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Starring: P pix.jpg P becks.jpg P nova.jpg P remus.jpg
Pictured: Pix, Beckett, Nova, & Remus
Redemption Folk: Pix, Nova, Remus, & Molly.
Non-Redemption Folk: Beckett, Babbage, Epona, Usagi, Esther, and Liliya.

Summary: Pix goes out for a night on the town, scores a free drink, and doesn't even start the small bar brujaja that results.

Date: April 6th(ish) 2525. (First week in April, anyway. I think.)

Persephone, Spacer's District

Nestled between the Eavesdown Docks to the southwest and the City Commons to the northeast, this cluster of businesses is just one step away from the Eavesdown Slums that lie directly south. Food and drink can be found in The Dregs Bar and Grill or The Captain's Retreat though for temporary sleeping arrangements there's only one choice in this part of town, Largo's Crate Motel.

A Dark Alley off to the west seems a sinister counterpart to the apartments that rise up in the opposite direction, The Eavesdown Flats, and almost in the center of it all sits the Medical Wellness Clinic.

Armsted chuckles "I do ove shipping. I used to work for a warehouse on Beaumonde. That's where I got exposed to ships and there workings. Course never went off panet till I travelled here." Armsted thinks for a second and then continues, "Course expedited shipping sounds good for someone who wants to see the 'verse." <English>

Babbage nods. "You'll see plenty of the 'verse if you get hired with them. You'll find yourself on a new planet practically every day." <English>

Armsted whistles and says "Sounds a might tiring. This cargo, is it regular old cargo or is it just whatever needs moving?" The end of his sentence was laced with an air of curiosity. <English>

"It's mostly just commodities." Babbage says. "Canned food, building materials, that kind of thing. But if someone has a specific job, some kind of special cargo, we'll be happy to carry that, too." <English>

Pixie's heavy boots announce her approach as she makes her way into the Spacer's District. She heads in the direction of the Dregs, though her progress is not at all hurried. Drinks can be stalked. They don't have feds to save them. She shifts her glance around now and then, eyeing alleys she passes, or particularly good hiding spots. Or maybe she's just glancing around, hard to tell! Sightseeing? Probably not. Not in this district. <English>

Pixie is a 5'4" brunette, of curvy build, with dark brown hair streaked in red and gold, which falls to elbow length. Her eyes are green, dark lashed, and her ears pierced several times with small steel hoops. She rarely wears any make-up, though she has an affection for translucent fruity lip gloss. Several leather and woven fiber bracelets adorn her left wrist, some of them carrying small metal charms. Pixie's top is a backless halter, tied just behind her neck, with a very thin silk thong securing the back loosely, and tenuously, to her body. The fabric is black silk screened with delicate gold, white, and grey umbrella tops dancing over it in a repeating pattern. It leaves her back bare, and exposes a few inches of her belly. The flesh of Pixie's back is covered in a black and grey tattoo. From the nape of her neck to the curve of her buttocks is a large and twisting chinese dragon. The serpentine body weaves in and out of itself, twists, and occupies her rear torso with authority. It is a six legged, land bound dragon. A pair of bleached out blue jeans hug Pixie's hips, boot cut flared out below her knees. The jeans are fitted, though the fabric is fairly worn and ripped up in places, with both knees ripped out. One back pocket is missing, and the other is barely held on with some loose threads, and a couple of safety pins. A pink octopus patch is sewn to her thigh. A pair of heavy, laced up boots adorn her feet, made of leather and steel plating concealed at toe and heel. A survival knife is strapped to one of her boots. Armsted laughs "Ok, well if there's money to be made I'm not fast to turn it down. But to be honest I'm looking for some excitement to be had while on a ship." Armsted brings the cig back up and takes a long drag before blowing the smoke skyward. <English>

Babbage sees the woman walking by and eyeing the alleys. He decides to give her a wave with his left hand (since the right one is in a sling). Back to Armsted he says, "I personally could do with a little less excitement." He glances toward the sling. "But as you can see, excitement tends to find you." <English>

Babbage Babbage stands at about six feet tall. His black hair is trimmed in a short buzz-cut. He is fairly skinny for a man his height, but not so much that he looks underfed. The main thing that sets this man out from the crowd right now is the fact that his right arm is in a sling. That and the fact that when he's walking he tends to press his good hand against the left side of his stomach.

Babbage is dressed in a worn pair of cargo pants and a long brown duster. Underneath his jacket is a dark green t-shirt. When he's outside, his brown eyes are covered by a pair of orange sunglasses. On his feet he wears brown leather sandals. Everything he wears looks old and worn, it's clear that he dresses more for comfort than for style.

Armsted Six feet tall with close cut black hair. A shadow of a beard sits on his chiseled jaw. A nose with a ridge that looks as if it may have broken in the past, but unnoticeable unless you knew to look for it. Hazel eyes filled with a yearning. A defined brow line and skin that has been soaked by a past in the sun. He looks like he could be a cowboy from earth that was. His muscular build is prominent behind his simple clothes. He wears a brown leather jacket over a black t-shirt. His jeans show signs of wear but are still rugged. He wears old military surplus boots, cheap and utilitarian. In the pocket of his jacket sits an open and worn pack of cigarettes, soon to be replaced by another. Not one to ignore a friendly hello, Pix grins right back, the wary demeanor shattering under the finger-wave she gives the tall(er than her) man with the sling. "Hey, y'all." Check that, both of the men are taller than her, and she extends the greeting to both by way of a nods to Armsted. "Hi, kids." Friendly for someone eyeballing alleys. Maybe she's looking for someone to roll. <English>

Armsted seeing babbage wave, turns to see Pixie as she approaches. His cig lowers sightly as he gives her a once over and snaps back up as she greets him. "How do ya do?" He returns her nod, but fails to match her degree of enthusiasm. <English>

Babbage smiles at the, let's face it, attractive woman waving at the group. In a tone that could be described as 'hopeful' he asks, "You wouldn't by any chance be looking for a crew to join, would you?" <English>

It's few and far between those that match Pixie's moods, unless you're talking Beckett, then it's pure hostility. Her smile flashes to a wide grin. "I don' do windows, cookin', cleanin', niceness ta stupid folk, catorin', cargo, or lap dances, 'less I'm four sheets an' there's whiskey in it." She holds up a hand and points to Babbage, "Don' even think it. How come, you got a mighty fine ship?" She eyes the man. "You ain't look old enough for a ship." <English>

Armsted is amused by pixie's atiitude and says "I dunno if he's got a ship, but he could point you to one who does." Armsted reaches back up with his cigarette, but frowns as he tries to take a drag, realizing this cig has been spent. <English>

Babbage laughs Pix's the words. "I'm the cargomaster and engineer on the Evening Star. It's a Firefly. And we need just about everything." He glances at his sling. "But right now, what we /really/ need is security." <English>

Pix nods a bit to Armsted, as if considering his words very carefully. That appraising glance turns to Babbage again. "Evenin' Star. Evenin' Star." She's quiet for a moment, eyes shifting slightly to the side as she considers. Searching those memory banks as it were. While that process is running in the back of her brain, she flicks a look back to Babs once again. "I'm about five feet tall, honey. How come ya think I'm security? I look gruff an' firearmy ta you?" She flicks a glance between the two men, who seem to be at least passingly familiar with each other. Finally, she decides, "Buy me a drink an' you can tell me all 'bout your ship." <English>

Armsted listens to Pixie's words as he lights yet another cigarette. He takes a long, deep drag before letting it out, almost in a sigh as he speaks, "As much as I'd like to have a drink with you, I'm afraid I need to be heading out." He turns to Babbage. "Thanks again for the lead." He moves to leave but then pauses and turns to Pixie. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name." <English>

"Looks like you're paying attention to your surroundings, you got a knife strapped to your boot . . ." Babbage shrugs. "Even if you're not in security, our ship is way understaffed. Like I said, we need just about everything." He starts heading toward the Dregs and smiles. "Deal. We can talk about the ship over a drink." He waves to Armsted as he heads off. <English>

"I ain't never said it." She grins to Armsted, and still doesn't offer it. "We run afoul of each other again, maybe I will." Pix offers a slightly wider, teeth flashing grin to Armsted as he makes his motion to go. "Watch your back, hear? There's a lotta real questionable folk hereabouts." She winks and then turns to head for the Dregs, leaving Babbage to follow if he so desires. Anyone else feel a sense of impending doom? <English>

Armsted laughs. "Heh, we'll see." He starts to backstep and points at Babbage. "You get better ya hear?" And with that he turns and heads out. <English>

Babbage smiles and walks toward the Dregs with Pix. "So, if you do join the crew, we're gonna need to call you something. A name, or at least a nickname." He waves his good hand at Armsted, "I'll try." <English>

Persephone, The Dregs Bar and Grill

"No Poofs," reads the big sign just inside the to the Street, and the general decor of the Dregs backs up that assertion. Grim faced spacers sit on battered wooden chairs at equally battered tables or stand at the bar eating sandwiches and drinking and laughing and cussing. The long bar is rimmed with brass fittings, dented and pockmarked and worn from years of elbows and dirty hands. The mahagony surface of the bar is well polished and waxed. There are no bar stools, but despite this lack patrons belly up to the bar and vie for position with eachother at all hours, and at any given moment a fight is likely to break out. Behind the gruff looking bartender a large sign proclaims, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. That means you, fancy-pants!"

