Deck of Cards

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For information about "Trading Cards" see +help +cards


 +shuffle               Shuffle
 +shuffle discard       Shuffle discard pile back into main deck
 +shuffle all           Shuffle everything into main deck
 +cut                   Cuts the deck
 +clear                 Discard the play area to the discard pile


 +deal P = N            Deal N cards to P from main deck
                        When dealing to yourself use your DB #
 +dealup P = N          Deal N cards to P's table from main deck
 +dealdown P = N        Deal N cards to P face down (P needs to +peek)
                        (to deal to multiple players, use +multideal
                        etc. instead of +deal)
 +center N              Deal N cards into the play area


 +draw N                Draw N cards (default N=1)
 +play X                Play X from hand/table to play area
 +get X                 Put X in hand (if face-up somewhere)
 +discard X             Discard X from hand/table/play area to discard
 +fold                  Discard your hand to the discard pile


 +cards                 See the cards
 +peek                  Peek at your hand
 +show X                Move X cards from hand to table (default X=all)
 +sort                  Sort hand
 +expose                Expose all hands