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100 Credit Alliance Bill

"I did a job. I got nothing but trouble since I did it, not to mention more than a few unkind words as regards to my character, so let me make this abundantly clear... I do the job... I get paid."
― Malcolm Reynolds, to Patience, in the "Serenity" episode

Money, and the pursuit of the same, can be an important issue to many... particularly those who lack it. There is a broad range of social end economic status in the 'verse, with everything from wealthy Nobles to the impoverished masses, struggling to get by whether they live out on the Rim, on the Border worlds, or even between the cracks of the supposedly perfect Core worlds.

In a thematic sense, there are two types of money: electronic currency (or credits), and hard currency (dollars and coins). In the Core, financial transactions are handled mostly electronically, though some are carried out using traceable paper notes. These are the only legal methods of payment, as they are the only ones which can be traced and verified.

Out toward the Rim, and to a lesser extent on Border planets, some transactions use untraceable cash and coins of silver, gold or platinum, which can vary in its street value due to a number of factors. These are naturally favored by criminal elements and those who don't want Big Brother watching where their money comes from and goes to. Bartering is also common.

Managing Your Money

In terms of game code, money comes in two forms: credits and dollars (which can be considered somewhat analogous to electronic/traceable currency, and hard/untraceable currency). Banking terminals exist on most planets (look for them in the cargo or trade offices, at spaceports), where you can store and exchange your money. See the +bank commands for more details.

The exchange rate is 25 dollars for each credit.

To see how much money you have on you, use the +balance command.

To give money to someone else, use the +pay command.