Small wooden tables are scattered haphazardly about the center of the room, each surrounded by a small cluster of chairs, none of them new. Booths line the walls and offer a modicum of privacy for those who desire or require such. The table in the corner to the right of the door as one faces the bar has a card game going, and the rumor around town is that that same game has been going on, with rotating players, for over a year non-stop.

Pixie kicks open the door to the bar and she glances back over her shoulder, leaving Babbage to catch it before it swings back and clips him right in the face. "Y'know, this bein' a major space port, there's a buncha dodgy folks about. Should oughta learn more about 'em 'fore propositionin' 'em with a job type description." She grins and heads up to the bar, moving around a couple of burly types before she bellies up to it, owing to a general lack of stools in this particular establishment. "GUS MY LOVE!" She calls loudly over the bar, "Bring me a whiskey, fine, aged," She jerks a thumb over her shoulder at Babbage, "This man is payin'. No, seriously. Ask 'im." <English>

Babbage nearly lets the door hit him, which would be bad considering his current injuries. But he luckily manages to stop it with his foot. "Oh, I plan on learning a bit more before anyone offers you a job. But you gotta start somewhere, right?" He looks up at Gus. "Make that two." <English>

Beckett stalks into the Dregs, catching the door on the backswing and giving it her own steel-toed tap of love in return. "Jesus fucking Christ, Pix, I heard you all the way from the gorram Docks," she calls. "At first I was all what the gorram fuck, is it water buffalo mating season? Then my booze sense started tingling." <English>

"Yeah, but then there's the awkward period when you figure out th' person you're talkin' to is batshit woo woo in the head, an' you gotta dump 'em cos they have dreams about dismemberin' people an' buildin' 'em inta engines for funsies." Pixie leans against the bar, hooks an elbow over it, and says, "Best not ta mention ya need somebody till after ya done decided if they's a nutcase. Kinda like with datin'. Y'all wanna keep a few cards back 'case ya need a right quick excuse. Lesbian cards is useful for this -- Speakin' a rug munchers." Pixie bellows across the bar, "BECKS!" Several heads turn to look, then look away again as the population of the bar adjusts itself to the presence of the pair. Again. Only one man gets up to leave. "This here's Beckett. Beckett, this here's..." She pauses. "Um." She looks at Babbage, waiting. <English>

"Robbert Babbage." Babbage says to Becks when Pix finally finishes her little speech. "Most folk call me Babs." He turns back to Pix. "Well, um, you're not all batshit, are you? Probably should've asked that sooner." <English>

Beckett snorts as she pushes through the room to draw up close with Pix and the new guy. "Oh, fuck, Pix is totally batshit," she claims helpfully. "At least she's wearin' pants today, that's a nice change'a pace from her usual state'a affairs." She narrows her eyes at Babbage in brief study, before looking back to Pix. "You ain't thinkin'a fuckin' him, are you? You can do better." <English>

Pixie glances at Beckett, then looks to Babbage. She hooks her other elbow on the bar, and leans her bare back against it. "Nooooo." She's not batshit. Swear. (Every damn day.) "Shut up, Becks." She makes a little cut it out motion that's brief. Maybe Bobby-boy missed it. She reaches over for her drink as the two whiskeys are delivered. "No, I ain't gonna fuck him. He's like a fetus." She takes a longer look at Babbage. "How old are you?" <English>

Babbage frowns at Beckett. "What are you talkin' about, I'm damn sexy. And I cook! But this is about looking for crew, not sex." Babbage takes his whiskey and turns back to Pix. "Twenty-one. And if you're a little 'off', that's fine. As long as you're not the kind of person who'll kill us all in our sleep." He chuckles slightly at his words. <English>

Beckett declares with all due confidence, "Pix would never kill anyone in their sleep. She likes her victims to see it coming. Somethin' about the fear in their eyes. Where's my whiskey?" She folds her arms, expectantly. She gives Pix a hairy eyeball. Crew? <English>

"I ain't never been accused of killin' nobody in their sleep." Pixie replies. It's not quite a denial, but hey. What do you want? She pauses, then looks at Babbage. "How well you cook?" She shakes her head a little, so as not to get distracted. She takes a swig of her whiskey. Ahhh. Yum. She returns Becks look, shrugs a little, and points to her whiskey. "She's right. I like ta see 'em squirm." She grins. "LIke ta feel 'em squirm, too." <English>

Babbage knocks back his whiskey in one gulp, and orders another round for the group. He gives Pix a serious look, or the most serious he can manage after the first drink of whiskey he'd had in months. "Okay. If we hire you, you gotta promise not to kill us. That's rule number one, you don't kill crew." He places a hand on the bar to help him keep his balance. "I'm not a /great/ cook, but I can make a decent dinner." <English>

Beckett gives Pix the hairier eyeball. "You lookin' for a job and you ain't told me?" she asks, accusingly. "Somethin' happen I dunno about? Do I gotta go and kick the shit outta a certain gorram preacher? Oh fuck, did he try'n make you do confession on your knees? That fucker!" She shakes her fist in angry preemptive vengeance... before getting distracted by whiskey. <English>

Pixie glances from Beckett to Babbage, and grins widely as she finishes off her whiskey, and waits for the second to arrive. "Ain't never said I was lookin', sugar. Curious about your outfit is all. S'posed ta be tellin' me about your ship." She coughs as Beckett goes off on her tirade about the preacher and confession on her knees. She reaches up to rub her nose, choking a little. Her hand hides her mouth. <English>

Babbage nods to Pix. "She's a firefly, one of the fastest Fireflys in the 'verse. We got enough crew to keep us in the sky, but we really need more." The second round of drinks comes, and Babbage grabs his cup. "We've got a great crew, I think you'd like 'em. And the pay's good, too." <English>

Beckett snorts. "Fireflies. Don't get me started on Fireflies," she grumbles. "Gorram pains in the ass, they are, a bitch to keep repaired and forever crappin' out when you need 'em the most. Cheap, plentiful and shitty." She downs some of her whiskey, and hrrmphs. "I'm'a gonna get me a Wren someday." <English>

Pixie's hand is snagging her whiskey and dragging it over before anyone can say anything else about confession, knees, or dirty martinies. Now that anyone was talking about martinis, but you just never know. She finally says to Beckett, "This fella decided he wanted ta have a chat. I keep my options open when it comes ta booze." She shrugs a little and notes, "Nobody ain't made me do nothin' like that on my knees lately, Becks, don' get riled up." Too late. "Drink this." She shoves the other whiskey at her bestest bud. "Bits fly off 'em all the time, them fireflies. I crewed on one once, I swear that platin' just sails off on its own when it gorram well feels like it. We started paintin' buddhist prayers on ours an' shit so maybe if they rained down on some poor sod in atmo, they'd jus' figure it was a sign from the heavens or some shit." <English>

Epona quietly pushes through the door, and begins to (sneakily!) make her way towards the Bar. On the assumption that such an act wouldn't cause weapons to be raised should she be discovered, the woman pauses and, once behind Babbage, leans in to steal a quick hug 'round the neck, and mutter a little: "Yo." <English>

Babbage downs his next whiskey and tells the bartender to keep 'em coming. "It's not a stock Firefly. My crew built it from parts, and I can say from experience that it's holding together just fine." When he feels arms around his neck he jumps, but calms down when he hears Epona's voice. "Hey. How've you been." <English>

Beckett eyes Pix dubiously. "This ain't anythin' like the time you made it rain Dragonfly parts all over Yakworld, is it? How many busted-ass ships you got in your past, anyway?" she accuses. Ooo, more whiskey. This visit is going well. Then Babbage makes the sort of claim that makes her eyebrows arch. "Your crew put together a Firefly like it was a gorram model kit? What's the name'a this kitbashed miracle'a yours?" she wants to know. "I don't remember servicin' no homemade Fireflies, so it's probably gonna fall apart and you'll all die sooner or later." <English>

Epona (In which we get a lesson in jesus fuckin' christ your desc is to fuckin' long.) Epona is something of a slight chicklet-- a lithe, fit little number. Something about the consistent slant to her hips, or maybe the odd graceful way she holds her hands when standing idle suggests an almost haughty attitude; an overabundant air of confidence, if you will. She stands just six inches short of six feet-- or, if you prefer it, ix more than five. While thick, noise-cancelling headphones circle her neck like a scarf, not a single strand of girly hair dares grace its foam and plastic curves; instead, as though it were giving the proverbial finger to gravity itself, her hair-- like strands of obsidian almost --sticks straight out in every which direction, almost affording the same deadly protection employed by hedgehogs the universe over.

Vibrant blue eyes peer out from their frame of tanned skin; derma unbroken and unmarred save for those tiny little marks that gather 'round her hands and knuckles. Small white lines, calloused palms, dirt-encrusted fingernails; the sort of silly little details that seem almost at odds with her somewhat, shall we say, "hip" attire?

A chic and sleek bombers jacket covers the woman's upper arms and torso-- at least, for the most part. The midriff is somewhat shorter than really necessaryand the neck quite a good deal "fuzzier" than it likely should be. In fact, if we're going to be particularly picky abouthe accuracy of such clothing, it's worth noting that most of the "military" patches on brown suede are either designer icons, or roughly sewn-on patches representing the three gods of adolescent life; bands, drugs, and anything your parents disapprove of. Hey, Billy and the Boingers is respectably metal!!

While the scant covering of the aforementioned jacket might do its job in showing off bellybuttons, her skin is covered at the moment by a curve-hugging black tee-shirt, the barest edges of a graphic just peeking out where the jacket ends. Jeans, too, follow in similar style-- that to say, hanging a liiiiittle too low, and arguably about as skin-tight as a wet-suit. Stll, these too seem to lack the jacket's "high-end" feel; the knee's are sort of torn and roughed up, and the hems are all ragged at the bottom.

