dark grey. He has a straight, broad nose and a smooth-cheeked face with a strong chin and squared jaw, and laugh lines. His brown skin is weathered and the tone holds a natural tanning. He looks to be in his late to mid thirties.

His clothing varies from day-to-day. It's best to look out for any changes that he takes to his wardrobe. However, some accessories are worn most, if not all, the time. These items include a black and silver chronometer-watch, a zebra-stylized black and white tablet computer PDA, a set of suspenders, and his brown pinched cowboy hat and an old brown duster most likely taken all the way from Independent Years.

The Narrative Thus Far...

The miracle, or the power, that elevates the few is to be found in their industry, application, and perseverance under the prompting of a brave, determined spirit.

- Mark Twain

Chapter One

From Silverhold, Sev Edward Desera wasn't born for fame or to riches for that matter. No, instead he grew up in a small farming family of individuals a couple of miles outside of an established boomtown in the latter portions of a picturesque Silverhold spring. Given that the town was the furthest on this continent in question, it was dubbed Last Reach when it was established. Overall, his childhood was full of hard, toughening work on the homestead while learning of life beyond his family's staked out existence within the walls of his home.

Since his interaction with other children was minimal, he settled in with the few ranch hands hired on and his mother and father. His father, Edward Desera, was an ex-Alliance officer and Browncoat-aligned privateer, having defected early on in favor of supporting his home, the Rim. His mother Blaire, maiden name Aleid, also served the Independent cause, as a pilot. By the end of the Unification War, they were on Silverhold and striking out a meager-but-happy living.

Back then, he learned plenty a thing that lend to his plethora of skills nowadays. At times, he would be welcomed in tagging along to hunt game or run livestock, sometimes be allowed to help manage things when heading into town for supplies. Now, his mother didn't wear the pants in the family but she was the one that taught him all the basics about maintaining a firearm and fighting in general while his father showed how to fight with words and disarm someone verbally. There were a lot of times when he could try his hand at cooking, and he excelled at artistry in most shapes and forms.

Sev grew up sheltered but the closer he turned to his teenage years the more and more he grew to rebel and find his own way in life. He never much wanted to become stuck with just family and friends and occasional visits to town, he vied for the Black and what lay beyond it. However, little did he know, he would actually be granted that wish of his in the near future.

Chapter Two

He was only twelve when his parents died.

Some days he remembers the events clearly, far too clearly, and others they're just vague flashes that lack color and detail, a blend of scenery and features that leaves his mind swimming in chaos. It was raining, heavily, storming for days on end without relenting. Then, there were two days of respite and upon the second of the pair the young Desera ventured forth towards town with just one of the family's hover MULEs. He wanted to visit some folk in Last Reach, however, on that third morning whilst returning home the storms picked back up. With the valley area he was traveling through flooding, he sought high-ground yet wasn't fast enough.

Sev found himself and the MULE lost to the whims of nature, and yet then when his body could fight drowning or crashing no longer he was found. It was his parents and he was pulled to safety, however safety only lasted for a handful of moments before they themselves were swept away and beyond in the morning darkness. He sat in a tree for hours on end until further rescue came. By then, the boy was broken beyond the bruising his physical body had taken.

The closure of a funeral was hollow. The bodies of his mother or father were never found.

Chapter Three

He signed over the farmstead willed unto him to an old cousin and headed to the closest town, Last Reach, his last reach for some semblance of life, driven by a friend given how lackluster life had become. The only possessions he would take with him of value were a pair of two-tone Slipshot Forty-Fours once belonging to his mother and an engraved knife given to him as a kid from his father. They were proof he was a man, his gate to his teenage years.

Life in Last Reach was just as tough as it was on his homestead, or maybe even rougher than usual. Sev stayed with an uncle, living over the man’s general store. The first few months were the worst; he hardly ate or even slept and when he did either he often threw food back up or had night terrors reflecting the death of his parents. It took him months to find his equilibrium and once there he spent most of his time in the store itself.

These were his mercantile years. These were his years spent buying low and selling high, making a name for himself in the black, shadow, and legal marketing system. This is where he dabbled into his uncle’s more clandestine dealings; drugs, whores, weapons and ammunition. This is where he excelled in the bars and brothels, living a fast and dead life. Last Reach is where Sev’s mindset was reinforced; that life was hard and brittle, fragile. He killed men just so they could not kill him in return.

