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This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.

Full name Hala bint Faruq Nazif
Date of Birth 07 December 2502
Parents * Father: Faruq abu Hamza ibn Rafiq Nazif (b.2474 d.2520)
  • Mother: Maryam bint Wahid al-Shehhi (b.2482 d.2520)
Siblings none
Spouse Single
Children None
Assignment Pilot, Zang Fu
Gender Female
Eyes and Hair Dark Brown Eyes, Black Hair
Height and Weight 190cm/80kg
Status Active
Education Information
  • 2514 - 2521 : Shangye School for Young Ladies, Sihnon, “With Honors”
  • 2521 - 2526 : Sihnon University, Sihnon, Master of Business and Economics magna cum laude
  • 2527 - 2529 : Flight school. Rated for Transports and Capital Ships
Military Service

No Military Service

Employment History

Hala bint Faruq Nazif (2502- )

Background (B.G. Before the Grid)

Hala bint Faruq Nazif was born to Faruq ibn Rafiq Nazif and Maryam bint Wahid al-Shehhi 7 December 2502, their only child. Faruq was a merchant on Ezra, travelling from village to town to city by camel caravan, trading across the vast deserts, stopping at ranches and the bazaars of some of the towns and cities. He was good and happy in his work, and provided well for his family, who never went hungry or thirsty. As Hala was Faruq's only heir, and there isn't much to spend money on in the desert, he was able to send her to any school she would have liked. Faruq and Maryam wanted to send her to the Companion school on Sihnon, but Hala asked them to send her to the Shangye School for Young Ladies instead. She began attending when she was 11 years old, and learned Chinese and more English (her parents and she used Arabic at home and very little of either of the other languages).

The end of spring near the end of her sixth year at the school, her father did some trading in the capital city of Ezra. He found out not much later that some goods he had purchased and traded again at another town should never have been traded to him, and Adelai Niska considered it to be his property. It did not matter that he did not know beforehand the goods were stolen or the property of Niska, Faruq, Maryam, and the entire caravan, as well as the people the goods were bought from and subsequently traded to, were destroyed. The priciples (Faruq, the seller, and the buyer) were introduced to the torture chamber on Niska's Skyplex, where he "met the men." Everyone else, including the camels, were put in a cargo transport by people claiming to be lawmen, there to relocate them for their safety. When the cargo ship broke past the orbit of Herschel, the hold was opened to space...

Upon receiving the news of her family's deaths, she snuck back onto Ezra and claimed her inheritance, clearing out her father's bank accounts mostly (not much), and snuck back off world to Sihnon. She started an under-the-table cash-only business there while in school procuring things for people, alcohol, information, rare or uncommon items. This continued through her university studies, paying for them where her scholarships did not, and supplying her with a place to live. She received her Master of Business and Economics from Sihnon University in Lu'Weng, graduating magna cum laude. She spent a year afterward continuing her procurement business, but also did some research and observation, finding that she could make more money if she could fly herself, rather than rely on others to transport goods for her. So, she enrolled in a flight school and trained for two years, eventually earning certification to fly both transports and capital ships. Not long after graduating, she began looking for work, and was happy to chance across the Zang Fu, where she is now the pilot.

Phyical Description

Hala is a very tall woman (190cm/6'3") with a medium, slightly curvy build (80kg./175lbs.), and handsome, but not exactly beautiful, as she has a cleft chin and angular facial features, but an ever-present Mona Lisa smile. Her hair drapes to the middle of her back, black with a brown sheen in the sunlight. Her eyebrows are perfectly shaped arches over her long lashed dark brown eyes, whose rich color reminds one of chocolate. Her skin is deeply tanned, partly from genetics partly from the sun, and smooth from spending much of her life on a core world. Her posture is the picture of confidence.

In matters of business, she usually wears a black wool or linen pinstriped women's suit with a white silk blouse and a reverse ermine silk handkerchief (black with white spots) tied at her throat, black patent leather pumps, skintone matching hose, and a few tasteful pieces of gold jewelry. Normally, though, she wears a white t-shirt and dark cargo pants, a black leather jacket, sun glasses (except in the dark), and comfortable, well broken in desert boots. She almost always has a large, hard sided leather brief case, one that could fit two normal brief cases inside. She can generally be found smoking a small pipe or a cigar.

Notes and Hooks

The following notes are for further description or concepts for interacting in role-play and hooks.

  • Has a box of Shadowfax cigars, one smoked, two in a cigar case in her brief case. Shadowfax cigars were produced from tobacco grown

on Shadow before it was decimated.

  • Owns three different pipes: a clay churchwarden, a black ceramic eagle claw holding a bowl, and a right angle 6" wooden pipe with

with metal bands on the stem.

  • Hooked on tobacco/nicotine.
  • Colorblind, completely. While lost in the desert, she was sand blinded when she did not have sunglasses or goggles. She went blind

for a while, but her sight returned, though without being able to see any colors, just shades of grey.

  • Allergic to nickel and copper, and will break out in boils wherever skin contacts it for more than a few minutes.
  • Speaks with a strong Arabic accent when speaking English, with a heavy lean toward a Sihnon accent.
  • Learned to read and understand most spoken Chinese, but cannot speak it.
  • The picture on the right is of Columbian model Valerie Dominguez, who is of Arab decent. See her Wikipedia page

for more information. Hala does not dress like in the photo.

  • Still acts as a procurement trader, mostly outside of the tax structure, and will work freelance to trade legally obtainable materials.