"Zzzzzt," Pixie hisses at Becks as she starts going on about the litany of broken pasts left littering the corridors of the brunette's past. "Only a couple, not that many." She thinks about it a while longer. "A few. But I weren't responsible for even twenny percent of them." She shrugs and glances over at Babbage. "Becks here's right. One thing she knows, it's ships. Aint much else, but I love her still." Maybe it's a return shot for that whole reveal thing. Her eyes flick to the chick sidling up on Bobby. When he doesn't flip out, she just drains her second whiskey and thunks the glass upside down on the bar. <English>

Epona gives a little shrug. "Donno. Better question'd be how've /you/ been. Looks like you got some action; tell me 'bout it later, when you're done doing your whole 'professional' thing?" She gives Beckett and Pix each a sheepish smile, quickly muttering; "'scuse me ladies, sorry 'bout the interuption." When the woman releases Babbage, she...moves off to a free spot on the board, to listen in on the conversation! <English>

Babbage looks slightly offended by those words from Beckett, but it might just be the alcohol talking. Speaking of alcohol, one more whiskey down the hatch. "Hey, I'm the engineer who oversaw the rebuilding of the Evening Star, and I'm telling you it's a damn good ship. She'll be flyin' long after whatever boat you're on is in mothballs!" He glances over at Epona as she moves off. "I'll be fine. Just been hit with a bullet and a grenade. Docs took good care of me." <English>

Pix takes a step back. <English>

Beckett scratches the back of her neck. "Evenin' Star. Never heard of it. Or you." Her eyes narrow at Babbage as he issues the sort of words that mean war. "The Dark Dragon's been flyin' since the War, and it'll outlast your crappy-ass no-name plastic kit of a ship without even swappin' out the engines," she says hotly. "My ship's a gorram shark, yours is the gorram chum, and you better believe it." <English>

Amusement dances in the eyes of the brunette at the bar as Babbage makes a fatal error. And then she goes right on about her business. Pixie raises a couple of fingers from her downed and flipped over glass in return to Epona's greeting. She doesn't say much to her, but there's certainly acknowledgment of the woman. "Ain't no dif'rence tween personal and profess'nal for me roundabouts these parts. Ya ain't just a crew with folks. Ya live with em, eat with 'em, breathe with 'em, dream with 'em, pretty much it comes ta be a fam'ly." She adds, belatedly, "Don' fuck with Becks ship. She's the best mechanic this side of anywhere, an' if you ever want your ship fixed at the shipyard, don' piss her off permanent, son." <English>

Epona eyes, /stares/ at Babbage. "Generally," she mutters, "one doesn't include 'grenade,' 'bullet,' and 'fine' in the same sentence." The woman glances first to Pix's little step, than to Beckett's quick retort: "Detendez sup; I don't suppose another few drinks would relax things? The testosterone is mildly deafening; no reason t' get all hot and bothered about it." She smiles earnestly and honestly. <English>

"You ain't never heard of it /yet/." Babbage says. He reaches for another whiskey, and downs the cup. "But believe me, she'll be flyin' true for a long time." He glares at Becks. "I'm sure there ain't nothin' wrong with your ship. But E-Star ain't never gonna break down on my watch!" He turns to Epona. "Really. It's not that bad. The bullet barely even hit me." <English>

Epona tests her Persuasion against a 60 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-10).

Beckett glowers at Epona, before cupping her own breasts aggressively, like they're grenades she can set off. "In case you missed the memo, I ain't the one overflowin' with testosterone, not like your jackass friend," she says sharply. She snorts at Babbage. "If I ain't ever heard'a you, you ain't worth the air your ego needs to survive." Pix gets a mighty hrrmph of agreement. "I know every ship in the Black worth talkin' about, and I've helped repair or upgrade almost all'a 'em." <English>

Pixie is stood at the bar next to Babbage, but she's recently moved herself just far enough away that if the nearby Beckett wishes to get in his face and break some parts, she's more than able. Somewhere a bit down the bar is Epona, who is apparently listening in on the conversation, no wait. Participating still! Gus is busy with refills somewhere down the way, but the whiskey is flowing freely.

The look on Pixie's face suggests someone just said something stupid.

And the interplay of words informs everyone in the vicinity of the bar that his is indeed the case. "Boy, you are playin' footsie with a dang god among mechanics. That makin' amends weren't near good enough. You'll figure out sooner or later." She's amused behind a fresh glass, waved over from Gus and added to the tab. "One way or 'nother, sugar." Funny how Pixie's the mellow one in this situation, ain't it? <English>

Epona wrinkles up her nose; apparently, this whole 'persuasion' thing just wasn't her forte. She continues to smile at Beckett, though it fades somewhat, as though politeness were just /silly/. "Never said y' had to have testicles to have testosterone; in this case, seems ovaries and the man-juice go hand-in-hand. It's one thing t'show pride in your work, but to attack someone else's pride? Tha's just plutot idiot." She turns, and gives Babbage a sort of /look/; "Aucune mauvaise conduite pour vous if you don't back down. Not quite worth fightin' with booby-man; don't think you'll win anything outta it." <English>

Awwww! Someone's let their kid sister go out to play in one of the worst bars on Persephone. I mean, this IS The Dregs. It needs to live up to its name, right? Molly slides in, eyes a little wide as she looks around her. She doesn't have the air of -complete- innocent about her, just a very young woman out for a walk in the wrong damned part of town. She must know something, after all, since she's wearing a long brown duster. <English>

Babbage glares at Beckett, "Gorram -- you two don't wanna fly on E-Star, that's fine. But that ship is my baby, and I don't wanna hear you bad-mouth her." He pulls out a credit card and closes out his tab, then moves toward Epona and mutters, "I swear, if my side and shoulder weren't held together with stitches . . ." <English>

Pix? Mellow? Probably not for long. That'd be why Remus enters the Dregs looking suspiciously like he was about to shoulder barge the door if Molly hadn't already opened it. Instead, he skids to a halt just inside, straightening and attempting to look like nothing stupid just happened. Besides, he has other things to focus on. Violence-sense is tingling. "GUS, YOU ASS!" is yelled in a horrific bastardisation of Pixie's usual greeting while he sidles to the bar, somewhat adding through clenched teeth "Damn woman needs an ankle tag." Wonder who he could be talking about. <English> (By this time, we've just stopped looking at folk. A girl can only take so much spam. love you.)

Meanwhile, not long after the entrace of the little sister, and Remmy, Nova revisits the Dreg for the first time in... a while. There's a lookover of the place, and she smiles for a moment on sight of some familiar face, though it rapidly becomes clear that she's about to walk in on the typical fare. She tucks her hands in her pockets and starts to drift barward a little more unobtrusively than her cohorts, though her course would eventually end somewhere between Pix and Beckett. <English>

Beckett narroweye evilcats at Epona. "You keep talkin' but I ain't gettin' the mutant moon monkey language comin' outta your lips," she says with her usual bluntness. "I gotta cattle prod that should clear up your speakin' in tongues problem." Babbage gets told, "Babies are only cute so less people will drop 'em on their heads in frustration. My ship's like the gorram sexy bitch your ship wants to grow up to be someday. Mine's the total head cheerleader." So there. "Holy shit, it's your favorite chewtoy, Pix." <English>

"Oh fuck sakes you two. I ain't never had any intention on flyin' on your ship. I got a job. Becks ain't never had no intention of flyin' on your ship, she runs the Shipyards. Yanno that big ol' place where ever'body gets their upgrades?" Pixel levies a look at Epona, "Look, street rat, I think it's all well 'n cute y'all got a thing goin' on, but you open your mouth in a place like this, some asshole's like ta shove somethin' dirty in it ya won't like. So check y'alls shit 'fore ya get a cattle prod up th' ass an' a giant hairy one up the other. Jus' some friendly advice here, 'fore Becks loses her cool. There's few people on 'Sephone you don't wanna fuck with. Figure 'em out." Friendly advice. Yep. One time only sale. Her attention diverts after a moment. Did someone just... oh. Remus. "Gus is one of 'em. Becks is one of 'em. I'll letcha find t'others y'self th' hard way. Charity ain't free." Yeah, it is, but Pixie's on a roll with a few whiskies in her. "Remmy. Nice boots." She grins widely. <English>

Epona turns her doomglare on Babbage briefly. "Which minds me: the hell you doin' out with /that/ all goin' on?" She gestures to Babbage's arm. "You gotta tell me what happened, 'k? That kinda shit worries me, /hate/ it when you people go out and do things t'get yourselves shot."

