Three Hills

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Three Hills
Local Authority None
Population Unknown
Terraformed 2370
Sim. Status Fully coded
Restricted Landing No
Public Shuttle No
Type Planet
Size Class 13 (M)
Class Rim
Orbit Twelfth from Georgia
Coordinates 2550, 1530, -50
Satellites New Lafayette, Conrad, Bob
Market Information
Commodities Market Yes
Imports Can Goods
Low Tech
Parts - Civil
Parts - Industrial
Exports Luxury Foods

Three Hills is a planet infested with cannibals and there is no real civilization on any part of this world. This is the place where if you want to get rid of someone, they stay gotten rid of. The only inhabitants are cannibals, people who might have arrived here by being kicked off their ships, crash landing, or by some other means. The locals are not friendly folks, forming into tribes as they lost touch with the 'outside' worlds. Kill or be eaten, that's the motto for this place.

In The Verse



Birthplace Of...

Canon References

  • Mal mentions possibly moving on to Three Hills to sell his stolen cargo, if Patience doesn't take the offer in the "Serenity" pilot episode.