He was going on twenty years of age when he left Silverhold behind and claimed he would never come back. He loved the Rim and the Rim probably loved him back, but his uncle sent him away to temper all of this aggression and pain, sent him to family members who lived under tighter restraints from the Alliance. His uncle sold shop and moved to the old homestead, Sev got half of the profits, a cleaned sheet, and sent to Persephone to finally live out his dreams.

Chapter Four

One step of succeeding in dreams to venture to other worlds and explore the Black was seeking help for the problems he had been through in the past. He went into a six-month program with the Persephone Cognitive-Behavioral-Therapy Associates, establishing psychological behaviors such as his post-traumatic stress disorders and linked night terrors, his recurring nightmares in general, and soon prescribed appropriate psychotherapy and necessary medication. They made him better but not complete. Sev suffered from mild withdrawals when not taking the prescribed medication but he was stable, quite through and through.

In fact, he approached the Tsukai no Inari towards the end of November in 2522 for a permanent position aboard their ship to replace the old trader and cargo master. It would be a beneficial maneuver for both him and Morgaine Kygaran, Captain of the Dragonfly-class transport. His test for being hired on was simple enough: he was required to draw a picture of her, right then and there. He passed it, easily.

Life on the Tsukai no Inari was lax and easy with brief highlights of danger to spice the affairs of her crew. Sev often found himself separating the legal amounts of credits the crew dealt with from the illegal varieties. He made friends, quick and long-lasting ones, with some of the crewmembers: Klara Aeden, Lolandria Crusa, Vanessa Kaeriani, Zoey Calihan, Aodhain Kelley, even Captain Morgue herself.

The Captain was becoming sickly as of late and no one could figure things out. When it came time that Morgaine's health ran afoul one last time, she had Sev placed with ownership and Aodhain as the new acting captain. It took the man quite a while to understand why such a responsibility was placed into his hands so quickly - scarcely a year had passed since his arrival upon the crew of the Inari; yet, he had also found himself as the Executive Officer when experienced crewmembers such as Alistare Mac', Dantis, Alexus Strentist went missing-in-action and others like Jacob Storn left completely.

The proverbial pair of shoes Morgaine bought him really did fit. Now it was just time he went about wearing them.

Chapter Five

Morgaine Kygaran died later that month on a warm and sunny December afternoon - he can remember that much easily, and the funeral on Paquin, though quiet, was nice indeed - and then the repercussions were felt amongst the Crew still available. A large part of the Tsukai no Inari had died; it became a ghost of a boat, with hope for a dance upon the Black a dying wish. However, in the long run, it was short-lived. For Sev, he held fond memories of the woman, his Captain, and of his friends, his Crew.

The experiences on the Inari prepared him to take on tasks he wasn't exactly planning on taking while serving the newly christened Dochasan Lasair. The ship might not have changed but the faces did, and he found himself looking more and more in the direction of one Lolandria Crusa. He was still down in a funk though, hardly performing his primary job as cargo-master well; but, her smiles his way caught his attention and some flirting on her end brought him into smiling in return. Months passed and the pair grew closer. He struck up the courage to marry the woman he fell in love with. They even have a kid, a daughter, who was named Klara Ann given their familial relationship with Klara R. Aedan.

The year of Twenty-Five Twenty-Four was a good year, overall. He was married to the love of his life and he had a growing family. His criminal exploits were void in his life and he lived cleanly aboard the Dochasan Lasair. Life was great. However, that would not be the case for the entire time.

More than once, he and the rest of his crew wound up fighting back a rivalry with a woman by the name of Melanie, drawing up bad blood from past wrongs taken with the crew. More times than not he had to take up arms just to protect his family and crewmembers from others. For a time, it grew to the point that Klara Ann had to be raised away from her mother and father, spending time with Lola's family on Hera.

Soon enough, Lola as well was on Hera so that they could more proactively take care of Klara Ann. Sev stayed on the Lasair and began taking contract work through the underworld and likewise underground clients.

Life wasn't so great any longer.

Chapter Six

Work In Progress