But, well. Beckett, and everything. For a woman accusing others of being too /manly/, she sure as hell doesn't seem particularly feminine. "Excuse me?" she asks, giving Beck a /look/. "Moon monkey language my ass; helluva lot prettier than your redneck bullshit. You wanna go, let's go," she challenges. For a moment and a half (or several moments with an equal amount of fractions), let's forget that the woman really has /no/ skill in fighting; by god, pride was all she /really/ needed, right? "You lot started it; so either finish it, or grow a pair and realize you're being dicks to the highest degree." <English>

Babbage clenches his fists and gives Beckett a glare. First she insults his ship, now she's insulting Epona. Pix's words just make things worse, and for a brief moment is looks like he might just throw a punch, despite his injuries. But then he just takes a breath and turns to Epona, putting his good hand on her shoulder. "Wanna talk about these injuries at The Retreat? If we don't get outta here soon, I'm gonna do something stupid. And with my stitches, that'll probably mean more hospital time." <English>

Remus dips a hand inside his duster, rummaging around while his feetly attire is complimented. That gets a grin, his head looking down to glance at them for just a moment before re-focusing. "They's my kicking boots!" He actually sounds suprisingly pleased about this. Like remembering to wear them to the Dregs is something worthy of praise. "An..." That hands still rummages, almost dipping around to his back to try and find whatever he's looking f- "I brought a stick." Oh. <English>

"Redneck bullshit? Redneck bullshit?" There someone goes, waving the red flag in front of the Beckett. "At least once I'm done makin' you swallow your own teeth, I'll still be talkin', and you'll be gaggin' on somethin' other'n your pal's watery-ass sperm for a change," she tells Epona. Now she's insulting Babbage as well as his girl and his ship. It's a trifecta of bitchiness. <English>

Nova frowns a bit and, with a few glances between the particulars, she sidles up to Pix and murmurs something her way, eyes not leaving Beckett and her new 'friends'. With the new invective by the woman, she starts to say something aloud, but apparantly thinks better on it. <English>

Well, some folks just don't listen. Pixie shrugs and orders up another round. She doesn't seem to realize how close to the line Bobby is, and there's absolutely no defensive posture about her. She's just leaning on the bar, nary a weapon near at hand or obvious, unless you count her survival knife, but that's all the way down on her boot. How like is she to go for that? Hint: Not likely. She snickers over her new drink, almost snarking it as Becks invokes the last bit. Cough, cough, choke. Ahahahaha. <English>

Molly glances around at the voices, head cocked to the side curious. Whereas many other young women would likely jump in to try to settle things down, this one just stands and watches for a moment before sidling to the bar to order a drink. One eye's on the door, the other's on the floor-show. While her drink's being poured, Miss Poofy Hair turns to study Remus. With practiced ease, she slides two dollar bills out of her pocket and walks toward the man with purpose. No, she's not out of his line of sight, but she DOES attempt to tuck one of the bills in the front of his shirt, a solemn look on her face. <English>

Nova whispers: Pixie? I wanna know what's got Robin rollin'r no?

Epona grits her teeth lightly, giving a death-glare to Beckett. "I'll meet you outside, Babs. Call Dale to prep a med-room. I don't care how badly my ass gets kicked, but I'm not letting this /morceau de merde/ insult me like that." She moves back, adjusts and starts to pull off her jacket. "So c'mon. /Redneck/. You gonna go punch me, or perdez votre coeur and go for your weapon?" Well, OK, soon dialogue will be replaced entirely by French, the more 'worked up' she gets. <English>

Babbage takes a few steps back and says some words into his iComm, but he's not leaving the bar. <English>

Still rummaging around for that 'stick', Remus is just about giving up the search when a dollar mysteriously appears in his shirt. His face takes on a look of feigned confusion as he theatrically looks around for the source before finally looking down-wards and letting out rather the loud "GAH!" Blink. Grin. "You're so little!" There is such glee in his voice it's almost disconcerting. It's a moment before the excitement of that passes and he remembers to ask "What's the cash for?" <English>

Pix whispers, "These dumb fuckers basically called her a man juiced ugly twat and shit all over her knowledge of ships." to Nova.

Beckett eyes Epona up and down, studying her with narrowed, thoughtful eyes. "Tell you what. Gimme the jacket and I'll let you go with all body parts intact," she says. "And no need for dental work." She folds her arms, considering this to be quite reasonable indeed. <English>

Molly's off to one side of Remus, giving him a clear line to Pix - if need be. Her head tips back so she can look up at him with her sweetest, most innocent smile. "Miss Pixie said that if I put money in your clothes, you'd dance," she intones quietly. "Though, she DID say that I'd have to get credits for you to strip." <English>

Remus' left eye starts to twitch. It's just a tiny little flicker, and barely perceptible to anyone not looking out for it, but whoo-boy is it there. Ignoring Molly, the Comms unit is plucked from his ear and dropped into a pocket. "Right. Now that I can hear m'self think..." What was she talking about to him? Oh, right. Whore-pay. "If 'Pixie' did tell you that, Molls" Why yes, he is talking like a kindergarten teacher trying to explain something mildly philosophical to a 4-year-old. "then she is more than likely just setting you up from a fall. Down some stairs. Through an engine. Into an airlock. Out of an airlock." Eye-check! Still twitching. <English>

Nova frowns ruefully at Pix's explanation and shrugs a shoulder that way with a barely audible, "Askin' for it then." She turns to the bartender for a moment to order some hooch, then looks back to the escalation of aggression. <English>

Pixie peers over at Becks as the woman comes to an acceptable resolution in her mind. The jacket for peace. She grins and looks back to Remus just as Molly intones the dancing bit. She twitches a smile, then it's gone, and she downs another shot. "Down, Remmy. Easy, Remmy." Is that helping matters? No. No it is not. "S'what I'm sayin'," She asides to Nova, apropos of a mutter between the two. <English>

Epona lets out a short, bark of a laugh, as she tosses the jacket in the general direction of Babbage. "No. Any other time, maybe; but not this time. You want one, go buy one. So...c'mon;" She steps back, in what is (in her mind) a preparatory stance to deliver or receive a blow. For all her talk, though, she doesn't seem /quite/ ready to throw the first punch. <English>

Babbage catches Epona's jacket and places it on a chair before moving to her side and glaring at Beckett. "Hey, we could've just left. But you had to keep pushing things. Now you might beat the shit out of both of us, but there's no way you're gettin' out of here without a few bruises of your own." <English>

Beckett snorts at Babbage. "After the way you broadcasted trouble all over the gorram Cortex? Alliance'll likely be here any minute now to shut things down. You dunno the first thing about a proper bar brawl, you purplebelly-suckin' goat-raper, and neither does your cum-guzzlin' sperm-burpin' gutterslut girlfriend. Why not make it a gorram pay-per-view at this rate?" She glances to -her- friends, looking disgusted. "Wah, call the medics, and make sure everyone on Persephone knows what's goin' on. Christ. Good goin'." <English>

Who's the kindergartener and who's the teacher? While Molly's not blocking Remus' way to Pix, she's delicately placed herself between him and Epona and Babbage. "Well, when she mentioned going down, it wasn't quite in those terms, Sir," she tells Remy as more of an aside. "I believe the terms were a touch more colorful." <English>

Esther pushes open the doors of the bar and turns her gaze around the interior. Bingo. When a whiskey induced brawl is mentioned, always check this place first. With a purposeful stride, Esther moves over to the table with those associated with the Medical Wellness Center. Her gaze focuses on Remus and she gives a little smirk in his direction. She lifts her hand to where her icom is and speaks into it for just a brief moment. "The Dregs. Big Surprise." is all she says. <English>

Funny how the word 'medics' come out of Beckett's mouth just as Liliya steps in, the woman bearing a gun and a medpack, a delightfully wonderful contradiction if there ever was one. She pulls up short, stopping right beside Esther, looking at her all sidewards like as she shrugs. "It's Eavesdown, just about. What were you expecting," she asks with an ironic tone to her voice. Her throat is cleared and then, with a shrill whistle, she tries to get the patrons' (and hopefully the potential brawlers') attention. "AAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLRIGHT! Whatever is going on will stop right now, gorammit!" <English>

Pix looks past Becks to Epona and Babbage. "I got my comms tuned off general since them fucks started talking about their conquests on it. Y'all call for medical? When your little bony piece'ass started the 'c'mon let's fight talk'? Holy shit, boy. Y'alls in the wrong gorram bar. Go check out the Captain's Retreat. All th' pussies drink there." Funny, though. There's no brawl going on in here. There's not even any swinging so far. Just a couple of people talking up at the bar. This is probably the first time in history a call has gone out and the entire place wasn't in an uproar. She throws a one finger salute to the person yelling. And then goes back to her drink. <English>

Epona unsuccessfully attacks Beckett using a unarmed attack at a 60 difficulty. (-30) .

Poor Molly. Her plan would have been ingenious if Remus had the intention of directly offering assistance to either side of the incoming scuffle. Sadly, his plans seem to be based on the doorway leading in from the spacer's district, judging by the way he turns his back on her to face it. MollySHUN. Not a newcomer shun, though. Considering how his entire face seems to narrow vertically inwards as a bellow comes back of "NOOO IT WON'T." <English>

Nova glances quizzicly at the principles at the jawin' going on. She shrugs again and turns to collect her shot, putting some money down in exchange, given how fast it may slide downhill. The whistle makes her wince a little, and she looks over her shoulder toward the source, then she shakes her head and takes a swig, "This should b'interestin'..." <English>

Babbage successfully attacks Beckett using a unarmed attack at a 60 difficulty. (7) - Beckett has taken 4 points of stun damage. She is currently Dazed. - Beckett has taken 0 points of wound damage. She is currently Dazed..

Epona grits her teeth, jumps forwards, throwing her fist towards Beckett; if it were to connect, that mofo might do some serious damage! Like, bloody lip-- and you know how much those /sting/? Of course, the 'if' is the biggest issue here, and for all her spirit, Ep's method of throwing punches left her at a rather big disadvantage. That is to say, she punches like a girl. <English>

"You're right, I don't know the first thing about a proper bar brawl." Babbage shouts at Beckett. "And I'm sorry if I'm not a motherfucking redneck like you. See, I tend to my fuckin' ship when you're out learnin' to do a 'proper' brawl." He clenches his left fist, with his thumb on the inside. Anybody who knows how to fight will know that this is an easy way to break your thumb. And sure enough, Babbage takes a swing at Beckett's ribs -- and lets out a yelp that's loud enough to cover the snapping noise. He probably hurt himself more than anyone else. <English>

Beckett draws her Cattle prod - 7184.

