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== Appearance: == Before you stands a rather tall woman. She comes just shy of six feet. Her skin is a rich, dark brown, nearly black. Her eyes are much the same, and in shadows the pupils get lost, making her eyes seem like huge empty pools. Underneath each eye are four gold spots. On closer inspection, they appear to be real gold. Angles and planes make up her face and the word 'striking' would best be used to describe the woman. Her hair is a myriad of thin braids, often pulled behind her head to keep them from falling into her eyes. When worn down they fall to just below her shoulders.%r It is somewhat difficult to distinguish her body beneath the flowing robes she wears, though it is plain to see that the woman is slender. Loose and white, a stark contrast from her ebony skin, they wrap around her, falling just past her knees. The back, front and sides are split nearly to the hips to allow her ease of movement. A hood comes up to obscure her features somewhat when she is outside, though she removes it indoors. A wide red sash, followed over top by a not quite as wide brown belt holds the robe in place, and also allows for easy concealment of small weapons. Beneath her robe is a white sleeveless tunic made of similar fabric, and a pair of loose brown pants. They tuck into soft soled boots of a similar brown color.

== Pre IC History: ==

Born Jezebel Suriah Zhou, Jez began life on Hera. Her mother was of Arabic descent and taught her the language. Her father's roots were from Africa on Earth-that-was and his skin was black as a starless night. Despite moving around a bit, her childhood was pleasant. Her father fought for the brown coats and as such, was away from home constantly, but when he was home, he devoted much of his days to his only child. %r It is from he that she learned to fight. Jezebel's father found it more appropriate for a girl to wield knives. They are easier to hide and draw less attention than a gun. Though he wanted his little girl to protect himself, he never could have guessed that she would be drawn to violence and hire onto a ship to be part of its security. %r The ship Jezebel hired onto was called the Shining Glory. While it may not have actually been very shiny, or glorious, it served her well. Captained by one Mathais Wilson, as fair as Jezebel is dark, they served together for over five years. Within that time they faced hardships, lost crew, hired new people, and ended up falling in love. %r Before they could marry though, tragedy struck. While on an everyday stop on Persephone, an altercation broke out. The ship had to take off, and since Jezebel's errands were the furthest away, she is the one that could not make it back in time. A promise made to come back for her would never be full filled. The Alliance shot the Flaming Glory out of the sky. %Crushed, Jezebel remained on Persephone, unwilling to board another ship and take to the sky once more until now.