Beckett presses down the switch on her Cattle prod - 7184 handle and proceeds to try and 'motivate' Babbage to do as directed....or just to watch them spasm.

Beckett unsuccessfully attacks Babbage using a Cattle prod - 7184 at a 60 difficulty. (-8) .

Now, anyone who's anyone knows that Beckett has one great love in her life. The Cattle Prod of Doom. She dodges Epona's blow with some mixture of skill and luck, only to get Babbage hurting himself against the solid side of her duster. But Babbage talks a lot, more than enough time for her to produce the cattle prod. Flip. HrRrRrmmMM. Instinctively, she lunges, but her foot skids on a wet patch of spilled alcohol (we hope it's alcohol...) and she misses narrowly. But she draws back, ready for the next go-around. "Pussies," she spits out. "I'd rather be a redneck than a blue-wallin' pack'a lap dogs like you two." <English>

Sigh, foiled again. Though, oddly, Molly doesn't seem all that upset by it. She watches Remus go, then heads back to the bar, around the fight, as if nothing's going on. <English>

Esther draws her Brass Knuckles - 20949.

Esther snaps her head in the other woman's direction, arching a brow. Her com chatters a bit and she replies to it. "So far just folks being irate over stupid words thrown around.. still working on.." There is a pause as the first blows are thrown. "Gorram it.." She is in immediate action. Her hand slips into her pocket, drawwing out a shiny pair of brass knuckles. She steps forward, reaching out for Beckett in an attempt to pull him back and break up the fight. She spins about, placing herself between the two. "Alright.. a round on me what do we say.. everyone sits down and i buy a round!" <English>

It's about this time that another person decides to enter the bar. Usagi was walking in, not exactly looking ready for a fight, but nonetheless she soon finds her companions...in the midst of the beginning of one. She sighs softly and takes a moment, bringing her recurve bow out...but not stringing an arrow. "this is JUS perfect..." And she begins her walk over towards Babbage, Epona, and Beckett. However, Esther begins to intervene, so she hangs back for the moment and waits to see what will come of the hopeful intervention. <English>

Usagi draws her Recurve Bow - 20149.

Usagi flips her weapon to Safety mode.

Epona tests her Willpower against a 60 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-8).

"Wait...no..." Grimacing, Lili grabs for Esther but misses, making her wince. Speaking into her iComm, she say hurriedly, "I think we're going to need a bit of backup on this one. Medical and security if possible. And might want to park that ambulance outside just in case." The communication device is deposited in a pocket as she waits, wanting to see what happens before moving into the fray. <English>

Epona unsuccessfully attacks Beckett using a unarmed attack at a 100 difficulty. (-44) .

Babbage tests his Willpower against a 60 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-23).

Babbage unsuccessfully attacks Beckett using a unarmed attack at a 110 difficulty. (-62) .

[ROLL] Epona rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is successful (84).

[ROLL] Babbage rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is failure (9).

Despite some folks around getting their worry on, Pixie's green eyes remain on Bobber and his sidekick Epo. She takes a sip of her whiskey, watching the two flail at Becks, then Becks skid in something and almost shove her cattle prod up the ass of some bystander. She casts a look around the rest of the bar, noting, "If anyone with a weapon gets involved, I'ma hafta put my drink down and play rough. Suggest somebody drag Gimpy an' Booby outta here an' leave the real spacers to their drinks, yeah? Fore the kids get theyself injured." Pixie, in a rare moment of diplomacy. She must be getting old. She tips her whiskey back, and finishes off the final drink, before she reaches over to thunk the glass into the bar upside down. "Triflin' dumbass children. How come it can't just be mafia or some shit? Gotta be kids with Daddy's car'n too much piss. Can't just go huff paint like all them other fuckin' miscreants, noooo." Mutter, mutter. She pats down her top. Nope, no weapons there. She pats down her ass. Hm. <English>

Remus successfully attacks Usagi using a unarmed attack at a 70 difficulty. (43)

- Usagi has taken 4 points of stun damage. She is currently Dazed.

- Usagi has taken 0 points of wound damage. She is currently Dazed..

Remus is mostly attempting to ignore the sounds of the skirmish behind him, but his attention falters just in time to completely miss Esther walking right on past. That gets a grunt to go along with the woman's attempt to break it up, and he probably would have continued to say something else if not for the sudden appearance of a weapon. Not the brass knuckles, or the prod. Those are just fighting tools. It's the bow that gets his attention. And by 'attention' we mean 'Ire.' And by 'Ire' we mean 'Charging forward with a sudden elbow and an oddly British sounding "OI!"' <English>

Nova turns with all the extra noise coming into the show, she glances back the way the Samaritan came from and, on sight of a bow in anything but the 'harmless, stowed' position, she straightens and sets a hand on the grip of her Lightfoot, thumbing the strap loose, "Put't away, mei-mei. Folks got'n honest brawl go-!" And, with Remmy stepping up for clock-cleaning duty, she trails off with a blink. Well, that's different. She hesitates for a moment, uncertain what to do from here. <English>

Epona pulls back, just /barely/ avoiding bowling over herself. And she's not had even a single drink! A look of icy /death/ is directed towards Beckett and, by proxy of stopping this pissing match, Esther; "Why?" she manages to cough out at Esther, before leaping towards Beckett with an angry snarl. Admittedly, the person between she and Beckett makes this mildly difficult...so she leaps into Esther's arms and, at the sudden stop, opts instead to simply spit out a mouthful of saliva at her intended target. "Fuck. You." <English>

Liliya successfully attacks Babbage using a unarmed attack at a 75 difficulty. (12)

- Babbage has taken 2 points of stun damage. He is currently Dazed.

- Babbage has taken 0 points of wound damage. He is currently Dazed..

Babbage when Babbage dodges the cattle prod (or when Becks misses, things are going by to fast to really tell), he grins and can't help but let out an excited yell of, "Yippie kay-yae, motherfucker!" He throws another punch, but some jaskass pulls him out of the way before his fist reaches its target. It's okay, though. 'Cause that jackass got a glancing blow from his fist. Just a graze on the side of her arm that probably didn't do any damage or even hurt, but it sure makes Babbage feel better about missing his target. <English>

Usagi lowers her Recurve Bow - 20149 and returns it to its unreadied position.

Beckett presses down the switch on her Cattle prod - 7184 handle and proceeds to try and 'motivate' Epona to do as directed....or just to watch them spasm.

Beckett unsuccessfully attacks Epona using a Cattle prod - 7184 at a 100 difficulty. (-20) .

The elbow definitely caught her attention, and Usagi narrows her eyes at the man who gave it to her. Her bow gets put up, and she turns to him as Esther seems to have the other part in hand. "If ya were lookin straight, ya'd see it ain't got no arrows to it, moron" And with that, she makes to shove him back. Not neccesarily hard, but enough to get him out of the way as she hopefully gets closer to the others she was seeking. <English>

[ROLL] Beckett rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is successful (89).

Beckett presses down the switch on her Cattle prod - 7184 handle and proceeds to try and 'motivate' Esther to do as directed....or just to watch them spasm.

Beckett successfully attacks Esther using a Cattle prod - 7184 at a 1 difficulty. (46)

- Esther has taken 8 points of stun damage. She is currently Dazed.

- Esther has taken 0 points of wound damage. She is currently Dazed..

Usagi successfully attacks Remus using a unarmed attack at a 60 difficulty. (2)

- Remus has taken 0 points of stun damage. He is currently Healthy.

- Remus has taken 0 points of wound damage. He is currently Healthy..

Beckett is faced with a choice. Babbage or Epona. One's just a wacky fighter. The other spit at her. Beckett doesn't waste any time in lunging for Epona with fire in her eyes and revenge in her heart. "Oh NO you DIDN'T you lio coh jwei ji neong nur ho deh yung duh bahn jah j'wohn!" she screeches. But alas, there's struggling, and precision targeting is hard and FZZZAP. Esther gets the business end of the cattle prod. That's gotta sting. <English>

Molly is relaxed at the bar, so it would seem. "You brought a bow to a bar fight," she comments, more to herself than anyone else and shakes her head, taking a sip of her drink. Is she old enough for alcohol? <English>

Ok, that smarted. Sure it didn't do any major damage, but the blow to Esther's arm still hurt. She pushes him back a bit to get him off. However, her eyes widen a bit as she is jumped at by Epona. Well, the girl wasn't trying to tackle her, but get back at Beckett. This causes Esther's body to move and her form soon begins to jolt as the cattle prod digs deep into her bum! Her face twists up and she falls to the floor, gasping from the intense tazing. <English>

Now, this is not unlike the few fights she got while in the Alliance, those being ones she got involved in only because her buddies got involved and she only got involved because they got hurt....it's an honor-thing! "That was not cool..." Liliya growls while grabbing for Babbage, her right hand curled into a fist which is then slung for the guy's face, the rest of the chaos ignored for now. It doesn't matter if it hits or not, in her opinion as hopefully it'll get the point across no matter. <English>

Babbage unsuccessfully attacks Liliya using a unarmed attack at a 60 difficulty. (-33) .

You test your Agility against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (10).

Pixie takes a few steps off of the bar, then takes a few steps back toward it before she hops to jump up on the bar itself, taking a seat just out of the fist and prod range. Well, unless the fight moves over to her. As the fight turns to people stepping in to take over the instigators, she grins over at Becks. "Holy shit, I'm not drunk enough." She might actually be drunk enough. No, nope. She manages to keep her seat without going over the bar ass over tit. Score. <English>

Remus successfully attacks Usagi using a unarmed attack at a 60 difficulty. (13)

- Usagi has taken 1 points of stun damage. She is currently Dazed.

- Usagi has taken 0 points of wound damage. She is currently Dazed..

Remus is mid-trying to hastily explain that the pointy tip of a bow might poke someone's eye out when he's shoved, and so any attempt at macho-ness is ruined by his voice raising in pitch by about an octave or so. It... it caught him by suprise, ok? Jeez. Bumping softly against the bar, he looks a little taken aback. Honest to god confused. "Shuh muh. The elbow was a warnin'!" Apparently people only get one of those per fight, seeing as a boot-clad foot darts outward in somewhat of a hoofed lunge for a knee. <English>

Nova's chin turns slightly to the side Molly stands at and with nary a beat missed, "Who does that?" Her attention quickly returns to, well, now there's two rows going on, now. Oh, nope, another person's getting ready to add to the main event. She slips her hat off and starts to move to intercept, absently peace strapping her heater in the process, though, as ever, Remus seems to be right on top of things. <English>

Usagi successfully attacks Remus using a unarmed attack at a 60 difficulty. (15)

- Remus has taken 0 points of stun damage. He is currently Healthy.

- Remus has taken 0 points of wound damage. He is currently Healthy..

Epona curls her upper lip in a disgusted sneer, replying to Beckett's whole cursing schpiel with something equally as understandable. Whether you knew French or no, the meaning wouldn't be hard to guess at; something involving Beckett's mother, her ethics regarding bestiality, or even perhaps a gentle prayer that the woman might fornicate with a cactus: all in all, it's just an insult. She gestures to Esther's fall, before turning her back on Beckett, moving, almost /stalking/ towards the door. Not even bothering to grab her jacket, in the process! <English>

       The duster she wears catches most of the impact, at best causing her to narrow her eyes. "So was the shove! Now butt out!" Again, Usagi attempts to simply flat strike the center of the man's chest, to again push him back. It seems she's trying to get to her crewmates. "Ah'm tryin t'get them outa here, ya gorram reaver turd!" <English>

Babbage doesn't even look at Liliya. He just tries to use his good arm to shove her away from him. "This ain't your fight, bitch." Babbage doesn't apply enough force to make Liliya move, but it might be enough to send a message. As luck would have it, Babbage's hand just happened to land on Liliya's breast. Totally accidental, but that's the kind of thing that just might come back to bite him. With Esther on the ground, Babbage takes a step closer to Beckett and gets ready to throw another punch. He gives Epona a look, as if to say, 'I'll finish this fucker off for you.' <English>

Beckett waves her cattle prod menacingly at Epona's back. "That's right, get out while you can!" she yells. But look, Babbage is still coming for her. She drops back into a more defensive position, eying him narrowly. "You try and hit me again, you'll regret it in ways you can't even imagine," she warns him. "Run now, and I let your testicles live." <English>

Molly successfully attacks Usagi using a unarmed attack at a 70 difficulty. (0) .

Esther groans from her spot on the ground, looking up and working hard to focus her gaze. Funny thing about electricity, it really screws with every system in your body. Here's hoping her digestive system was going to be alright.. At the least, she was going to be walking funny for a few days. There is another blink as Babbage moves to step over her. Well, if he wanted his ass kicked, let him! Rolling over with a groan, she reaches up to the bar, pulling herself up. "Frap this samaritan shite.." <English>

Liliya unsuccessfully attacks Babbage using a unarmed attack at a 50 difficulty. (-2) .

[ROLL] Liliya rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is failure (6).

Right about the time Usagi goes back at Remus, Molly sighs quietly and puts her drink down. She's close enough that she can come in from the side. She's also small enough that a leg can sweep out in an attempt to knock Usagi's legs out. No, no words are spoken, but they don't have to be. Remus is HER crewmate. Nobody beats on her crew. <English>

Liliya unsuccessfully attacks Esther using a unarmed attack at a 65 difficulty. (-39) .

Liliya successfully attacks Esther using a unarmed attack at a 30 difficulty. (15)

- Esther has taken 0 points of stun damage. She is currently Healthy.

- Esther has taken 0 points of wound damage. She is currently Healthy..

Usagi tests her Agility against a 60 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-9).

"What the...get your goram mitt off of me," Lil hisses out while she moves again, trying to clock the bastard in his face. Unfortunately for her she utterly misse, her foot catching on something which send her falling right near where Esther currently is, her hand still clenched in a fist. It's a glancing blow, however, and she's probably spared any pain. <English>

Pix blinks at the exchange of profanity, but no one really gets a look from her until Usagi says the magic word. The brunette on the bar mouths a snickered little 'oh shit' and hops to her feet on the bar. She crouches there, one one knee, reach to dive into the fray should the psycho switch get flipped. Wait for it. Waaait for it. Her eyes? Her eyes are on Remus. Becks is five times over a match for The Bobbinator. "Breathe, sugarlump. Just breathe in the good energy, and breathe out the shit." It's like talking a 300 pound wild hunting cat down from a bleeding gazelle. <English>

reach=ready <English>

Remus successfully attacks Usagi using a unarmed attack at a 50 difficulty. (44)

- Usagi has taken 3 points of stun damage. She is currently Dazed.

- Usagi has taken 0 points of wound damage. She is currently Dazed..

Considering it's a fight... (Ok, somewhat of a slow, insulty-instead-of-fists one but that still counts) Remus is somewhat settled into it by the time the flat palm smacks against his chest. He's even smiling. Well, was. The second that magic 'R' word hits, his smiles fades. Utterly. If he was scowling earlier, how much his face is scrunched together now is something approaching 'utter rage.' Either that or a facial feature implosion. As Molly interceeds with a sweep, Remus somewhat deadpans to the bar-perched-Pixie. "Keep the kid away." When that's done, he's pretty much throwing himself on the woman. Normally that would be normal for a bar. The multitude of wild and angry punches being thrown at her head are probably not that normal. Do people usually kill each other in here? If not, then it's not normal. <English>

Usagi successfully attacks Remus using a unarmed attack at a 60 difficulty. (36)

- Remus has taken 0 points of stun damage. He is currently Healthy.

- Remus has taken 0 points of wound damage. He is currently Healthy..

It's about that time that Usagi's legs get swept out from under her, and an attack follows shortly thereafter. "An yer complainin bout me pullin a bow that didn't have an arrow? What's the gorram deal bout teamin up anyways?!" However, Remus is definitely changed now. So she gets a bit more serious. "Off. An ah'd rather not say it again" And with that, she put a boot under his gut, and using her arms to grab his shoulders and pull downwards, she pushes up with the boot at the same time and flings the man off him, starting to stand up now. "An stay off. Ah'm gettin mah crew'n leavin" <English>

Babbage unsuccessfully attacks Beckett using a unarmed attack at a 60 difficulty. (-31) .

As things proceed to get downright Stoogely in here, Nova seems about ready to help the haplessly bekittened tazer victim up off the floor when she hears the 'R' word and Pixie's response. She snaps her attention back toward Remus and 'Aiya hua le's before she's off to try and pull the newbie away from the fray with an urgent, "Y'don't wanna be there, shugah, c'mon...!" <English>

"I ain't goin' nowhere until you apologize for every goddamn word you said back there." Babbage says, clenching his fist. This time he's smart enough to keep his thumb on the /outside/ of his fist. Unfortunately he completely misses his target once again. <English>

Beckett presses down the switch on her Cattle prod - 7184 handle and proceeds to try and 'motivate' Babbage to do as directed....or just to watch them spasm.

Beckett successfully attacks Babbage using a Cattle prod - 7184 at a 60 difficulty. (21)

- Babbage has taken 5 points of stun damage. He is currently Dazed.

- Babbage has taken 0 points of wound damage. He is currently Dazed..

Beckett was ready for Babbage, obviously. He takes a swing, and about ruffles her hair with the wind of his miss. She sighs, shaking her head, and lunges, giving him a nice dose of sweet electricity. "Gorram cheong bao ho tze mei yong ma duh tse gu yong." What was that? Something about monkey raping and goats. "I ain't apologizin'. And if you keep this up, I'll feed you your balls." <English>

Esther eyes widen as she sees Lili stumbling for her with that fist! She is able to step to the side just in time for it to brush by her cheek. She grunts and turns to look to Babbage and Beckett still going at it. She throws her hands up! "Todo el mundo aqu es una locura en la cabeza" The latina woman spews out words in her native tongue. She glances to Lili and fronws. "I say we let these folks have at.. I'm done with their idiocy.." Her gaze focuses at the flying man launching himself at Usagi. There is another glance to Lili. The sizzling sound of the cattleprod is heard and she winces looking to Babbage. She could only shake her head. <English>

Yep, apparently Molly's alright with getting pulled away by Nova. She was taking a few steps back ANYWAY. "Anyone got a bucket of cold water," she asks, glancing up at her crewmate. <English>

[752.90 MHZ] You transmit, "Cap, might need bail money. Stay tuned." <English>

As Nova steps in to steer Molly clear, Pixie remains on her perch on the bar for but a moment. She slyly reaches over to snag a bottle of liquor, and pour herself a new drink, and then slide off the bar. She tosses some payment over it. Thoughtful. "Becks, ya done lettin' the puppy hump yer leg? Cos this is like watchin' old people try ta fuck. I mean like, really old people. Without viagra or vaseline. Or, y'know, any leverage." She thinks about it, and then frowns. "Ew, puke." She reaches up, touches her comm, "Cap, might need bail money. Stay tuned." She does not elaborate, or otherwise comment on location or disposition. Just that. She tips her head and shoots a look at Remus, idly considering pulling him off his target. Naw. <English>

Picking himself from the floor, Remus wipes away a new patch of beer-stain from the cuff of his cargos before straightening. His spine makes rather a loud cracking noise as it resumes the normal shape of a spine, and the somewhat over-combative pilot lets out a very sustained exhale of air before he speaks low and slow. Monotone, too. "You have one minute to remove yourself and the angry bastard over there from this bar. I'm not normally an honest person, but I can promise you that if what has been asked does not happen then this will go beyond fists." Yes, it's an attempt at intimidation. No, I don't know where the hell he learned to speak without apostrophes everywhere. And /Maybe/ he's serious about it. <English>

Remus tests his Intimidate against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (32).

Usagi doesn't really back down from the stare of the man across from her. At his words, she nearly shrugs. "Ah already told ya once, ya dang fool, ah was movin t'get him in the first place when ya decided t'interrupt me" She walks cooly over to Babbage and literally grabs the man by the collar, and whether he wants to go or not, she starts dragging him with her, unwilling to let him see that she'd actually believed Remus. Though it wouldn't have stopped her from defending herself either. It would have been like showing a bull back home any fear. "An so help me if ya busted somethin new Babs, ah WILL tear it outa yer hide" <English>

Nova watches Remus assert his place in the universe with some trepidation, though she releases her hold on Molly. A sigh, then, "Well... guess that's that, huh?" <English>

"Fucking insane bitch?" Is all Babbage manages to say say as he falls to the ground. As his right arm hits the floor, jostling the shoulder he has in a sling, a small red stain starts to appear on his shirt. When Usagi grabs him he rises to his feet, giving Beckett the finger with his left hand as he's removed from the bar. He tries to move in a way that doesn't allow Usagi to see the stain. <English>

Esther grunts and tries to leave the scene with as much dignity as possibly. There is an odd, very definite limp about her. She had tried to break up the fight, but got hurt in the process. Yay.. just another lovely day on Persephone. She limps along with a definitely odd limp. There is an appraising look to Usagi as she drags the man out. "Oh and.. if i may say something.. she says as she limps closer to Babbage. "Dont call for help.. and try to beat up the help next time.." <English>

Beckett holds her cattle prod high in the air. "And tell 'em all that Beckett, Dragon of Eavesdown, is triumphant once again, motherfuckers!" she crows victoriously. And look. Jacket! Pounce! She holds the jacket up in her other hand. "Trophy! Minenotyours!" For those who look closely, the cattle prod's little red light is off. Someone is out of juice. <English>

Molly tests her Willpower against a 92 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-28).

Pixie, still leaned on the bar, looks out over the suddenly breaking up fight. She hefts her drink into the air, in a final salute to all contestants, but mostly Becks. "That was cool." She swigs it. Coughs, burps lightly. "Let's go agin." And to think, this whole thing started because Babbage tried to hire her. Silly fool. <English>

Nova coughs nervously, then, a look between the mighty warriors, and, "So... anyone fer a round on me?" Time to settle any lingering battle lust with fermented spirits. <English>

All it takes is Remus going into growly form to have Molly taking several steps back, eyes going the size of saucers. Yep, now is a very good time to hide behind the nearest target - Nova. Oh, she doesn't run and hide, but she does engage in a very judicious retreat. <English>

Remus successfully attacks Pix using a unarmed attack at a 60 difficulty. (45)

- Pix has taken 15 points of stun damage. She is currently Dazed.

- Pix has taken 2 points of wound damage. She is currently Injured..

Pix draws her Brass Knuckles - 16233.

Pix swings her fist with the Brass Knuckles - 16233 at Remus.

Pix unsuccessfully attacks Remus using a Brass Knuckles - 16233 at a 60 difficulty. (-19) .

They believed him? Remus is straight-up ASTOUNDED. People. Actually. Believed him. He turns around to the rest of the group, grinning somewhat like a... mildly psychotic madman. He exhales once more, giving a little zen-like hand action to attempt and calm himself. Nope. Doesn't work. Pixie's arm is hooked through his own before he's rotating his torso and planting his feet to throw her off of the bar. <English>

And he's still grinning. <English>

You test your Agility against a 85 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-19).

Beckett proceeds to try to slap Remus around with her turned off Cattle prod - 7184.

Beckett successfully attacks Remus using a Cattle prod - 7184 at a 60 difficulty. (9)

- Remus has taken 11 points of stun damage. He is currently Dazed.

- Remus has taken 3 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Beckett shows her new trophy to Pix and Remus and Nova and- "Hey, who the fuck're you?" she wants to know, eying Molly dubiously. "Ain't ever seen you before and you're all buddy buddy with Pix and shit." Then Remus attacks Molly. "What the fuck! BAD!" So she wallops him upside the back of the head with the unactivated cattle prod. It's a better bludgeon than a tazer. <English>

There's a shriek and Pixie's wild flail misses entirely. She's dragged off the bar and slung like a human discus, except a lot less beautiful and graceful and stuff. She skips over a chair, walls into a patron, bounces off another, and pinwheels over a table loaded with empty glasses in a hugely loud, and incredibly messy display of glass shattering all over the floor. Thud. SMASHcrashSMASH. She slams into another chair, empty, and comes to rest somewhere across the room under a table full of middle aged men. She... doesn't get up right away. <English>

"Molly," the little woman tells Beckett, sliding back to the bar and her drink. "New gunhand. I'm staying away from the big guy, though. At least until I can get a taser. Or a longer knife." <English>

Nova's eyes widen in horror and she cries, "Remmy! You lost yer ever-lovin' mind??" as Pix settles into the scenery and Beckett decides to set him straight. The mechanic waves the new gunhand after her as she hastens her way toward, "Pix!" She shoves furniture, or bodies as needed, "Pix, y'alright?" Fret! <English>

Remus successfully attacks Beckett using a unarmed attack at a 80 difficulty. (38)

- Beckett has taken 5 points of stun damage. She is currently Dazed.

- Beckett has taken 0 points of wound damage. She is currently Dazed..

And Pix is going.. going... GON-*Crack* Remus has no time to celebrate before he's being smacked upside the head and staggering away for a moment to clear out the cobwebs. "OW! Who the fuck ar-" Vision clears. Beckett hit him. Beckett. Hit. Him. He sighs, his face instantly crestfallen. "Aw, fuck no." He knows this won't end well. Beckett knows this won't end well. GUS knows this won't end well. ....Ok so that's never stopped Remmy before. That'd be why he steps forward, crouching down to about Beck-Boob-Height before rising suddenly and once more throwing his arm around another woman's. There's no throwing this time, though. He's trying to twist her arm enough to GET HER TO DROP THE DANM PROD OF DOOM <English>

There's a grunt from under the table of those dudes over there, the ones with the beer, and the Pixie at their feet. A slight flail from the Pixie, by way of an arm raising a bit, indicates she is, in fact, still breathing. "Owwwww." And a pitiful moan clinches it. Yep. She blinks a few times, gathers herself, and then makes like to get, undoubtedly with Nova's help shortly. She's only bleeding from one moderate gash on her back, courtesy of something broken on the floor. It's not too bad. Pene should be able to take care of it right quick. "Gorram... lemme attem." She's a little drunk, which means she probably bleeds a little more profusely than normal. "Get over here REMUS JACOBS." <English>

+Nom: Your +Nom has been accepted. You have 7 left.

[ROLL] Beckett rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is failure (12).

Beckett lowers her Cattle prod - 7184 and returns it to its unreadied position.

Beckett successfully attacks Remus using a unarmed attack at a 60 difficulty. (8)

- Remus has taken 6 points of stun damage. He is currently Injured.

- Remus has taken 1 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Molly leans back against the bar, just watching the three of the combatants curiously. She's quiet, clearly thoughtful as she sips on the drink in her hand. Finally, though, she looks over to Nova and asks quite solemnly, seriously, "So, they're asking her to join them for a threesome?" <English>

Beckett shrieks as Remus catches her and starts twisting her arm. "You gorram ape! You suck sweaty preacher balls!" The cattle prod falls from limp fingers, and she flails and GOES FOR THE BALLS. <English>

Nova looks back at Molly with resignation for a moment as she helps Pix to her feet. She gives the woman a lookover, "Yer bleedin' shugah... lookse like y'landed on-" The shrieking(?!?) from Beckett snaps Nova's head around wide eyed and she calls, "REMMY, GETCHER SHIT TOGETHER!" <English>

Remus unsuccessfully attacks Beckett using a unarmed attack at a 60 difficulty. (-5) .

Molly unsuccessfully attacks Remus using a unarmed attack at a 60 difficulty. (-8) .

And, well, when Remus goes back for Beckett, Molly clearly has had enough. She goes in for a grapple, trying to force him away from Beckett, and ends up doing little more than clinging to his side like a blonde barnacle. "Well, shit," she murmurs. <English>

Pix lowers her Brass Knuckles - 16233 and returns it to its unreadied position.

Remus takes one to the plums. He doubles over, groaning and sucking in air before snapping his head upwards. He was /trying/ to catch Beckett in the chin with the back of his head. Instead, he gets nothing but air. Oh, and a Molly clinging to his side. Aw. Nova just gets a "Nooooooooo." before he starting working out what the hell he's going to do next. <English>

Pix draws her Throwing Knife - 6600.

Pix throws her Throwing Knife - 6600 at Remus.

Pix successfully attacks Remus using a Throwing Knife - 6600 at a 65 difficulty. (52)

- Remus has taken 5 points of stun damage. He is currently Injured.

- Remus has taken 9 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Beckett draws her Blackjack - 5623.

Nova draws her Survival Knife - 6228.

Beckett plays whack-a-mole on Remus with her Blackjack - 5623.

Beckett successfully attacks Remus using a Blackjack - 5623 at a 60 difficulty. (29)

- Remus has taken 11 points of stun damage. He is currently Injured.

- Remus has taken 2 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Nova lowers her Survival Knife - 6228 and returns it to its unreadied position.

Beckett is small, and vicious, and she has one hand free. A hand which is capable of drawing yet another of her nonlethal deterrences. A hand which is capable of walloping him with the blackjack in a rather pointedly direct manner. "Bad Remus! Bad! Eat shit and die in a fire!" she insists. Wham! "And LEGGO'A ME RIGHT NOW!" <English>

Nova successfully attacks Remus using a unarmed attack at a 60 difficulty. (32)

- Remus has taken 12 points of stun damage. He is currently Injured.

- Remus has taken 1 points of wound damage. He is currently Unconscious..

What he's going to do next? What he's gonna do next is take a throwing knife in the LEG. That's what he's gonna do next. "WHAT DID I JUST SAY?" The inebriated one slides a throwing knife out of her boot, which she had forgotten about until just a minute ago. She hefts it, and wings it with precision she has only when she's drunkie skunkie. "'M ok, Novs. Just a little... y'know. Pissed." In more ways than one. That done, Pixie turns slightly to look down at her side. She can't really see the bleeder, but it's dribbling on her jeans, which she can feel. Plus the sting. <English>

Nova is storming to join the fray as it starts to go to the verge of absolutely lunacy, here. Worry's put aside, now she's mad. On her approach, she starts, "Gorram it.." A few steps closer, "I said..." her hand snap to his shoulders and pull forward as she drives her knee up into his midsection, somewhere, "QUIT!" <English>

Molly successfully attacks Remus using a unarmed attack at a 60 difficulty. (27)

- Remus has taken 11 points of stun damage. He is currently Unconscious.

- Remus has taken 1 points of wound damage. He is currently Unconscious..

See, this is the nice thing about having other women to help out when the going gets rough. Molly holds on for dear life with her legs as the big man gets hit, repeatedly, then adds her own shot to the side of his neck. <English>

And that's it for Remmy. A blackjack goes across his head. A knife goes into the back of his leg. A knee goes into his gut. He's actually unconcious when Molly's hit snaps against the side of his neck, sending the sound of impact across the dregs. Not to mention quite the awful cracking noise. He pretty much falls backwards like a tree. Shoulderblades hit the ground first, followed up by the rest of him. The knife goes in a little further, because god forbid he could have fallen forwards. Oh no, that's just wouldn't be right. On the upside, he's unconcious! He can't feel it. <English>

Beckett squirms free once it's perfectly clear that Remus is about to go nappybeddybyetime. "You suck," she tells his dazed, even unconscious form, picking up her cattle prod and shoving it into a pocket. "And I'm gonna mock you when you wake up. Next week." She is mighty in her own mind. "Lemme guess, now we drag him back to the Redemption? Or can we steal his pants and leave him in the gutter?" <English>

"I got it, y'all." Pixie advances on Remus, and then picks the nearest, burliest looking drunk nearby. "You." She nods to him. "I'll give ya 50 if you can carry 'im back ta my ship 'thout droppin' him on his head or breakin' anything, or pukin' anywhere, yeah?" Oh, the power of cold hard cash. She takes a knee next to Remmy, and reaches over to check his vitals briefly. She knows just enough to do that proper. <English>

Nova sighs and shakes her head as she makes her way back toward Pix, "Can y'walk with yer back all tore up like that, shugah?" As she draws near, she looks back toward Beckett and Molly with an, "Well, I suppose I could drag'm with-" As Pixie moves on to take care of business, she ahems, "Or we could do that..." A hand lifts to her comm and she says, "Anyone awake back there? Got a couple folks cut up could use some care. On'r way back, now." <English>

[752.90 MHZ] Nova says, "Anyone awake back there? Got a couple folks cut up could use some care. On'r way back, now." <English>

Beckett hrrmphs. "Fine, Lardass can keep his pants. If'n your doc ain't awake or sober or whatever, we'll call Rys. Because she likes you guys." She glances to Molly. "You're okay. You fight kinda like ass, but you try. You guys throw the best brawl." And she has a trophy! <English>

Remus wakes up.

Remus tests his Willpower against a 80 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-37).

As Remus goes down, Molly drops off his side and stands next to him, looking around for a moment. "I take it there was a reason we needed to take Mr. Remus down like a rabid dog?" <English>

"Yeah," Pix asides to Nova. "I had worse, made it home ok, with most all my clothes. Don't worry none about me." Pix nods to the mechanic. "Could use a nap soon, though. Maybe a painkiller'n some gum." She sniffs a little, and bends to yank her small throwing knife from Remmy's leg. It's not near enough any major arteries to be too dangerous yanking out. Yank! Mine. "Yeah, there's a reason." She doesn't give it. But there is one. <English>

Remus screams. It's quite the amazing scream. Filling the room with echoes and reverberations of fear and rage. Suck it, patrons trying to have a drink. Wierdly, the scream doesn't seem to have anything to do with the pain in his neck, face, ribs or leg. Even wierder, he still has his eyes closed. More weirder still... he doesn't stop. The guy has -Lungs-. With a capital L. <English>

Beckett plays whack-a-mole on Remus with her Blackjack - 5623.

Beckett unsuccessfully attacks Remus using a Blackjack - 5623 at a 60 difficulty. (-7) .

"W'can talk 'bout it later, shugah, when we back home." Nova says gently to the newbie. assurances made by Pix, she's given a dubious once over before the mechanic's attention turns to Beckett who's come out the best of the three for the row, "How you doin', shugah? Y'al-?" And Remy sounds off like he was being fed toa wood chipper, which rattles her quite a bit. <English>

Beckett startles as Remus starts screaming, and instinctively tries to kibosh him again. Sadly, the blow goes wild, possibly due to her being freaked out by Air Raid Barbie on the floor. "Dammit, someone get a sock!" <English>

It's probably a good thing that Molly's got a decent constitution, because she damn near starts screaming -with- Remus. She hesitates and looks between Pix and Nova. "Ok, what do we need to do," she asks, clearly about half a second from decking the man. <English>

"Becks." Pixie is a little startled by the sheer volume of the scream. Oddly, not the scream itself. She leans over Remus, which might not seem like the best, brightest idea right now. Cos he's... y'know. Screaming. "Remmy. Remmy. Remmy." She says his name several times, hands on either side of his face. He can't hear it over his screaming, but he can sure feel her hands. If that doesn't work, there's always plan B. <English>

Remus tests his Willpower against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (19).

Remmy's eyes snap open. It might have been him, Pixie's words or hands, Molly's voice, Becks trying to club the floor next to him or any other number of things, but it doesn't matter. He's back in the land of the living. And that means he gives Pix a grin, sits himself up (with a little bit of a struggle thanks to the fact he just had the crap kicked out of him) and coughs. Rolling his neck to crack out any damage Molly might have done is part two, and part three is a somewhat laborous standing up. With all three parts complete, he proceeds to dust off his shirt before giving another curved smile to the rest of his... erm, assailants. Then, without a word he begins to hobble his ass towards the door as if absolutely nothing ever happened. "I'll be in the infirmary, don't y'all get too drunk." ...Well, ok then? <English>

Nova almost looks ready to cry as Pix takes the matter in hand, though in sympathy, guilt, fear or some combination thereof is anyone's guess. She swallows and reaches out to gently set her hand on Molly's shoulder, then Beck's, "Wait, no..., hon, there's been enough o'that." As Remy comes too, she sighs and, "C'mon... mebbe we should all split afore someone calls th'bellies." and she moves to help the gimpiest looking of the injured. <English>

Beckett scowls, shaking her head. "I take it back. Y'all are the weirdest gorram crew in the Black." She puts away her blackjack, muttering. "Crazy gorram fuckers. We gotta do this again soon." <English>

Beckett lowers her Blackjack - 5623 and returns it to its unreadied position. Beckett conceals Cattle prod - 7184.

Pixie shakes her head as Remus grins at her. She sits back to let him get up, and then she gets up off the bar floor. Ugh. The bar floor. She knows what's on that bar floor. Gross. "I'ma make sure he gets back ok, then go ta bed. Y'all grab a round on me. Becks, rock that coat. Trophy style." She grins to the other woman. "Maybe next time we get a decent brawl goin' with folks as know how ta handle theyself." She makes her way toward the door after the pilot, bleeding freely still. <English>

Molly glances toward Nova and offers her a faint smile. There's clear relief, however, that Remus is standing up and, you know, moving. "I think I'm going to head back to the ship as well," she comments softly. <English>